LBNL System Status

The power grid that supplies the electric current coming into your home or business is designed to maintain a dynamic balance between the consumer demand for electricity and the amount being supplied by generators. The charts on these pages present an approximate picture of this dynamic balance. On the demand side, the day's forecast load is shown along with the current load, updated in real time. The available supply is estimated as a sum of the on-line capacity in the region plus the net imports.

Each of the five deregulated market areas is displayed. A composite picture for the entire country is being developed. All data displayed on these pages is publicly available through the websites of the regional Independent System Operators (ISO). The different ISO's do not all provide the same information, and for some regions, additional information such as real-time prices or a record of generation outages is also available. The graphs follow as closely as possible a uniform format.

You may need to click your browser's reload button to update the graphs.

We invite your suggestions and comments to improve this page, especially additional sources of information, alternative forms of presentation, or clarifications. Please send messages to Alan Meier.
California Chart

» Explanations
» Non-Operating Generation
» Graph Archive
» Chart with no text

New England Chart

» Explanations
» Chart with no text

New York Chart

» Explanations
» Real Time Price
» Graph Archive
» Chart with no text

PJM Chart

» Explanations
» Chart with no text

Texas Chart

» Explanations
» Chart with no text


Disclaimer: This chart is presented for educational purposes only. We have used publicly available information, and cannot assume reponsibility for the accuracy of this information.

These pages were prepared by Emily Bartholomew, Chris Bolduc, Katie Coughlin, Alan Meier and Robert Van Buskirk
Environmental Energy Technologies Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Lab