The Wayback Machine -
average everyday sane psycho supergoddess
December 2003
Friday, December 5th, 2003 01:55 pm
Tillymonster is fine and I can go and get her after 4 this afternoon. I called because I was getting worried. Silly me.

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Thursday, December 4th, 2003 12:51 pm
Having one of those blah days.

It's good sleeping weather outside, which means I want to be inside and sleeping. I don't know why I'm so tired today but I just am. Glad it's Friday.

Spent the morning clearing up old work and cleaning out my desk so it's easier to move. Made some flashcards for my test. Then the whole lovely group went to Air Alfie's for lunch. Yay for grilled cheese. Haven't had it in a while and it was quite good.

I had something else to say and someone just called and interrupted me and I forgot. I guess it wasn't that important.

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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003 07:49 pm

So after work I bit the bullet and went to Oak Brook Mall to Pottery Barn to investigate my couch choices. The one that I like is this one:

in the oat-colored suede.

There's another one that has a different back that I liked, too, called Hamilton but for some reason, it's not in the website. Same color and basic look, just different pillows on the back.

And then I was wandering around and I found the dishes I would like:

Maybe in the creamy kind of color - they look almost yellow up close and I could actually justify the price for the set... Plus, they'll go with some other, cheaper stuff I bought recently, which is nice.

I saw some lamps I liked and some other random things, too. This Pottery Barn is EEEEVVVVIIIILLL.

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Sunday, November 30th, 2003 01:47 pm
more of the tillymonster

This one is huge and I apologize but it's just so adorable:

two more )

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Sunday, November 30th, 2003 12:12 pm
When I woke up this morning...

It was bright and sunny and 10 a.m. and [info]goninzo was nowhere to be seen. He'd stayed up all night. So we tormented the kitten a bit and I have now left him to nap for the next two hours.

Lots to do today.

  • laundry - there's not much so that's not too bad
  • get groceries
  • trash dump from the bathrooms and kitchen
  • go to Tarjay (although I can't remember what for now)
  • vacuum
  • try and un-mildew the shower doors downstairs
  • address thank you cards
  • write out holiday cards for those who are getting them

That's enough for one day, I think.

The cat is still being an absolute demon today. Maybe she should just never have catnip again.

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Friday, November 28th, 2003 06:45 pm
Why am I so fecking restless?!?! I've gone from one room to another and back and then downstairs again and again for the last hour. Can't even sit through an entire tv show.

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Friday, November 28th, 2003 03:26 pm
And to think I thought I was going to be up and out and productive and useful today. Riiiight. Officially made it out of bed around 12:30 and watched some Real World True Life Story thing on E! for a while. Woke [info]goninzo up about an hour ago and we stalked the garbage man to make sure they took all our trash since it wasn't in all in cans like it's supposed to be. And then I made some mac and cheese and now... I think I am going to do some crafting and card-stuff now. I locked the cat out of the room so she isn't all up in everything and I think she's kind of pissed about it. Ah well.

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Friday, November 28th, 2003 08:20 am
Great balls of fire

Went to bed some time around 3 or 4 and got up at 7:30 to put out trash. Now I'm wide awake and sitting here, contemplating trying to go back to bed for a little bit. Or as long as I can. I can't remember being this tired in a long time. Lots more to do today. Need a plan.

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Friday, November 28th, 2003 01:14 am
So Thanksgiving has come and gone...

It was a long day but definitely worth it. The food turned out well, people seemed to have a decent time and it was just generally nice, if a bit hectic.

I complained about it a lot but I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I think I'd be more prepared the second time around, heh.

My family was well-behaved and neither of my brothers showed up. I was little pissed but definitely not surprised, though. I was glad to see my dad and my Uncle Jeff. Everyone, really.

Ang was here with her wee ones until a little after 10. It was nice to hang out with them. I like her kids - they seem to act as though they are starved for attention, which I will gladly give them. Gonzo was extremely generous with the use of his space and game systems as Ang's son spent a lot of time down in the basement playing. I wish they lived closer - for all of their rough edges, I like spending time with them.

Right now, I think [info]goninzo is doing boy things with [info]ntropy and [info]misterweasel, both of whom came over after their family stuff was done for the day. And I think I should be making my way towards the bed. I have a slightly upset tummy and a serious case of the "I drank two cups of coffee today" jitters....

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Thursday, November 27th, 2003 11:14 am
Turkey in the oven and smelling quite delicious already.

