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Afterthought [24 Dec 2003|07:03pm]
[ mood | RAW ]

I think it says a lot of truth about someone. Tam is willing or wishing to save the world, wants to be so merciful toward killers...but can't handle a heated debate. She deletes me off her list, yet she has more feelings for the criminal...what a hypocrite. So I'm sure the big post has been made about me...and I"m sure her pea pod buddy is oh so sympathetic, and who knows how many others of you are being two faced as well..... Also, I never proclaimed love and such, she is so full of warm fuzzies, etc....and on a dime, she much like her she is....if it isn't what they want to hear....the "friendship" is dissolved. To that I say GET A SPINE. It's not always about your ego.

So to any of our mutual friends...if you can't handle me being real, open and honest, then I shall pass such judgments on you too. I mean for heaven's sake....people don't all have the same opinions. And for someone who claims to be so deep, intense, yet has not had many problems in life, save being a troubled teen, and who WASN'T?....and had if anything an over-loving, quirky smothering family, but not an abusive, molesting otherwords...she has little real world experience. Her opinions based on a totally different culture, yeah America does suck ass with our family values, and the amount of criminals we pump out...and there seems to be no end in sight...but still...don't go on pontificating about shit you know nothing about. I'm not saying one has to BE in the criminal mind set to understand...but it doesn help to actually an understanding of the social system and family loss, etc... Live a little life. Experience REAL tragedy, fear, pain, etc....then come talk to me.

There is nothing wrong with being bunny idealisic....just don't posturize as if you have a clue.

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OK... [24 Dec 2003|03:12am]
Moving onward.....
I have gotten several wonderful Xmas/Holiday cards from you guys...thank you all very know who you are.

Marc is off work tomorrow...I'm so I will hopefully, if he can get off on Friday too...have a very long weekend with him. I plan on doing a lot of cooking and baking. It's just going to be us...but meh, winter makes me domestic.

Hey, [info]elnigma, Marc wants the four of us, hell bring kiddo go out for lunch or IM me and let me know after you talk bout it with P.

I am not keeping up with my photo a day thing very well at all. That sorta sucks.

I'm gonna start catching up on LJ now...since my cramps are keeping me up, up, up.
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STUPID FUCKERS!!!! [23 Dec 2003|03:05pm]
[ mood | enraged ]
[ music | The 'News' ]

I am enraged. Yet another travesty in our "justice" system.
The bastard knew what he was doing. If you feel sorry for him, fuck you and your innocent blindness and your hippie tree hugging happy happy, oh there is still hope idealisms....people need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!
It is people like YOU that are the reason our justice system doesn't work, that our prisons are overcrowded and that there is no real steadfast deterrent for crime.

Malvo is NEVER going to change...those type DON'T change....once again...the sheep follow.......stupid fuckers.

Oh..if this offends you, then take me off your fucking list. I live in the REAL world, my head is not up in the fucking clouds and all fluffy with false realities and ideals.

There is hope however,...they will be on trial in Alabama and Washington, so maybe he will get a death sentence there. And now a note on something that really pisses me off about this jury.
1) in their statement, they even SAID that they know he deserves the death penalty...they just didn't want to be the ones to give it to him. THAT, is a crime in my eyes. Cowards.

2) the whole warm fuzzies and forgivness of the holidays played a factor here augmenting the sob story violins playing by the defense team. what should have happened is that the case should have recessed until AFTER the the jury would not have been rushed, jaded, and or maliable in the grey matter.

I found this an interesting link
just info in general on serial killers

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I"m Feeling Blue [22 Dec 2003|06:04am]
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Heh, Heh... [21 Dec 2003|08:54pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

Journal Name
How bad does it suck?

Your journal doesn't suck at all surprisingly.

Take the meme at t3knomeme

Funny, most of you suck or should die according to this...why am I so interesting...???...cuz I'm not...but at least I am smiling at those I can't stand (on lj in general, not just on my list) who's memes came out just like my opinions.........

