Hijinks Ahead's LiveJournal Garden Notes [plantings|pick a bloom|check calendar]
Hijinks Ahead

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Transcending Race [19 September 04|11:21p]
I am less Chinese than I want to be
I wish I could speak better Cantonese
To write it
To perhaps teach my children one day

But then at the same time I'm more Asian American
than I ever wanted to be

I'll never be viewed as "American"
Not even my grandmother in Hong Kong thinks that
But I don't let that faze me
I am who I want to be
Or at least I'm trying to be

When I was 18, I learned injustice
I took up the railroad workers' pain as my pain
I took up the struggles of other Asians as my struggles
Never realizing I should have fought the battles
that were raging around me

Instead, I forgot and found love
or love for a while
I saw only his smile
his eyes, his height
his family

I adopted their ways-
Irish bread, Christmas Santas
Italian charms, German grandmothers
Jewish holidays

Then we broke up
and for a while I missed them all
All their vivacious traditions
Who said Americans have no culture?

Why do I call them Americans?
I never feel like I'm like the people I see on TV
I am Asian American
I am Asian
I am Chinese

Today, I'm with another "white" guy,
An American
From the Midwest!
And yet, somehow
We have transcended race

We are part of a new generation
Asian females, white male couples
Why are we not just considered
the average American couple

With all the traditions of both cultures
Yet, can I really say my culture isn't American?
I have tried to explain
I have tried to teach

To be born Chinese
In America
Means I'm American
My nationality is not Chinese
I'm ethnically Chinese

But people do not understand
To them, I am Asian American
1 hello|greet me

Sometimes [05 February 04|3:31p]
You know what I mean
And sometimes I don't know
what to say
the words that mean what you hear

Why can't I name you properly in my head?
I force myself to say your name
your name over and over
and yet his name remains

I want to say I hate him
I don't want to go back
Yet I can't conquer the name
I think of your voice
but I hear his laugh

I'm haunted
I want to be free

What is wrong with trying to find some peace
through another's dreams?

We share everything
But we differ sometimes
and that difference is going to waver
crack the heels
divide the stream

I don't want the gulf to get any bigger
Tomorrow I say your name
And your name only
3 hellos|greet me

Hot or not [27 January 04|5:16p]
I received an invitation to [info]writtenbeauty. I find the concept somewhat interesting. Be judged for your words AND your physical beauty. However, I don't want to be a part of it.

I am cute. And if no one else sees that, I know they're wrong. It's about the self-esteem I already have, not what I can gain from your praise.

I don't deny that people will judge others for their outward appearance. The one I love loves me for just that- my eyes, my imagination, my smile, my wit, my body, my brain.

I am passionate about life, good food, good friends, art, writing and yes, the silly things too. I am a clothing and make up junkie. I know the power of the media and that was before I got a degree from a mass communications school. I still read fashion magazines and try not wince at the ribs stick out everywhere, the bony knees and of course, the people who tell you what is fashionable.

I don't follow fashion in the same sense that I must buy the latest trucker hat or get sheepy boots immediately like everyone else. I mold the fashion to my taste. I pick the best of what's out there. And it becomes me, I become it and that is how it is going to be.

So alas, I must decline your invitation. I don't have the right attitude for bullshit.
greet me

[18 August 03|5:30p]
In my head I can see myself dancing
Step here
Step there
I am Girl A
I introduced you to Girl B, C but not D
You asked for her Letter
She refused
And inwardly, I wanted to hate you
But I can't
I am Girl A
4 hellos|greet me

*dusting this off* [30 July 03|12:30p]
I've uploaded some new icons. Some are my paper arts stuff. The hand is just something I find funny. It's my coworker's hand. I wouldn't wear such big rings. Okay, I lie. I do wear some big rings. Hence the journal name change. I'm wearing a huge ass ring I got in HK years ago. It's studded with much amber.

I'm going to try to write here at least weekly. I can't believe I haven't tried to write a poem since April.


You cannot hide in the world of digital
It follows you like that electronic eye
at the pump
at the ATM
at the store
and definitely at traffic lights

You can't run
and you can try to hide
but one day, he'll find you

And say hello
causing much panic
and chargrin

But what do you know
you want to be found anyway

3 hellos|greet me

This isn't real [30 April 03|4:08p]
This isn't real
That feeling of contentment
That feeling of finally being able to hold hands again
Of smiling at nothing
and smiling at the simple little things

Or at least I had it for a while
And now it's gone

This isn't real
That wasted breath
That cancelled check
That is just not reality

My perfect world does not have you in it
It does not have this annoyance
Or traffic congestion
The blaring of the horns
that wake me from this daze

I'm looking back
I'm looking forward
I see nothing for now
I see only myself
Wondering just where the hell this is going
Only because I'm orchestrating it
Conducting the finest lie

It could be over
It should have been over
There's that slight snag
That I actually like you

She said, "so, what?"
There are many, many salmon in the sea
I said, "Yes, but how many swim towards me?"