Other items being prepared as they can.

I am clean, the boy is awake, the catbox is clean and not stinky and I am off to visit the drunkamahol store.

I think I need a nap already.

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Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 04:09 pm
My effing turkey, which was put in the fridge to thaw on Monday, is fecking mostly frozen. Summinabitch.

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Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 09:51 am
Am I a bad person for stalling on having to work with the trainees as long as possible this morning?

Still no "leave early" email.

I think we're stuck for the full day, although I may leave 45 minutes early because I was here 45 minutes late yesterday. I'd say over half the department is not here and many of those who are are taking a half day on their own.

My kitchen is calling my name. I don't want to finish cleaning but I can't wait to go home and cook!

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Wednesday, November 26th, 2003 08:15 am
Not feeling it again today. Back and neck are hurting. I hope we get the "The office is closing early" email at some point today...

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Tuesday, November 25th, 2003 10:39 pm
Long day

Work flew by because I was training most of the day. I was left to my own devices for lunch so I went to Wickes and looked around and hated every single item they had in the place. After that, I had lots of time left so I went to Archivers and got the stuff to make [info]windycitypatsy's and Miss Angie's Christmas cards and then ran through the drivethrough at Arby's and got a sandwich. One thing that annoys me beyond words is when I am eating at my desk - plainly doing so - and people come up and talk to me. The one charming individual I'm training didn't just bother me once - she did it, if I remember correctly, three times. Hello!? I hve roast beef hanging half out of my mouth - can you leave me be for five fucking minutes? Same thing this morning with my bagel. Back off! The word on the street is that on Monday I will start doing half days in the comp unit. That makes me happy. No more being an assistant, no more training stupid people... I mean, I generally have a great deal of patience but these two just really take it out of me.


After work, I made the mistake of going to Jewel to get my groceries for Thursday. That lack of patience carried over to the aisles of the grocery store and I think the people there must have all thought I was insance because I was muttering not-quite-under my breath at almost every turn - I mean, little kids shouldn't be pushing full carts that are taller than the kids are and the middle of the aisle is not a good place to park a cart when you decide you need to go three or four aisles over to grab something you forgot. Thankfully the lines were rather short. I almost didn't even mind when I was interrogated for my life's history when I asked to get a new preferred card....

This evening has been spent doing various and sundry bits and pieces of things. I have one of [info]goninzo's black curtains about 3/4 of the way finished. It needs to dry and I need to put a few stitches in it and then it will be complete. yay for no-sew - or little-sew projects. We watched Wet Hot American Summer and it was somewhat amusing. Fun times.

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Tuesday, November 25th, 2003 05:20 pm

1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (60%)
2. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (64%)
3. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (60%)
4. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (59%)
5. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (54%)
6. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (50%)
7. Libertarian Candidate (46%)
8. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (45%)
9. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (40%)
10. LaRouche, Lyndon H. Jr. - Democrat (32%)
11. Lieberman, Senator Joe, CT - Democrat (28%)
12. Bush, President George W. - Republican (27%)
13. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (25%)
14. Phillips, Howard - Constitution (17%)

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Monday, November 24th, 2003 08:59 pm
Since everything is always subject to change anyway

Thanksgiving Menu
(hopefully final version)

Ham - Aunt Linda is bringing
Turkey - I am making - already have it - have investigates the process and I can handle this easily
Cranberry sauce - homemade simple kind - can do night before
Sweet potatoes - just found recipe on
Salad - just lettuce, tomatoes, cukes and yellow peppers - preparing night before
Stuffing - just found recipe on
Cranberry-raspberry jello - just found recipe on - very simple and can do Wednesday night
Apple pie - doing night before - just found recipe on
Cranberry-raspberry pie - Aunt Linda is bringing
Pumpkin pie - Ang said she is bringing

Who even knows about the guest list anymore - if we have too much food, I'm sending it home with any and everyone who wants it.

Ok, I feel organized. Enough thinking about this until it's grocery store time tomorrow.

