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Thé Linden

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[06 Dec 2003|12:25am]
[ mood | bored ]

im bored. and i was reading thru my friends list and i found that airtime had an interesting post here. basically its a "survey" and you have to pick a certain band and answer all your questions with song titles sung by that band. it made me think of what i band i would choose should i be bored enough to do that survey. and of course i chose new kids on the block. and then i got all excited and decided to do it. so here it is!

Band/Artist: New Kids on the Block

Are you female or male: Valentine Girl
Describe yourself: Cover Girl
How do people feel about you: Stop it Girl
How do you feel about yourself: My Favourite Girl
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: Please Don't go Girl/Let's Try it Again
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend: The Right Stuff
Describe where you want to be: Hangin' Tough
Describe what you want to be: Popsicle
Describe how you live: Step by Step
Describe how you love: I'll Be Loving You Forever
Share a few words of wisdom: Keep on Smilin'

ahhh... i can remember the words to all those songs. and ill be singing them for weeks. it was fun doing this. and now its killed a bit of time... and im bored again.
and it makes me realize how much i miss my ex-girlfriend. (please dont tell ian)
and look at all the songs that has the word "girl" in it. i could have picked ANY of those for the "are you a male/female" question.

im really bored. please help me.

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here kitty, kitty. [17 Nov 2003|07:45pm]
[ mood | kittified ]

well. on friday ian and i went to get my kitty-cats. we put them in the bathroom with their food and litter box to let them settle down a bit before i let them explore the whole apartment. as soon as i let them out, the baby was purring her head off, which i found amusing. shortly after, lindsay and eric came over to visit... i think the cats thought all four of us lived here.

anyway, it turns out that maisie (the mummy cat) isnt as shy as i first thought. she wasnt afraid of us, shes just kind of wary of people. we found out she really likes treats, and she likes to bite your fingers. she also talks alot. like if i come in the room and look at her, she meows, then i usually meow back and then she meows again. shes quite funny.

as for the kitten, ive JUST decided what im going to call her. right now. while i was posting this. i know, i know. she has been here like 3 full days and i JUST came up with the name?!!? i think im gonna name her baby cuz thats what ive been calling her. the thing is ive got hundreds of nicknames that i call her also... like drunky and tipsy and wobbles and clutzo and stumbles etc...

she is hilarious though... she walks like she bow-legged and on occasion her back legs sway too far to one side so she falls on her butt. and usually when she falls, she makes it seem like she MEANT to fall. like she will stretch out or lie down for awhile.

she also cant jump using her hind legs, so if she wants to climb up the bed or the couch or MY LEG, she uses her claws to climb up. i have a nice series of scratches on my left thigh...

and baby doesnt meow very much, but she is almost constantly purring. very loudly. its really cute.

i think they are pretty much settled now. at first they werent really eating their food when i gave it to them, but tonite they were meowing and rubbing around my ankles when i was getting their dinner ready. it was funny.

im really sleepy now though cuz they kept waking me up every nite. maisie was meowing cuz i think she was hungry, and baby would come and climb up on the bed and pounce on my feet if i moved them under the blankets. they also like to play with their loud toys and chase eachother around alot at night. silly kitties.

well i think ive said enough for now. ill try to post some pictures soon, if i remember. :)

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my kitties [10 Nov 2003|07:00pm]
[ mood | excited ]

well. i made a decision. i am gonna get lana and tinkerbell. (i am SO changing the names cuz i dont like those) i am picking them up on friday so i can have the weekend with them so they can get used to me (hopefully) and the stuff here. i think the baby will be okay, cuz she seemed to like to explore and run around quite a bit, but i think the mummy-cat will hide. i am quite excited about them coming! i cant wait!

now i have to come up with names. im really leaning towards maisie for the mummy cat... but for the baby, i dont know. i was thinking it might be neat to call her something that has something to do with being drunk or an alcohol or drink name... or being clumsy and falling over or something... but something thats CUTE! i dont want no ugly names. (ive already turned down ians suggestion of calling her "beer"). so does anyone have any ideas? like i said, i want a cute name. i was trying to see what certain words were in other languages to see if i could come up with something that way... but so far am unsuccessful.

if you come up with the successful name, you will get the honour of being the kitties new best friend. and maybe there will be a prize... :)

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awww... kitties. [08 Nov 2003|10:40pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

well i said i was gonna go get me some kitties yesterday. but due to a delay with stupid sears coming to set up my washing machine, i could not go physically to look. so i looked online. and found a nice little website that deals with orphaned kitties. its i filled out an application form, and then a girl who volunteers there called me and said that i looked fabulous! (well duh.) her and i looked at the pictures on the website together and she gave me the phone numbers of the foster homes where the kitties i was interested in are.