~unfinished 4/30/03
greet me

[06 March 03|12:23p]
you said, want to take a side trip?
i thought, why the hell not?
give up the attitude
and go for the ride

it was nice
not desparate
no strange passions stirring us
just perhaps a bit of boredom
and suddenly i was younger than i ever was

younger than i ever could have allowed myself
i was experimental
i was trying new things
why didn't i try it 10 years ago?
why am i trying to reclaim a youth that was mispent
on too many questions and far too many idle dreams?
greet me

[14 February 03|2:26p]
on this day of pink
and red
and of chocolates
and candy hearts

i think of you
and i don't know your name

you're that guy i see in the elevator
or the guy i wave at on the road

you're the one i think of when i close my eyes
and the dreams feature you

you smile at me at the bookstore
and serve me tea latte

there's a bit of you in every guy i see
greet me

[10 December 02|5:32p]
baby, you don't even know
how much i want to say
that i love you
but i don't really
it's just one of those things
i think you need to hear
if not from me
than from someone

and i know it won't ever be me
there are just too many things
to prevent the future you want
and you know it
you see the dark side

baby, you don't even know
how much i want to say
that i've moved on
mentally at least

but i can't say it
because it'd just hurt
and hurting you is not what it's about

it's about life
and me choosing to live mine
instead of drowning in your pain

baby, you don't even know
how much i want to tell you
that you're wonderful

but i know you'd just take it the wrong way
and think we're going to be together
you know though, we can never be

i see you looking
i see you searching
but what you need, i can't give you
nor what's her name

for ecc <--- who turned out to be a frikkin looser. so, i dedicate this back to myself. ack!
greet me

[21 November 02|12:02p]
it's an inverted summer
should be a season of browns
reds, orange and dead trees

instead, everyone is wearing baby pink and blue
shorts and sandals
yet it gets dark at 4 p.m.

our world is changing
and we can't stop the process
some might like this heat
but it only worries me

will the sky turn red?
will the oceans dry?
will our fish walk out and become our friends?

it is a science fiction writer's nightmare.
if fantasy becomes reality
will the past become the outlandish?
2 hellos|greet me

[31 October 02|3:50p]
it's been such a long time.
the poetry never ends in my head
i hear a line or two
i write it down in my head
and when i need it, it does not come

yet, i know it was beautiful
and please understand, if you heard it
you'll like it too.

hah, i amuse myself greatly. i love sometimes just writing really awful, awful poetry.
greet me

[31 October 02|3:44p]
the lame shall take over the world
everywhere there will be a starbucks
a barnes and noble
and a gap

i can't drink coffee without a pedigree
i can't read a book without a chirpy review from an employee on the shelves
nor can i buy clothes that fit my non-skinny body

no grand non-fat venti what the hell
squirting soymilk in your eye

where is the real?
where is the time you thought we would have?
somewhere it's lost without notice

you can't cure the mundane
you can't hide it with glitter
or ignore it

it just grows like poison ivy
itching everyone to jump like nervous rabbits

at least there's some decent people
who are not taken by the sheep
and wear what they want to wear
drink tea
and don't need anger management classes
greet me

[16 September 02|9:37a]
i've been in denial
i didn't want to write anything
not for a while

but the words keep pressing in
and driving me to say them
at least in my mind

and the resulting audible scream
cannot be contained
greet me

hmm [31 July 02|1:04p]
i haven't loged into this journal in a while. i got a msg saying the password was too easy to guess? no, it's not. bleh.


now, onto poetry.


when i was 10 or so
i loved eating lychees
i had always had the canned kind
but never experienced the fresh

i visited my great-grandparents
they had a grove of lychee trees
i ate so many, i became sick

i could barely eat any the last few years

then the fresh kind came to the states
and they weren't that good
dad said it was because they were from taiwan
and not from my great-grandmother's trees

ah, until last night
i had some
they were so sweet

sweeter than i could imagine
and definitely something i wanted to share
biting into that sugared globe
made me want someone
and you came to mind

of course, that you is noone really
just a thought, more misty than not

i saw a ghost picture
and thought could it be?

i didn't think i died yet.
and i hope she does not pass soon
greet me

[27 June 02|4:54p]
i have the oddest sensation
i know i'm seeing the past as if i never lived it

what does deja vu really mean
seeing the future as if it happened

or seeing the past like a dream?
greet me

[27 June 02|4:49p]
i ran outside
staring at the oncoming traffic
i was in the car suddenly
my view of the dream swung back to inside myself
i could feel everything you felt
and justified your reasoning

i can only remember your eyes now
the faint lines that showed when you smile
i know everything about you
and i know nothing about myself

or was it just an useless hope
to think i can loose myself in the middle of nowhere

can i run off to london town
can you go with me?