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Monday, November 24th, 2003 07:42 pm
For my own records

Confirmed Thanksgiving guests:

Aunt Linda
Uncle Jeff

The list gets shorter and shorter. Now my brother Mike and his girlfriend aren't coming - he's being his usual stibborn self and staying home because he doesn't want to be around our family and his girlfriend is apparently going to her parents' house in the city. I had had an inkling that would happen but whatever. My other brother is being his usual jerk self and went around telling everyone he had nowhere to go when he was told he could come here. I may not speak to him but it IS a holiday and I don't think I can keep up the bitch stuff every single day of the year. Because of that, though, my dad's mom, who I just found out was coming, may be actually staying at her house to make my idiot brother food. Which means I am probably not in her good graces because he probably fed her some line of bullshit about how I excluded him again just like my wedding (which he chose not to come to of his own volition, thank you very much).

Families kind of suck sometimes. We've never all just been able to get along - there's always some kind of feud going on between someone - some of my aunts and uncles didn't talk to my mom for years even because they're all a bunch of stubborn drunk bastards. Er, they were - some of them moved, some of them have passed on and some of them actually grew up a little.

I have this bizarre fantasy... It has this huge dining room table laden with food and all around it are people sitting at comfy chairs, eating and talking and having a great time. And it happens every Sunday, over and over again, with no arguing, except maybe in debate over some important topic, and lots of laughing... Someday this is going to be my family. This is the "Italian family" thing I got from my Granny when I was little. Every weekend, we'd all pile around her table and she'd feed us until we were fit to burst and we'd all get to be together and find out what was going on in each other's lives... I'm sure even then there were issues - I was a little kid so what do I know that was going on that I was too into my meatballs to see? But even still - on my mom's side of the family, most of the people don't talk. We've all really only ever gotten together at birthday parties and on holidays. We're all mostly close by so why not? Instead they fight. If there's nothing to fight about, they make stuff up. At least my dad's side hid it ok.


Big table, food everywhere and family.

That's all I want.

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Sunday, November 23rd, 2003 02:13 pm
So yesterday I realized that the cat was awfully quiet - usually she's like a dog with her following me around everywhere I go and being involved in whatever I'm doing. I came out of the bathroom when I was done cleaning it and I noticed amid the curtains put on the bookshelf for safe keeping that there was a little white kittypuff. It kind of surprised me that it took her so long to figure out that she could get up there, heh.

tilly's other new favorite spot )

Kinda shows what color my living room walls are, too.

Another rainy, dreary, suck day. More work to do - laundry and cleaning the kitchen and cleaning the den and the like. Tired and want to go back to sleep. I guess [info]goninzo and [info]ntropy are going to do boy things and play with electronics. I should go and lock myself in the kitchen with the cat and do my curtains... Shower first, though, I think.

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Saturday, November 22nd, 2003 02:03 pm
So I decided I was going to try to kill off at least some of my list today. So far, I've got the bathrooms clean, the shower curtains hung in the upstairs one, some more boxes unpacked, I'm on the second or third load of laundry and have most of the clean already put away... Lots of little things here and there that need to find homes. I unearthed my high school ID and tons and tons of pictures from college when I unpacked my black trunk (which is going to serve as a coffee table in the den for the time being). I wish we had a scanner so I could put them all up. Maybe I'll steal my aunt's because she never uses hers... Lots of memories - it's amazing how clear those days from nine and ten years ago are.

Need to take a shower and run to the store. I was thinking about stopping at Wickes and seeing if they have anything that tickles my fancy couch-wise. I may even buy something.... Need to get some necessities, too.

Ah well. I need to get moving or I'll sit here all day long and do the ultimate time-suck yet again. Back later to respond to comments and posts and stuff.

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Friday, November 21st, 2003 11:07 pm

(Can't help myself)

I will rule you from atop this monitor!

And then I will nap for a while.

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Thursday, November 20th, 2003 05:58 pm

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2003 12:31 pm
Once again, if you'd like a holiday card, click here and fill out the poll. I'll keep the poll up until 12/7 most likely...

Having a day... Fun lunch at Potbelly - their dream bars are exceedingly addictive. Lots of training this afternoon. Yay. Came back from lunch and some idiot dumped a huge stack of mail on my desk. We - the assistants - aren't even responsible for doing mail anymore - the mailroom people are supposed to - not even to mention that I have no time to wade through this - there has to be at least this whole week's worth that has accumulated - and especially not to train these trainees on it.

Tonight I am going to attempt to make some curtains for the basement windows. No-sew, even. My last no-sew item turned out well so I'm sticking with it. This means a trip to the evil Hobby Lobby. I'll have to fight the urge to get the fabric and other stuff to recover my kitchen chairs. I think I might get that stuff, too, though, because the last time I was there it was on sale for less than $20/ yard and I think I need maybe 2 yards tops. Then something to stick it to the chairs with and - voila - new chairs...