so today i called one lady who had four cats (two pairs) that i liked. i arranged for ian and i to go visit them. first we saw lana and her baby (picture here). the kitten doesnt really have a name, but she says she sometimes calls her tinkerbell. so lana is a really small kitty. she has a fluffy head and tail, but the fur on her body is kinda sleek like a short-haired cat. shes very shy though and really wouldnt let me pet her at all.

the kitten had distemper when she was younger, and sometimes that has a side-affect of giving the kitties the "wobbles". basically when she walks she looks like shes drunk. it was kinda funny how she walked all goofy (just like me after one drink! :) she reminded me of how a baby deer looks trying to walk right after its born. except she will probably walk like that for the rest of her life. she kept falling over too. but she didnt seem to mind. she was quite playful, and she let me pick her up. so if i did decide to adopt these two it would be because of her. cuz lana didnt let me see her at all. apparently she needs to really know you before she pays you any attention.

next we went to see tag and polly (shown here). they were also quite cute and playful but i dont think i would like to take them home. polly was quite vicious after awhile, attacking me and scratching. and they also seemed to have dandruff sorta...

tomorrow i will call the foster parents of pavorotti & mittens (here) and snuggles and tia (here). i think tia there looks quite beautiful, but apparently those two have been in their foster home so long that the foster mom might want to keep them. they should take them off the website if thats the case! im gonna call anyway just to see...

anyway its hard to choose what kitty you want. i dont know how anyone ever picks... cuz i want them all! ive been trying to picture all of these walking around my apartment to see who i think would work best here... but thats no way to tell... i figure once i get them though ill love them right away.

yay kitties!

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i am ONLINE! [06 Nov 2003|10:10am]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | jack ]

theyve got the internet on computers now?

well i do!

so now i have something to do besides UNPACK!

yes. i am officially moved in now. ive got basically all my junk here, and the majority unpacked and in the general area of where it belongs.
i still dont have a tv, so ive been listening to the radio all day every day just so its not so quiet and lonely here.

and tomorrow? im going to go get me a couple of kitty-cat roommates.


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my house [02 Nov 2003|01:07pm]
[ mood | anxious ]

i guess i havent really updated in awhile. my last few posts were just random stupid posts that had nothing to do with anything. so now i shall tell you my current status in the world.

i finally got the keys to my apartment on wednesday. i was dismayed to see that the deficiencies that we reported when we went in there LAST time still had not been fixed. these are such things as the caulking around the bathtub is not done, the paint on window sills and closet doors are not finished and stains on the carpet in a couple of areas. so i emailed the contracter dude to tell him that they werent done. he informed me that they would have them done by friday. dont worry!

so. yesterday? which was saturday, the day AFTER friday, which was the day it should have been done, dont worry...? yeah. it wasnt done then either. so i went down looking for him, cuz i knew he was in the building. he then informed me that they knew i wasnt moving in until monday, so they would have it done by then. so basically they have to do it today. cuz i am moving in tomorrow MORNING!

if they arent done by tomorrow i will be pissed. cuz you cant have a shower if there is no caulking around your bathtub. and you cant put things on the window sills if they still need paint. and you cant put stuff in your closets if they still need paint. and you cant put things down on the carpet if they are so badly stained that they have to replace the carpet. and you cant walk around naked if you so choose because apparently they still have the master key to get into your apartment and they have a "reasonable amount of time" to come into the apartment unannounced to fix these things that need fixing!!!!


yeah. so tomorrow morning i am moving in! eeeee! i am excited about that. FINALLY! i have been waiting over 9 months to move into this place! and it will be JUST like christmas opening all my stuff cuz its been in storage since march and i dont remember the stuff i have. and also i get to buy new toys and things cuz i dont have everything i need. and also, i am planning on getting a kitty cat (or two :) and hopefully i can go do that this week cuz i dont want to be lonely in my apartment. and ive gotten used to abby greeting me when get home (again) and i dont think i could take coming home to an empty place.

and i wont have internet and cable hooked up until thursday. so ill probably have to go home to watch tv with abby until then.

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boooooooooooo. [02 Nov 2003|12:56pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

LAST year, when you called shaws customer service line, your call would be answered with "Hi. This is Trevor Linden from the Vancouver Canucks. blah blah blah order our pay per view blah blah blah." and i called it incessantly just so i could pretend that i was talking to trevor linden on the phone.

well. THIS year? when you call shaws customer service line? you get frickin daniel and henrik sedin. the sedins! who the HELL wants to call and pretend to be talking to the sedins on the phone?! NOT ME!

okay. i called twice. but STILL! its no trevor linden.

