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a different world [20 Jul 2004|12:27pm]
[ mood | fuzzy headed ]
[ music | some damned herman's hermits song i hate ]

It is when you're looking for something to apply my degree toward, and be paid something for it. Some folks I know are facing rejections after the leg-work has been done by a recruiter, and in these cases, every week there is something promising and then a let down. For me, it's not knowing how do bend everything toward an application. I have to be creative, and seek out jobs that are relative to everything i've done and what i know. Unfortunately, these aren't what are raking in big dollars right now now anytime soon. And, i'm not really much for that. I don't have anything to buy nor prove. But, to relocate, i'm gonna have to make about twice what i am here. So, it's not a trivial point. But, when one looks at output, someone in the tech industry might have 5times the amount of inquiries out there than I. i wish i had better odds, frankly.

and with regards to doing something i'd love, i don't really know what that is. I'd like to be director of a research center- something that encourages thought, research, and education, or an archivist. But, both are things you don't really carve a path straight toward.. i'm in carving stage and i need to eat while i find direction.


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heheee [20 Jul 2004|10:07am]
[ mood | funkified ]
[ music | Fulsom Prison ]

nothing like filling out an application at work and faxing it on your lunch hour.

and no, i don't have the audacity to fax it from *here*.

The book on Class in the US is very interesting, i have to say- i'll try to finish it up soon and give ye ole book report. It confirms a lot of observations i've had and helps me understand why i get irked by some things and why i've done some things.

vague, eh?

oh pipe down.

maybe soem hour i can actually read my lj friendslist.. :(

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sick to death of it yet? [19 Jul 2004|02:35pm]
[ mood | pissed ]
[ music | NPR ]

Israeli Shells Hit Crowd of Palestinians, Killing at Least 10
Published: May 19, 2004
Filed at 1:15 p.m. ET

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) -- Israeli forces fired a missile, four tank shells and machine guns to hold back a crowd of Palestinian demonstrators Wednesday, and shrapnel from the blasts killed at least 10 Palestinian children and teenagers and wounded 50 people, hospital officials said.

story here- read carefully )

I think we're getting numb to it. Some folks say "well, let them kill each other- i don't care", yet want to establish enough trade to make their american lives more comfortable and appealing. Our dumbass administration has the gall to claim Isreal and it's representatives have any validity because they don't know what validity or truth is.

Christ, this pisses me off. We as a free society should be condemning any "nation" that fires on a demonstration. Wait- we did that to ourselves. And, we'll do it again.
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Name analysis [18 Jul 2004|07:47pm]
[ mood | worn ]
[ music | the shower ]

Courtesy of the link from [info]lethebasii

NAME ANALYSIS FOR: Maura Catherine Conway

Read more... )

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middle angst theory [18 Jul 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | so close to quittin' time ]
[ music | More fluff ]

Buddhist wisdom tells when there is choice, there is misery.. what does it say about the middle child? Jan and Peter Brady had huge amounts of angst due to their "middleness"- defined yet relative. This is true for the middle classes who aspire up and hold what is beneath either with contempt or patronization- separating. Their identity relies on their essence but yet the rejection of more absolute identities.

something about the "3" the triad.. look at microsociology- once the 3rd person is introduced, a whole mess of things occur.. look at christianity- jesus is the middle man of 2 divine incarnations.. and it's painful as hell!


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planted [18 Jul 2004|09:42am]
[ mood | trying ]
[ music | npr ]

deliberately planted
wild flowers
grow atop a wall
some, beneath
as weeds
in cement cracks
like North Korean kin
my pause, my release
in their reluctant smiles
simply knowing they're beautiful
they have space, and time

-mcjc 2004

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asphault, gumbo, diptheria [18 Jul 2004|08:57am]
[ mood | restless again ]
[ music | Friday on my mind ]

yesterday was a ripe hell, at least in the day. Busy-ness, bitchiness and just "feh". The evening was great, though- we stayed in despite really needing to grocery shop. Had some soup, talked, read a little, and then watched Colonial House which is excellent- i'm glad i wasn't disappointed.

I accidentally missed dinner with Lynda Ann- she had mentioned yesterday being the day to meet, but nothing was concrete- i'll have to call and explain and try to re-schedule. I also need to touch base with Beca- she im'd me at the worst possible time yesterday.

This evening, i essentially say a kind of goodbye to my mother. She's moving tomorrow- granted, only 3 hours away and i'm visiting this weekend. But, it's strange when both of us have been here all my life, and i'm close to her- complicated, and not as "cut the cord" and some folks, but still. I'll miss her and know it's best not to bring that up. We're cold people. I can't think about it or i'll talk myself into being upset. For what?

Anyway- i have a lot to work on, and no manual.

We put up the rest of the pictures and stuff we'd packed last year in our "oh hell, let's just move" phase.. it feels more comfortable and homey. More personality-- i'm wondering if i can stay there longer now. I'm restless. I feel i need to own and nest (with pets, of course). We're happy, for now, and now is all we have.

