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[17 Nov 2003|05:36pm]
Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously
A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post twice if you'd like.
Then, put this in your LJ to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your LJ) have to say.
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[15 Nov 2003|09:32pm]
Jake Gyllenhaal as Holden, from "The Good
Girl." You prefer obsessive guys.

Which Unstable Man are you Most Attracted to?
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[04 Oct 2003|11:37pm]
Um fuck?
Stanton Lost.
Louisville Lost.
Now it is up to the Jags.

I sense a quiz on Monday...
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[25 Sep 2003|06:47pm]
I wonder sometimes about someone, is your whole purpose in life to do whatever is the most controversial?

Officers of a politically affiliated club should be members of that affiliation. Officers should know about the ideals and values of the party. They should believe in that party. Like Ms. Ray stated today, they should be able to express these views with confidence, providing leadership to those that might know enough about those views.

Upon attending the Teenage Republican meeting today, I really noticed and thought about something. Why is a certain person a leader in that club? She openly admitted that she is a democrat. Doesn't that defeat the whole objective of the club? Plus she is in charge of public relations, one of the main people contacting the Republican GOP and talking with TARS. If you are dealing with those two things, shouldn't you want to pursue what they believe in? You shouldn't be against their ideals. By being against the purpose of the organization, it is NOT effective leadership.

Maybe this person will think about these things and step down from her position in the club. I viewed other members look upon her strangly and in wonder why is she even a leader. She isn't as qualified as she needs to be in order to do it effectively.

I admit, I haven't commited myself yet to a political party. I have been thinking about it a lot more lately though but I'll discuss that later.

Her responce : It isn't my purpose in life to do what is most controversial.... I wasn't able to fully explain myself because MS. Ray Cut me off.

If you go look at my journal.. you'll see what i am politcally. I'm commited.. just.. no one understands.
It was deleted from the comments by her.
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[21 Sep 2003|08:43pm]
What are my characteristics?

So far I've gotten:
Coryteam100: funny, smart, sarcastic(a good thing :-)), kind, caring, worrysome,

Maddie: you're hardworking, passionate, reliable, trustworthy, diligent, honest, compassionate, humorous, too image-concious :p

SkittleStealer: outgoing, organized, incisive, intelligent, adaptable
SkittleStealer: another word for adaptable?
yearbook50: incisive?
SkittleStealer: like you can adapt to situations without going totally carazy
SkittleStealer: independent, extremely independent
SkittleStealer: um you are a good problem solver
SkittleStealer: (incisive)

MooCowDru: Tchuh, you're a ho?
MooCowDru: No, just kidding
yearbook50: i love you too :p
MooCowDru: You're smart and funny and easy to get along with
MooCowDru: And always know what's due in comp sci...

Zsmash IB: your neato and interesting! :-)
yearbook50: thanks :p
Zsmash IB: you're* =P
Zsmash IB: all the good ones were already taken =/

Anything else to add to the mix?
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[20 Sep 2003|10:17pm]
I acquired a book of poetry about Jack the Ripper. To be honest, the poetry is wonderful. I really am glad this is my topic. Although I still need to go down to UF for better research, seeing UNF only has like 5 books on the subject and no articles. The book I really need is no where to be found though :/

Tonight was fun. My stomach is still going to explode though. I ate way too much. Secondhand Lions is really good. And I love you all.
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[19 Sep 2003|07:19pm]
Holy shit. I was taking time to go over my extended essay to improve upon it. What the hell was I on when I was writing this? Esp with phrases like
This fails to happen. Williams cannot seem to get over that Hansford tried to kill him since after that one happy thought Williams wont stop going on about the fact that Hansford tried to kill him,

And the many other things that well suck!

I'm improving it making it sound a lot better but I have a lot more work on this thing than I thought I did.

Also, I'm doing an expansion on my project from 7th grade for the science fair. Is anyone willing to allow me to read their circuits and breakers from their control panel with the pretty new FLUKE meter I am getting? I will love you forever. And my purpose of my project is aobut electronic equipment and other devices surging things.
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[06 Sep 2003|07:50pm]
Who Will You Marry? by Sari
DateJanuary 23, 2019
SpouseOrlando Bloom
Price of Wedding$58,502
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

I kid you not
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[27 Aug 2003|09:58pm]
Your Name: Melissa Nichole Wheeler
Your Date of Birth: 07/10/1986
Your Question or Information:


Mannaz - Cooperation, teamwork, collaboration, help and aid from others, beginning new projects, especially with others.


