freedom and technology

Harradine pushing new net censorship

07:17 AM +1000, Dec 13 2003

Australian IT reports on a new push from Senator Harradine for stricter internet censorship in Australia. Harradine was the primary force behind Australia's inefficient and largely ineffective internet censorship regime, a complaints-based mechanism implemented in January 2000. The Senator has presumably recognised the failure of the scheme, and wants to try again.

Senator Harradine said ISPs were "responsible for sending this material" over the internet, and should take responsibility for stopping it.

"The ISPs make money out of porn, and need to accept responsibility," he said.

Additional research into filters needed to cover technical issues such as latency and making filtering more efficient.

Senator Harradine has been firing questions at the Government with increasing frequency in recent months, raising research indicating children sometimes act out pornographic scenes they have seen online.

- Australian IT, Tighter porn law pressure.