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todo sundee [16 Jul 2004|03:44pm]
[ mood | blergy ;) ]
[ music | Nuggets II, muthafooka ]

I got Nuggets II on Friday night. Thank you *bow*. Actually, thank you mom for insisting on giving me a grad present.

I have a box of books on gender and postmod studies- Goodwill? Library? Anyone?

I realized today more clearly how facist time constraints can be as they have programmed us.. work/school is from ___ to ____. Lunch is at ___, from this time to that. And then TV (who i do pick on, yes, and more people should think critically about) has programmed us to think of 6 as newstime or 8 as primetime, or our attention span to last for a certain duration. I find this constrictive, and to combat it where I can, i'm deliberately not going to look at the time nor apply it to media programming.

In fact, with my work schedule, certain activities i want to engage in after work, a want to prepare food and eat it without rush, and then read the hundreds of books in my home, i have no time for TV unless it's Antiques Road show or something (because i'm 85). It's freedom, and i feel bold in rejecting other lifestyles. In that I still feel some judgement of others, which isn't good, and i guess self-conscious since i'm writing about it, but i'll deal with that. I think the recognition of it is important.

I need to mail out books to [info]alcyonesvx and [info]fabulousme, and a broken toy to [info]sciroco. I work right beside the post office, so i have no excuse. nada.

Strange how i've accomplished so many personal things, but nothing made me want to put a gun in my mouth like seeing proofs of the pictures taken of me and my sibs for mother's day. I feel like an ogre.

What else needs to be done? Well, mom's leaving/moving this week, so that stuff.. and i'm going up there next weekend, etc. Actually, this list: Email [info]fabulousme; get mom 2 garden flags as house warming; get mom a picture frame for mom's day/retirement; email beca; meet with beca to plan the wedding; walk in the evenings this week; Plan dinner with Lynda Ann, hope we discuss a project idea; Eve? *sigh* what to do? i don't understand fibro-myalgia (sp) but i want to be her friend; Clean mom's empty apartment after she leaves so she gets the deposit back; apply for jobs that are MA appropriate; get my Northern Sun catalog back; clean our home- it's dusty as hell; Granma-- where to begin? maybe, VISITING; go shopping since we're out of everything grocery-wise; visit the farmer's market for produce (when? it's like 15 miles away and open when we work); get the Mariconi CD (and learn to spell his name); Work in the garden and get more stuff to plant since Richters is being slow, get a container for it all; return books to the library; go into my old office in the campus library and get the kafka book, my cd player and write my old supervisor explaining why i can't work this summer (scheduling differences); renew liscence - maybe take half day to do these 2 things; help mom pack tuesday night; get something for my sister's birthday on the 20th; wish lj-ers happy birthday (belated) and make a database with their information; get Pinter book back from English GA who used it for final performance (hey- it was $13!!); get the rest of the thank-you's out; settle up ebay.


And find a way to blow off steam- i'm taking the stress of work home with me.

Hope all is well.. i'm trying to get my life in order. Making lemonade before it rots.

PS.. when we bought the CD set, Jim Crunutte checked us out and drooled over it-- playing air guitar and everything. I'll find the link to his page. The man's been making music for 20 years and is hilarious.. but working retail? [info]oncee, do you know him?

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terms and definitions [14 Jul 2004|09:16am]
[ mood | kick-me sign? ]
[ music | funeral drone ;) ]

Extra cream: No cream

No Car: unable to go home for lunch, where the food is, where the vitamins are, and where my water bottle is

Bad Thursday: being short $480 because I didn't have someone pay for a money order, essentially.

WorkDay: 8-6:60, come back at 7:30am tomorrow.

Maura: frazzled and tense.

Paradise: Sleep? Hookie at Borders?

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cattiness [13 Jul 2004|12:39pm]
[ mood | cute but pudgy ]
[ music | "american pie" for some reason ]

Jebus, that England chick makes Jessica Lynch look like a prom queen and sound like a scholar.

(goes to look at Ohio classifieds)

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you'll never eat in this lunch room again! [13 Jul 2004|10:07am]
[ mood | duh ]
[ music | non- wish i had some. accuradio is a drag on ram ]

it helps to seem like a ditz while making change for a VP of the bank, who is also the grandson of the originator of said bank.

That is not a way to "get ahead", surely, but i wasn't planning on it anyway.

It would help if he weren't intimidatingly handsome.

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yeesh [12 Jul 2004|02:34pm]
[ mood | sigggh ]
[ music | Back Beat soundtrack ]

4:00 means 4:00 i guess

(waiting on grades which don't mean much, but i'm curious)

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Bold the crap you like [12 Jul 2004|10:26am]
[ mood | i like crap ]
[ music | crap ]

from [info]devronika, Blender rated the worst songs- bold the ones you actually like and don't care how dorky it makes you look.
Read more... )

What's it all mean? Blender has no touch with reality ;) lol

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ow [12 Jul 2004|09:47am]
[ mood | apathetic, slightly bitchy ]
[ music | nothing ]

"Short Chiropractic" are customers of ours.

