Looking on

A Sydney woman looks
at the world and scratches
her head

Bible text of the week
And Abraham was ninety years old and nine, when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. – Genesis 17:24

Email Angela Bell

My new journal


Two of my friends (ingrates!)

« aussie blogs »

Monday, October 27

I have decided to close this blog down. When I started blogging, a year ago, there were fewer of us and it was a novelty. I have come to realise that I have very little original thinking to contribute to public matters and it has become more and more time consuming to hunt down the amusing items that others might have missed.

But this is not goodbye. What I now realise is that the best I can offer is an original view of what goes on around me, where I am and what I perceive, with humour, irony and puzzlement.


It's called Thinking Less and Seeing More.

When I chose Looking On as a title for this blog and its predecessor, I had been inspired by the comment of a character in Joseph Conrad's novel Victory. At the end of a futile life of pamphleteering and polemics, this man, on his deathbed, advised his son to "Look on. Make no sound."
So I will from now on simply describe what I see and the immediate thoughts that arise at the moment. And I'll try to keep it entertaining.