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ouch. [17 Apr 2004|09:38am]
[ mood | restless ]

i think i'm officially boring. AND CRANKY.

i woke up with a scratch on my side.. another one that i can't see, but i can sure feel.

i'm hungry, but i don't want to eat.


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merow. [17 Apr 2004|04:14am]
[ mood | okay ]

i'm post-drunk thirsty.

Socrates is staring at me.

Markie is laying on the floor watching What Not To Wear.'s pretty outside. the kind of day that makes me think of ironic sad songs. it's half-overcast. just enough to make it look like a dark sunny.

my mouth hurts.

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your face will surely show it. [15 Apr 2004|06:31am]
if you're happy and you know it..

dance with me.

i need to go to bed. all that sugar is finally catching up to me.

the printers were down, yet there was no mention of sending me home. can you believe that i hung out, socialized, read, and checked my e-mail for 10 hours and got paid $100 for it? today was just like the book market! except, i got paid more to do less, and i couldn't go to the mall.
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so tell me what i don't know. [15 Apr 2004|04:49am]
[ mood | exanimate ]
[ music | nada surf ]

because Stacey told me to... and Stacey is boss.

"I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then, I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything."

....please? i need yout internet-lovin. rawr.

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[14 Apr 2004|12:16pm]
[ mood | discontent ]

i think Socrates is making a meal of the fabric remnants on the floor. bad kitty. you don't digest purple polka dots very well.

i feel randomly sad.

can someone hug me?

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my baby don't mess around. [12 Apr 2004|03:45pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | "Hey Ya!" in my head. ]

just got home from my first actual shift-shift at work!

10 hours of printer fun.

i read 130 pages of The Godfather.. i haven't seen the movie yet, but the book is really frickin good. although, i am a bit concerned about waking up to a horse head.

Luca Brasi swims with the fishes.

mmkay. i'm going to drink some water and then sleep. Socrates is wanting bedtime.

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[09 Apr 2004|04:43am]
[ mood | indifferent ]


yesterday was my first day at work. it was fun. i just watched the printers. everyone told me that i should bring something to read or listen to
on monday. heheh.

today i'm bored. i have a day off.. and i don't even need to look for a job. yet, i don't have any money to DO ANYTHING. what a fine predicament. i don't know if i spelled that right. i don't care.

bladdy blahddy blah.

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[08 Apr 2004|11:48pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

why does fishing for compliments exist?

shouldn't we just compliment everybody on the great things about them?

i'll never freaking understand it.

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[06 Apr 2004|07:09pm]
i'm not having a very fun morning.

i hope the mail hasn't already come today.. because if it has, i'm screwed.

i'm relying on the unemployment check to buy me gas so i can go do my new hire paperwork.

...and i just feel icky anyway. perhaps i'll call the office to see if the mail has come yet.
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[06 Apr 2004|06:39am]
[ mood | excited ]

guess who got a job?

ME! finally....!

thanks to Marie, John, and Morgan.. i now how a job. a $10/hr job, mind you!


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[04 Apr 2004|12:28pm]
the hottest pussy 'round these parts... )
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[04 Apr 2004|05:40am]
last night Pete came over and he, markie, and i drank and watched Comedy Central. weee!

it was like.. 3ish AM when i finally noticed the time. which means it was really 4ish AM. stupid daylight savings.
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bright eyes isn't helping... but i can't help myself. [02 Apr 2004|01:14pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | the calendar hung itself ]

sometimes i forget what i write.

and then i kick myself.


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small requests. [02 Apr 2004|01:07pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | the weakerthans ]

mark is sleeping. i should probably move to my room.. but then i'm sure i'll just end up internet-ing all night long.

i want to make mix-CDs. anyone want one? give me an emotion, and i'll hook you up.

blah. i made some broaches that i hope to put up for sale/special order. i want to use a better digital camera for a posted picture, though.

nothing, nothing, nothing to say.

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[31 Mar 2004|07:20am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | !!!!!!!!!!!! ]

i need a job!


well, my paid account life, rather.

i'm not a fruit, that's mark.

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poodles. [31 Mar 2004|07:06am]
[ mood | currently scared. ]
[ music | mom? ]

lazy freaking day. i'm bored. i'm playing on the internet too much.

i'm leaning on a broken fence between past and present tense... )

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the things i waste my time on... [31 Mar 2004|01:50am]
[ mood | indifferent ]
[ music | southpark ]

hey.. any more of you dudes on

for some reason, i get giddy when cartman sings on southpark. i usta hate this show.. now it's on all the time. and i'm home all the time. a perfect match.

maybe i will do an impromtu photo shoot. i'm running out of ideas.

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[30 Mar 2004|07:32pm]
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day stuff. [30 Mar 2004|07:14pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | conan ]

this morning sucked.

within one single half hour of waking up...

-Socrates peed on the carpet.
-our garbage disposal was leaking and it ruined my plastic bag collection with moldy water.
-i dropped a box of cigarette filter tubes, and they spilled all over the floor.
-i almost stepped on a knife.

then i took markie to work, and looked for a job.

i applied at a bridal shop, and i got an interview by an extremely grumpy old man. i have no clue how he even got into the formalwear business. he said he'd "think about it today, and we'll go from there." well, mmkay.

and then, i was so hungry.. i went to go give blood at the red cross.. but their donation hours ended at noon. no free food for me. poop.

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yay for remembering how to post pictures. [30 Mar 2004|03:18pm]

look! it's me! and a socrates!
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