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[09 Oct 2004|02:05pm]
Pitch and I have come to the computer room TOGETHER at 10:05pm pissed with the intention of updating our livejournals with comical prose. What a pair of.......

The other night I remember drinking 5 pints of cider, 1 rum, several shots of vodka, more cider, some beer and 2/3 of a decanter of port which was being filled quite frequently as I went. I do not remember the last third, nor do I remember rugby tackling freshers, sliding down walls trying to roll fags one-handed whilst cradling my head, passing out on old court lawn covered in port, lifting Jo and throwing her around the room screaming I loved her and going back to my college grand daughters', drinking more and getting home, but I'm informed reliably that these things happened. I saw my dissertation supervisor the next day, still completely fucked, and he liked me. Brilliant. I was going to be good this year wasn't I...

But I sort of have been. I did lots of work today. So I rewarded myself by drinking more. This involves my LJ manner being very cuntish, but I guarantee that if you look at Pitch's journal he will come across as more of a cunt. D'you know why? Well I'll tell you.


In other news, I've been editing a college-wide poetry magazine and writing about Greek Tragedy.

I love you all. Well not all of you, some of you are wankers.

Birmingham. Ellen. I'm so sorry. I got pissed and forgot the dates and haven't phoned you yet for shame. Jenn, I was caned the other day and saw I rang you at about 3am - if this woke you up, I'm scum and apologise. If it didn't, OI WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN IN TOUCH? Friya, you're the best. Rob, you're a playa-hatah-JEW. Everyone else is odd.

Best go...
Comments: 11 scorchmarks - get burned.

Then we have a big party [04 Oct 2004|04:48pm]
It's been a good few days. Suzie and I have been tormenting freshers by taking drugs in our underwear on my faux-balcony and telling them all we're in the IRA. There's been a lot of laughs, a lot of noise, a lot of substances, a lot of injuries, and a lot of people, which has been most merry. Pretty much everyone is now back, which is ace. Far too many japes to recount in my pushed-for-time state, but I will update in a more entertaining fashion post haste.
Comments: 4 scorchmarks - get burned.

[01 Oct 2004|07:19pm]
[ mood | pleased ]

I'm in me room, and it's amazing. Had you tried to design me a room you couldn't have done much better. Not too huge - comfortably big. Faux balcony window looking out over the whole court facing the main path (abuse / spying / musing), intricate series of roof beams, slick furniture, etc. etc. It even has tons of lockable storage. Having moved in, I christened it with some drinks and joints with Wiz, Jay, Pitch, Olly, Fletch, Harriet, Roddy and Swinny over the course of the afternoon. Suzie arrives later on. Loads of people are back. This is cool.

Comments: 1 scorchmark - get burned.

...with murder. Let's not mince words. [30 Sep 2004|02:16pm]
[ mood | rushed ]

Quotation of the past couple of days iiis...

"Well surely some people smoke just flavoured tobacco out of bongs? Italians do anyway." - Some APU student I was chatting to last night.

NEVER WATCH REQUIEM FOR A DREAM. It's fucking horrible. I consider myself of a strong disposition when it comes to being fucked up by films / events / art / music / etc., but that film made everything that's ever got inside my head before look like the Magic Roundabout. Relentless, horrible stuff. Never again will I watch that film. Amazingly done though of course...

Aside from that, I've been having a bit of fun. Done some work, had a huge smoke with Wiz and Jay, got lost, went to APU to see Jason and his friends, etc. Olly has a huge metal kneebrace. Pitchy slept rough in Nottingham last night having had all his money stolen by a cabbie. There's a Varsity satire page meeting tonight in the Blackies. Tomorrow I'm moving into my proper room and Suzie is arriving in the evening. Let it roll, save our city, etc.

Playlist: Bill Hicks, Dizzee Rascal, Madness, Neil Young, GG Allin, Planes.

Comments: 17 scorchmarks - get burned.

[29 Sep 2004|02:22pm]
[ mood | fuzz ]

I just wanted to give a thanks and a hollerholler to my friends who have been helping me through what have been in some respects a nasty couple of days. You are good people.

I am still fairly fuzzy from last night. It was a good one. Blackies revisited with Pitch for beers before off to the little Welshman's abode for a smoke with said Welshman, Jay and 2 freshers. Final stop = Allo Allo, gin and toasties in my room with Pitchmonster and passing out.

No idea what's happening today. Going to hole myself up reading until anyone should care to distract me.

Suzie is arriving Friday night at 11ish. Awesome.

