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November 11, 2003
David Lindorff
War on Veterans
Stan Goff
Real Vets; Remembering Real War
Earnest McBride
Feet Were on the Ground": Was Steve McNair's Cousin Lynched?
Derek Seidman
Begins at Home: an Interview with Stan Goff
David Krieger
Mr. President, You Can Run But You Can't Hide
Sen. Ernest Hollings
My Cambodian Moment on the Iraq War
Dan Bacher
The Invisible Man Resigns
Kam Zarrabi
Hypocrisy at the Top
John Eskow
Born on Veteran's Day
Website of the Day
Left Hook
November 10, 2003
Robert Fisk
Toons in Rummyworld: How We Denied Democracy to the Middle East
Elaine Cassel
Papa's Gotta Brand New Bag (of Tricks): Patriot Act Spawns Similar
Laws Across Globe
James Brooks
Israel's New War Machine Opens the Abyss
Thom Rutledge
The Lost Gospel of Rummy
Stew Albert
Call Him Al
Gary Leupp
Were All Non-Starters": On the Thwarted Peace Proposals
November 8/9, 2003
Kathleen and Bill Christison
as Racist Ideology
Gabriel Kolko
for What?
The Vietnam War Reconsidered
Saul Landau
Bride Wore Black: the Policy Nuptials of Boykin and Wolfowitz
Brian Cloughley
Speeding Up to Nowhere: Training the New Iraqi Police
William Blum
The Anti-Empire Report:
A Permanent Occupation?
David Lindorff
A New Kind of Dancing in Iraq: from Occupation to Guerrilla War
Elaine Cassel
Bush's War on Non-Citizens
Tim Wise
Persecuting the Truth: Claims of Christian Victimization Ring
Toni Solo
Robert Zoellick and "Wise Blood"
Michael Donnelly
Will the Real Ron Wyden Please Stand Up?
Mark Hand
Building a Vanguard Movement: a Review of Stan Goff's Full Spectrum
Norman Solomon
War, Social Justice, Media and Democracy
Norman Madarasz
American Neocons and the Jerusalem Post
Adam Engel
Raising JonBenet
Dave Zirin
An Interview with George Foreman
Poets' Basement
Guthrie, Albert and Greeder
November 7, 2003
Nelson Valdes
America in Crisis and Cuba's Self-Reliance
David Vest
It Can't Get Any Worse?
Chris Floyd
An Inspector
Calls: The Kay Report as War Crime Indictment
William S. Lind
Where This War is Headed
Elaine Cassel
FBI to Cryptome: "We Are Watching You"
Maria Tomchick
When Public Transit Gets Privatized
Uri Avnery
November 6, 2003
Ron Jacobs
a Peace Like This...
Conn Hallinan
New Model Army
Maher Arar
is What They Did to Me
Elaine Cassel
A Bad
Day for Civil Liberties: the Case of Maher Arar
Neve Gordon
Behind Sharon's Wall
Ralph Nader and Lee Drutman
An Open Letter to John Ashcroft on Corporate Crime
November 5, 2003
Jeffrey St. Clair
a Match Away:
Fire Sale in So Cal
Dave Lindorff
A Draft in the Forecast?
Robert Jensen
How I Ended Up on the Professor Watch List
Joanne Mariner
Prisons as Mental Institutions
Patrick Cockburn
Saddam Not Organizing Iraqi Resistance
Simon Helweg-Larsen
from Dusk to Dawn: Remilitarization and the Guatemalan Elections
Josh Frank
Silencing "the Reagans"
Website of the Day
Everything You Wanted to Know About Howard Dean But Were Afraid
to Ask
November 4, 2003
Robert Fisk
Said and Ashrawi: When Did "Arab" Become a Dirty Word?
Ray McGovern
Chinook Down: It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Vietnam
Woodruff / Wypijewski
the New Unity Partnership
Karyn Strickler
Opponents of Abortion Dream
Norman Solomon
Steady Theft of Our Time
Tariq Ali
and Independence in Iraq
November 3, 2003
Patrick Cockburn
Bloodiest Day Yet for Americans in Iraq: Report from Fallujah
Dave Lindorff
Buggy Election
Janine Pommy Vega
Sarajevo Hands 2003
Bernie Dwyer
Interview with Chomsky on Cuba
November 1 / 2,
Saul Landau
Bono? The Cuba Embargo as Rip Off
Noam Chomsky
Empire of the Men of Best Quality
Bruce Jackson
Midge Decter and the Taxi Driver
Brian Cloughley
"Mow the Whole Place Down"
John Stanton
The Pentagon's Love Affair with Land Mines
William S. Lind
Bush's Bizarre Korean Gambit
Ben Tripp
The Brown Paste on Bush's Shoes
Christopher Brauchli
Divine Hatred
Dave Zirin
An Interview with John Carlos
Agustin Velloso
Oil in Equatorial Guinea: Where Trickle Down Doesn't Trickle
Josh Frank
Howard Dean and Affirmative Action
Ron Jacobs
Standing Up to El Diablo: the 1981 Blockade of Diablo Canyon
Strickler / Hermach
Liar, Liar Forests on Fire
David Vest
Jimmy T99 Nelson, a Blues Legend and the Songs that Made Him
Adam Engel
America, What It Is
Dr. Susan Block
Christy Canyon, a Life in Porn
Poets' Basement
Greeder, Albert & Guthrie
to CounterPuncher David Vest: Winner of 2 Muddy Awards for Best
Blues Pianist in the Pacific Northwest!
