Kabbalah Links Page
Once you have followed several of these links and appreciate the extent of the written
material on Kabbalah, your eyes will begin to glaze over and you may find yourself slumped
at your terminal in a catatonic stupor of information overload. This is the beginning of
that mystical state described in this paraphrase of W.B. Yeats' Long-Legged Fly:
"That the Great Work may not fail,
And it's secrets be lost,
Switch on the modem, log on the Net,
Whatever the cost;
The Kabbalist is wired,
Where the grimoires are spread,
His eyes fixed on nothing,
A hand under his head.
Like a long-legged fly upon the stream
His mind moves on silence"
Right: Rembrandt's Catatonic Kabbalist with Laptop Computer
Hermetic Kabbalah & Hermetica
- Colin's Hermetic Kabbalah Site
- This is only the links page - the actual content is here
- Twilit Grotto of Joseph and Candy
- Archives of Western Esoterica. Dee, Bruno, Trithemius, Iamblichus etc etc - the
Petersons will certainly get their reward in my heaven. I cannot recommend this site too
highly. See also their compendious Zoroastrian material.
- M. Alan Kazlev's Kabbalah
- An amazing site. Excellent for the Kabbalah alone. Follow some of the sneaky little
links to related subjects and the entire mystical corpus of the world unfolds like a
semtex-powered pop-up book. Recommended.
- Donald Tyson's Supernatural
- Editor of the recent edition of Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, he
now has a site with a large amount of original and well-informed content.
- Copenhagen Qabalah
- A well-produced and presented overview of Hermetic Qabalah by Morten Hass.
The content is in English, but there are links to Danish resources.
- Arcana
- ARCANA is a mailing list for scholars and students of the occult, with a focus on the
historical and anthropological aspects of magic and the belief in magic.
- Alexandria
- The Journal of Cosmology, Philosophy, Myth & Culture. See also Phanes Press.
- Bill Heidrick's Writings
- This is where Bill hangs his WWW hat these days.
- BOTA Home Page
- The Builders of the Adytum (no connection with page editor)
- The Tree of Life
- Attractively designed site with considerable content.
- Servants of the Light School of Occult Science
- Long established Western Esoteric Tradition teaching organisation (no connection with
page editor)
- The Hermetic Journal
- The Hermetic Library
- An excellent site with unusual and interesting content. (Note 29th. March 1999 - this
site keeps getting better)
- A Hasty Presentation of Two
Versions of a Cosmological Diagram
- Pictures of Chinese T'ai Chi diagrams, with commentary by Richard Brzustowicz. Something
that looks suspiciously like an oriental Tree of Life. Worth a look.
- OGDOS Home page
- The Oxford Golden Dawn Occult Society
- Corpus Stavish: The Writings of Mark Stavish
- Writings on hermetic, magical and kabbalistic topics
- The Way of the Qabalah
- The Kabbalah
- A collection of quotations from a variety of sources
- What Kabbalah Means to Me
- An imaginative and well presented personal viewpoint on Kabbalah
- Basic Kabbalah
- A Beginner's Introduction by Karen Chapdelaine
- The Enochian World of Benjamin Rowe
- Benjamin Rowe (aka Josh Norton) has spent many years using the magical system
communicated to Dr. John Dee by angels in the 1580's.
- Enochian MSS
- A useful bibliography of primary and secondary source material relating to Dr. John
Dee's angelic communications.
- The Equinox
- This site has a very usable version of Aleister Crowley's occult periodical The
Equinox, typed in with heroic perseverance by Bill Heidrick. The Equinox is
so large you might prefer to do what I did - download the whole site and read it offline.
- Kabbalah Net
- Ordo Templi Orientis History
- A massive quantity of information available on OTO history. Unfortunately (for me) some
of the more interesting documents are written in German.
- The Gateway to Qabalah
- Christian Kabbalah
- An expanding critical biography.
- Christian Kabbalah
- Essay on Renaissance Christian Kabbalah
- Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH
- This site was designed by the person who designed Times Square. Check all your
multimedia extensions before even thinking of visiting this site. Remember to upload the
Netscape EctoPlayer helper application to give your WWW invocatory uploads more substance
(Dittany of Crete is old hat these days).
- Twilit Grotto of Joseph and Candy Peterson
- Archives of Western Esoterica. Dee, Bruno, Trithemius - the Petersons will certainly get
their reward in my heaven. I cannot recommend this site too highly. See also their
compendious Zoroastrian material.
- The Templum Kabbalah Course Site
- This site has several interesting resources for ritual and hermetic
- Voice of the Shuttle -
Classical Studies
- Excellent links to online resources.
- The Western Esoteric
Magical and Cabalistic Pages
- A substantial site with a very large number of links. Recommended.
- The Cabalistic Writings of Father Sinn
- Fairly intense Thelemic gematria
- Cabala - Tercer
- Spanish Cabala site with Spanish source material. Includes a translation
of my own Notes on Kabbalah.
