The Wayback Machine -
December 15, 2003

Cockle warming

Pat and I have had kids for as long as we've known each other. When we met, we each brought bundles of joy along with us. The weeks prior to Christmas have always been filled with a multitude of Christmas shows; Rudolph, Frosty, Peanuts, etc.

This year is the first year that we have been left mostly to our own devices during the holiday season. All of our kids are growing up and are starting to have their own lives away from home. They have friends and school and jobs. You know, like real people.

snowman.jpgIt pleases me to no end to report to you that what Pat and I have been doing in these weeks alone prior to Christmas is watching a multitude of Christmas shows; Rudolph, Frosty, Peanuts, etc.

Tonight we watched 'The Snowman'. I don't know if there is a more magical Christmas show out there. We always feel heart-warmed after watching it. It really is special.

I am a lucky man to live the life that I am living. I am truly rich.

posted by Buzz at 08:04 PM | buzz (0) | track (0)

All my nightly dreams are where thy grey eye glances

I think I'll use tonight's Christmas song to (possibly) introduce you to a wonderful band, Grey Eye Glances. This group is one of our favorites here in the beehive. We've seen them live a couple of times and they are really quite good.

I didn't know until tonight that they even had a Christmas song. And while it is not a traditional song it is still very nice. I hope you enjoy it. And if you do, go out and get some more of their stuff. It's all good. Really.

Grey Eye Glances - our own place and time (a christmas song).mp3


posted by Buzz at 06:14 PM | buzz (1) | track (0)


I like Renee Zellweger. I do. I like her squinky eyes when she smiles. I like her voice. I like her acting. I don't like how she isn't paying my mortgage but that's a post for a later date.

One of the things I don't like about her is that she tends to get just too damn skinny. And you know how I feel about that! Anyway, she apparently has had to gain weight again for Bridget Jones Diary II. Below you can see a picture of her with and without the newly gained weight.

Without: Yuck!
With: Rrroowwrr!! Yowsa!

Whaddya think?

(click to embiggen)

posted by Buzz at 03:39 PM | buzz (8) | track (0)

My card warmed your what?

Ok, I've done a little 'cockle' research and here's what I found.

First of all, you can only type or say the word cockle so many times before it passes into complete meaninglessness. I have hit that point.

Secondly, cockle has several definitions. I said earlier that something warmed my cockles. Let's see:

Definition #1: Any of various bivalve mollusks of the family Cardiidae, having rounded or heart-shaped shells with radiating ribs.
No. I'm pretty sure that's not it.

Definition #2: A wrinkle; a pucker
Geez! That one just skeeves me out! And I'm not even sure why.

Definition #3: One's innermost feelings

So when someone says that something you did for them warmed their cockles, you can rest assured that you done good.

Unless they mean that pucker thing. Then you're on your own.

posted by Buzz at 11:33 AM | buzz (4) | track (0)

She's such a card.

I am most definitely not a card person. If it were left up to me, I would never send out Christmas cards or birthday cards or graduation cards or Great-Grand-Secretary-In-Law cards. Hallmark is certainly not counting on me to keep them in business.

Fortunately, my wife is pretty good at sending out cards and manages to keep me out of the family doghouse by remembering to send out the appropriate 'well wishes' or 'condolences' to all of the right people at all of the right times.

All that said, I just received a Christmas card from my good friend (and secret girlfriend) Judi and I gotta admit - it warmed my cockles. (Actually, now I have to go find out what my cockles are - I'll report back later)

So maybe I have this card thing all wrong. Damn it Judi! Now I hafta rethink a formerly secure position.

Anyway, thank you very much, Judi. It was great getting the card from you even if it didn't picture any haggis.

posted by Buzz at 08:39 AM | buzz (9) | track (0)

Good morning!

Just wanted to make a quick post to let you know that I am quite busy this morning doing my "I don't have to work this week" dance! Yes, I am on vacation for the entire week! And no, you really (really really) do not want to see me doing this dance. Avert your eyes! Get the women and the children out of the room!

Oh, and yes, I do understand what a loser I am for being up so early on my first day off.

I'm still gonna do my dance, though.


posted by Buzz at 07:15 AM | buzz (12) | track (0)
December 14, 2003

Final Score: Them-1746 Me-153

Well, the Wizbang contest is over. I've gotta tell ya that I'm glad, too. I mean, me and a lot of the other girls were really starting to get pretty catty, ya know? They can be such bitches!

Seriously though, thank you to everyone who voted for me. It really did make me feel good.