October 31, 2003
Lee Ballinger
a Dollar Out of 15 Cents: The Sweatshops of Sean "P. Diddy"
Wayne Madsen
GOP's Racist Trifecta
Michael Donnelly
Settling for Peanuts: Democrats Trick the Greens, Treat Big Timber
Patrick Cockburn
Diary: Iraqis are Naming Their New Babies "Saddam"
Elaine Cassel
to a State Near You: The Matrix (Interstate Snoops, Not the Movie)
Linda Heard
An Arab View of Masonry
October 30, 2003
Forrest Hylton
Insurrection and National Revolution in Bolivia
Eric Ruder
"We Have to Speak Out!": Marching with the Military
Dave Lindorff
Lies and Little Lies: The Meaning of "Mission Accomplished"
Philip Adams
"Everyone is Running Scared": Denigrating Critics of
Sean Donahue
Howard Dean: a Hawk in a Dove's Cloak
Robert Jensen
Big Houses & Global Justice: A Moral Level of Consumption?
Alexander Cockburn
Krugman: Part of the Problem
October 29, 2003
Chris Floyd
Like Us: Cheney's Backdoor to Halliburton
Robert Fisk
Iraq Guerrillas Adopt a New Strategy: Copy the Americans
Rick Giombetti
Them Eat Prozac: an Interview with David Healy
The Intelligence Squad
Forces? The Military Steps Up Recruiting of Blacks
Elaine Cassel
as Therapists, Phantoms as Terrorists
Marie Trigona
Argentina's War on the Unemployed Workers Movement
Gary Leupp
Day, One KIA: On the Iraq War Casualty Figures
October 28, 2003
Rich Gibson
Politics of an Inferno: Notes on Hellfire 2003
Uri Avnery
in Gaza
Diane Christian
Robert Fisk
in Iraq: "They're Getting Better"
Toni Solo
Authentic Americans and John Negroponte
Jason Leopold
Halliburton in Iran
Shrireen Parsons
When T-shirts are Verboten
Chris White
in Context: a Marine Veteran's Perspective
October 27,
William A. Cook
of War: Criminals of the Cloth
David Lindorff
Times, Dupes and the Pulitzer
Elaine Cassel
Scalia's Contemptus Mundi
Robert Fisk
Occupational Schizophrenia
John Chuckman
Banging Your Head into Walls
Seth Sandronsky
Snoops R Us
Bill Kauffman
Bush, the Anti-Family President
October 25 / 26,
Robert Pollin
US Economy: Another Path is Possible
Jeffrey St. Clair
Outsourcing US Guided Missile Technology to China
James Bunn
Pre-emptive Strikes
Saul Landau
Should Limbaugh Do Time?
Ted Honderich
Palestinian Terrorism, Morality & Germany
Thomas Nagy
Saving the Army of Peace
Christopher Brauchli
Between Bush and a Lobotomy: Killing Endangered Species for Profit
Laura Carlsen
Latin America's Archives of Terror
Diane Christian
Evil Acts & Evil Actors
Muqtedar Khan
Lessons from the Imperial Adventure in Iraq
John Feffer
The Tug of War on the Korea Peninsula
Brian Cloughley
Iraq War Memories are Made of Lies
Benjamin Dangl
and Kathryn Ledebur
An Uneasy Peace in Bolivia
Karyn Strickler
with Big Brother's Spying Eyes
Noah Leavitt
Legal Globalization
John Stanton
Hitler's Ghost Haunts America
Mickey Z.
War of the Words
Adam Engel
Tractatus Ridiculous
Poets' Basement
Curtis, Subiet and Albert
Website of the Weekend
Project Last Stand
October 24, 2003
Kurt Nimmo
War on Greenpeace
Lenni Brenner
The Demographics of American Jews
Jeffrey St. Clair
Napalm, Torpedoes and Lies: the Attack on the USS Liberty Revisited
Sarah Weir
Cover-up of the Israeli Attack on the US Liberty
David Krieger
WMD Found in DC: Bush is the Button
Mohammed Hakki
It's Palestine, Stupid!: Americans and the Middle East
Harry Browne
Ireland: the Agreement that Wasn't
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Slobodo and Williams
CounterPunch Exclusive:
20,000 Wounded Iraqi Civilians
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True Lies: the Use of Propaganda
in the Iraq War
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WMD: Who Said What When
A Mother's Day Talk: the Daughter
I Can't Hear From
Gore Vidal
Erosion of the American Dream
Francis Boyle
Bush: A Draft Resolution
Click Here
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12, 2003
Osama Phones Home
the Saudi Out of Arabia?
