I think it says a lot of truth about someone. Tam is willing or wishing to save the world, wants to be so merciful toward killers...but can't handle a heated debate. She deletes me off her list, yet she has more feelings for the criminal...what a hypocrite. So I'm sure the big post has been made about me...and I"m sure her pea pod buddy is oh so sympathetic, and who knows how many others of you are being two faced as well..... Also, I never proclaimed love and such, she is so full of warm fuzzies, etc....and on a dime, she turns....so much like her she is....if it isn't what they want to hear....the "friendship" is dissolved. To that I say GET A SPINE. It's not always about your ego.
So to any of our mutual friends...if you can't handle me being real, open and honest, then I shall pass such judgments on you too. I mean for heaven's sake....people don't all have the same opinions. And for someone who claims to be so deep, intense, yet has not had many problems in life, save being a troubled teen, and who WASN'T?....and had if anything an over-loving, quirky smothering family, but not an abusive, molesting family....in otherwords...she has little real world experience. Her opinions based on a totally different culture, yeah America does suck ass with our family values, and the amount of criminals we pump out...and there seems to be no end in sight...but still...don't go on pontificating about shit you know nothing about. I'm not saying one has to BE in the criminal mind set to understand...but it doesn help to actually an understanding of the social system and family loss, etc... Live a little life. Experience REAL tragedy, fear, pain, etc....then come talk to me.
There is nothing wrong with being bunny idealisic....just don't posturize as if you have a clue.