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"We've got all the right enemies." CounterPunch is the bi-weekly muckraking newsletter edited by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair. Twice a month we bring our readers the stories that the corporate press never prints. We aren't side-line journalists here at CounterPunch. Ours is muckraking with a radical attitude and nothing makes us happier than when CounterPunch readers write in to say how useful they've found our newsletter in their battles against the war machine, big business and the rapers of nature.
We're in our sixth year now and have exceptionally loyal readers, who have delighted in our irreverent and biting approach. Time and again they tell us they're sick of dull, predictable writing. They want fresh facts, a newsletter that they can enjoy rather than just endure--and we give it to them. Barbara Ehrenreich says, "CounterPunch makes me think. It makes me laugh. Above all it tells me things I didn't know."
Here at CounterPunch we have many friends and all the right enemies. And, guaranteed, you'll never see any of us on the pundit line up at MSNBC. We try to stay beyond the pale.
Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
CounterPunch Editors Alexander Cockburn
Jeffrey St. ClairContributors Frank Bardacke
Daniel Burton-Rose
Andrew Cockburn
Laura Flanders
Annys Shinn
Ken Silverstein
JoAnn WypijewskiCounselor Ben Sonnenberg Design Deborah Thomas Business Manager Becky Grant CounterPunch
PO Box 228
Petrolia, CA 95558