Friday, March 22nd, 2002
6:35 am - Its too early
Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
6:13 pm - Damnit!
I left my pad thai at daves. damnit. Anyway I was thinking of evangilists. I struggle constantly with my spirituality. I think of Jesus as my god yet I believe in the validity of different religions and that they are essentially all the same. They worship the same God. And god is like the force in star wars or that blue ball in atlantis. "True" christians only believe in their god. I can't accept this.
But I am attracted to the solomn gothic ways of Catholisism but I don't like the way they "fear" god. Anyway I have ruled out evangilism. They charge up their inner batteries so high when they sing that they work themselves into a frenzy. Its no wonder they think God talks to them.
current mood: contemplative
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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
11:49 am - Lotsa Stuff
We began last night with a simple list of rules.
1. If you get a drink in a cup, you must sit down and finish it.
2. If you are dancing with a bottle you must keep your thumb over the top at all times.
3. Stick together, and watch out for one another.
So the night in Canada began. We checked into our room, got prettied up, and headed for the casino. I gave Julie F. ten dollars to gamble with for her birthday and the two of us played roulette. I one six dollars(woohoo!) And then watched Julie turn the ten I gave her into $45. After that we played a little slots and Jenny won $200!(Go Jenny, Go Jenny...)
We then went to dinner and I had really good pasta. Jamie's drink order got mixed up and she ended up with a coke and whiskey. She nearly dumped her glass over about ten times.
Back at the hotel room I had a big fat peice of cake(CAKE!) because weight watchers dont count once you cross the border. I enjoyed the cake so much someone asked me if I was gonna have an orgasim.
Then we went dancing where we met up with Julie L. and another Jenny. We all drank and danced. I found that I am a little offended that guys dont ask girls to dance these days. They just come up to you from behind and try to dance on you. Then they try to feel you up. The best way to get rid of those kinda guys is to keep moving just out of their reach, never turn around and look at them, and evetually they will get the point and leave you alone. The guys were not too bad though, most of the time it was just us gals.
Next we went to that little bar bistro 57. Julie F. Julie M., Julie L., and Jenny#2 were trashed at this point. They guy told us he would give all seven of us free shots if some of us would get up on the bar and dance. So me(this is very out of character for me I know but I was drunk, ok?), Julie M., and Julie L., climbed up there and got down. And while I was pretty tipsey I was not nearly as wasted as Julie M. and caught her from falling off the bar about three times. Once we were off the bar, she threw her drunken arms around my neck and thanked me for saving her life.
We checked out a few more bars and went back to the hotel.
I woke up feeling good(save a few sore muscles from dancing for four hours straight) and hang-over free along with everyone else. Good times!
In other news...
I got in car accident number 6 yesterday. Only this time it was completely not my fault. I was rear ended while stopped at a red light. I thanked the Lord(it was one of those times I was sure He existed) for my car being damage free except for one little scratch.
Yeah...and I lost my credit card. All the money in my account is prolly gone. phew, done.
current mood: happy
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Monday, March 11th, 2002
7:34 pm
Yesterday Dave and I got in a fight because he was being a bad boyfriend.
Later we made up and had a quickie in the backseat of his car.
I am suffering from constant exhaustion and hunger ughhhhhhh
current mood: exhausted
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Saturday, March 9th, 2002
6:50 pm
Friday, March 8th, 2002
1:06 pm - Okay people.
Some of those personality quizzes are fucking up my journal and other peoples' journals too. Specifically that which band are you one. Just thought everyone should be aware of this.
current mood: working
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1:03 pm - Okay people.
Some of those personality quizzes are fucking up my journal and other peoples' journals too. Specifically that which band are you one. Just thought everyone should be aware of this.
current mood: working
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Thursday, March 7th, 2002
8:43 pm
I am excited for Saturday because I am a dork and I like to play dork games. Things are well. I feel happier then I have in like, years.
Dave and I are so super close we are best friends and boyfriend and girlfriend and everything. We want to get married and have three kids. And I promise we still will have a sex life. Its so conforting to know that you are with the person you will be with forever. And I know we will be together forever, not because I could never picture myself being acceptably happy with another person, but because Dave and I have something that I have never felt with another guy or maybe even another person at all. Its just plain chemestry. I couldn't ask for anything else. Love and trust.
Let me tell you girls, those guys, the ones we are so convinced don't exist, they're out there. But sometimes its the one you'd never have suspected.
Even the fact that I had to clean up vomit today, couldn't ruin the mood I'm in.
current mood: happy
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Wednesday, March 6th, 2002
12:30 pm - Okay Andy so maybe I'm a moron and I was wrong about always getting the same card.
By the way this doesn't mean I am a fool people. It means I am often innocent and niave'. It could also mean that I am starting a new path in life that I am innocent too. I love this stuff.
