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(my heart is on the floor)

[12 Nov 2002|06:00pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | untitled {finch} ]

argh. things are just not going my way today. on top of my car failing an overdue inspection and figuring out it will probably cost $130 to fix it, my mom also informed me that our AAA renewal is this month. great, an extra $50 on top of that $130 that i don't have. fuckin a. this weekend i am going to fredonia though, which will be good, but it is out fraternity banquet which means extra costs. shit. money doesn't grow on trees. i'm fucked royally. oh well, i guess i'll just deal and pay what i can when i can. fuckin aggravated, stressed out, and all that other bullshit.

(my heart is on the floor)

[07 Nov 2002|08:14am]
i'm pissed. i'm in the lab at mcc right now because my first class got cancelled. i could have been sleeping for this extra hour and a half. fuckin class. whatev. i'm pissed.

(my heart is on the floor)

[06 Nov 2002|11:02am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | the science project {againsttheodds} ]

man, i feel like crap. i think i have a sinus infection or some crap along those lines. luckily i am going to the doctor today, so maybe he can give me some crap to take care of it. i am going for a flu shot. lucky me. i also have to get my car inspected fairly soon, considering it was up 6 days ago. oh well. i think i'll get wendy's later. i really want some wendy's. i don't have a lot of cash, but i really want it. yay.

(3 stepped on it | my heart is on the floor)

[04 Nov 2002|06:12pm]
i have to write a speech for my intro to speech communications class tomorrow. it has to be 5-7 minutes and can be about anything, but i need at least 3 sources. i need some suggestions. anyone? leave some suggestions for me please, but before 9 pm because i need to start it by then. thanks everyone.

(my heart is on the floor)

update from the past few days............ [04 Nov 2002|10:40am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | not what it seems {something corporate} ]

ok, so halloween i won tickets to the new found glory, finch, something corporate, and further seems forever show. it was pretty good. further seems forever i expected to be a lot better. everything was too loud and drowning each other out, plus they just stood there. alright though. something corporate was my favorite performance of the show. they just seem like they like to have a ton of fun when they play. they also played really well. very cool. finch was alright, i was sort of expecting more from them. i like there cd more than i do them live. then was new found glory. holy shit these guys are super-overproduced now. they had a shitload of flashing lights and shit everywhere. it was actually kind of annoying. they played really good though, and played a good selection of songs. for the first half of their set you couldn't hear any of the lead guitar lines, which sucked, but whatever. the show all in all was worth going to, especially since it was free.

friday i had to work until midnight and drove straight to fredonia from there which was crazy because i arrived at like 2:15 am. i had a ton of fun when i got there though. we hung out for a bunch and played video games and became slightly intoxicated then went over to ingluts house and did some more of that. we were out until like 7. saturday woke up late and played video games like all day and made pledges do stuff. it was fun. went out saturday night and didn't have as good of a time as i would have liked. whatev. sunday woke up, watched football, then came home and chilled for a bit then passed out. my trip to fredonia was definitely not as good as i had hoped. i did not get to see a lot of the people that i wanted to see. i'll have to make more effort next time. i wasn't in the greatest mood anyway while i was there. oh well. have to work in 45 minutes so i am over and out.

(2 stepped on it | my heart is on the floor)

[31 Oct 2002|08:48am]

(my heart is on the floor)

[31 Oct 2002|12:11am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

my first and third classes are cancelled tomorrow, which rules. i am therefore going to miss my second class because i don't want to sit around mcc for an hour and a half between my second and fourth class. i've only missed my second one once, so it shouldn't be a big deal. i might be going to fredonia this weekend. i'll know tomorrow night.

(my heart is on the floor)

[28 Oct 2002|07:43pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | leaving {the starting line} ]

man, am i tired and it's only 7:43 pm. i hope this vivarin kicks in soon, i don't to go to bed yet. on a good note, my intro to speech communications class for tomorrow is cancelled because my professor has jury duty. score. now i get to have some extra time to write my speech.

(my heart is on the floor)

[27 Oct 2002|11:24pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | the starting line ]

really freakin bored )

(3 stepped on it | my heart is on the floor)

[26 Oct 2002|07:48pm]
[ mood | shitty ]
[ music | complicated {avril lavigne} ]

definitely getting really sick, which definitely sucks. dammit. had to miss the disaster halloween show because i thought i was going to die. that really pisses me off, but i was about to die at work. i was super dizzy and about to pass out, so i went home and took a nap and did shit and now i'm a bit better. now tonight will be movie night. i got panic room and monsters inc. both movies are the shit.

dude, what's with avril lavigne? this chick rules dude. that song complicated is like crack. so addictive. damn, can't stop listening to it. it's that freakin canadian accent. shit.

(1 stepped on it | my heart is on the floor)

[23 Oct 2002|11:06pm]
so, dashboard confessional's so impossible ep, is in my opinion, the most beautiful sounding and written cd ever made. just my opinion, but everytime i listen to it, that is all i can think. it's just amazing.

(my heart is on the floor)

[23 Oct 2002|10:02pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | that breaking project song ]

man, how i really, really wish i was in fredonia and not webster. next semester i will be back in fredonia, i am determined. i don't think i can stand another semester here. and i think scott will be gone by then too, and he is pretty much the only person i hang out with so i need to get out of here. so from this point forward, i'm going to spend as little money as possible so i can get out of debt and save up, and am going to do tons and tons of work so i can make it back to fredonia. i already can with the grades i have now, but i figure the better they are, the better it will look. i will be back in fredonia next semester.

i have this song that i got from migital's mp3 server by the breaking project and this song fucking kills. if you like hardcore/metal at all, you'll love this song. it is so good. im me if you want the song. my screenname is bensavestheday.

(my heart is on the floor)

[22 Oct 2002|11:26am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | corduroy {pearl jam} ]

man, do i feel like shit. lack of sleep and i think i'm coming down with something. shitty. oh well, got to go to class. oh yeah, pearl jam is so fucking good. i've been really stoked on them lately. peace.

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