this nanosecond's poster child for "single payer, no REALLY."
note to self:
under no circumstances is it a good idea to dump a packet of Emergen-C into a bottle of Sprite. sure, it might taste better than dumping it into water, but it will foam up and explode over the top of the bottle, covering your desk, keyboard, chair, hands, and pants with pink Sprite.

you should especially not do this when you have after work plans and don't really have time to go home and change.

Current Mood: sticky

meme, from [info]fj. grab some change from anywhere, check the years on the coins, describe your life's snapshot.

1976: i was but a wee wiggle in me mum's tummy.

1999: 22, which means i was in the general Noho area. Eric R. and i had broken up for about the millionth time, but he took me to Haven for my birthday. that year was spent running with a crowd entirely different than i was used to, much of it to get at a girl. never did happen, but i have the marks to remember.

2001: the year of many trips between Sunderland and Boston, and also the move to Providence. not sure how it happened, but i fell into yet another crowd that was different than my norm. one party at [info]vulgarlad's stands out in my head that encapsulates much; surrounded by who i thought of [and still sometimes do] as the pretty people, wondering how on earth i got there. the loss of our friendship after i didn't go back to Boston still saddens me. however, Providence remains one of the best things i've ever done for myself.
despite all the weird, stressy, semi-bad things that happened this past weekend it was overall Really Good for me. it did a lot to strengthen thoughts in my head about the fabulous folx in my life, and all the others that are on the edges who i could likely poke whenever i want.

that is all.

Current Mood: aiee.

Arisia peoples
met bunches of people at arisia, or put names and faces together, etc. memory is sucktastic though, so if you think there's anyone out there not already added to my friends list that i would like to know the journal of, poke me? or do so if you are one of those people :)
taken from many, old meme
Suggest to me...

1. A book
2. Music group/CD/artist
3. Restaraunt (local)
4. Something to do in the next two months
5. Something else of your choice
mindmap )
meme, taken from a couple people on friends list. take the first line from the first ten public posts on your friends list (excluding posts from this meme). i also excluded other memes and pre-post comments.

I want an entire suit out of cashmere; think about how good that'd feel downfield. Mmmm giggity giggity.
bok choy bok choy bok choy bok choy
My day:
Or, why I'm not for gay marriage.
I love rediscovering amazing albums I haven't listened to in years...
When is your birthday? needs a big splash screen on their inventory search saying that "In store" actually means "Not so much in store, really, as on order and may be here some time this week, or possibly next."
I'm not particularly big into magic, but it's interesting to think about strengths and what they are, in the context of the idea of a superpower. So, what ARE my superpowers?
Lunch with a really fabulous chica.
Neat! Jessie, someone I've known for... 18 years(? might be 17...) will be joining those of us meeting Saturday
morning for the Flea.

Current Mood: bok choy bok choy

when you keep making smaller and smaller filters to post things how do you know when it's time to just give up?
the joys of an unstocked kitchen.
$54 at the grocery store to bake a pie. *sigh*
at least i now own the sexiest measuring implements ever. [minus the liquid measure]
qotd, stolen from IRC
what's the origin of your lj name/other online nicks?

mine. )
via [info]tafkar who says since so many people have been having suck lately, we should all list two good things.

1. mango and sticky rice. mmm, sticky rice.

2. drinking out of a funny yellow mug that i think is supposed to represent HDL (High-density lipoprotein), or "good cholesterol". i can't wait to move and unpack, cause then i can drink out of a kidney again.
if someone wanted to, say, crawl into someone's head and eat their brains would you consider that a romantic interest, a sexual interest, or neither?
the d's have it
happy birthday [info]devina and [info]dangerpest!
i'm apparently in a rant-tastic mood today. if you see me let's not discuss religion, politics, tax laws, how dumb americans are, or anything else that seems important or controversial. k?
IMDB's 100 best/100 worst, stolen from [info]tafkar

The idea: bold the ones you've seen.

this is a great illustration of why i just do not get most movie references. and no, i did not grow up in a bubble.