[21 Dec 2003|06:44pm]
[ mood | cynical ]

I am relieved....but just don't feel like dealing with anyone or anything. I'm too old for this shit. Why can't I just be somebody else....why am I defective?

Just Being Polite [19 Dec 2003|06:46pm]
HAPPY Hanukkah to my Jewish friends.
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Blown Away [19 Dec 2003|06:16pm]
Even when Marc is an ass, he is the best husband in the world. To make a long story short...every once in a while he does little things for me, "just because". Like last night...foreplay involved him rubbing rose petals all over me...until their fragrant oils scented my body, wafting in the was SO romantic. He told me that he wished he could cover me in rose petals every night...that I deserve to be treated like a queen. *swoon*.

ANYWAY...I hate his job...the hours are horrendous, and the work is very grueling....but we dont' have a choice now...He drives a truck, a very large truck.
OK, so, he pick up freight to deliver all over the dc/va/md area. He makes regular stops on some of them., there was overstock, and he got to take it home. It was Valentines day overstock...the store had no room for it.

Marc had me lay on the bed blindfolded, and I felt him put stuff around me. When he was done, he took the fold off, had me open my eyes...and I found surrounded by.....
look what Marc got me! )
52 comments|post comment

GET NOSTALGIC!!! [19 Dec 2003|03:44am]
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RANT [19 Dec 2003|03:06am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

Oh yeah....and you all can stick your Lord of The Rings where the sun don't shine. I just DO NOT understand all the fuss. I've never seen the movies, and have NO interest to do so. YOU ARE ALL SHEEP!
in reality I believe each to their's just the "cult" following amuses me. I just don't get it.

/end rant

43 comments|post comment

A Moment [19 Dec 2003|12:19am]
Inspired by [info]cranehaven and [info]wicapis
I visit the Greenhouse
Where Spring is in suspended animaton
While snow and Winter's bite await outside

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Drawing A Blank [17 Dec 2003|08:59pm]
[ mood | hopeless ]

I really don't have a thing to say. Things are really fucking rough in so many ways. An emergency has come up that makes it so I can't go to the doctor right away for my lungs....I have to take care of something else first. Besides, I looked up this Paypal thing, and to accept donations, the set up, and to get the payments, it costs me money, which I don't have in the first place. So I'm not gonna be able to do it after all. Besides, I don't have a bank account, so that complicates things. All I have is a prepaid card. Yeah, life fucking sucks.

Anyway, here is a strange photo.

19 comments|post comment

Sexual Curiosities [16 Dec 2003|06:20pm]
[ mood | curious ]

So I was chatting with an on line friend and asked her to ask her husband a question. I also asked Marc the same question. First some background. See I read in the [info]too_much_info community where someone asked if men can feel through the vagina if a woman has a turd stuck in their colon, you the penis sensitive enough to feel through the vaginal wall that seperates it from the spincter any poo in there. I mean, I think it's a good question.

Anyway, the past couple night I"ve actually been feeling kinda randy...and Marc and I have had some nice sex. Well we were in the shower last we try to save on water etc...but it defeats the purpose when we end up makin love in the shower....----ANYWAY...I asked him..

"Hey honey...when you are inside me...lets say I haven't taken a dump yet...can you feel any turds in my ass from inside with your dilly?"
He looks at me REALLY strangely....
" why are you asking?"
"I'm just curious...well anyway, time we fuck, could you concentrate to see if you feel any?".....

So I want to know....this a question to all the men on my list...CAN you feel any turds inside. I mean the vaginal wall on the back side is I'm just curious.....

