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User:packmates (531645)  
Name:padfoot & moony
About:This is a community for those who love Sirius and Remus, whether it's as a slash couple, or just as characters, or both; it's even a community for those who love all things that involve the Marauders (and their Slytherin rivals). Fanfiction, fanart and discussions are more than welcome. All that is required is tolerance and understanding. Please! Come and sign up!
Interests:23: fanart, fanfiction, harry potter, james potter, lilly evans, lucius, lucius malfoy, lupin, marauders, moony, padfoot, prisoner of azkaban, professor snape, prongs, remus, remus lupin, severus, severus snape, sirius, sirius black, slash, snape, wormtail. [Modify yours]
Members:121: 90noitcejer09, __zap, _moenokori, _talisa_, affectedmangoo, annelarissa, anythingoes, atra, balletvamp, banzai_ryu, barbara83, becks89, black_lupine, camillabloom, caribbean_moon, caseysnow, chrome_animagus, clothedbythesun, crazyfangirl, crescent_light, cruisedirector, dabria, daisieselene, dakouyome, damaged_love, darthbessie, deathboynomiko, deliciouspear, devilitamalfoy, dogatemysocks, dooodlebug26, dream_cat, dweiashards, ebonvision, els_chan, epithymia, fancyfox, former_puffer, fujinsama, garnetice, grace_device, hgranger13, hi1arity, infected, iniaes, inserthatehere, ishiwatari, jacicita, jiffy_spiffy, jo_rowling, kapu, katieebabezs, kefira, kichigai, kirabop, kirakins, lady_morga, ladyjaida, ladywhisp, lasquinceletras, lauriethemuppet, lea_ndra, lionessfreedom, lionessvalenti, littleredrh, lovinlupin46, madilayn, maggie_malfoy, mmalfoy, moon_tears, moony5, morgana_snape, mori_no_miko, naltariel, narcissamalf0y, narcotized, notreally29, o0cattiebrie0o, onefive, painless_j, paw_tracks, phineasjones, pinkyheather, pixyteri, pockettheroach, potterp0rn, poufywerewolf, pretears, punk_samerino, quiant, quidditch_mad, rainbow_bright, rainbower, rmuse, ruby_falls, ryutsuki, sad_alice, sanj, selecasharp, shelayhill, shinigamikun, siriuslypadfoot, siriusthegreat, siriusxremus, sisterpadfoot, skrknmt, sprky007, starbucksmanic, suuanda, suzi42, svz_insanity, tasha27, tedeza, ten_youko, totemwolfie, twilight_angel, umi_shoujo, valour, veil_challenges, wedneswolf, wyrdchild
Watched by:94: __zap, _moenokori, _talisa_, affectedmangoo, anythingoes, arrogance, atra, balletvamp, barbara83, becks89, beren_writes, black_lupine, camillabloom, caribbean_moon, caseysnow, chrome_animagus, clothedbythesun, crazyfangirl, crescent_light, daisieselene, dakouyome, damaged_love, dannawhin, darthbessie, deathboynomiko, desdmona, devilitamalfoy, dogatemysocks, doxxed_up, dream_cat, dumdeedum, dweiashards, ebonvision, els_chan, fessus_viator, former_puffer, fujinsama, grace_device, hgranger13, inserthatehere, jacicita, jiffy_spiffy, jo_rowling, kapu, kefira, kichigai, kirabop, lady_morga, ladywhisp, lauriethemuppet, lionessvalenti, littleredrh, lovinlupin46, madilayn, maggie_malfoy, mmalfoy, moon_tears, moony5, morgana_snape, mori_no_miko, naltariel, narcissamalf0y, notreally29, o0cattiebrie0o, onpu, paddishtou, paperpretty, paw_tracks, pedanticpervert, pinkyheather, pockettheroach, poufywerewolf, punk_samerino, quiant, rainbow_bright, rainbower, rmuse, selecasharp, selenelaluna, shibbyfangirl, siriusthegreat, siriusxremus, sisterpadfoot, soul_awakenings, sprightliness, suuanda, svz_insanity, tasha27, tedeza, ten_youko, totemwolfie, twilight_angel, valour, winterhart
Account type:Free Account

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