Would that I could nap the afternoon away.

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Tuesday, November 18th, 2003 12:47 pm
Not feeling it today. I am sick to death of being unprepared and not having the materials I need to do this the right way. I want to get sick and go home. I've been hot all morning and even when we went to Olive Garden just now for lunch, I was roasting.

Rain rain go away.

I am feeling rather empty and incomplete today.

Sleepy and blah and tired of dealing with stuff in general.

Sorry to be so grumpy.....

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Monday, November 17th, 2003 09:03 am
Poll #206049: Holiday cards
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

If you would like a holiday card or maybe a holiday spanking by mail, please leave your name and address here.

Even if you've left your address before, please leave it again - makes it easier to find you all and plus my address book is buried somewhere in the depths of the boxes that litter my living room (I delete those polls when they're closed usually) not to mention if you've moved... If you're not comfy with leaving your address here, you can email me at jasper17 (at) - just let me know who you are =)

As for the questions in yesterday's poll, I'll answer them either over the course of the day today if I have time to spend on fun things or tonight during fun and relaxation time. Good questions, too, I might add.

Typical Monday otherwise. Waiting for my trainee to get off the phone on a personal call so I can continue this joke training. Which is only a joke because the one is just not getting it and never will. Well, and because we have no training materials and no live work to demonstrate on.

But who am I?

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Sunday, November 16th, 2003 10:54 pm
Another poll

Poll #205907: feed me!
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

what's your favorite flavor of chips - potato or otherwise?

mac and cheese - which one is it?

View Answers

the kind you add milk and butter to
14 (51.9%) 14 (51.9%)

the kind that has the squeeze cheese packet in it
12 (44.4%) 12 (44.4%)

only homemade for me, please
7 (25.9%) 7 (25.9%)

durr, no
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

what's your favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

what's your favorite alcoholic beverage?

do you normally eat dessert with your meals?

View Answers

1 (3.7%) 1 (3.7%)

14 (51.9%) 14 (51.9%)

12 (44.4%) 12 (44.4%)


View Answers

15 (55.6%) 15 (55.6%)

2 (7.4%) 2 (7.4%)

9 (33.3%) 9 (33.3%)

allergic but hate it
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

allergic but wish i could have it
1 (3.7%) 1 (3.7%)

what do you want to know about me?

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Sunday, November 16th, 2003 01:11 pm
I should get off my butt and go denastify and check on laundry. Apparently we need to be @ [info]goninzo's boss's place by three or something for some gathering. And being the high maintenance female that I am... Riiiiight.

I wish my OUH subscription would hurry up and go through so I could have another obsession to mess around with. One can only refresh the old El Jay so many times before it becomes pointless.

Poll #205704: What's your first name (if you're comfortable enough to share it)?
Open to: all, results viewable to: all

Please to meet you - I am...

(I was thinking about this after a poll I saw somewhere else concerning the popularity of certain names.)

**Edit: should be Pleased to meet you.

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Sunday, November 16th, 2003 11:02 am
Miss Tilly and [info]goninzo.

Apparently the way he sits in his computer chair accomodates her royal ball of fluffness nicely. She climbed up into his lap while he was playing and made herself right at home.

Current Mood: amused

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Saturday, November 15th, 2003 11:00 pm
Long day.

Got up at the asscrack of dawn and went out to Palatine and got my hair cut and colored. Looks fabulous, if I do say so myself. After, I went to L and P's and stole my cat back from them - HA! She seems to be doing well here so far - not sure how much she misses her boyfriend but I think she's going to be ok. After, we went to the land of [info]duchess_webb and [info]methuss for a Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks, you guys - it was good stuff =)

[info]goninzo is playing and I started some laundy and a TiVoed episode of Iron Chef but for some reason I'm upstairs at my 'puter, playing with the monster instead. Tilly loves computers and the areas around them and the keyboards and I already have a crapload of disgustingly cute pictures.... Madness. She seems to be doing ok so far, which is a good sign. Now we just need to get used to her!

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Friday, November 14th, 2003 10:08 pm
Went to dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Nagano with [info]goninzo, [info]ntropy and [info]voidness. None of us had ever been there before and it turned out to be very good. Nice to have a Japanese place that is technically within walking distance of our house, heh.