- Bonatus' Occult-Magick Library
- An impressive collection of source documents
Jewish Kabbalah & Judaism
- Bnei-Baruch Kabbalah Home Page
- Authentic Jewish Kabbalah site.
- M. Alan Kazlev's Kabbalah
- An amazing site. Excellent for the Kabbalah alone. Follow some of the sneaky little
links to related subjects and suddenly the entire mystical corpus of the world unfolds
like an exploding pop-up book. Recommended.
- The Sefer Yetzirah
- The Wescott translation - not the best, but online beggars can't be choosers.
- The Tomer Devorah by Moses Cordovero
- A religious and mystical classic, this work was written in the 16th. century by Moses
ben Jacob Cordovero.
- Shaar HaYichud,
- The Book Of Unification, of the Mittler Rebbe, the Holy Reb DovBer of
Lubavitch. Translated by Rabbi Yossi Markel.
- Kabbalah Online
- Kabbalah from a Chassidic viewpoint, from R. Yossi Markel.
- Kabbalah
- By Jeff Spiegel, subtitled Jewish Kabbalah Meditation from Torah to Self-improvement
to Prophecy. This is a very impressive site. Recommended.
- The Work of the Chariot
- Important Kabbalah site created by Daniel Feldman. There are several
on-line translations of core texts such as the Sepher Yetzirah, some
parts of the Zohar, and other works.
- Religious Studies 463: Jewish
- Course notes by Prof. Eliezer Segal at the University of Calgary. Excellent outline
- Rabbi I. A. Kook
- Presentation of the ideas and teachings of the Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
(1865 - 1935), formerly first Rabbi of Eretz Israel.
- Nehuda Press
- "In The
Shadow of The Ladder - Introductions to Kabbalah by Rabbi Yehudah Lev
Translated by Mark and Yedidah Cohen. Haven't seen it, but it comes with
excellent recommendations.
- Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism
(Pt. III)
- The Donmeh of the Internet
- WWW site and mailing list devoted to the Sabbatean movement and the extraordinary life
of Sabbatai Tzevi.
- Safed Heritage College Of Kabbalah And Halacha
- Safed in Israel has become the spiritual home of Kabbalah
- Kabbalah Bibliography
- Kabbalah Bibliographical Guide
- Kabbalah and Chassidut
- Gateway to the Inner Dimension of Jewish Mysticism from
Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh
- Index to Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism
Reading List Index
- Rabbi
Chaim Szmidt
- Home page - interesting
- Studying the
- Purports to be an extract from the autobiography of Solomon Maimon, 1792
- Judaica Collection
- A large collection of links
- Project
Genesis: Torah on the Information Superhighway
- Kabbalah
- Short Kabbalah introduction as part of Academy of Jerusalem proceedings
- Museums and Judaica
- Links to museum collections worldwide
- Solomon Schechter Academy
- Montreal-based academy with an interesting Judaic Studies links list.
- Index to
Soc.Culture.Judaism Reading Lists
- Jerusalem One - Hebrew language tutors
- Shareware Hebrew language tutors - ghastly background, great site!
- An Internet Guide to Chabad Literature
- Reading the
Torah with Equal Intervals
- Power gematria
- Jewishnet
- A large compendium of Jewish WWW resources.
- The Kabbalah Learning Center
- Aesch Mezareph
- A 16th. century text on alchemy, written by someone with a background in Kabbalah.
- Traditio: subject index
- A general historical reading list of stupendous proportions.
- A Summary of Pythagorean Theology
- by John Opsopaus. There are some exceptionally fine articles on the WWW
these days, and this is one of them. The similarity between some aspects of
the theosophic structure of Kabbalah and some aspects of Pythagoreanism have
been observed since the Renaissance (e.g. Johann Reuchlin). What this means
is unclear, but anyone who is interested in the foundations of Kabbalah is
certain to be intrigued.
- Burckhardt
- The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy by Jacob Burckhardt. Massive
reference work on the period - important for the beginnings of Christian and Hermetic
- Galileo Project
- Entry point into the Galileo Project's massive store of information. Includes
biographies of over 631 individuals from the 16th & 17th centuries, including Dr. John Dee, and
many important alchemists - see Catalog of the Scientific
Community. A superb historical resource for the Hermetic historian.
- Plato
- All philosophy is footnotes to Plato.
- New Advent Catholic Supersite: Fathers
of the Church
- This site contains a superb collection of patristic literature - that is, very early
works by Roman and Greek Christian fathers which is of outstanding historical importance
for understanding the relationship of early Christianity to Gnosticism and Neoplatonism -
both of which relate to Kabbalah.
- The Gnostic Society Library
- Highly recommended. A very large collection of essential gnostic source material (and
much besides).
- Forgotten Books of Eden
and other Lost Books
- Once were lost but now am found, as the song goes. More essential pseudepigrapha and
- Decline of the Library of Alexandria
- Ever wondered why people queued-up to set fire to this most-famous of all libraries?