Playlist: Massive Attack, Smiths, Mogwai, Bjork, Nechrist, Maiden, Quo. Respect.

Comments: 1 scorchmark - get burned.

He came to me from heaven. Wizard, you're my girl. [28 Sep 2004|11:31am]
[ mood | blah ]

THE LITTLE WELSHMAN IS BACK!!! He, Chris, Olly, Andy and myself had a few joints and watched The Exorcist last night. Thoroughly enjoyable evening. Am getting more Aeschylus in my brain today - maybe a bit of WWI stuff too. Hope everyone is ok.

Comments: 2 scorchmarks - get burned.

I'd like to think I mowed down as many whites as I did blacks [26 Sep 2004|01:12pm]
[ mood | tired ]

-Getting drunk on Woo Woo with Rod and a lady whose gambits included "Oh my GOD! You use train tickets for roach?! I USE THEATRE TICKETS!!"

-All day bender in Cambridge with da yoofz

-Nearly having a dead body on my hands (don't ask)

-Spending 4 hours in A&E; with Olly, who spacked his knee during the rugby and is now on crutches. Running into Rod in A&E; - you ALWAYS see someone you know!

-A night of wrongness involving 5 bottles of port, many old boys (earliest cat graduated in 76!) and 2 guitars. Smiths singalongs, adaptations of 'In My Country There Is Problem' to the Dutch national anthem ('Tulips, weed and prostitutes' - think the Dutchman there liked it though), Belgium ('Child molesting and chocolates'), Switzerland ('We have hills and are impartial'), and WW1 No Man's Land ('It is bumpy underfoot.') People throwing stones at the window and trying to start on us as we jammed away. In the end the porters curtailed our fun...

Yes, this is the Cambridge I remember. I have also read some plays.

Watch Chopper. It's funny as fuck.

Toodle pip.

Comments: 4 scorchmarks - get burned.

[22 Sep 2004|11:56pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | Motley Crue ]

Third year? Where did that one come from?! Fuck this has gone quick!

Today I packed lots of stuff (shite) and had dinner with Friya (ace).

I will post news of Cambridge when any happens. Au revoir and that!

Comments: 6 scorchmarks - get burned.

[21 Sep 2004|11:36am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Johnny Cash - Hurt ]

So yes, one is back. Paris was great, despite me leaving my bag on a train from Waterloo to Woking, so I have no clothes anymore...

I am going back to Cambridge the day after tomorrow (Thursday). At the last minute they told me they have a bed for me early. I hope I get to see at least a couple of people before I go, but I have to organise / pack / etc.

Some people have asked my opinions on the new Quo single. Yes the riff is nabbed from Layla a bit, but it's fairly solid. The new album is indeed a fucking rip-off and they're really pushing their luck releasing that many Greatest Hits collections. However, the single is worthy buying, as the b-side 'Lucinda' is fucking brilliant - better than anything they've done in fucking ages save a couple of the rockers on 'Riffs'. Tada.

Comments: 1 scorchmark - get burned.

Hung over like the Hunchback of Notre Dame (by Sodbleed You Spack Hempflaneur) [20 Sep 2004|08:34pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Yeast ]

Paris )
Comments: 14 scorchmarks - get burned.

[18 Sep 2004|02:02pm]
Hello all. I'm out of credit again, so as you were. Birthday was ace. Ellen and her pal Isaac turned up earlier than expected and we had a not so much debauched as chilled day, which after the booze abuse of the preceding days was needed and nice. It is indeed 'not all drink.'

Back Monday. Hope you're all keeping well.
Comments: 4 scorchmarks - get burned.

SO odd seeing LJ in French. This is my 'Sujet', yknow.. [16 Sep 2004|01:22pm]
Hello all. One is in Paris. Having a splendid time. Have been swanning and drinking and laughing and sleeping and eating far too many omelettes. Last night we drank a bottle of Calvados in an amazing square and had a smoke with some homeless people. All good fun. Birthday is tomorrow, and this will mean shenanigans grandes.

I have however ran out of cash on my phone. I can receive texts, but am unsure if I can receive calls. ELLEN!!!!! Should you read this, try calling me but if it fails give us a text and I will use some payphone/Suz's phone to get in touch. Looking forward to seeing you.

People expecting postcards - I got some good ones. They will probably be sent today if I don't get too pissed.

Take yourselves care and much Bohemian love, word to your mother. Inabitch.
Comments: 8 scorchmarks - get burned.

Au revoir [13 Sep 2004|03:10pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Suicide ]

Comments: 8 scorchmarks - get burned.

