Inane recounting of lost times.

original cave

Friday, April 2nd, 2004
Friday, 3:01 pm
Okay, book meme, I'll give it a whack

Turn to page 18, write down line 4:

The position of the decimal point relative to the first character in the returned string.

Reference page of a DEC C Runtime Library manual

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Friday, 2:43 pm

Man, I think we're going to try to catch Hellboy tonight. That'll be Very Very Fun, I think.

(push your own skittle in])

Friday, 8:27 am

'rose: the place right by the house that does breakfast tacos does 'em with real egg, and good sausage (not too spicy, has a good taste to it) and it actually tastes really good. Each one is $1.50, too ..

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Friday, 6:17 am

Ya know something's bothering you when you're thinking about it when you fall asleep and you think about it when you wake up. It's nothing life thretening, just a missed chance to talk to someone who I haven't talk to in a long time, really, but it sucks that it happened, really, because I misunderstood a small thing. I feel like I let 'em down for that. Bleh.

(push your own skittle in])

Thursday, April 1st, 2004
Thursday, 3:50 pm
Meh :(

I wanna go hoooooooooome

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, 12:38 pm
Hello from the 2.6.4 world!

I just finished compiling the 2.6.4 kernel. So far, well, I can definitely see the optimization for the P4 helping a lot -- there's less hiccups and it seems like the machine is just generally running a lot smoother

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, 8:52 am
I knew I should have brought some kind of movie.

It is -dead- here. I could sleep in my chair today, probably.

(push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
Wednesday, 9:34 am
500 lbs on a hand truck...

...will still kick your ass, especially when there's ramps involved.

Oh, my bad, 550lbs. It was an 1100 lbs shipment.

Imma curl up under my desk and die now.

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, 7:58 am

I just caught the very edge of a rackmount rail (attached to a server sitting off to the side) on my pants leg. Ow. Pain. And now these pants are toast for work (for the most part) because they have a 90 tear in them (I'd say it's an inch on both sides).

course, I also have a long scratch down the side of my leg, but that's not really bothering me that much. It's just irritating.

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, 7:35 am

City of Heroes rules. I'm actually considering a game where there's a subscription involved. We'll see how I feel as time goes on. But, wow. Wow.

Yeah, wow.

Kinda wish they had a linux client so I could play it while I'm at work ;)

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, March 30th, 2004
Tuesday, 9:55 am

I will now talk about Fight Club. Because I'm in it. And I rule. And I'm breaking the rules, breakin' the rules, duh duh.

No, really, this is just because I'm using the logjam client and I wanted to try it out. I wonder if SeMagic has a LJ Linux version .. hmm. Might have to look into that.

Duh duh!

([4 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 7:34 am

City of Heroes beta.


([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, March 25th, 2004
Thursday, 10:38 am
Watching Stargate SG-1 Lost City II at work

Because I rule.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
Tuesday, 4:22 pm
Oh yeah

I have a burnt wand I've been holding onto, a +1 skills sorc sphere and a +1 pally skills scepter that are all decently low level (I think the +1 gear is either mid 20s or low 30s, the wand is 25). . If anyone wants to trade/needs stuff like this, lemme know.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 4:21 pm
Whooo.. DiabloII update

Welp, didn't actually mesh with Sheepie yet, so I made a new assassin character. After realizing she was, indeed, ladder, I moved over my nice rare claws to her. I've since picked up a Cathan's sigil and a life leech magic ring. That means that any hit right now has at least a 10% life steal on it, and the claws I have now are 4% life leech / 7% mana leech and the other isn't anything at all .. I've actually taken to using Blade Fury because it uses the weapon of your primary hand's attributes while you cast it, so I moved my mana leech over. 14% life / 7% mana on a 100-180 damage isn't so bad, works out to being much more than blade fury costs, and any time I get hit, it only takes a few hits to get back the life. I also found Laying on Hands, which makes Baal runs really nice (+350% damage to demons is -NICE-).. I really need to find new claws, though. The ones I have I've had since about level 20. You can always hope you'll get some unique claws that are nice, but I run in mostly public games and very rarely do other people let tradable items out of their sight if they want it. I've been pretty lucky, though. Someone left a Baal drop full of uniques out. I need to get more MF gear so I can get back into MFing, though, that was really fun. Meph runs in 30 seconds, and Baal runs in a few minutes are always fun stuff. Maybe I'll make some kind of ice/lightning sorc to really kick butt. We'll see. So far, though, the assassin's working out really well, and I'm trying to figure out where to put her extra skill points. Shadow Master at 11 is really nice, so I'm thinking I might just sink a few in there and maybe a few traps. I need more +skills gear, though.