And congratulations to the winner of my division, Allah is in the House! Apparently, his (or hers, I can't quite figure it out) is 11.4117 times better than mine! That's pretty damn good!

Congrats to all of the nominees! I think I'll try for 'Best New Blog' every year! It was grand fun!

Album art from "Blues for Allah' by the Grateful Dead

posted by Buzz at 07:50 PM | buzz (4) | track (0)

For The Empress

My wife just loves the Phil Spector Christmas Album that we have featuring artists like 'The Ronettes', 'The Crystals', and 'Bob B. Soxx and the Blue Jeans', so today's selection is dedicated to the one I love. Pat, this one's for you. I hope you all enjoy this one from Darlene Love.

Darlene Love - Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)

posted by Buzz at 04:03 PM | buzz (2) | track (0)

Oh yes I heard it through the blogvine

I gotta say, the "blogvine" is truly amazing. Once again I heard about a major news story from reading someone's site last night (I can't remember who now, sorry) prior to hearing it on the news. I can't begin to tell you how many times this has happened. You guys are amazing. Better than CNN, I tell ya.

Keep up the good work, folks.

(I'll let others talk about the actual story itself.)

posted by Buzz at 08:38 AM | buzz (1) | track (1)
December 13, 2003

Christmas Day

Oops. I almost forgot to post my Christmas song of the day! My friend Tom over at recommended this Christmas song to me and I, in turn, am recommending it to you. Enjoy.

P.S. Last day to vote. Just sayin, is all.

Dido - Christmas Day

keep reading the buzz »

posted by Buzz at 06:21 PM | buzz (5) | track (2)

Saturday 'Did you Know'

As has become traditional here on the weekends, I am giving you guys some more 'Didja Knows'. So I ask ya, did you know that:

Telly Savalas and Louis Armstrong both died on their birthdays.

Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.

The smallest port in Canada is Port Williams, Nova Scotia.

The Velvet Underground was named after a book on the S&M; culture.

The Velvet Underground's first manager was Andy Warhol, who also produced their first album and designed the cover artwork. The cover artwork for the album (called "The Velvet Underground and Nico") featured a bright yellow banana that could be peeled off to reveal a bright pink banana underneath, with the label "Peel Slowly and See." "Peel Slowly and See" is the title of the Velvet Underground comprehensive boxed set, which is the only currently-available Velvet Underground recording to feature a peelable banana. The peelable banana caused substantial delays in the production of the VU's first album and contributed to Lou Reed's firing Andy Warhol as the group's manager.

New Zealand kiwis lay the largest eggs with respect to their body size of any bird.

Elephants have been found swimming miles from shore in the Indian Ocean.

When two words are combined to form a single word (e.g., motor + hotel = motel, breakfast + lunch = brunch) the new word is called a "portmanteau."

The topknot that quails have is called a hmuh.

Dr. Samuel A. Mudd was the physician who set the leg of Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth ... and whose shame created the expression for ignominy, "His name is Mudd."

The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.

Ralph Kramden made 62 dollars a week.

posted by Buzz at 03:13 PM | buzz (9) | track (0)

I know they were around here someplace.

Did you ever notice that jumper cables are always in the way until you really need them, at which point they completely disappear?

Me too.

Damn it.


Don't you love it when your buddy calls you from outta the blue and says "Hey, you know that big ol' tree lying in your side yard? You want me come over and cut it up for you? And should I bring my handy-dandy battery charger and jumper cables, too?"

Yeah, me too.

posted by Buzz at 10:43 AM | buzz (6) | track (0)
December 12, 2003

What ever I touch starts to melt in my clutch!

Today's Christmas song is actually two songs rolled into one. You all know these, right? Heat Miser and Snow Miser? You gotta love em!

TV - Year Without A Santa Claus - Heat Miser.mp3

posted by Buzz at 04:20 PM | buzz (7) | track (2)

A real PSA this time

From my good friend PeteBeck (you are linking him, right?) a really fun announcement. Check it out!

it's time once again boys and girls to choose the Word Of The Year!

last year the winner was "nukular", followed closely by "WMD" -- which isn't really a word, but then neither is nukular. the good folks over at SF Gate are asking for submissions. so far they've suggested "metrosexual" as a possible finalist for 2003. not bad, but personally, i'm voting for "Gropenator", after our illustrious governor elect.

according to the SF Gate article, the qualifications for a word are only that it should be in widespread use. it doesn't have to be new, but it should have picked up a new meaning or achieved new prominence.

so there you have it. vote early and often! you can email your personal favorites to this address -, or if you want to leave your choices here in the comments (actually Pete's comments), i'll forward them all on just before the submission deadline, which is next thursday.

get to it!

posted by Buzz at 01:01 PM | buzz (8) | track (0)

The wheels on the bus go round and round

Bill over at Bloviating Inanities has a fascinating post about Tiger blogging about me blogging about toilet paper.