OH, and if you can't feel it...well now it is on your your assignment is to tell me later after you do it if you can feel anything. See next time concentrate and stuff.
*runs to hide now*

49 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2003|05:44pm]
Got together with [info]elnigma today. We went to Brookside Gardens, and they had their Xmas display in the greenhouse with a cool train set up. I finally took some pictures...and also took some of the iced up lake. But other than that there was not much to see. From there we went to this Italian place for pizza and coffee. Nice conversation and stuff...I really like her. I wish I lived closer to [info]winkie_woo, but traffic is horrid, and she lives about an hour or so away.

Gonna have left over potroast that I made last night instead of the other day. Marc is gonna sleep on the sofa tonight so I can get some sleep.
9 comments|post comment

[16 Dec 2003|01:58pm]
I'm a few days behind in reading LJ. I've read bits and pieces here and there...but I haven't really finished a full day or reading. I'll do so if I've missed something, just comment and let me know.
2 comments|post comment

[15 Dec 2003|06:35pm]
I wonder how my duckie friends are doing. I need to get to the duckie/goosie pond soon.
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[14 Dec 2003|01:55pm]
They got him. Saddam Captured....anyway, I'm taking a there is only talk about this new feather in the cap on the tv. But it is cool we got him. Now, to get Osama.

Later, I"m going to make a nice big potroast, with lots of vegies. I love those oven cooking bags...they are a real good thing. I might also through a loaf of Peasant bread in the bread maker.

It's cold, blustery and snowy out...good day for making comfort food.

That is all.
15 comments|post comment

[13 Dec 2003|11:42pm]
HAPPY BIRTHDAY [info]mimle, and [info]ezirith
You are very special.
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My Friday [12 Dec 2003|05:01pm]
I got together with the lovely [info]elnigma and we went to an Ethiopian restaraunt in Silver Spring. It was okay, not as good as the ones in Adams Morgan downtown. We didn't eat *too* much, and we then went around the block to this little hole in the wall Italian dive for their white pizza. Anyway, it was a nice time, as she is always nice comapny.

I heard on the new that it is snowing in the desert in NV!! Wow..that is pretty whacky!! Speaking of snow, we are gonna get some so they say on Saturday/Sunday.

I'm really tired, but can't sleep...I hate that. Marc is gonna be on the sofa tonight, so hopefully I will be able to sleep a bit. I think we are going out to dinner, and will do food shopping tomorrow...just stay home and have him rest on Sunday.

I'm boring myself to tears here.....
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Happy Friday [12 Dec 2003|06:49am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

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Photo Woes [11 Dec 2003|08:07am]
[ mood | pissed ]

A couple photo issues are pissing me off.
1) I've lost my muse. I'm really struggling with this photo a day project. I'm almost a week behind. Blah. I fear I am going to have major issues keeping up.

2) As of yesterday evenining, Pbase is having photo linking issues. I made a post this morning just a second ago, and it went to a Red X. I emailed Pbase to find out what is up. So I am pissed at that...seems odd...since my older photos from the other day are showing up...but anything I try to post yesterday or today doesn't....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

9 comments|post comment

Randomness [10 Dec 2003|04:19pm]
[ mood | bored ]

Once in a I actually go beyond just feeling cooporative in giving sex to Marc, and actually want it. I mean, I really, really wanted it. I wish I had drive like that all the time. It's been going on two years like, so sick of it.

I also hate this Cat In The Hat. I like the book, but this movie and all the just too fucked up. If I were a kid, I'd be scared of that cat in the movie. The outfit and make up is horrid...just doesn't look right,..and the voice makes me homocidal.

Who's watching this Trista and whatshisname's wedding thing on TV? I'm not. I think watching The Simple Life is enough for me.

I don't understand this whole "Furry" culture thing. No,...I think it's actually screw balls....but then again maybe I don't have an imagination. No, I KNOW I don't have an imagination. Whatever, Furry's are weird.

We are gonna "white trash" it and eat at Old Country Buffet tonight.

I still have not smoked. I still am not taking the pills. I think I'll take up drinking as a reward.