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hehehe. poke the bunny. [23 Oct 2003|10:52pm]
i found something to amuse myself for hours. poke the bunny. good times.

on a more interesting note... i found out today that tomorrow i am going into the lawyers office to sign my papers for my condo! which HOPEFULLY means i get my keys on saturday! im trying not to get excited in case i have to wait till next week to get the keys. but i should DEFINITELY have them by wednesday which is what they told me originally...

i want my keys, dammit! i want to go chuck all the junk ive accumulated since march in there so i can have a bit of space in the closet of a room that im living in right now. cuz even iffen i get the keys on saturday, i cant hire movers till november when i have time off work, so technically im not moving in just yet.

anywho... POKE THE BUNNY!
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nice to know my mummy loves me. [09 Oct 2003|07:14pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

today when i got home from work, i saw that my mum was making cookies. i was like... "ooooooooh! cookies!" but then my mum said that they were for the football team, which my youngest sister skye is "managing" (basically, shes a towel girl). shes bringing them some cookies. so i couldnt have any. i was told this repeatedly.

then skye said that she didnt want any burnt ones, cuz she told the boys she would only be MAKING good ones. (please note, she did not make any cookies). so. one of the batches my mum put in got burned. so i was like "oooooooh! burned cookies!" (they werent THAT badly burned...)

anywho, after dinner i came into the kitchen and asked skye if i could have a burned cookie. she said yes, i could. so i went into the living room and ate it. my mum heard me crunching on it, and got mad at me. "bloody cheek! i told you you couldnt have any!" and she glared at me. i told her skye said i could have it. skye pipes up from the kitchen "i never said she could have one! she stole it!" my mum glares at me some more. and then do you know what she said to me?

"i hope you choke on it"

yes. thats a direct quote from my mums mouth. i tried to argue that skye said i could have a cookie, but she of course believed her immature baby-brat over her responsible eldest child.

it didnt occur to me till just after that i should have pretended i was choking. that would have learned her.

nice to know what my mum REALLY thinks of me.

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my home [30 Sep 2003|10:39pm]
i FINALLY got to see my place yesterday for the very first time ever. and i love it. its great. i cant wait to move in!

and i decided to post some pictures here. )
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lisa its your birthday! [20 Sep 2003|11:02am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | when i was 17-homer ]

i figured, what more important reason to come out from that rock ive been hiding under than to wish ME a happy birthday?

well. i heard there might be cake. thats the TRUE reason. but anywho...

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lookie what i got! [06 Aug 2003|08:57pm]
[ mood | tattooed ]

its a tattoo. of my name.

aaaannnd im spent.
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TIM TAMS! [04 Aug 2003|01:38pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

omigosh! i cant believe i forgot!


except they aint called tim tams. theyre called arnotts. but they ARE tim tams. oh yes. they are.

anyway, my mother was right! i was just lazy cuz i dont usually go down the cookie aisle.

so now they have tim tams here and im super duper happy.

the end.

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on a happier note... [26 Jul 2003|06:49pm]
[ mood | naughty ]

i got furry handcuffs from eric for my birthday. which i have to say wins for best present of the year.

ah yes... handcuffs. what every good naughty girl needs.

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its a damn good thing im not a vegetarian. [26 Jul 2003|06:32pm]
[ mood | stressed ]

i opened our freezer today cuz i wanted to get something out for me to defrost for dinner. and what did i find? our WHOLE FRICKING FREEZER WAS DEFROSTING ITSELF!
apparently there are TWO cords hanging from the lightswitch in there. one controls the plug that the freezer is and AND the light, and the other is just for the light. obviously someone had pulled the wrong cord so the freezer has been off for who knows how long. what makes me mad is that yesterday i was in there and noticed that my taquitoes werent as frozen as they should be, and hayley had said she had noticed the popsicle things werent frozen... yet we didnt check to see if the FREEZER WAS OFF!
im also mad cuz i dont know for sure that it wasnt me who turned it off! i highly doubt it though cuz i have lived in this house for about 17 years and i have NEVER EVEN NOTICED it had two cords in there before, let alone pulled the wrong one. nor has my mother nagged us about pulling the wrong cord, so im pretty sure my dad or sisters havent done it either. hayley said to me that her boyfriend dan had done it in the past, so im thinking it was most likely him... but i wont point fingers, cuz like i said... not sure it wasnt me!
okay. so the freezer was defrosting. whats the big deal?
well... my dad is on the atkins diet? so he can only eat meat right? so guess what was in the freezer? A HELLUVA LOT OF MEAT!
so. i wasnt really sure what to do. i called my dads cell, but they dont have service. so i called my nan and she told me that basically if its defrosted or halfway defrosted, i have to cook it. so. what did i do today?

