i give up, you guys. this is such bullshit. going to maria's school tommorow, and then that's it, maybe. i don't know how to fucking hold on to this stupid shit. i hurt all over. my heart hurts. my head hurts. my body hurts. i don't want to go to the choir bullshit, i don't want to go out, i don't want to see/touch/talk to/listen to ANYONE anymore..no exceptions. fuck.
(enclosed for your entertainment, an email jeriah sent me last friday, i think it was)
I was pretty pissed that Linda orchestrated a service for him. That's just fucked up. He'd be really pissed if he knew, or at least think it was stupid. I mean, a hang-out-and-remember-him kind of thing would have been nice, but this priest-Jesus shit is just bad. But, if it's what helps them heal, then I say give them their fairy tales...
I am alright. I went to Fathom last night, which is where we went last week right before it happened, but it wasn't really weird, just kind of boring.
I highly recommend that you not kill yourself. It just seems like a bad idea. Or, and this I think was Josha's mistake, if you are going to, make sure you do something REALLY fun first. Like run into a church naked, piss on the priest, and THEN kill yourself. What are they going to do, arrest the dead? But back in the real world, don't do that. It would just fuck a lot of people up. If you need to call me, you can; I'm hardly ever home but it's worth a shot. And, if you want to and can get away with it, you can come up and visit me anytime you need to; I know it's a long way and unlikely, but if you wanted to get away from your family or whatever, the invitation's open. Just make sure they know where you're going so I don't get in any trouble.
I'll send some hair down with mom; she's up here right now, totally weird, kind of making things worse for me, but whatever. Don't have any of the stuff from the cops yet, so I'll get that stuff to you later (ring, wallet stuff, etc.)
Be well, write back as necessary, visit if you want. Otherwise, I'll see you in May.