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Waagen, Wilhelm Heinrich
Wace, Robert
Wachter, Eberhard
Wadding, Luke
Wadding, Michael
Waire, Venerable
Waitzen, Diocese of
Wakash Indians
Walburga, Saint
Waldeck, Principality of
Waldsassen, Abbey of
Waldseemüller, Martin
Walenburch, Adrian and Peter von
Wall, Venerable John
Walla-Walla Indians
Wallenstein, Albrecht von
Wallon Henri-Alexandre
Walmesley, Charles
Walpole, Ven. Henry
Walsh, Edward
Walsh, Patrick -- Irish-American journalist and senator (1840-1900)
Walsh, Peter
Walsh, Robert
Walsh, Thomas
Walsh, William
Walsingham, Thomas
Walsingham Priory
Walter, Ferdinand
Walter of Châtillon
Walter of Merton
Walter of Mortagne
Walter of St-Victor
Walter of Winterburn
Waltham Abbey -- Formerly located near London
Walther von der Vogelweide
Walton, Brian -- English Biblical scholar (1600-1661)
Wandelbert -- Benedictine monk and theological writer (813-850)
Wangnereck, Heinrich -- German theologian, preacher, and author (1595-1664)
Ward, Hugh -- Irish Hagiographer (1590-1635)
Ward, James Harman
Ward, Margaret, Saint
Ward, Mary
Ward, Thomas -- English controversialist (1652-1708)
Ward, Ven. William -- English martyr (1560-1641)
Ward, William George -- English writer and convert (1812-1882)
Warde, Mary Francis Xavier -- Irish-American nun (1810-1884)
Warham, William -- Archbishop of Canterbury (1450-1532)
Warsaw, Archdiocese of -- Located in Poland
Wartenberg, Franz Wilhelm, Count von -- Bishop and cardinal (1593-1661)
Washing of Feet and Hands
Washington, D.C.
Washington, State of
Water, Holy
Water, Holy, Fonts
Water, Liturgical Use of
Waterford and Lismore
Waterson, Ven. Edward -- English martyr (d. 1594)
Waterton, Charles -- English naturalist and explorer (1782-1865)
Waterworth, James -- English priest (1806-1876)
Watteau, Jean Antoine -- French painter (1684-1721)
Waverley, Cistercian Abbey of
Way, Ven. William -- English priest and martyr (d. 1588)
Way of the Cross
Way or State -- Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive
Wealth, Use of
Wearmouth Abbey -- Benedictine monastery in Durham, England
Weathers, William -- English bishop (1814-1895)
Webb, Benjamin Joseph -- Kentucky editor and historian (1814-1897)
Webbe, Samuel -- English composer (1742-1816)
Weber, Beda -- Benedictine professor, author, statesman (1798-1859)
Weber, Friedrich Wilhelm -- Physician, poet, statesman (1813-1894)
Weber, Heinrich -- German Church historian (1834-1898)
Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von -- Composer (1786-1826)
Weedall, Henry -- English priest (1788-1859)
Week, Liturgical
Wegg-Prosser, Francis Richard -- Prominent English convert (1824-1911)
Weingarten -- Suppressed Benedictine abbey
Weis, Nicolaus von -- Bishop in Lorraine (1796-1869)
Weislinger, Johann Nikolaus -- Polemical writer (1691-1755)
Weiss, Johann Baptist -- Historian (1820-1899)
Weissenau, Monastery of -- Suppressed Premonstratensian house in Würtemberg
Weitenauer, Ignatius von -- Littérateur, exegete, and Orientalist (1709-1783)
Welbourne, Ven. Thomas -- English martyr (d. 1605)
Weld -- Name of a prominent English Catholic family
Weld, Frederick Aloysius -- New Zealand colonist (1823-1891)
Welle, Prefecture Apostolic of
Wellington, Archdiocese of -- Located in New Zealand
Wells, Ven. Smithin -- English martyr (1536-1591)
Wells in Scripture
Welser, Bartholomeus -- German merchant prince (1488-1561)
Welsh Church
Welsh Monastic Foundations
Welte, Benedict
Wenceslaus, Saint
Wendelin of Trier, Saint --
Weninger, Francis Xavier -- Jesuit missionary and author (1805-1888)
Wenrich of Trier -- Eleventh-century German ecclesiastico-political writer
Werburgh, Saint -- Benedictine (d. 700)
Werden -- Suppressed Benedictine monastery
Werner, Friedrich Ludwig Zacharias -- Prussian convert, poet, and pulpit orator (1768-1823)
Wessel Goesport, John
Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich von -- Vicar-General and Administrator of the Diocese of Constance (1774-1860)
Wessobrunn -- Suppressed Benedictine abbey in Bavaria
West Syrian Rite
West Virginia
Westcott, Sebastian -- English organist (1524-1583)
Westeraas, Ancient See of -- Located in Sweden
Western Schism
Westminster, Archdiocese of
Westminster, Matthew of
Westminster Abbey
Westminster Cathedral
Weston, William
Westphalia -- Province of Prussia