  • i browned some stewing beef.
  • i cooked up a frozen chicken stirfry.
  • i baked 3 pork chops.
  • and i made a double batch of meatloaf.
    now im waiting for hayley to get home with packages of shake & bake so i can cook up 15 pieces of chicken to freeze, and the propane so we can bbq the 10 pieces of chuck steak.
    yes. there was THAT much meat in my freezer. but thats not ALL OF IT! some of it was actually still frozen luckily, so i dont have to cook that too!

    in conclusion, this is a kinda crappy day.
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    arrrrrrrrrr, matey. [20 Jul 2003|10:34pm]
    [ mood | nostalgic ]
    [ music | yo ho, yo ho a pirates life for me! ]

    yesterday i went to see pirates of the caribbean with me mum.

    and i have to say that it was EXACTLY like the ride.

    now i want to go back to disneyworld. but then of course, when do i NOT want to go back to disneyworld? nary a day goes by...

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    party at thes house [18 Jul 2003|11:46pm]
    [ mood | complacent ]

    well. my parents and skye are going to the yukon or something on monday. and wont be back for weeeeeeeeeks! soooo...

    bring your jammies and alcohol, cuz we can have the best, longest sleepover party EVER!

    or. we could just have my birthday celebrations here. or. we could have this as our "base camp", if you will and go out and do something somewhere. i dont know what. or where. cuz ive gotten boring in my old age. and cant think of things to do.

    in conclusion, its almost my birthday.

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    the moral of the story is: dont have popcorn for breakfast. [03 Jul 2003|05:53pm]
    [ mood | hot ]
    [ music | hot, hot, hot! ]

    today, some moron decided to have popcorn for breakfast. (you can read about it here)she proceeded to burn the whole building down, which resulted in loss of work hours by those who watched it in the building across the street (myself included), people around the city stank like smoke for the whole day (myself included), roads were blocked and caused people to be late getting home from work (myself included).

    it was great though, cuz we had front-row seats to the big event. we saw the roof collapse, and when the tar melted, it looked like there was lava flowing thru the floors. it was craaazy!

    there were people who lived in the upstairs floors. and there were businesses downstairs. the news report said most of them DID NOT have insurance. now THATS stupid.

    stupid popcorn lady. screwed up everyones day.

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    drunk young'uns. [01 Jul 2003|11:44pm]
    [ mood | amused ]

    yeah. so me and eric and the went to the fireworks. just as we were getting there, we see a girl talking to the cops. she kinda looked like skylars friend, but i wasnt sure. she was saying she wasnt drinking or something... then next thing i know, shes resisiting arrest! the cop had to struggle to get the handcuffs on her... twisting her arm a few times... it was great cuz we had a front row view!

    anyway, awhile later my mum calls. the girl whose house skylar was supposed to be sleeping over at had just been brought home by the cops cuz she was drinking at garry point. so of COURSE i start laughing hysterically... told mom that i had witnessed the whole thing, and that she had resisted... it was great.

    anyway... skylar got a bit of a lecture, and hayley is gonna get one when she gets home cuz shes the one who supplied the minors with the alcohol.

    oh its great to witness my sisters getting in trouble. :)

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    why i like ice cream, by the linden [01 Jul 2003|07:18pm]
    [ mood | amused ]

    today me, eric and the went to the salmon festival. we reminisced of a canada not too long ago... 2 years ago in fact, which happened to be THE BEST canada day EVER! hehehe. i just reread my posts from that day. HERE! you go read it too! annnnd the next day too! haha... that was sooooooooooo great! i cant understand most of what i said, but i get the jist... we had a DAMN GOOD TIME! and i noticed that most of my posts were about smileygirl. now i miss smileygirl. I MISS YOU SMILEY!

    anywho... where was i? oh yes. ice cream. we found a place that has buy one get one free ice cream cones. there were three of us, so one of us had the horrible job of having to eat two ice cream cones. seeing how i was already being punished by not having my own boy, i got to eat two ice cream cones. me and eric had double cones, so basically we had the same amount of ice cream, but i had an extra cone. but then? the top scoop on erics cone fell off and ran away from him. unfortunately i didnt get to see it, but i saw how far away it rolled! :) so that was rather amuuuuuusing. then he went and complained and got another scoop.

    so. in a little bit we are going to the fireworks. to eat popcorn, and watch the crappy fireworks, obviously.

    the end.

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