disLEXia 3000 blog |
Wednesday, 19. November 2003
mdornseif, 15:58h
The usual Suspects have relased the Cryptophone a Windows CE based GSM cellular phone doing strong voice encryption.
The people involved in this project have been working on easy, affordable voice encryption for years. The first generation was the called Harmless little board or harmless little box or harmless little project. The idea of using analog modems somehow never got of f as intended. When the PDA/Cellular crossovers came out they where seen as the natural hardware platform for the harmless little project. Next time the project was announced at H2K2 in 2002. Feeling cypherpunkisch I'm glad they finally where able to make a finished Product out of their harmless little project. We'll see if and when there will be the promised free version. BTW: If you want to know what the CCC is doing nowadays compare addresses. ... comment |
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