This great little essay is the history of its glacially slow combustion.
- Biblioteca Arcana
- This is one of my favourite WWW sites - a collection of essays on Graeco-Roman magic and
traditions, along with many translations of otherwise hard-to-find material.
- The Online Medieval and
Classical Library (DL SunSITE)
- Perseus Project Homepage
- This is a major collection of classical (Graeco-Roman) literature. I
still haven't forgiven them for not having "De Mysteriis" by
Iamblichus. Humph.
[Aside, stage whisper: Ha! But the Petersons now have
Double Ha!]
- Sacred and Religious Texts
- Your favourite version of the Truth ... online.
- The Alchemy WWW Site and Virtual
- The definitive online resource for alchemy.
- Jewish Roots of Eastern
Christian Mysticism
- An academic site with some wonderfully arcane content. The section on
Jewish, Christian and Pagan magic is particularly good.
- Lilith
- Pages devoted to the Lilith myth.
- Networks, Sites and
Mailing-Lists on Mysticism
- Includes material on Kabbalah.
- Mysticism
in World Religions
- Large site, includes material on Kabbalah.
- Links to Contemplative Resources
- Well chosen links to some major repositories
- Tim Maroney's Web Pages
- Like the Tardis in Dr. Who, the inside of Tim's head holds far more than one
could ever believe possible. An excellent site.
- Lucky Mojo
- Fascinating site run by Catherine & Tyagi Nagasiva Yronwode. Tyagi is one of the
great eclectics, and his essays are
worth reading for their antinomian perspectives.
- Anathema Books: Occult Books and
Occult Resources
- I don't normally carry links to commercial sites, but I made this an
- Margo's Magical Letter Page
- Sound Symbolism, Phonosemantics, Phonetic Symbolism, Mimologics, Iconism,
Cratylus, Ideophones, Synaesthesia, The Alphabet, The Word.
- Kabbalists have always deconstructed language in curious ways. A site
that explores some of the less well-known attributes of language and sound. Recommended.
- The Ted Hughes Homepage
- I hadn't realised that UK Poet Laureate Ted Hughes (now deceased) had
been strongly influenced by hermeticism, platonism and kabbalah. Dr. Ann Skea has been
investigating many of these influences in his poetry. Of particular interest is her essay Poetry and Magic, "... an analysis
of Birthday Letters, and Ted Hughes' use of Tarot and Cabbala in this
- Sacred Geometry
- There are many hints and suggestions of an ancient connection between
numbers, geometry and Kabbalah, giving rise to speculation (from antiquity)
that the teachings of Pythagoras are Middle-Eastern in origin. This essay on
the numerology of the Platonic Solids is worth a read. See also Leonora
Leet's The
Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah.
- Principia Cybernetica Web
- Principia Cybernetica tries to tackle age-old
philosophical questions with the help of the most recent cybernetic
theories and technologies. I find it difficult to express the extent of my admiration
for this site. A superbly hyperlinked exposition with 18,000 documents
pointed to by 10,000 links. And it is literate, clear, and enjoyable.
- The World of Ken Wilber
- Hermetic Kabbalah provides what is very much a holistic worldview. Ken
Wilber is an influential modern exponent of what one might call "the
perennial philosophy", as represented throughout history by individuals
such as the Neoplatonist philosopher Plotinus. Wilber's Sex,
Ecology, Spirituality is the best modern exposition of this
viewpoint that I have found, and I admire this work greatly.
- The
Meditation Site
- An introduction to practical meditation techniques from all over the
world. What a good idea!
- Religious Movements
Homepage: Qabalah/Kabbalah
- Observe how Kabbalah is located in the general religious firmament.
- Borges and the Kabbalah
- Short review of a books of essays on the work of the influential South American writer,
Jorge Luis Borges
- The
Metaphysics Research Lab Home Page
- Motivated by similar concerns as historical Kabbalists, this is what Kabbalah turns into
when you give it to academics. Hardcore modern metaphysics. Don't tell them about this
link - they'd be mortified!
- The Dan Clore Necronomicon Page
- Was Abdul Alhazred influenced by Merkhabah mysticism? You won't find the answer here.
- Project Gutenberg Master Index
- This is the best source for online copies of out-of-copyright literature. Did you know
all of William Blake was online? This is great when you want to search for every instance
of Goolganooza (which I do each morning after my press-ups).
- Kronos Quartet: The Dream
and Prayers of Isaac the Blind
- What this has to do with the "Father of Kabbalah" is left as an exercise to
the reader.
The WWW, like a Tree of Life, has its periods of growth, bursts of enthusiasm when
sites are built, and it has its autumns when leaves fall off the Tree in large numbers.
The links on this page are offsite, and their ontological status or content is not my
responsibility. If you spot anything on the WWW that would fit in here, please let me
Updated 7th. June 2002
This site maintained by Colin Low (cal@digital-brilliance.com)
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