Tuesday, February 3rd, 2004
12:06 am - stuff
Aarons home, got home yesterday, he's on new medication and doing so much better. Thanks ann, kalli and jamie for the nice comments :) i love u guys. Ps ann and jamie i got a new phone finally. (i gave jme my number but ann i have u in my phone so ill call)
if anyone wants my cell # leave me a comment and leave you'rs too <3
Took anthony sled riding today with aaron and kalli, it was so fun..he loved it...then he cried...then he loved it.
Im on a taco bell binge like WHOA.
I just watched in the past 2 days.. legally blonde 1 and 2, matrix reloaded, cabin feaver, christinas house and right now im gonna go watch the shining
I really need a job... *looks at brink* but anything will do, i can't start my online classes till april wich sucks my nutz.
OK imma go... bibi
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Sunday, February 1st, 2004
3:39 am - poor baby
So aaron has been sick for 9 days. So today around 6-7 his mom and dad came and we took him to the hospital. They admited him. I feel so bad. He's on 24hour watch. My poor baby. =[ So im sitting here with kalli *well she's actually sleeping in the other room but still* im gonna find out when i can see him tomorrow. :(
Went to ihop had fun. We talked to joe the cop...he's cool. We were done eating and waiting for him to get back over to say buy but he was to busy talking to his friend christina...i told the waitress "id call him to tell him bye, but i dont think his phone gets reception that far up her ass" rofl it was funny. So now im here. doing nothing, listening to music.
The funny thing is...after we bowled yesterday, on the way home we saw a 3 legged dog on old home rd. The even funnier thing is we told joe "omg we saw a 3 legged dog last night" and he goes "haha on old home rd?" omg that was funny
I think mike's mad at me for leaving 13 voicemails while i was drunk thurs night :/ oops sorry hahahaha
Im gonna go to have a pity party for myself. If you want to join...feel free. nite
current mood: rejected current music: Limp Bizkit - no sex
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Saturday, January 31st, 2004
5:49 pm
Had fun last night, went bowling with kalli and adam. OMG kalli cant wait for our talk tonight at dennys or ihop....woooo
Thinks are going good.
Ann i love u <3
Im gonna finish downloading some music.. bibi
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Thursday, January 29th, 2004
12:36 am
Lolz how old are we now?...2..i mean 22? Well im might be younger in age but you have the mentality of my fucking turtle. WOW dude you're so cool that you can leave comments, then delete them. *rolls eyes* seriously i thought you were more grown up than that. Go listen to some sad music then take the cd, break it, and slit you're wrists some more with the broken pieces....
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Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
11:59 pm - CALI
So...im going to cali for my 21bday in april. Maybe not ON my bday, but the end of march. Its all good though, mike and trev know so many people at the bars, they said no need to wait..its str8.
trev thinks kalli's hot and wants her bad.. *young and hot* wooooo
Im so excited. *DANCES*. Ive never been out there before, farthest ive been in kansas..go me. not
I watched uptown girls with kalli, omfg that movie is so freaking sad but funny ahh i loved it, aaron watched it to...i got a secret but you guys can't tell... *aaron secretly likes chick flicks* ok
KALLI IS GOING TO KALLIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"and gettin some" "adam who?!"-kal
were gonna book the tickets w/in a week cuz there madd cheap.. yay for us...bye
current mood: excited current music: california love
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5:00 am - x2
Watched old school and out of time... out of time is such a good movie, but like the whole way thru it, i was so nervous. Kalli fell asleep and was like snoring.
I love my mike....he makes me always feel better. <33 kalli wants trev. rofl you know it kal.
Umm so im gonna go to bed i think.
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Monday, January 26th, 2004
11:10 pm - movie
Sunday, January 25th, 2004
4:56 pm
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep Them Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets I know you'll keep them, and this is what I've Done
I've been a bad, bad girl for so long I don't know how to change what went wrong Daddy's little girl when he went away What did it teach me? That love leaves
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep Them Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets I know you'll keep them, and this is what I've Done
I've been down every road you could go I made some bad choices as you know Seems I have the whole world cradled in my hands But its just like me not to understand
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep Them Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets I've been a bad, bad girl
I learned my lessons I turned myself around I've got a guardian angel tattooed on my shoulder
She's been watching over me
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep Them Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets I've been a bad, bad girl
Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets Cuz you're the only one that I know who'll keep Them Dear, dear diary, I want to tell my secrets I've been a bad, bad girl
I've been a bad, bad girl
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Friday, January 23rd, 2004
3:04 pm - ...
Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
8:57 am - gay
Monday, January 19th, 2004
7:20 pm - totally random
Yeah ive been told i dont update...and kalli's bitchin..
Um Nothing much going on.. dee_assassin came over last night with her boyfriend. Chilled...took them home.
Adam moved out today. *shrug*
I couldnt sleep...i needed a NyQuil pill bad. I finished studying for my exam on tue. American Constitutional law. weeeeeeeeeee
Kalli's comming over. I think were getting an oc. So ya my knee hurts anyways so i need it. :o(
Mike: your getting some perscription herion
Haha he's great
Me: id call adam to come over but i think he mighta od'd again Mike: say hi for me when you see him in rehab Me: oh at the methadone clinic you mean? Mike: or hell, whichever comes first
[edit] Aaron doesnt feel good...no deal [/edit]
So anyways. I got a new DELL DESKTOP its nice. I love it xoxoxoxoxoxoxxo the dell dude...*looks at anuh*
Stinky Brinky is at work.
Something smells like a sock in adams old room. maybe it is an old sock...who knows
Jeff, Brink, Kalli, adam, steven, aaron and i were planning a trip to canada..but i dont see that happening anytime soon. Were broke losers
I wanna go to canada and say "eyyyyyy"
Kalli cant drive...went to wash her new echo and pulled up in the car wash and lost her rim...you retard.
Ok i can't think of anything else...sorry about the randomness... later
ps. I hate to say i told you so but....i told you so.
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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004
3:18 am
Tuesday, January 13th, 2004
2:11 am - HAPPY B-DAY BRINK!
Monday, January 12th, 2004
1:05 am - ?!?!
Sunday, January 11th, 2004
6:28 pm - OH YA!
Friday, January 9th, 2004
5:30 am - new layout
I finally got a new layout for http://edible-undies.org go me..sorry it took forever but im lazy...im gonna head to bed now since most normal ppl should be getting up around this time!
current mood: tired
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Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
6:02 pm - dinner
Saturday, January 3rd, 2004
6:07 pm
ya choke on your words ugh ugh ugh figure out what to say hurry up!
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4:06 am
had fun tonight..brink shoulda came....
Mike never got back online =[ so i wanna give a big FUCK you to mike!
jk i love u ;)~
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Friday, January 2nd, 2004
7:59 pm - rofl
Tickletrunk17: You have LJ AND emo glasses emh0e: =[ Tickletrunk17: And you cry emh0e: someone stole emh0e: my emo glasses Tickletrunk17: HAHAHA emh0e: kalli have you seen them? Tickletrunk17: Did you cry? emh0e: yes emh0e: haha JOClay7: your glasses emh0e: yeah Tickletrunk17: You're still emo at heart emh0e: i am
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