Ansuz - Communications, wisdom and clarity, to attract others to your cause, increase magickal energy.


Thurisaz - Beginning new projects, luck-the hand of fate helping you, protection, the hammer of Thor, opening gateways.

Cast the runes here:
Rune Caster

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[26 Aug 2003|04:31pm]
I'm fired

for discount abuse...

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[07 Jul 2003|08:08pm]
If anyone can come up with a dinosaur -type craft or activity for me...I would love you for ever...b/c I can't think of anything and the Camp teacher this week is worth nothing, leaving me to do it on my own...the kids are 4th and 5th graders all boys except 1, who well should just be counted as a boy
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[06 Jul 2003|11:48am]
Name: Wheeler, Melissa Nichole
IBO Ref: MAY 2003, 0251-265
Category: Anticipated
Result: 0 points : - Anticipated entry

Session Subject Level Grade

I PASSED LATIN!!! Even after Mrs. Carpenter Smith thought I didn't know enough to pass! Granted its no, 6 or 7 but its higher than a 4. I wish I got higher in Theatre, but I'm taking HL next year so I think I should be fine then, if I actually apply myself a bit more.
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[08 Jun 2003|07:44pm]
I was talking with Teddy at some point in the evening morning about my conversion into religion. He actually cared enough to talk to me aobut some of the stuff and as soon as I'm not working on Saturday, I may go to a center and actually talk to some others.

I started reading the summer reading for Physics...This actually is really interesting. Seven Ideas That Shook the Universe rocks my socks.

Work, was eh. I was in a daze the entire time. Kandi thought I was high, eh. Oh well.

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone home?

Come on, now.
I hear you're feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain,
Get you on your feet again.

I need some information first.
Just the basic facts:
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain, you are receding.
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon.
You are only coming through in waves.
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're sayin'.
When I was a child I had a fever.
My hands felt just like two balloons.
Now I got that feeling once again.
I can't explain, you would not understand.
This is not how I am.
I have become comfortably numb.

Just a little pinprick.
There'll be no more --Aaaaaahhhhh!
But you may feel a little sick.
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[26 May 2003|09:13pm]
Yes, everyone hear it now...
I am stalking Kutzer...

/me sighs
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[21 May 2003|06:59pm]

*looks in Mel's general direction*

I own YOU!!!!!!!
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[20 May 2003|09:44pm]
So I dont have work tomorrow b/c they screwed up my schedule *does a dance*

Rob made my night with his message to make me smile :D

And found out 2 more people are quitting and this dude Chris is trying to hit on me but at least he walked me to my car since it was dark and scary.
I wish i could have been at graduation but no...only Candice and I were closing so there was no way out oh well...

School was easy. I played Scrabble in EVERY class. Frisbee before school and at lunch and I discovered I can fit into Dani's shirt...

Robotics peopole -
You know I am disappointed in a lot of you...(well not Maddie and Ian) but come on...
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[19 May 2003|09:13pm]
Se^x = e^x + C
Why Calculus can make you smile...
S = the intergal sign...
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[19 May 2003|08:04pm]

Which Genocidal Maniac Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey
Oh the irony...

My goddamn rock solid ghetto shiznit name is Tempestuous Shizzlemah.
What's yours?
Powered by Rum and Monkey.

And that too...
6 comments|post comment

[15 May 2003|07:33pm]
You are Elizabeth Bathory. (The bloodcountess)
Legend tells us that you, this very rich,
beautiful and high born woman tortured and
murdered some 650 young women and bathed in
their warm blood to keep yourself beautiful.
In some stories, it is said you have drank thier
blood as well. You were a sexual sadist on a
grand scale.
Ah vanity is your downfall. For shame!

Which Imfamous criminal are you?
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[15 May 2003|04:39pm]
You are Lost-in-Thought Jason Way.

Which Jason Way are you?
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I am a chubby little kitten blob

Which cute or possibly strange kitten are you?
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Your ideal mate is Bobby Drake. With his innocent
sweetness and his boyish good looks, how can
any girl go wrong? He's the type of guy to
supply you with all the TLC that you can
handle, and he'll always be there for you when
you need moral support, or just a shoulder to
cry on. Though he is still young, he lacks the
experiences of life, and can be naive.

Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only)
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