After dinner, I went to Target for some necessities. I got a big rug for in the den for $40!! Two floor pillows, two regular pillows, two stainless steel canisters, a teapot, a new kind of burnished silverish light plate for in the blue room, a Pink Panther t-shirt for me and a nightlight for in the ever-so-dark-hall. There might be some other stuff in there but these were the important items, heh. I really wanted to find a small end table and maybe a coffee table, to no avail. Need to go to the other Target, maybe.

Need to make my jello thing in a little bit. I said I would go and do it at 10 but it's just now 10 and I only sat down at the idiot box about 10 minutes ago. Need to clean a bit more... Tilly-Monster is coming home tomorrow and I want to make sure there's, well, a little less than what she might otherwise be able to get into. She was already at the vet with pooping problems from eating chicken that had some kind of spices on it and I don't want to be taking her back for some little thing I missed here. And laundry is piling up in the basement... [info]goninzo is wearing a wringly red Hawaiian shirt - I think that it means it is really time to buckle down and do my chores. This may mean I get to stay home from some of the festivities this weekend or make an abbreviated appearance, if anything. I want to spend time with [info]goninzo but I need to get this place in better order than it is right now. Yes, I know we'll be here forever but that little voice in my head is calling me a lazy bitch and I don't like that.

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Friday, November 14th, 2003 08:49 am

In spite of everything, this week went by fairly quickly. I'm a tiny bit lost because the two girnormous piles of files that used to reside at the end of my desk and hide me from, well, people in the area and passersby, are now reduced to nothing. At least I got to pass the files off to other people. I need to get organized and I need to get all my old work taken care of. I forsee being here a little late sometimes next week and the week after. Better do it now while I might still be getting overtime. Er, make up some of the 5 days I missed over the last few weeks maybe. Need to save some of my vacation time - although according to the system I still have 16.5 days left for this year (without the 5 days I missed entered into the system) - not sure how that happened to be.

Anyway, I'm glad it's almost the weekend. Lots to get done but in a good way. I want to go and spend some moolah on house-related stuff... Need to go to the bank and grocery store after work.

It's weird but today, for the first time in a while, my head feels clear and I am in a decent mood. Even being here and having to deal with the people who are not listening and annoying and stupid, among other things. I haven't slammed my phone down or wacked my desk even once, heh.

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Thursday, November 13th, 2003 09:25 am
i am feeling exceedingly impatient today. just not in the mood or something. doucble dragon for lunch. is it possible to become addicted to crab rangoon?

i found a coffee table that i like. crate and barrel. $600. maybe a trip to the clearance center in napertucky will yield some sort of similar thing - dented/ bruised/ chipped - whatever - for the right price, a fixable or not too noticeable boo boo is worth it. found a rug i like there, too, which was pretty reasonable - $300 for one that would probably take up the remaining, not-covered-by-couch floor in the den. i need to find some big cushions for on the floor in there, too. i saw some at pier 1 in wheaton - maybe when i see how the couch looks, i'll go and pick some out there.

more unpacking and stuff this afternoon while i wait for the couch to be delivered.

i think meatloaf is on the menu for dinner tonight with some baby potatoes in rosemary and olive oil. easy and quick.

i really need to stop being so lazy and get organized.

Current Music: delerium

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2003 10:49 pm
This is amusing

Obviously, you have an important role to play, dear Virgo! The mood today may be somewhat frustrating, but the way you handle it will earn you rewards and recognition in your workplace or at school. Your strength, self-control, and stability made the difference between success and failure. You can, and should, be proud of yourself!

Hooray for horoscopes.

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Tuesday, November 11th, 2003 09:18 pm
Art Carney from "The Honeymooners" died. Kinda sad.

I am having the worst sweet cravings in the world - last night, we demolished a whole pack of double stuff Oreos - ok, I did - and I just busted out another pack of them - damn buy one get one free at Jewel.

Tonight has been kind of productive. [info]goninzo got all my computer interweb cables set up nicely up through the floor of my office - hooray for the new drill we bought last night. We unpacked several more boxes and did a tiny bit of organizing - I'm quite proud of us. We should be done by Friday. And honestly, I could go and do more right now but I just don't want to.

Need to work on my NaNoWriMo project - I'm almost to 5000 words - seriously behind but at least I haven't given up yet.

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Monday, November 10th, 2003 09:24 pm
Waiting for commercials to space out a bit more on TiVo before I go back downstairs to finish watching "Dances With Wolves" with [info]goninzo. I need to work on my NaNoWriMo project - I have a little more than 3000 words only. Last night I got inspired at like 10:30 or 11. Needs to happen when I'm not supposed to be asleep.