Wettingen-Mehrerau, Abbacy Nullius of -- Cistercian abbey in Austria
Wetzer, Heinrich Joseph
Wharton, Ven. Christopher -- iEnglish martyr (1536-1600)
Wheeling, Diocese of -- Located in West Virginia
Whipple, Amiel Weeks -- American military engineer and soldier (1818-1863)
Whitaker, Venerable Thomas -- English martyr (1614-1646)
Whitbread, Venerable Thomas -- English martyr (1618-1679)
Whitby, Abbey of
Whitby, Synod of
White, Andrew -- Missionary (1579-1656)
White, Charles Ignatius -- American editor and historian (1807-1878)
White, Edward
White, Eustace, Venerable -- English martyr (1560-1591)
White, Richard, Venerable -- English martyr (1537-1584)
White, Robert -- English composer (1530-1574)
White, Stephen -- Irish antiquarian and polyhistor (1574-1646)
White, Stephen Mallory -- American statesman (1853-1901)
White, Thomas
White Fathers
Whithorn Priory -- Founded in Scotland in the twelfth century
Whiting, Blessed Richard
Whitsunday -- Alternate name for Pentecost
Whitty, Ellen -- Australian nun (1819-1892)
Whitty, Rose -- Irish nun (1831-1911)
Whitty, Robert -- English Jesuit (1817-1895)
Wibald -- Medieval Belgian Abbot (1098-1158)
Wichita, Diocese of
Wichita Indians
Wichmans, Francis -- Belgian Augustinian (1596-1661)
Widmer, Joseph -- Swiss theologian (1779-1844)
Widukind of Corvey
Wiener-Neustadt, Diocese of -- Suppressed see in Lower Austria
Wiest, Stephan -- Cistercian (1748-1797)
Wigand, Saints
Wigbert, Saint
Wigley, George J.
Wilberforce, Henry William
Wilberforce, Robert Isaac
Wilcannia, Diocese of
Wilcox, Robert, Venerable -- English martyr (1558-1588)
Wild, Johann -- Scriptural commentator and preacher (1495-1554)
Wilfrid, Saint
Wilhelm V -- Duke of Bavaria (1548-1626)
Wilhelm of Herle
Wilhering, Cistercian Abbey of
Will and Testament of Clerics
Will, Free
Willaert, Adrian Composer (1480-1562)
Willehad, Saint -- Bishop at Bremen (745-789)
Willems, Pierre -- Philologist (1840-1898)
William, Saint -- Twelfth-century Archbishop of York
William, Saint -- Bishop of St-Brieuc (1180-1234)
William, Blessed -- Abbot of Hirschau (d. 1091)
William -- Abbot of Marmoutiers (d. 1124)
William -- Abbot of Saint-Bénigne on Dijon (962-1031)
William Carter, Venerable -- English martyr (1548-1584)
William Exmew, Blessed -- Carthusian monk and martyr (d. 1535)
William Filby, Blessed -- English martyr (d. 1582)
William Hart, Blessed -- English priest (1558-1583)
William Lacy, Blessed -- Sixteenth-century English priest
William of Auvergne -- Bishop of Paris, medieval philosopher and theologian (d. 1249)
William of Auxerre -- Thirteenth-century theologian
William of Champeaux -- Scholastic, philosopher and theologian (1070-1121)
William of Conches -- Scholastic philosopher and theologian (b. 1100)
William of Digulleville -- Fourteenth-century French poet
William of Ebelholt, Saint
William of Gellone, Saint -- Second Count of Toulouse (755-812)
William of Jumièges -- Benedictine historian (d. 1090)
William of Maleval, Saint
William of Malmesbury
William of Moerbeke -- Scholar, Orientalist, philosopher (1215-1286)
William of Nangis -- Medieval chronicler (d. 1300)
William of Newburgh -- English historian (1136-1198)
William of Norwich, Saint
William of Ockham
William of Paris, Saint
William of Perth, Saint -- English martyr (d. 1201)
William of Poitiers
William of Ramsey
William of St-Amour -- Thirteenth-century theologian and controversialist (d. 1273)
William of Sens
William of Shoreham
William of St-Thierry -- Theologian and mystic (1085-1148)
William of Turbeville -- Bishop of Norwich (1095-1174)
William of Tyre -- Archbishop of Tyre and historian (1130-1190)
William of Vercelli -- Founder of the Hermits of Monte Vergine (1085-1142)
William of Ware
William of Wayneflete -- English bishop and chancellor (d. 1486)
William of Wykeham -- Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England (1324-1404)
William Perault -- Thirteenth-century French writer and preacher
William the Clerk (of Normandy)
William the Conqueror
William the Walloon -- Medieval abbot (d. 1089)
Williamites -- Name of two minor religious orders
Willibald and Winnebald, Saints
Willibrord, Saint
Willigis, Saint -- Archbishop of Mainz (d. 1011)
Williram -- Scripture scholar (d. 1085)
Wilmers, Wilhelm -- Professor of philosophy and theology (1817-1899)
Wilmington, Diocese of -- Located in Delaware, U.S.A.