I miss my old characters :/

Oh, yeah, I'm level 66 now. Hee.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 2:41 pm
For DeusInnomen - Not Boom Fishes, but amusing about fishes.

([3 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 1:45 pm

I have litestep on my work computer on the network, the D600, and wow. This new theme is very, very well done. It uses XPs ambient ability to fade, and shift objects with contents in view.. Very Very Well Done.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 6:50 am
This is to give morgie something to read


([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Saturday, March 20th, 2004
Saturday, 6:16 am

At some point, I should learn the trick of sleeping in.

Whenever someone gives me something to remind them of the next day, though, the latest I can sleep in is 7ish

Whenever someone hasn't, the latest I can sleep in is 7ish.

Usually, there have been a few exceptions.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
Tuesday, 10:16 pm
So, yeah...

...anyone still playing DiabloII?
...on USWest?

My, how 1.10 has changed the dynamic of the game.

([9 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Saturday, March 13th, 2004
Saturday, 7:23 pm
Sure, why not.

If you call me Richard, you're just about 99% of the planet.
If you call me Richie, you're either family, or I have somehow decided to allow you to live.
If you call me Dick, you won't be for long.
If you call me Castille, you're part of my online life, but not a close part
If you call me Cassie, you've spent some time in #rafters
If you call me Casafras, you're DeiArtia
If you call me Cas, you're either [info]justjay or anyone who just finds Castille cumbersome ;)
If you call me Branden, you're part of a suspended animation Mage game.
If you call me Genkar, Mazran, Senden, Mendak or G'kar, you've known me from MUDs, or from the times I've spent on various MOOs (mostly Dragonriders of Pern). Most recent, this would be Godwars.
If you call me dwaggie, you're either [info]moonrose, or know me solely through LJ (which doesn't happen too often)
If you call me arcane, then you've known me since before I really emerged into IRC, and back when I did BBS and T4C -- or when I was /really/ into StarCraft
If you call me Cal, then you're [info]mtffm.

I'm sure there's more ;)

([3 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, March 11th, 2004
Thursday, 9:28 pm

Even CSI can't tear her away from the Mad, Mad House webpage.


Decent reality TV, though. I just think it would be more amusing if our Sabbat group did it. The 'Alts' would be trying to vote themselves out. ;)

(push your own skittle in])

Thursday, 1:07 pm

Rocks fall. Everyone dies.

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, 8:03 am
Obvious too blatent, obscure references necessary

Posted by dwaggie on Thursday March 11, 8:03am
from the idiocy-on-the-internet dept
dwaggie writes "Apparently, the slashdot community has gone from posting astounding technological advances to lagging behind with editorials. Apparently, many of its readers spend a lot of time searching MSNBC and CNN for the words 'linux' 'stallman' 'darl' 'porn' and 'technology advancement' and submitting every link they find. Conversely, they lag behind a day or two behind TotalFark for general linkage." And from what I read in the italics, most of the time, it also appears that they just read the summary or the first few paragraphs, and never the entire article. Another victim of geek-chic, and Linux zealotism. When will the world learn?

([5 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
Wednesday, 9:51 am

That is one of the prettiest things I've seen in awhile. I encourage anyone who's ever been amazed by the motion of fluid dynamics to watch this. And if you like Black Hole Sun, by SoundGarden, it's a good mix. ;)

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, 8:29 am
Said to me on a conference call yesterday

By our regional (by regional, it's meant 'US') support person, who basically oversees most of the major IT struggles for everything not in Texas (because we have enough manpower to do our own thang)

"Richard, I need another one of you in Tennessee."
"Another one of me?"
(Edit: I should mention at this point that all my coworkers in Texas, at this point, started going, "Another one of him?! What?! Another Richard?!" all at the same time ;)
"Yeah, someone who eats, breathes and smokes PCs."