Work sucked today. whining )

[info]goninzo and I went to the apartment, vacuumed it and turned the keys in. We are officially done with that place. Unless someone there decides to cause trouble for us, which I sincerely hope does not happen. After, we went to Sears Hardware in Addison and spent a lot of money on things like drills and screwdrivers and things to make our house pretty and nice and good. And then because my work does some good things once in a while, we got dinner from Portillo's for $2.86. Yay for giftcards.

Maybe I should go back downstairs now...

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Sunday, November 9th, 2003 09:38 pm
[info]goninzo is futzing with feedback directly under me in the basement and it is making my chair vibrate. fun times!

i should be working but you know what? i care not right now. i guess in a way i AM working - contemplating the thanksgiving dinner i have been roped into making for my mom's side of the family.

see, i'm fighting the urge to go traditional - turkey, ham, stuffing, corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, salad and some kind of pies, probably pumpkin and cranberry-raspberry. we do it that way every year. of course, almost everyone is a picky eater and here's me thinking i could do some sort of fabulous, out of the ordinary thing but then nobody would come and i'd have leftovers for months. cooking light has some menus so maybe i'll pull something out of there...

Current Music: fallen - sarah mclachlan

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Sunday, November 9th, 2003 09:17 pm
Baby kitty pictures

Wee Tilly and her ginormous boyfriend, Harley Earl:

two more )

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Sunday, November 9th, 2003 01:35 pm
yay and hooray!

my office/ crafting room is nearly set up! no more must i steal gonzo's computer when he isn't looking to perform such mundane tasks as checking my email!

happy me.

i get to go out to my aunt's now and have gonzo try and help me figure out what's wrong with her computer. comtemplating bringing the tilly-monster home but i think that is going to wait until friday when we can spend the weekend with her and helping her get acclimated to the place.

still so much to be done here... it's getting there slowly. i guess i'm just exceedingly impatient or something. i want everything set up and put away and fully functional now. at least now, though, i can start getting some of the boxes in the lving room put away because a lot of them are holding things whose permanent homes are ready to receive them.

i need to get used to my new/ old desk - my old table that my computer was on for so long is now my crafting worktable and my desk from college is my desk-desk. i was thinking of making a collage or decoupaging the top of the desk... wonder how that would work. mainly because the top of the desk is kind of ugly and because the wood on the desk reminds me of a cigar box purse that [info]windycitypatsy made that looks gorgeous...

am i stalling? i am stalling now. maybe time to find glasses and go.....

Current Mood: exhausted

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Saturday, November 8th, 2003 08:30 pm
another busy-ass day.

l & p came out and we got the painting finished save for touchups, and got some other random stuff purchased. oh, and i bought a couch today, too, for the den - it's just a beige-y smallish one from pier 1 and it was on sale so... my debit card almost melted when it went through - this was one of the single largest purchases i think i've ever made. we also got everything out of the apartment. tomorrow, i guess we're going to go over, vacuum and turn in the keys. and then the fun of getting everything here settled.

tonight, who knows what's on the agenda. we ordered some pizza from the hut and [info]goninzo is hooking up the tivo and stuff. maybe a quiet night on the couch, which would be a very good thing.

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Friday, November 7th, 2003 05:03 pm
I want this bedding set for my guest room. Pretty, pretty, pretty... Now to finish painting the room.

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Friday, November 7th, 2003 03:31 pm

with the exception of maybe a short carload's worth of stuff and some cleaning, the apartment is all done. the movers were quick and did a good job and now we just have a ton of boxes to go through. how we have so much shit is beyond me. simply mind-blowing.

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Friday, November 7th, 2003 08:10 am
well, this is it. after an extreme amount of frustration and general annoyance, let's see how smoothly this move goes today. never minding the fact that i can't get a hold of the place to tell them our phone was already switched over to the house and that they should call [info]goninzo's cellphone and that I will meet them @ the service entrance.

yesterday was long. i went to the apartment a bit after 8 in the morning, did some fucking around in the middle for about 2 hours in the form of lunch w/ [info]windycitypatsy and mash from work and then at almost 10 p.m., we (aunt linda and some [info]goninzo) finally stopped. i had probably 15 - 20 boxes to begin with and I bought 11 more from home depot - all but one are filled. hurting and exhausted - i hope all i have to do is let the movers in, drive to the house, direct them, fill out the check and give them tips. and then maybe go back to the apartment to clean later today or tomorrow.

my body is very unhappy with me. and i did something to my right hand in that space between where my thumb ends and my wrist begins - kind of sucks.

bleh - better finish getting dressed and go over. AFTER i try to get a hold of the movers once more.