This is madness people!! Where will it all end??


posted by Buzz at 08:37 AM | buzz (8) | track (0)


Just a small bit of advice.

When writing an email to someone and you want to be cool and call them "Dude", it is oh-so-important to make sure that you press down hard enough on the 'E' key.

Yeah, that totally changed the tone of THAT e-mail. Sorry dud. I mean dude!

Oh, and I've got Allah in my sights now! So get out there and vote, won'tcha?

posted by Buzz at 06:41 AM | buzz (4) | track (0)
December 11, 2003

Well, I love hockey too, but....

You know, I sorta feel bad for these guys, but this is one of the funniest damn clean "priceless" pics I have ever seen. Nothing like getting all caught up in the moment!

(click to embiggen)

posted by Buzz at 05:56 PM | buzz (9) | track (0)

Too far

Dang! I think someone needs to eat a cookie!


posted by Buzz at 01:57 PM | buzz (23) | track (0)

Join together beneath the mistletoe

Today's song is especially for those of you who aren't neccessarily celebrating Christmas this time of year but rather Solstice. I hope you enjoy it.

(click and save as, please)

Jethro Tull - Ring Out, Solstice Bells

keep reading the buzz »

posted by Buzz at 12:25 PM | buzz (2) | track (0)

The science of man

I had cause this morning to change the toilet paper roll in our powder room. (No, I'm not telling you why! Sheesh! There are just some things that even I won't talk about on this site. I mean, my mom reads this site! And when it comes to bodily functions, me mums the word, if you know what I mean!)

So anyway, as my friend Charlie would say, where the hell was I? Oh yeah, toilet paper rolls.

Right. So I was just shitting there (oops, that's an unfortunate typo) minding my own business, and saw that we ran out of TP. So I get a new roll and go to put it on, but it's one of those rolls that's all scrunched. You know what I'm talking about, right? Like a pancake or possibly a frisbee. I try my best to scrunch it back to round but you know that you can never get it quite right. So now we have one of those rolls that goes ba-thumpety ba-thumpety ba-thumpety. I hate that.

We put a man on the moon and invented a 'living bra' - you'd think we could keep our toilet paper rolls round, wouldn't ya?

posted by Buzz at 07:21 AM | buzz (14) | track (2)
December 10, 2003

Roll call

I've been seeing a lot of new faces hangin' around here lately. So let's see who's out there tonight. If you're a lurker, take a second and say howdy! If you're one of my codgy old regulars, well, you all say howdy, too.

So let's hear it. Who's out there? Quit bein' so ding-dang shy.

(Plus it's nice to pimp your own site a little, don'tcha think?)


posted by Buzz at 07:06 PM | buzz (51) | track (0)

(Buzz)stuff you didn't want to know.

Good lord! Did you ever have to pluck out a nose hair? Holy cannoli!! I just had this little renegade runaway rebel hair and thought "No prob. Just a little yank should do it". I think it must have been attached directly to the pain center of my brain.

I damn near fainted.

Speaking of nose hairs, I heard somewhere that people are starting to get their nose hairs waxed. Is this true? After today's little episode, I think I'll pass.

posted by Buzz at 02:50 PM | buzz (14) | track (0)

Christmas Kate

Today's musical offering is the best seasonal song that you're not listening to. This song is just wonderful. Give it a listen, won't you?

(Right click and save please)

Kate Bush - December Will Be Magic Again

posted by Buzz at 11:25 AM | buzz (6) | track (0)

To my nizzles

It's been well documented that I am not nearly cool enough to use any words that end with -izzle. (Well, actually, I'm ok with sizzle but only in certain situations.) Some people can pull that shizzle off with ease (oops, sorry 'bout that), but I am not one of them.

I realized recently that that was just the tip of the iceburg. I am also not cool with the geeky side of the store, either. For example, I can't use pr0n or g33k or any of those types of words. I even struggle with ROFLMA and ROFL and ROF and RO. I can barely LOL.