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, March 9th, 2004
Tuesday, 1:13 pm
ooOoOoOOoOooo -- Roleplaying post

I found an online copy of Dark Sun 3 -- the D&D; 3.5 edition of Dark Sun.. It's already all in D20, practically. Looks like this was released in November of 2003, and it's .. wow, it's great. I printed out the imageless version, and I'm just flippin' through it now.

It's like taking Deadlands, mix it with D&D; and use D20, while incorporating some of the more cut-throat areas of our Sabbat games... And, well, I'm already developing an idea for what the campaign / adventure / single-day-mission that I might run is.

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Friday, March 5th, 2004
Friday, 4:12 pm

This is my Lasombra's new motto.

"All problems can be solved by diplomacy, but violence and treachery are equally effective, and more fun."

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, March 4th, 2004
Thursday, 10:52 am

I wonder who it is I remind everyone of.

There's been very few people who I've met who don't go 'you look familiar' or .. 'Have we met before?'

([3 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, March 3rd, 2004
Wednesday, 11:14 am

*sigh* Just when she begins to do better, she starts doing worse. Instead of just lying down and not worrying about anything, she's going to call and try and figure out what's going on. She's not really in a good mood right now, and it really isn't a good idea to call someone agitated, because if resolution isn't met immediately, then she's just going to get more agitated.

And there's really not much I can do. She really just needs to rest. But she won't. *sigh*

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, 7:53 am

I should take pictures of work to impress upon the world the pervasiveness of Alpha.

(push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004
Tuesday, 11:17 am
On the offchance..

...anyone here ever had to deal with AlphaServer 4000s? Not the 4000 series, of which was mostly outdated in 1995, but the original 4000, which was outdated sometime in the 1980s, I think. I'm trying to find the RCU for the controller, and I'm not having much luck getting it to boot to a disk / read and run a file from a floppy that is the newer RCU.

Anyone with an idea, assistance is welcome.

EDIT: We figured it out. Combination of hardware oversight and the fact that ARC (AlphaBios Resource Controller) also has a 'boot from utility disk' and can actually read a FAT floppy.

([4 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, 10:52 am

*grump* My back hurts. This is an odd sensation.

(push your own skittle in])

Monday, March 1st, 2004
Monday, 4:20 pm
Le sigh. ;)

Okay, so, we have two contenders for the Perfect Car Currently For Sale.

Carbon Black Metallic, SMGII:;=2462856147&category;=6131
Cons: 19 inch wheels, I'd prefer 18s because I'm not going to be tracking it and the ride comfort difference is remarkably notable. It also doesn't have the GPS option, which is actually much MORE than the GPS, it adds a whole lot of computer information displays that you wouldn't normally get. In short, it's got the color, the transmission and not much else.

Mystic Blue Metallic, SMGII:;=2462991101&category;=6131
Cons: Grey interior.. Uhm, other than that? Well, it's not Carbon Black Metallic, but, hey, I like blue. Carbon Black looks blue under direct light, this one is blue all the time. I could learn to deal. Outside of that, it has everything else I want. GPS, SMGII, 18s, and the like. Beautiful, beautiful car.

So, two more years and hopefully it'll be still on the market ;)

(push your own skittle in])

Friday, February 27th, 2004
Friday, 12:42 pm

The rest of the department graduated. I am now back at my desk, at my lovely Aeron and in my comfortable desk arrangement, and in a building that I know where everything is.

(push your own skittle in])

Thursday, February 26th, 2004
Thursday, 3:20 pm
Bad? Good? I'm the one with a gun.

Well, I haven't heard anything from the other building all afternoon.

That's either very good, or very bad.

I'm about to finish off the last of my cookies that I brought to work.
That's either very good, or very bad.