i have a passport
and you said yes
greet me

no more [24 June 02|11:04a]
i can't take it anymore
closed that door
and don't want to go in
again and again

it's over
so over

but i keep thinking
will you hurt her?
why do i even care?

where is this jazz music coming from?
and yet it fits my mood
so slow
and bluesy
like that time in the rain
like some damn movie

over the weekend
the words bounced
and moved around in my head

i had been getting so used to them
occupying space
and then suddenly they were gone

i had to will them forth
to remind myself
of what i didn't want
of what i had
of what i don't ever want again

i know i messed up
and blue sky ran away
well, not intentionally but all the same
he is not here

and when he does come back
and hopefully, he will
i can make ammends

i can spin anything
i will make it work
if i am not so tired

i said i didn't think so
but i know i was just icing my heart
i didn't want the numbness to wear off

i didn't think anything could be so a foregone conclusion

and yet today, we flirted
first time ever
and it felt good

that's what i want to be again
and happy
and not so miserable

you make me smile
you really do
and then you make me think
and we talk
like i've never talked with anyone
more than friends would
because we are so intimate
and yet, we hardly have ever touched

5 weeks and you'll be home
and maybe i'll give you a real hug
and won't run away

not from you
but my thoughts
my horrible, pressing thoughts
of need, want, desire

of time, future, things

of you
of me

of everything
greet me

happy ex-anniversary [11 June 02|11:27a]
no more songs for us
not that we ever had "a song."

i wrote you a letter
one that you didn't answer
i don't know why i expected you to
i know you would have meant to
then forgot
and then the days will drag on
and then it'll be useless to continue

and so, more hurt misunderstandings ensue
but they will be swallowed away
by someone new

it seems to me that i have stopped
stopped thinking of you
stopped, i thought
but i needed that one last bit of closure

and it's not here
and so on it goes
waiting endlessly for a reply

in a month, it'll be our anniversary
or rather, our ex-anniversary

happy ex-anniversary
4 hellos|greet me

[24 April 02|11:00a]
gone are the pictures
at least the ones that were on my desk

i don't know what to do about the albums
years worth of happy memories

i could burn them
but i'm afraid of the toxins

and so they will gather dust
on the shelves
never to be thought about
or rather, never to be opened

i can always hide the white rabbit
i can always throw away the paper bits
the old cards written with the loving hand

i was so deceived
greet me

[24 April 02|10:57a]
i don't understand
the words come
but not enough to take hand to keyboard
and so they go away

but the thoughts remain

i don't want to give in though

you can't say that poetry comes from my pain
because i think it's mostly anger driven

i don't feel anymore
the old sentences and feelings are so walled up
that i only see glimpses of the past
like an forgotten cinema reel playing in the half-dark

i've been trying to convince myself that it was worth it
of course, it's delusion
everything is just trickery

there goes that anger again
but no, i'm tired

so tired of all of this
and i'm only 26

can i look forward to more years of this

this unmovable source of my punishment
for being that ever hopeful cynical romantic

i want to write
i really do
the block is just mental

and so it spills
like old wine

lord, i'm so tired.
greet me

now [05 March 02|3:25p]
when i looked
you weren't there

and suddenly, i didn't mind
gone is that feeling of abandonment
maybe it's no longer just about me
and i realize that time and space is best for now

i woke up
and expected to be the same
but i'm different
changed, older, not necessarily wiser
but more understanding

yet, we can't be friends for a while
i'm still cynical after all

hope for a new love
might change that
or hide it

break that emergency glass case
when the time comes
greet me

should have [06 February 02|2:17p]
i should have listened when you said
you didn't feel the same anymore
i should have listened to what you were saying
instead of clouding my mind with thoughts
that all bad things will go away

what a fool i am

i said i wasn't writing much poetry these days
and you said all of it came from pain
my pain

i guess i'll be writing more
greet me

[24 January 02|3:24p]
how can things change so much in three weeks?
one minute it's "the next step"
the next is, "i need some time"

damn men!
1 hello|greet me

[24 January 02|3:23p]
love is blind
i didn't think you were like other men
but you're acting somewhat typically
and hurting me

you said you waited and waited to tell me
you didn't want to see me cry
but how could i not?

you never liked to see me cry
but you had to
to get away

and i should let you go
but i can't

i've invested so much
and you're an essential part of me

much like i hoped i was to you

some say to be stoic
he'll come back
when he's ready

but can i wait?

i don't want to
but i should
i need to
but how long?

it's unknowable
greet me

huh [24 January 02|2:31p]
i never thought i would be writing sad poetry again
i thought i found a good person to be with
someone who wouldn't hurt me
i was wrong

why am i always wrong?

i've cried and cried
can't cry anymore
and then the tears leak anyway

my contacts are scratched and itchy
i think i should blink
and it'll be some sort of reality i can understand

but the bubble has been burst

and nothing can make the soap soapy again
greet me

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