11 Mar 2003 @ 03:08pm
2 free spirits|make a break for freedom

07 Mar 2003 @ 05:28pm
.I don't want to fucking deal with this.
2 free spirits|make a break for freedom

yeah. yeah. yeah. 02 Mar 2003 @ 02:16pm
Today: I will be doing more work. Got to Dean's in record time. Collected photos and black americano with caramel syrup. Jelly babies and chocolate buttons.

Embarassing end of roll photos of me in my pants. hmm. I have yet to see them all.
That is all for now.
make a break for freedom

Crawling in my skin 02 Mar 2003 @ 01:37am
2 free spirits|make a break for freedom

28 Feb 2003 @ 05:38pm
[ mood | pissed off ]

Way to ruin a song by the Sugababes. "I've had enough of stuff" Wow. How profound.

make a break for freedom

uni computers are crap 27 Feb 2003 @ 12:38pm
I came into uni two hours early to do some work but I am completely incapable of doing so. I am so tired I just cannot concentrate. I am supposed to be going out tonight [again] but I think I will politely decline. I can’t drink anything anyway and I have an 8.30am class tomorrow. I need to be more productive than I am. I seem to look at my work these days and everything is swimming in front of my eyes. When I see the doctor today [which I am actually going to do this time] I will talk about how the meds are making me spaced out. I simply cannot stand it anymore. I need to get some work done!!
2 free spirits|make a break for freedom

It is funny how Dean tries to get my attention while I'm on here... 23 Feb 2003 @ 12:36pm
Dean is dancing in his towel, still wet from the shower, like an eighties disco queen. Oh god. Now he is singing in a high pitched voice and flexing in the mirror.


Watched some gay film on the living channel last night. I actually love that channel. The film was called 'Lucky Girl'. It was about a girl who gets a gambling addiction after winnning a game of poker at a slumber party. haha. How quickly she descended.


www.pale-reflections.com is a good site. Marya Hornbacher, Lori Gottlieb and Anna Paterson write articles for it.


I feel the need to post a text message that my sis sent me. Oh to be 11 again.

I am not m8z wit Han. She got her sis on me 2day. I told han I didn't wana b er m8. She cant tak dat! We r not m8z. I hate her. Lots of love vicki

[In case you had trouble reading that, it is a primative form of English. Evidentely she is using the text messaging book we bought her at Christmas. Hannah is/was one of her best friends at school. And just for the record they go through episodes like this on a weekly basis and I think they are talking now. lol]
make a break for freedom

Sometimes even crazy people like to be invited 22 Feb 2003 @ 09:30pm
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Airlock - Slipinside ]

Went shopping. It was cool to look around. Weird how I am not fussed about buying clothes these days. Probably because I don't have much of a social life these days. I still have new clothes with the tags on.
Anyway, I got a book! I am the book buying whore these days. I got 'Good Girls Do Swallow' by Rachel Oakes-Ashe. I asked Dean if he was concerned about the subject matter of my recent book purchases. He 'approved' of this one, basically because he read the blurb on the back where the author affirmed that she wasn't happy until she stopped dieting. I guess he is hoping that somewhere along the way I will read something which will inspire me to recover. I guess in some ways that is why I read them too. Although it hasn't really happened yet. I tend to convince myself still that I'm 'not that bad'. But reading helps nme understand myself to a certain extent and prevents me from freaking out constantly. And encourages me to talk about it because I know I'm not alone with these problems. So that can only be a good thing I guess.

We saw The Hours. Good film. Definitely. And Dean enjoyed it too. It was my choice of film so I am glad.
It was sad/depressing in some ways. It made me want to read Virginia Woolfe.

A random incident happened today. Dean collected his post and decided to drink a cup of tea and eat one of the fortune cookies I got him from valentines day while he was opening it. In the mail was a tax rebate claim form from the inland revenue. And the message in the fortune cookie:

The inland revenue has made a mistake in your favour.

make a break for freedom

19 Feb 2003 @ 05:22pm
my wishlist!!

I am at Dean's. I don't want to go back to my flat.
I hate it. I hate them.
No one is my friend.
I think I'll go and eat worms.
make a break for freedom

blah. I've taken this too many times. 18 Feb 2003 @ 11:03pm
Borderline:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

6 free spirits|make a break for freedom

So I contact my Mum and this is what I get..... 17 Feb 2003 @ 11:44am
[ mood | depressed ]

I will be away from the office until Tuesday 17th February 2003 and will not
be monitoring my e-mails. If the matter is of an urgent nature please
contact *** on ***

make a break for freedom

13 Feb 2003 @ 01:14pm
Most of my journal entries are FRIENDS ONLY these days.

So if you think you're not seeing everything, add me.
3 free spirits|make a break for freedom

06 Feb 2003 @ 08:09pm

I haven't done the friends page yet. Too lazy right now.
2 free spirits|make a break for freedom

I feel disgusting. 06 Feb 2003 @ 06:53pm
make a break for freedom

05 Feb 2003 @ 01:07pm
I went out last night. For the first time since I don't know when I fucking went out.
I got so drunk on 2 TVRs and a glass of wine, that I fell in the hall and smacked my head on the wall.

My head fucking hurts and my hair is for shit. It smells like an ashtray. Speaking of which, I stole an ashtray from the flat upstairs. I'll return it later when I go to collect my shoes.

It was the first time I had fun in ages. It's strange. I was at uni yesterday and I suddenly felt left out when I heard people saying to each other 'see you tonight'. So I decided that now was the time to take a bite of happiness.

And I lost a pound so there.
3 free spirits|make a break for freedom

03 Feb 2003 @ 11:48pm
Well I still love Michael.
make a break for freedom

31 Jan 2003 @ 03:30pm

Anyone have any fun INDOOR ideas for two to share?????
1 free spirit|make a break for freedom

14 Jan 2003 @ 01:39am
Who knows if I will complete my degree. I fucking DO NOT want to go back. I want to lie here and waste away.
I wish I were invisible.
I almost am.
I am giving up hope.
Fuck it.
And fuck this.
6 free spirits|make a break for freedom

13 Jan 2003 @ 04:50pm
The [info]brits_americans community is so good! I find it really interesting the way people in the us are so intrigued by the some of the things we do that I would just take for granted as 'normal', and vice versa.

Yeah, anyway. Today I have been mostly wasting time and making lists of things I should be doing.
make a break for freedom

apt. But perhaps not as much as Urban Decay would have been given my recent shopping trips. 13 Jan 2003 @ 02:29pm

What (non drugstore) Makeup Brand Are You?

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1 free spirit|make a break for freedom

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