[13 Sep 2004|01:57pm]
[ music | Spy Versus Spy - S/T ]

Anyone planning to go shopping for mens' trousers/shoes in central Croydon - give it a couple of weeks, as the current stock has a sizeable amount of my blood on it. Thumb was oozing all day....

On the bus home two little pikeys had balloons they'd nicked from Allders, and were chugging the helium off it, generally being dicks. As they got off, one of them exhibited he'd tied his to his wrist, yelling at me in a helium-charged bleat "My mummy told me to tie the balloons round my wrist and then they wouldn't fly away!!!"
"Really?" I replied. "My mummy used to tell me to put it in the warm place in my botty, but it would always burst - but it sort of felt quite nice, so then I went to private school and took an imperial vat of cock."

They left the bus stunned and silent. Their balloons flapped in the Croydon wind, hollow and unfulfilling, like their souls. Fantastic.

Now I must pack for Paris. But first a big joint to make it more interesting.

Comments: 3 scorchmarks - get burned.

[12 Sep 2004|09:47pm]
[ music | Johnny Cash - The Man Comes Around ]

‘Well, we’re up a hill about 15 minutes walk from the party. It’s pitch black, it’s starting to rain, there’s thistles everywhere, Martin’s dancing about, Elliot’s playing 80s German disco pop songs, we’ve got Stella, there’s gear flying about, it’s great.’

So said Dave over the phone to Evvy after Dave, Elliot and I decided to christen the farm party with a pointless, physically taxing, dark, wet and decidedly prickly excursion around the farm’s land. We got bored and proceeded to get completely fucked halfway up a large hill. I managed to roll an enormous spliff in pitch darkness, high winds, sitting on thistles, several beers in me, and with the thumb on my right hand not working. A fairly worrying skill. Once we had got down I divided my time between dancing like an idiot to the sounds of DJ SIMON (poor guy was not enjoying his work – ‘That was an ABBA medley.. not many ABBA fans here today.. that’s obvious.’) and smoking outside on plastic seats with Dave, pretending we were on a ranch. Indeed if we’d been in the States it would’ve been a ranch. But we’re in Blighty so it was a farm. Oh well.

Katy was on good form and got fucking smashed. She was ordering us all about in typical girl-whose-birthday-it-is fashion and told me she’s gonna turn up unannounced/invited to my house more often. Wicked! Essentially my entire old friendship group from sixth form were there; many of whom I hadn’t seen in 2 years. A lot of wrongness was enjoyed, and we have arranged to meet for an imperial bender this Christmas. A girl called Emma from my primary school was there, whom I haven’t seen since I was about 10! She is only at fucking Cambridge – we’re gonna hang out next year. Nice one.

Managed to wangle a lift home so I didn’t sleep on the farm. Woke up feeling moderately woozy and had a big smoke before heading to Kennington to see Mark for his birthday. He, Jamie, Pete and Sarah are living together now, which is ace. Was cool hanging out with Mark again. We listened through the new Planes album chatting crap, before heading to the pub with Jamie, Pete, Sarah, Kron and Ben. Got back to Croydon and had a beer, a joint, then met up with Friya and entourage at Baggati’s. Ran into Ria which was odd. Got a call from Simon - he's off to Madrid having feactured his cheek on a lampost. Fuck's sake. But yes, a nice meal was had, Priyan and I getting a bit cheeky with the wine and whisky, then back to Friya’s, where I mixed up a fuckload of Woo Woo. Her dad and I got mashed in the garage chatting about life, love, the wrongs of the world, etc. He gave me whisky, I left him some gear. I was completely munted by this point. I managed to get every member of Friya’s family drunk/stoned, before going back to mine with Priyan for some whiskys. I vomited Woo Woo goo in the toilet and passed out on the sofa. Spent today listening to Johnny Cash. Sterling weekend. My only regret is of course the absence of Master Pitchford, though I'll wager we shall be rabble-rousing in the twilight hours soon enough.

Comments: 5 scorchmarks - get burned.

"...this girl had doe eyes that would have made Bambi looked like a heroin-chic CK model" [10 Sep 2004|10:28am]
[ mood | high ]
[ music | Status Quo - Rolling Home (the 1976 one) ]

# Happy birthday to Friya.
Nothing could be more clee-yaar.
Happy birthday to Friiiyaaa
Let's drink some cherry-beee-yaaaar.#
(Ave Mariiiiya.)

I have been reading a Greek Tragedy a day. I'm surprised I haven't fucking topped myself.

