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blergy ;) |
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Nuggets II, muthafooka |
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I got Nuggets II on Friday night. Thank you *bow*. Actually, thank you mom for insisting on giving me a grad present.
I have a box of books on gender and postmod studies- Goodwill? Library? Anyone?
I realized today more clearly how facist time constraints can be as they have programmed us.. work/school is from ___ to ____. Lunch is at ___, from this time to that. And then TV (who i do pick on, yes, and more people should think critically about) has programmed us to think of 6 as newstime or 8 as primetime, or our attention span to last for a certain duration. I find this constrictive, and to combat it where I can, i'm deliberately not going to look at the time nor apply it to media programming.
In fact, with my work schedule, certain activities i want to engage in after work, a want to prepare food and eat it without rush, and then read the hundreds of books in my home, i have no time for TV unless it's Antiques Road show or something (because i'm 85). It's freedom, and i feel bold in rejecting other lifestyles. In that I still feel some judgement of others, which isn't good, and i guess self-conscious since i'm writing about it, but i'll deal with that. I think the recognition of it is important.
I need to mail out books to alcyonesvx and fabulousme, and a broken toy to sciroco. I work right beside the post office, so i have no excuse. nada.
Strange how i've accomplished so many personal things, but nothing made me want to put a gun in my mouth like seeing proofs of the pictures taken of me and my sibs for mother's day. I feel like an ogre.
What else needs to be done? Well, mom's leaving/moving this week, so that stuff.. and i'm going up there next weekend, etc. Actually, this list: Email fabulousme; get mom 2 garden flags as house warming; get mom a picture frame for mom's day/retirement; email beca; meet with beca to plan the wedding; walk in the evenings this week; Plan dinner with Lynda Ann, hope we discuss a project idea; Eve? *sigh* what to do? i don't understand fibro-myalgia (sp) but i want to be her friend; Clean mom's empty apartment after she leaves so she gets the deposit back; apply for jobs that are MA appropriate; get my Northern Sun catalog back; clean our home- it's dusty as hell; Granma-- where to begin? maybe, VISITING; go shopping since we're out of everything grocery-wise; visit the farmer's market for produce (when? it's like 15 miles away and open when we work); get the Mariconi CD (and learn to spell his name); Work in the garden and get more stuff to plant since Richters is being slow, get a container for it all; return books to the library; go into my old office in the campus library and get the kafka book, my cd player and write my old supervisor explaining why i can't work this summer (scheduling differences); renew liscence - maybe take half day to do these 2 things; help mom pack tuesday night; get something for my sister's birthday on the 20th; wish lj-ers happy birthday (belated) and make a database with their information; get Pinter book back from English GA who used it for final performance (hey- it was $13!!); get the rest of the thank-you's out; settle up ebay.
And find a way to blow off steam- i'm taking the stress of work home with me.
Hope all is well.. i'm trying to get my life in order. Making lemonade before it rots.
PS.. when we bought the CD set, Jim Crunutte checked us out and drooled over it-- playing air guitar and everything. I'll find the link to his page. The man's been making music for 20 years and is hilarious.. but working retail? oncee, do you know him?