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Quizilla! - you were quite entitled to make any suggestions or protests at the appropriate time
quizilla pencil-monster
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somehow you've managed to stumble across Quizilla!

How about the nickle tour, eh? We have a FAQ that you may want to check out and some longer Documentation too if you want to get deeper. For some fun we've got a list of the most Popular Quizzes on the system as well as a list of the ones that are the newest made. If you already have an accout here you can log-in and if you don't you're invited to sign up.

Some of the more possible conclusions of the game link situation have be posted (Fri Nov 7 14:50:08 2003)
The FAQ has been completely rewritten. It's about time. (Wed Oct 29 16:50:17 2003)
email notification of private messages has been added (Thu Oct 23 16:09:56 2003)
community opinions about game links in quizzes needed (Thu Oct 9 14:41:31 2003)
So hopefully the site isn't nearly as slow as it has been lately. New hardware is in. (Fri Oct 3 13:50:47 2003)
..older news - 11:09pm up 7 days, 2:18, 0 users, load average: 0.30, 0.63, 0.82

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