The one that's the worst though - the one that I just cannot stand - is lurve. Ooh, I lurve me some mac-n-cheese. I lurve me some Devo. I lurve me some Kate Hudson (actually I do lurve me some Kate Hudson, but that's not for discussion right now).

Now, if you are a friend of mine and you use the word lurve, please understand that it sounds really good coming from you. Yeah. It sounds great coming from you. It's everybody else in the entire world that makes my skin crawl.

Ok, I guess that's it. My rant for the day. You may continue on. Oh and don't forget to vote early and vote often. I'm sneaking up slowly on that Allah character.

posted by Buzz at 06:55 AM | buzz (13) | track (2)
December 09, 2003

Your daily Xmas song

Today's Christmas song is one of the cutest I've ever heard. If you've got young kids at home, play this for them. They're sure to love it. You, on the other hand, will want to kill yourself after hearing it three times!

(Right click and save please)

Gayla Peevey - I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas

posted by Buzz at 03:32 PM | buzz (1) | track (1)

Roll over Beethoven

Without a doubt, this is the horniest person I have ever seen!

(This needs sound)

posted by Buzz at 01:21 PM | buzz (7) | track (1)

Judging a book

Apparently, George Clinton, the "godfather of American funk" was arrested yesterday. He was charged with cocaine possession. Personally, I think that the charges are all trumped up. I mean, seriously, does this look like the face of a drug user?

Umm, ok, never mind.


posted by Buzz at 12:15 PM | buzz (1) | track (0)

Telling secrets

As most of you know, The Empress and I have the best marriage this side of the Pecos (wherever that is). People often ask "What's your secret?" Well, I think I've figured it out.

The secret to a long-lasting relationship is bacon and macaroni and cheese. These are the comfort foods of our time.

I can cook up a real nice batch of bacon at a moment's notice (not too crispy - not too fatty) and Pat can make Macaroni and Cheese like nobody's business (I think part of the secret is in the onions).

And there you have it.


posted by Buzz at 10:11 AM | buzz (12) | track (0)

Sweet harmony

Now that you mention it, what IS so funny about peace, love and understanding?

posted by Buzz at 09:03 AM | buzz (7) | track (0)

I want my (old) MTV

You know who I miss? Martha Quinn. Remember her? From MTV? Back when it was good? She was one of the original MTV VJs and by far the coolest and the cutest. Man! I had such a crush on her! I was 21 and she was 22 or 23. An older woman! Oh baby!

Then, she kinda moved on into obscurity (at least for me). Now I see her occasionally on the Neutrogena commercials but, dagnabit, I want more! Oh sure, I can see her any time I want in the classic 'Chopper Chicks in Zombietown', but that just ain't cutting it. Ya dig?

Oh well, I guess I'll have to take what is offered.

By the way, in case you were wondering, the other original VJs were:

Nina Blackwood,
Mark Goodman,
J.J. Jackson
Alan Hunter

Hey, doesn't one of these guys have a blog?

(click to embiggen)

posted by Buzz at 06:27 AM | buzz (14) | track (0)
Buzz's 100 - Pat's 100
Blogroll Me! - Buzz Sound
My wish list.

Good Times & Noodle Salad


email me at


Tip jar

What am I reading? You mean right now? Oh. This.

< ? BlogMoxie # >
« ? Blogomania # »
« ? MT # »
<5 < list random > 5>

Dinky Chickenshorts: Wow! That sounds great. A new Christmas tradition [Buzz it]

nefarious: A-freakin-men! The whole emaciated thing is too mu [Buzz it]

Mala: Have a wonderful time on vaca! What a great car [Buzz it]

Charlie: I'm with cassie-b -- riiiiight in the middle would [Buzz it]

Jenn: Oh dude,I am sorry. One day I forgot to vote. It [Buzz it]

Kathy Howe buzzed 335 times
Empress buzzed 309 times
Erica buzzed 307 times
judi buzzed 195 times
P buzzed 193 times
Busy Mom buzzed 192 times
Cassie-B buzzed 181 times
theresa buzzed 160 times
buddha buzzed 150 times
Beavis buzzed 146 times

Cockle warming
All my nightly dreams are where thy grey eye glances
My card warmed your what?
She's such a card.
Good morning!
Final Score: Them-1746 Me-153
For The Empress
Oh yes I heard it through the blogvine
Christmas Day

December 2003
November 2003
October 2003
September 2003
August 2003
July 2003
June 2003
May 2003
April 2003
March 2003
February 2003
January 2003

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Go on, you know you wanna

Here's some folks kind enough to link to me. Thank you. (refresh for random list)