26 comments|post comment

It All Evens Out In The End [09 Dec 2003|05:57pm]
I'm so glad Ann and I made up. I've missed her terribly. (this is not the person talked about in my last post...this is someone differant). I just had a wonderful chat with her. I missed her so much...feel much better now. Reunions are wonderful. I'm smiling now.

In other news...we had an earthquake,. 4.5 on the Richter scale....and the news is STILL blathering on and on about it. See we don't get them much here in Maryland. So it's all novel and stuff. They need to shut up about it. Yah...the windows rattled a shut the fuck up. I swear, if the news interferrs with my watching The Simple Life tonight I'm gonna call Fox TV and bitch them out.

[info]mimle has me craving McDonalds....damn it. I see a sammich and a ice cream and fries in my future.
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Moving Along [09 Dec 2003|01:51pm]
Taken at McDonalds...these were on the table...little vase of flowers...taken with the Nikon Coolpix 950
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[08 Dec 2003|11:13pm]
Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl.

It really wasn't my fault what happened at Marc's Christmas party. It was Wendy who spiked the punch with too much Harvey Wallbanger. I can't help it if I drank 69 glasses. It was so good---smelled and tasted just like skunk.

I thought it was funny when I put Cristin's Boxers on my head and danced the Fox Trot on the Bunk Bed while singing `Waltzing Matilda'. I didn't mean to break Marc's Plug In Vibrator and don't know why Marc would sue me for Racketeering.

I don't remember calling Ann's wife a sexy nanny goat---even though she looked like one with Ecru eye shadow and Electric Blue lipstick!

And when I threw up on Joyce's husband's Dilly, it was only because I ate too much of that Sushi.

After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired. So I fell asleep on my way home and drove my Helecopter through my neighbor's Kitchen. I don't think that was any reason for my neighbor to call me a pissy mongoose and have me arrested for strong armed robbery!

So, I sit in my jail cell on Christmas Eve, all happy and retarded. And I'm really not to blame for any of this erotic stuff. Please bring me what I want the most---bail money!

Sincerely and screwingly yours,
Lisa (Really a nice girl!)

P.S. It's only 5 bucks!

Write your own
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p.s. [08 Dec 2003|08:19pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]

Oh, and by the way, I'm sick of my bitching too. But until something goes right....heh...

4 comments|post comment

...... [08 Dec 2003|08:04pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]

and now the fuckin dog has the shits AGAIN!!!!!!!!! We don't have money for a vet appt. I thought he was fine...the antibiotic worked...and's back to the same shit...and so now he's not eating again. FUCKING FUCK!!!!
I'm chronicily ill, I have another matter to pay for, and now the fucking dog again...not ONE FUCKING WEEK is trouble free in my life. I"m ready to fucking call it quits.

12 comments|post comment

In Case You Read This [08 Dec 2003|05:18pm]
[ mood | apathetic ]

I deleted you Col becaue I really don't like the games, and feel totally screwed over by you. You asked for an opinion, then I give you one honestly, then you give some dramatic comment...and then lock me out of your entries. I don't need a "friend" like that. I"m sure you will make some entries about me "attacking you" you tend to do that is anyone else has a thought of their own. So everyone...I'm laying it on the's not an attack, I just don't like the games. Each to their own. This is the last I will say of it...and I don't post in any other if you view this as an attack...then you are all messed up. See I feel the need to cover my ass here, because of how I've seen things turn out in the past. So let it be known...
1) I am not codependant.
2) I am not any "figure" or whatever or symbolic of anything, AT ALL.
3) I am not afraid to speak my is my right...and will not be intimidated into not doing so because of others histrionics.

Having said that....
Col, I wish you luck in are really going to need it.

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PETS CAN TALK [07 Dec 2003|07:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Ever wonder what your pets do all day....maybe they have conversations or fights like these two guinie pigs. CLICK THE LINK.

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After Thought [07 Dec 2003|09:30am]
[ mood | curious ] the ARE all of you who got slammed by that blizzard?

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