I noticed that they did straighten out my 401k, but not my witholding, really. It's five bucks more, now, than it was, but I just straightened out my 401k allotment, which may be what that is.

That could be very bad. I'll talk with HR about it.

I get out of here in less than another 2 hours.

That could be very good.

I'm not sure what to have for dinner tonight. We have a little bit of everything, including stew -- which I hope my love got a chance to start, but which I won't hold against her if she does.

That could be very good. If she forgot, mentioning it at all could be very bad.

I keep trying to think of ways she can effect the situation at work for her, which is very bad. She seems to be coming to terms with which portions she does have control over, which is very good. The people who do have control over it seem to be just happy that the servers are running, which is very bad. I'll leave it at that. I'll stop trying to go into repair mode, it's not my problem. I'm too much of a damage control man at heart, though.

And it's not like the problem is that much of a big friggin' deal, in terms of fixability.

My eyes are hurting me a little. At some point after we pay the taxes, I need to get a new batch of contacts. My glasses do seem to be sharp as ever, but I do believe these contacts are still one on script, one slightly off script. This could be very bad, but having glasses is, I've found, very good. I should've found a pair that fit a little better, but that can be rectified in the future.

([4 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, 12:26 pm

Which Historical Lunatic Are You?
From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.

(push your own skittle in])

Wednesday, February 25th, 2004
Wednesday, 9:59 am

Mmmmm.. over at the other building for a little bit.

([1 skittle left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
Tuesday, 9:20 am

Teehee. Jon, I might've done a very bad thing. I made a comment in debate ;)

([4 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Monday, February 23rd, 2004
Monday, 1:55 pm
*stares up at the ceiling*

This entire week is me at the data center instead of our development environment. That means that I have no HappyLAN (my undocumented DSL line that I share with my co-worker from a project long, long ago) and I have very little to do (no GunBound and there's more people in a smaller space over here). Ugh.

To top it off, I went to lunch with some guys out to Fuddrucker's, and nothing would be better right now than a nap.

Edit: M3. Mmm.

Perfect car: Carbon Black Metallic on Grey leather. Aluminum trim. SMGII. I could have my arm twisted for the GPS/Nav system -- that introduced the onboard computer screen that is oh-so-nice. Stock sound is sufficient, but the premium sound package isn't bad. '02 or possibly '03. Now, I just have to wait for the price to drop.

Second-up: Pontiac Solstice. Targetted NEW MSRP for that car will be around 20 grand. 170hp miata, basically. Good little car with a lot of run-around-ability in it, smaller than the GTP and just a touch funner. Smooth lines, nice console setup. Automatic for both me and Sam. If Pontiac / some American car company would get on the fucking boat and make a clutchless manual (japanese and german companies have both done it). Heck, Ford could borrow the one they have for Jag's.. Bleh.

([9 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Friday, February 20th, 2004
Friday, 4:35 pm

When will people learn? The only way to defeat racism is to never let race be a deciding factor in anything. But, no. Instead, when someone tries to make a point, it's suddenly all very bad! A guy's starting a white-only scholarship. There's African American only ones, but those are somehow not racist. And there's Latin American scholarships, which are also not racist. But apparently, the white only one is racist.

Go fucking figure. Idiots.

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])

Thursday, February 19th, 2004
Thursday, 3:19 pm

Wow. Fark is broken from here. TotalFark, too.

Man, that's gonna bring this afternoon to a crawl.

CSI tonight. W00T. Pork Tenderloin tonight. Double W00T. In thinking about it, this IRS bill should only take us a few paycheques to gather all the money together.

Darling, get your Drum Carder first with your bonus money. If, by then, we haven't already paid off the bill, we'll see what the remainder will get us.

I think the Sam's Club membership is one of the smarter things we've done. We already have more than enough food, really, to get us through to the next weekend -- we can still get stuff for nights where we don't want something italiany. I'm fine with spaghetti and lasagna, though ;)

Must remember to take down some eclairs for my darling later on tonight so she can have some thawed in the fridge.

Must remember to make the sauce for the Great Bash this weekend tomorrow.

([2 skittles left in the pile o push your own skittle in])