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Thursday, November 6th, 2003 01:26 pm
taking a short break as i brought a few things over to the house.

the morning did not go as planned but it went ok. i got the kitchen about 1/2 packed - there's still the food and my cooking gadgets to deal with and some assorted glass bits, the bathroom is done except for cleaning supplies and trash (which I forgot to bring garbage bags for - must remember to bring them this time), the living room is a disaster, the bedroom is getting there and the closets... well, those hopefully won't be too bad - i hope. i'm almost out of boxes - one left - so i have to now quest for some more. my aunt has a couple but i don't know how many for sure - i'm thinking we'll need around 10 to get everything. so i hope my brother and alicia have some ore it's off to the 'depot i go to buy some.

wait - let me say it again - i wish it was time for this part of the game to be over.

oh, and i have come to the conclusion that the women who run the office @ the apartment hate us and want to have us killed. the one woman was giving me the dirtiest looks when i was carrying my boxes in this morning and [info]goninzo thought she would have his car towed last night for parking in an unauthorized spot. why i care, i don't know.

anyway, hopefully everyone is well out there in ElJay land...

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Thursday, November 6th, 2003 07:53 am
i wish i wasn't so effing unmotivated.

took out trash (hopefully the garbage folks don't hate us for there being water in our cans - can't really help that one what with the vast amounts of rain the other night - and it was a spectacular storm, too - loooots of pretty lightning!) and loaded my car - now i need to just GO.

small organizational bits )

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Thursday, November 6th, 2003 06:49 am
So yeah

Have been absent from this here thing - no time at work and no ability @ the house (stuff's not here) or apartment (no interweb anymore there when the phone was disconnected). Things are coming along on the house. I'll just be very glad tomorrow when everything is moved over - as it is, today I'm taking off to try to get everything that's left @ the apartment packed up. No fun. Still need to pack a ton and my aunt is coming out this afternoon to try to help out a bit. If I don't get distracted by something shiny or pretty, I might be ok.

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Monday, November 3rd, 2003 07:12 pm
So let's see...

Work sucked the usual amount. I think the two new ISUA women are going to hate the job. The one seemed nice but the other one seemed rather snobby and if she calls me Jennifer one more time, I am going to pound her head against her desk until... Never mind. Went to Hooters for lunch and my lips went numb from the sauciness. Hot chicken strips + hot sauce = mucho spicy (and the thought of it is making my mouth water even now). It must have been ugly waitress day, though, because there was only one pretty girl there - a black girl with amazing eyes and gorgeous curly hair - she was the only one who seemed to be pleasant and nice - the others all looked like the customers were bothering them - why bother even being there, then? Needless to say, our bitchy waitress with bad highlights that took 10 minutes to even take our drink order didn't get a very good tip. And no, it wasn't crowded at all.

Went to Tarjay after work. Got some necessities for the house - a garbage can for the other bathroom, dishwasher detergent (the nifty new puch thingies!), green apple dish soap, things like that. And some Halloween toe socks for me for $2.50 plus some tights and socks for work. And some pretty buttery yellow dish towels and oven mitts and the like - they match the curtains I got yesterday so happy little me.

Stopped at my grandmother's house and liberated a stack of boxes from Alicia and her recent move back from Arizona. Now to pack them. I have one more box done so far tonight - most of my girly stuff and whatever else is not in use from the bathroom. After I put the other boxes together, it's the books and movies left out in the living room and in the bedroom. I already cleaned out the freezer and fridge of food - I'm almost out of garbage bags but the cupboards still need to be done - maybe tonight, maybe not - I haven't decided. I might pack some dishes, too - maybe make sure all the real dishes are clean and keep out the plastic plates and bowls until it's time to go - like we would be suffering between now and Friday, right?

HUngry hungry hungry - want some pasta now please.

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Sunday, November 2nd, 2003 02:11 pm

Haven't been here (the apartment) since I left for work on Thursday morning....