Osama bin Laden has an awful lot of friends in
Saudi Arabia. In the mosque, among the disenchanted youth, among
the security forces, even--and this is what the West declines
to discuss--within the royal family.
Saudi ambassadors routinely dismiss these
facts as "unfounded", but Sunday's attack in the capital,
Riyadh, is part of a growing insurrection against Bin Laden's
enemies in the House of Saud.
Whether or not the bombers were Saudi
security force members--they were certainly wearing Saudi military
uniforms--the Riyadh Government's own "war on terror"
is now provoking bombings, gun battles and killings almost every
day in the kingdom.
The enemies of the House of Saud want
to make the kingdom ungovernable--just as America's enemies in
Iraq want to make its occupation ineffective. Iraqis are still
the principal victims of the bombings in Baghdad, just as Saudis
were the principal victims on Sunday.
Clearly, after years of procrastination,
the Saudi authorities are passing on some of their own intelligence
to the US. For once, the latest warning from Washington--that
al Qaeda's next attack was moving from the "theoretical"
to the "operational" stage was spot on the mark.
But the Saudi royal family--that part
still desperate for US assistance--provided plenty of reasons
during the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq for their Arab enemies
to attack them.
For although they publicly said the US
would not use Saudi military facilities during the war, they
allowed the Americans to direct 2700 air sorties a day from the
Prince Sultan Air Base--far more damagingly, they gave secret
permission for 200 US aircraft at the base to fly 700 combat
missions over Iraq daily.
The Jordanians suspect the bombing of
their embassy in Baghdad was retaliation for a secret military
operation in which 26 US F/A-18 fighter bombers flew missions
from a Jordanian air base to bomb Iraqi air force facilities
possibly able to fire missiles at Israel.
So, Crown Prince Abdullah, the effective
ruler of Saudi Arabia, must be feeling some frightening winds
blowing across the Saudi desert. For Bin Laden's aim to destroy
the royal family is shared by the American right wing.
When Laurent Murawiec, friend of the
then US defence policy board chairman Richard Perle, gave his
odd but damning assessment of Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the
US and the "Kernel of Evil", he might have been Bin
Laden spokesman.
Murawiec, who works with the Rand corporation
and has been an executive editor of Executive Intelligence Revue
presented a slide show to the Pentagon last year with titles
that included "taking 'Saudi' out of Arabia".
He claimed that since 1745, 58 per cent
of all Saudi rulers had met a violent demise, that other Arabs
consider Saudis "lazy, overbearing, dishonest, corrupt"
and that they are "active at every level of the terror chain,
from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot-soldier, from
ideologist to cheer leader."
A suspicion persists in Washington that
the Saudi royal family is still trying to compromise with the
country's religious hierarchy and its al Qaeda enemies. And Bin
Laden's messages are still laced with venom for the House of
Saud. Indeed, his original aim is to do what Murawiec demanded:
to take the "Saudi" out of Arabia.
Could the Americans sit back and watch
al Qaeda take over the nation's oil wells? There are those in
the House of Saud who fear that now the US is in Iraq, it can--in
the event of a revolution--just seize the oil fields in northern
Saudi Arabia, leaving Riyadh and other cities to whichever Arabian
ruler takes control.
Robert Fisk is
a reporter for The Independent and author of Pity
the Nation. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's
hot new book, The
Politics of Anti-Semitism.
Edition Features for Nov. 8 / 9, 2003
Kathleen and Bill Christison
as Racist Ideology
Gabriel Kolko
for What?
The Vietnam War Reconsidered
Saul Landau
Bride Wore Black: the Policy Nuptials of Boykin and Wolfowitz
Brian Cloughley
Speeding Up to Nowhere: Training the New Iraqi Police
William Blum
The Anti-Empire Report:
A Permanent Occupation?
David Lindorff
A New Kind of Dancing in Iraq: from Occupation to Guerrilla War
Elaine Cassel
Bush's War on Non-Citizens
Tim Wise
Persecuting the Truth: Claims of Christian Victimization Ring
Toni Solo
Robert Zoellick and "Wise Blood"
Michael Donnelly
Will the Real Ron Wyden Please Stand Up?
Mark Hand
Building a Vanguard Movement: a Review of Stan Goff's Full Spectrum
Norman Solomon
War, Social Justice, Media and Democracy
Norman Madarasz
American Neocons and the Jerusalem Post
Adam Engel
Raising JonBenet
Dave Zirin
An Interview with George Foreman
Poets' Basement
Guthrie, Albert and Greeder
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