Which tarot card are you?
current mood: cheerful
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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
2:43 pm - mmmm....Queen of the Damned....
Yeah so that was a really good movie. Although not nearly as gory as I had dreamnt about. It's really really sexy although all sex is implied. There isn't even any boobs in the movie! The soundtrack is great, too. I really want the original songs in the Jon Davis version, though. So if someone has a hookup on impossible-to-get music I would appriciate your help.
current mood: tired
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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
6:43 pm - phew
I found out today that loosing 21 pounds has caused my bra size to shrink from 38c to 36b. I was suprisingly pleased by this. I also bought a pair of pants in a size that I havent worn since I was sixteen. I am proud of Lisa. And I am getting her back.
I am going to play D&D; tonight with a bunch of boys. I just hope that nick has diet seven up on hand.
current mood: pleased
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Friday, March 1st, 2002
9:46 pm - here we go
Please forgive me if this is cheesy and lame. I'm no Andy. Nick, feel free to edit any of this:
130 years ago, Green Wood came under attack by Orcs. Only moments before hand an elf woman had conceived a child. Her lover was shot dead by a flying spear through the window. The Elf God Corellon Larethion took pity on her and gave her the gift of a second child.
Gruumsh the evil Orc god was angered by this and took the life of the elf woman while she was giving birth to her twins.
A kind human couple took who were unable to have children of their own, adopted the orphans. Sasha was a talented musician. One day when Cadence was only six, he picked up one of her stringed instruments and sang her a jolly tune. She natured his talent until he grew to be a gifted musician. Gabriel was a sorcerer who was a sorcerer who quickly learned that his adoptive daughter had also been choosen to be one. She was one of few young sorcerers to have a mentor. It seemed Corellon Larethian had smiled upon them once more.
The two young elves lived peacefully with Sasha and Gabrial until they died of old age. They stayed in the forest village Morrow Wood until their 130th birthdays when the lost a second village (it was burned to the ground) to a mob of angry orcs.
They were moving on to the next village when they met a druid...
Cadence is mischevious but smart, rebellious butkind. He does not tend to be concerened with the consequences of his actions.
Nalei is thoughtful, quiet, and a bit sarcastic. She frequently finds herself getting her brother out of trouble.
Both believe themselves to be the chosen gift child.
Both dilike and distrust Orcs for obvious reasons.
current mood: accomplished
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2:24 pm
Well last night (Dinner with Dave's parents) went fairly well (i think) except for one minor detail which I will keep to myself.
We start our game tomorrow and I'm really excited. I also got my tax refund which has got me in a very good mood...
I've been thinking how if I spent as much time studing things like dungeons and dragons and tarot card as I did on school, I would have graduated with honors by now. Ah well.
current mood: tired
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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
2:07 pm
I got off work early again today. Yesterday Dave took me to get my game peice. I also bought the players guide which has proved as interesting as it is helpful.
I have to go babysit for the one of the kids at my daycare tonight. Florida money. Oh, and if you know anyone looking for an experiences sitter, please let meknow.
current mood: thoughtful
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Monday, February 25th, 2002
2:29 pm - Dave, Andy, Nick, Nick and Kurt...
6:40 am - hmmmm
I wonder what the chances of this
Your Results:
You were male in your last earthly incarnation.
You were born somewhere around the territory of what is now know as modern Philippines, approximately in the year 1150.
Your profession was: dancer, singer, actor.
A brief psychological profile of you in that past life: Ruthless character, carefully weighing his decisions in critical situations, with excellent self-control and strong will. Such people are generally liked, but not always loved.
A lesson that your last past life wishes you to learn in your present life is: Your lesson -- to combat violence and disharmony in our world, to understand its roots and origins. All global problems have similar origins.
do you remember?
being true are:
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Saturday, February 23rd, 2002
10:28 pm - ummm
Yeah I have a lame life. I don't know why no one will explain to me how to play dungeons and dragons. Dave is a crab apple, not me.
I have been thinking a lot about buzz words and phrases and decided they make me ill. Here are a few of me least favorite ones:
Be sure to dot your i's and cross your t's. multitasking leave the confort zone. ignorant
Anybody else hate these words? Feel free to add to my list.
current mood: bored
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2002
9:02 pm - You want to play mash, too, you say?
8:39 pm
Let's play strip monopoly, I'll be the shoe. -Friday the thirteenth
this is too funny:
Your husband's name is Dave and you have 6 children. You're a a burgeler(one who burgles) who drives to work every day in a orange camaro.
It's truly a wonderful life when you consider the countless romantic nights you have spent with Dave in your shack in Michigan.
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Tuesday, February 19th, 2002
I took Dave to lunch and to see super troopers for his birthday. We had a very nice day. I want a nightmare before christmas shirt. Or a lord of the rings shirt or harry potter or my little ponies. We also went to hot topic.
current mood: cheerful
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