Yesterday a menopausal woman with bad breath reduced my mouth to bloody rubble to the strains of 'You're the First, the Last, My Everything' by Barry White... all in the name of my dental hygiene apparently. NO WONDER THIS FARKIN COUNTRY'S EALF SERVICE IS GOING DAHN THE TUBES.

In the evening I went to The Ship for possibly the last time before Xmas. Managed to procure some skunk for the weekend (and possibly Paris, though I'm deliberating as to quite whether I want to add drug smuggling to my repertoire when I'm sure I could find some shit hash out there or something) and had a nice time with Chris, Kelly, Vikki, et al. Dave was on the decks playing some amazing 80s electro-pop that had our weary heads all nodding - we were loving The Human League and I was bowled over to hear 'Fade to Grey' again! It was an quite emotional night in many respects, which is a bit worrying considering it's a pub... But that place has been a godsend this Summer. I've had some fantastic times in there, made a lot of new friends, re-established old friendships, and cemented current ones - all over obscene amounts of cheap double gins to the strains of good music. Au revior le Ship.

It's birthday city at the moment. I am catastrophically Pitchford-less this weekend, as he has to attend his brother's birthday and between today and tomorrow I am attending at-least-2-and-possibly-THREE birthday celebrations. And my 21st birthday is a week today! Why did everyone start knobbing in the new year?!

I could even be getting 400 fags off Vish this weekend, now I think of it. He's been to New York and has got me MY kind of 21st present.

TONIGHT: Katy's 21st, which appears to be a Barbie and Action Man themed affair on a farm. Nice, non-surreal start to the proceedings... any idea on costumage? I'm totally stumped.

TOMORROW: Wake up on said farm. Somehow get to London? See Mark? See Vish? Who knows? I don't. Hopefully things will go smoothly and fun will be had. Then I must get my rocket powered jet pants to Croydon, where I will dine like a king with the Divine Impossible Woman, before heading to her abode in Forn'oneaf (Thorton Heath) for Woo Woo.

DAY AFTER: If my thumb has healed, gardening. But it's not looking good. Doc said if it throbs badly I might like to go to A&E;, where they will be so good as to shove an enormous hot metal pin into my nail to drain the wound. What the FUCK?!

4 days til Paris. Get the fuck in.

Comments: 6 scorchmarks - get burned.

[09 Sep 2004|04:49pm]
[ mood | utterly dismayed! ]
[ music | Guns n Roses - 14 Years ]


What The Hell Happened Last Night?
LJ Username
What did you drink?
You wake up in the morning next to: ian_huntley
...who is wearing: a skunk fursuit
...and rolls over to you to say: Are you putting the kettle on?
...and then: nibbles your neck
This cool quiz by joneccleston - Taken 96839 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology



How would you do if you wrote a book?
Your name:
Do you like books?
You will write: A manual on how to milk penguins
It will have this many pages: 3725
You will get: $31,933.81
You will: Jump off the top of the local Post Office in shame and disgust
Your agent/publisher will: Have their entire publishing works demolished to make way for a new road before they can publish your works
Percentage of sentimentality and crapppiness in its pages: - 87%
This QuickKwiz by FlowerOfMidnight - Taken 12 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Comments: 6 scorchmarks - get burned.

[09 Sep 2004|11:16am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Planes - The Last Winter Dance Party ]

Today will be a day of dentistry and possible drug procuring.

Thumb has gone black, prompting the following. Thanks to Daniel for providing the solo.

am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
you know mah thumb is spacked
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
you now the nails gone black
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
but thats the way i like it baby, im not gonna live forever!!
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
and dont forget the elastoplast!
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
simply to live, that was my plan says:
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
thumb is gonna bleed
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:
the only thumb i need
am slow with typing on account of spackthumb. apologies. says:

Comments: 1 scorchmark - get burned.

[08 Sep 2004|03:01pm]
[ mood | in agony ]
[ music | Planes - Up In Them Guts ]

About an hour ago I shut my thumb in a car door. It has swollen to twice its normal size and blood continues to ooze out of the nail at quite a steady pace. I was therefore unable to complete my gardening duties. My employer had the audacity to be pissed off with me as I made my way home almost unable to speak. What a cunt!

I can't play guitar, I can't roll fags and I sure as hell can't garden so I can't make money. Fuckery.

This one's for all my fine ladies...

I am a
Comments: 21 scorchmarks - get burned.

[08 Sep 2004|12:29pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | Planes - Up In Them Guts ]

Simon, Wizard, pub

Comments: 3 scorchmarks - get burned.

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