Thursday night, I went out to my aunt and uncle's with my brother and Alicia and we loaded up a truck with pretty much all my junk that was still at their house from when I lived there - my bed and lots of college-related stuff, more or less. Went to bed exceedingly early and got to sleep with my wee kitty, who is turning into a terror, heh.

Friday, we went to the house early and got the truck unloaded. Cleaned a lot. Got some stuff ready for painting. Did some yard work. Fun times. I was ready to pass out by the time we were done. In the evening, [info]goninzo and I made jello shots for the Halloween party chez [info]voidness last night. Loooots of vodka!

Yesterday, L & P came out again and we did lots of painting. Got the first coat done on the bathroom and in Gonzo's room. I have learned a very important lesson. Dark, shiny paint is very hard to work with. Anyway, then we cleaned out the completely disgusting pantry and my aunt got the fan blades and the top of the fridge looking presentable. They left 3ish and I went to the apartment for my costume for the party and some stuff for the cable/ computer guy, who showed up at the house just as I returned. I lay down on the bed for abit and when I woke up, my head was spinning and I was completely dizzy. Not sure what it was but it eventually went away. Got dressed for the party and went - there are pictures here and there - [info]just_a_chick_03 has some of them posted. Fun party. Got home very late.

Today, I called L & P as soon as I got up and they came out and we finished the second coat of paint in Gonzo's room. It looks awesome - deep, shiny blue - I need to take pictures when I go back there later on. Now I need to find some decent windowcoverings for the room and then we'll essentially be done in there, except for touchups... It's starting to feel like home, which is good.

Now, I need to start some laundry and take a shower and go and run some errands. Contemplating going to the grocery and stocking the house with some basics and maybe going to Bed Bath and Beyond to see if they have anything curtain-wise. I think I even have a couple gift-cards left from there, which would be infinitely useful as my money seems to be leaving my checking account faster than I can make it these days. Damn Home Depot directly to hell!

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Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 09:57 pm
Long day

Dined at Sir Alfie's with a large number of people this eve. Ripped up the inside of my mouth but good on something - grilled cheese or breaded mushrooms - hot hot hot...

Went to the house and painted some more of the blue room. Forgot to take pictures of the progress yet again. I was ok there alone yesterday but I got a tiny bit freaked out tonight. Not sure why - this time I even had the radio on. I guess I'm not used to the sounds the house makes and my imagination is working overtime because of them. Plus, it's sort of unnaturally quiet there in general right now - I'm used to having the tv going and hearing the hum of the computers and a million other things all at once. Soon...

The U-haul bastards were supposed to call before 5 today to tell me when we can pick the moving truck up tomorrow. When I got home at like 8:45, there was a message from them on the machine. Caller ID says they called at 6. Um, hello? Six does not equal five. More work for me tomorrow because I have no idea where this place is or what time "the truck will be here all day - you can pick it up whenever you want" actually is. Never mind that I don't even know for sure if we get the truck for the whole day and until at least noon Friday and where it gets dropped back off.

More to do than I care to deal with at the moment, actually.

And my charming brother (who made it home from his Arizona roadtrip with Alicia and Alicia's grandfather) seems to have conveniently forgotten that I asked him for help tomorrow night in addition to the help he agreed to already for Friday. He started whining and then he at least said to call him to see if he would still help tomorrow night. And I guess I need to pack for tomorrow night, too, since the plan is I stay at L & P's house and get all my junk from there loaded onto the truck and then we all come back out here on Friday morning to unload, paint, clean, return the truck, etc.

I'm really wishing I had just taken this whole effing week off. Or at least an extra day, what precious little help that would have been anyway. I'm back to that place where I feel completely overwhelmed by everything. Like right now, I want to go to bed but that little voice in my head is saying "Well, you could fill at least a couple boxes and maybe empty the trash." Or something. Maybe stop dorking around on the computer - that would be a good starting point...

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Wednesday, October 29th, 2003 10:17 am
Moving truck scheduled for next Friday, November 7, 2003 at 9 a.m.


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Tuesday, October 28th, 2003 10:17 pm
went and painted for a couple hours after work. it was therapeutic. very much so. so now i have about 1/2 of the blue room done - it's actually called "flying fish" and not whatever i said it was earlier. it's very pretty on the wall, really dark and dramatic. i can't wait to see it all finished...

i think it might be tome to go to sleep now.

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Tuesday, October 28th, 2003 12:24 pm
home depot is my friend

another bit of rambling )

Ah well. I need to stop thinking about this and do some detective work.

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