Read more... )
shortest commute ever [really, ever, not just with snow]. what the?
when you double a recipe that says it makes 2 dozen cookies, don't believe it. when i am done baking in oh, another hour or so, i will have about 12 10 dozen cookies.
moist, chewy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. mmmmmmmmmmmm.
neener neener.
i am not smart. grar. perhaps i am sometimes smarter than i think. i amuse myself in my efforts to be smart in any case, so it's all good in the end.
living with geeks is nice. [info]shayde found me the crutches i need for $47 including shipping, new. here's the fun part that still make me GRRRR -


the first two have the same part number, and are vastly different prices. the last one doesn't have the same part number at least.

i should make it clear, paying for these is only a money issue insofar as it requires thinking about my money and shifting priorities to get them -now-. i have the money... but it was earmarked for other things. i just hate feeling like i need to cancel other plans or rely on other people, especially for something ongoing. my medical problems will never go away. they'll likely get much, much worse. fine, whatever. i'm not the only person dealing with ongoing medical stuff. it just pisses me off that there's nothing consumers can do, so they consistently get ripped off, or have vendors try to rip them off.
i've decided i'm going to quit my job and start raping people with the cost of medical supplies. who was going to be smart and get crutches to alleviate some of their excruciating pain? oh, right, i was! except they're over $75 for cheap ones, and over $130 for the good ones. pigfuckers.
being nosy.
Poll #217654: *sniff*
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

what's your scent?

View Answers

3 (10.3%) 3 (10.3%)

8 (27.6%) 8 (27.6%)

1 (3.4%) 1 (3.4%)

21 (72.4%) 21 (72.4%)

5 (17.2%) 5 (17.2%)

oh, duh. polls can't be edited and i forgot the 'other' text block.
this weekend i made food.

small bag of spinach, one chopped tomato, a bunch of sliced mushrooms, half a brick of shredded mozzarella, and a handful of pine nuts tossed onto a piece of puff pastry w/another piece of pastry layered on top. bake at 350ish for 10-15mins. yum.

then pumpkin chocolate chip cookies that we ate half of while baking, and most of the rest over the course of today. need to make another bigger batch soon.

tonight other folks made veggie sushi. mushroom, carrots, spinach, avocado, tofu fried in sesame oil. so exactly what i needed.
i'd forgotten how good it feels to cook and to eat fresh things. i don't really count leftovers as fresh food even if i took all raw ingredients to create the meal.
whee! i have, for the first time in years, come to appreciate the snow. this could likely be the last time for years, so i will have fun with it while i can. went out and swept the deck. yes, swept. the shovels are not in the upper garage, and i wanted to clear a path to the hot tub to check the water level (low, but probably still usable), so i grabbed a broom and went at it. it's absolutely gorgeous out right now - little wind, brisk air, lots of white - and it was a great workout. i wish i had a camera. ah well.
at least a couple people are venturing here from the big, bad city and i think i will try and convince them to play in the snow. then head into the kitchen to warm up and bake. maybe more of the same tomorrow, as there is little chance i am going to work. the road looks fine, but the driveway needs help.
to them's that be caring: home safe. idjits on the roads, raar.
it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
got out of bed late this morning and puttered on the computer, read, took a long shower, made fresh guac, and puttered some more before coming in to work. wow, did that feel good! it's definitely a woke up on the right side of the bed day. i wonder if attitude influences clothing choices, or if clothing choices influence attitude... something to ponder.

taken from [info]hawkegirl because i like it, an anti-anonymous meme. tell or ask me anything you feel like in whatever way you want.
link courtesy of [info]jacflash
this article about the new Ford Focs PZEV is enough to make me cry. i'm happy they don't list the gas mileage, as that would likely make me cry for days. my only consolation is that Ford probably would laugh at me trying to get financed. right? yeah, i'll keep telling myself that.
um. does anyone know why Lupo's is moving to The Strand of all places?? it just seems so very wrong.
swiped from lots of people -

I want you to post anything that you want (comment form). Anything. Post a story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love - anything.

Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post however many times you'd like, and then put this in your journal and see what your friends (or whoever!) have to say.

(Screening and IP logging are turned off for the time being)
i am fairly sure i found the company that made my boots. can't confirm it because they only keep records for 2 1/2yrs (which is absurd, considering a lot of the insurance companies won't pay for custom shoes more than once every 3 years -- which yes, is also absurd), but i'm confident enough that they were the ones that i'll look at price sheets when i go to pick my current boots up. i'm thinking of pricing out PWB, as i'm not sure i could wear low shoes even if they were custom made, and i'm not willing to totally give up on fixing the tall boots.
it's official, i suck. my trusty, cool looking, knee high black leather boots can't be saved, as i didn't get them looked at a year ago when the soles started really falling apart. part of the shoe itself on the right foot is worn down, so there's no way to put a new sole on. suckity suck suck. the semi-good news is that they can patch the rubber for under $40, and it should make them last another few months. which does me not a whole lot of good if i can't get insurance within the next month, as it takes 2-3 months for a new pair of shoes to be made.
don't i feel great for getting off my ass and getting this taken care of.
Back January 2004
User: [info]bbbsg
Name: bonnie