Do they use the rack?


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lookie!!! [11 Jul 2004|03:26pm]
[ mood | bored senseless ]
[ music | cake ]

You're a Spirograph!! You're pretty tripped out,
even though you've been known to be a bit
boring at times. You manage to serve your
purpose in life while expending hardly any
effort (and are probably stoned to the gills
all the while).

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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it's a political day [11 Jul 2004|08:46am]
[ mood | mouthy ]
[ music | Broadcast ]

it's Primary day in WVa.. i can't participate in a lot of it since i'm a registered independent. For the most part, it wouldn't matter anyway- the governorship was bought a while ago, and the mayorship is better left a funny surprise.

Speaking of voting... isn't it interesting that Urban Outfitters not long ago sold a shirt with the slogan "Voting is for old people" and the owner of the company just happens to be a staunch republican (like there is any other kind? oh yeah- log cabins. what the hell?).. anyway. We've been programmed to see such investigation as "conspiracy finding" by wackos when in truth yes, subversive attempts to discourage populations from engaging in democracy has and is happening. Clear Channel wants your cultural expectations lowered. Pfizer and Eli Lilly want you desensitized and on anti-depressants. Walmart wants you to value cheap crap, televison- ugh. And democracy is a truly frightening thing when you want to control people.

And yet, everytime elections come around there is a section of people, some uber-cool, some just ignorant who make a pompous stance that they're not going to participate or somehow the process is "stupid". People who declare anything "stupid" without a supporting argument need to be exiled, but that's another thing entirely.

Now more than ever... i really have bad feelings about the future and i want to be wrong.

And another thing- Al Franken is awesome, and you don't have to be a flaming liberal to appreciate him.. and, its scary as hell how biggotted people have become.

and for the record, i'm not fond of democrats as a whole either. i know some people can't fathom the complexity of this ;)

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Live to tell [10 Jul 2004|01:06pm]
[ mood | pretty darned busy ]
[ music | Fado ]

I'm back, working, counting money.

Everything in a nutshell-- the hooding ceremony was packed, but successful. I had chinese buffet prior, and did not trip on stage, which is everyone's secret fear. I saw my mother, sister, and michael in the stands but couldn't find them afterward. I saw J and he was proud.

Then we "hot-taled" it to Charlotte. What a pain in the ass. You can't go fast in some areas or you'll flip, and i nearly did in my want to just get there, already. At 2:30am we made it and crashed. The next day we went to Sarah's graduation which was packed and had a GREAT speaker (can you believe it?) named Elaine Jones from the NAACP. J's biggoted father blathered on in his ill-informed way afterward, but i appreciated her message-- students drove the movement behind Brown vs. Board of ed 50 years ago, and the freedoms sought there are in jeopardy. When how much you make dictates how well educated your children can be, then you live in a country that does not value education. Etc. I loved it.

Then, fratranizing, socializing, and stuff. Sunday was a perfect day to drive back, albeit hot. We found a Stan Freberg album and i was happy.

Today- now what? I'm going to help mom move; i'm going to take care of myself (girth, impacted wisdom tooth, gyno, etc). I'm asking questions about the Quakers, and thinking if i go on in sociology i'm going to study exchange theory or dramaturgy. But, no plans until later. I need time to read and watch films and see if i can get a job with my MA. And, enjoy myself a little.

I'm sorry if i've become alienated from any friend's life. I know a few people have dropped me probably because i haven't been able to keep up. It's just been maddening, and i appreciate the trust and patience of all y'all.

Family, friends, and the pursuit of happiness, wisdom, and beauty are important. the rest-- fuggit.

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remember.. i used to write [07 Jul 2004|03:32pm]
[ mood | *sigh* ]
[ music | anything ]

earnest quiet
vicious calm
rests over
tired eyes
hand still grips
for pieces
for habit
pauses come
when they may
breaths within

(a poem in beats of 3)
Mcjc 2004

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wowsers [07 Jul 2004|01:55pm]
[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | a song no one remembers and i can't identify ]

I got cupcakes, a card, and a gift certificate to star*ucks from the fabulous girls i work with.

I'm really blessed. this is cool.

hope i don't die on the highway tonight.

will there ever be a slim-fast shake type thing that is yummy and sugar free? nyet.

i'm needy of attention and working alone. but, i don't have to worry about school ever again (unless i want to get my MLS or something, to which josh will have a nervous breakdown).

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attention [07 Jul 2004|01:07am]
[ mood | exhausted and dreding waking ]
[ music | nada... ]

the eagle has been beaten to death...

err.. the puppy killed?

err.. the horse has landed?

No matter- it's done. Over. Fin.

thanks :)

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