Wilton, Richard -- English Trinitarian scholar (d. 1239)
Wilton Abbey -- Benedictine convent near Salisbury, England
Wimborne Minster -- Monastery in Dorsetshire, England
Wimmer, Boniface -- Bavarian archabbot (1809-1887)
Wimpfeling, Jakob -- Humanist and theologian (1450-1528)
Wimpina, Konrad -- Theologian (1465-1531)
Winchester, Ancient See of
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim -- Archaeologist and historian of ancient art (1717-1768)
Windesheim -- Augustinian monastery in Holland
Winding Sheet of Christ, Feast of the Holy
Windischmann, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo -- Orientalist and exegete (1811-1861)
Windischmann, Karl Joseph Hieronymus -- Philosopher (1775-1839)
Window, Rose
Windows in Church Architecture
Windthorst, Ludwig -- German statesman (1812-1891)
Wine, Altar
Wingham, Thomas
Winnebago Indians
Winnebald and Willibald, Saints
Winnoc, Saint -- Abbot of Wormhoult (d. 716)
Winona, Diocese of
Winslow, Jakob Benignus -- Physician and anatomist (1669-1760)
Winwallus, Saint -- Fifth-century Abbot of Landevennec
Winzet, Ninian -- Benedictine abbot and controversial writer (1518-1592)
Wipo -- Eleventh-century priest and biographer
Wireker, Nigel -- Twelfth-century satirist
Wirt, Wigand
Wisdom, Book of
Wisdom, Daughters of
Wise Men (Magi)
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick -- Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster (1802-1865)
Witt, Francis Xavier -- Composer and reformer of church music (1834-1888)
Wittenberg -- City and University
Wittman, George Michael -- Bishop-elect of Ratisbon (1760-1833)
Wittman, Patrizius -- Catholic journalist (1818-1883)
Witzel, Georg -- Hessian theologian (1501-1573)
Wladislaw, Diocese of
Wolff, George Dering -- American editor (1822-1894)
Wolfgang, Saint -- Bishop of Ratisbon (934-994)
Wolfram von Eschenbach -- Middle-High-German epic poet (d. 1216)
Wolgemut, Michael -- Painter and engraver (1434-1519)
Wolowski, Louis-François-Michel-Reymond -- Polish economist (1810-1876)
Wolsey, Thomas -- Cardinal Archbishop of York (1471-1530)
Wolstan, Saint -- Benedictine, and Bishop of Worcester (1008-1095)
Wood, Thomas -- Priest and confessor (1499-1588)
Woodcock, Venerable John -- English Franciscan martyr (1603-1646)
Woodhead, Abraham -- English writer (1609-1678)
Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison -- Priest and scientist (1832-1889)
Woodhouse, Blessed Thomas
Worcester, Ancient Diocese of
Words (in Canon Law)
World, Antiquity of the
Wörndle, Von, Family -- Philip, Edmund, and August
Worship, Christian
Worsley, Edward -- English Jesuit (1605-1676)
Worthington, Thomas, D.D. -- Third President of Douai College (1549-1627)
Wounds, The Five Sacred
Wouters, G. Henry -- Historian (1802-1872)
Wright, Venerable Peter -- English martyr (1603-1651)
Wright, William
Wulfen, Franz Xaver Freiherr von -- Botanist (1728-1805)
Wulfram, Saint -- Bishop of Sens (d. 704)
Würtemberg, Kingdom of
Würzburg, Diocese of
Würzburg, University of
Würzburg Abbeys
Wyart, Théophile-Louis-Henri -- French Cistercian (1839-1904)
Wyche, Saint Richard de -- English bishop and confessor (1197-1253)
Wyclif, John -- Writer and "reformer" (1324-1384)
Wyntoun, Andrew of -- Scottish chronicler
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Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight. All rights reserved. Updated 15 September 2003.
Praise Jesus Christ in His Angels and in His Saints.
New Advent is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.