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December 15, 2003

The Prettiest Hitchhiker

Normally I do not stop for hitchhikers. However, exceptions can be made for those wearing suitable attire:

woman on the street in outrageous outfit

OK, OK, if you pressed me I suppose I might concede that it's, uh, "barely" possible she's out on the street in that outfit for some purpose other than hitchhiking. But I'd much prefer to think she just needs to get to Omaha in a hurry.

Posted by Bacchus at 07:20 am.   Comment

December 14, 2003

Don't Be A Dick

When I got to college, one of the two poor sophomores assigned to my freshman dorm to inject some sanity thereinto called us clueless freshmen together and spake thusly:
"In a lot of these freshmen entries, they have all kinds of rules. I don't like rules. So we are only going to have one. Don't be a dick."
And we mostly weren't, and we had a great time. The moral and political lesson I took from that, namely that small communities don't really need more than one rule, is possibly the most valuable thing I learned in college. Thanks, Josh!

By popular demand, and thanks to the smart folks at Haloscan, I've decided to install a commenting facility here at ErosBlog. However, I'd like to ask you all to remember Josh's rule. I work at keeping the tone here relentlessly sex-positive and unwaveringly non-judgmental. I may slip up, but that's the goal. I welcome your comments, but I'm simply not interested in creating a forum for haters, condemnators, repressive creeps, and the like. Lively debate, at times, is to be expected. But nastiness and anti-sex messages (and personal attacks of any sort, on anyone) will probably be deleted summarily. Be nice and play nice, please?

Thank you.

Posted by Bacchus at 02:01 pm.   Comment

December 14, 2003

Flying The Friendlier Skies

A quote:
"Every time I fly and am forced to remove my shoes, I'm grateful Richard Reid is not known as the Underwear Bomber.

— Douglas Manuel, quoted in USA Today, 13 March 2003

Agreed. Unless, perhaps, one could be guaranteed of flying with this flight crew.

Posted by Bacchus at 12:48 pm.   Comment

December 14, 2003

Nude Protester Wearing a Veil

Here's a pretty image from a Brazilian protest against police brutality:

pretty nude woman at a protest in Brazil

Something about the head scarf and veil makes this image more interesting than pure nudity would be.

Thanks to Naked Protesters for the picture.

Posted by Bacchus at 10:20 am.   Comment

December 13, 2003

"...Your Broomstick Has Stains On It"

The alternatively-religioned among you (and heck, anybody else with a sense of humor) will enjoy Lilith's "You know you're a horny Pagan if..." list, complete with a lovely photo illustration starring the author.

Posted by Bacchus at 11:57 am.   Comment

December 12, 2003

Paris Hilton Is A Good Sport

I've stayed away from the Paris Hilton sex tape story simply because (a) the tape's not very good, from a purely technical perspective and (b) I'm uncomfortable with making a public spectacle of people's private fun. However, I'm delighted to discover that Ms. Hilton appeared on Saturday Night Live and turned out to be an even better sport than the Dixie Chicks:
FALLON: Is it hard to get into the Paris Hilton?
PARIS: Actually, it's a very exclusive hotel, no matter what you've heard.
FALLON: I hear the Paris Hilton is very beautiful.
PARIS: I'm glad you've heard that.
FALLON: Do they allow double occupancy at the Paris Hilton?
FALLON: Is the Paris Hilton roomy?
PARIS: It might be for you, but most people find it very comfortable.
FALLON: I'm a VIP. I may need to go in the back entrance.
PARIS: It doesn't matter who you are. It's not gonna happen.
Thanks to Daze for the link.

Posted by Bacchus at 08:00 am.   Comment

December 11, 2003

Food Bondage

No, it's not what you think. What we have here is the product of too much time spent waiting for your food:

soy sauce in bondage

Thanks to Blogtied for the picture.

Posted by Bacchus at 07:37 am.   Comment

December 11, 2003

Everybody Gets Lucky Once

LushGirl has posted an awesome "first post" tale over at LushUs at the new Indecent Blogging adult blogging community. "Everybody Gets Lucky Once" is a charmingly self-possessed tale with a firm grasp of erotic literary tradition. Tell me this doesn't read like the opening page of a quality Victorian porn novel:
Everyone gets lucky once, even me.

Even me; the unluckiest girl ever in love. Even I can get lucky. After a string of heartbreaks that managed to make my hairdresser scream, I finally got my lucky break. My lucky break was named LushBoy.

Well, of course that's not his real name, but protecting the innocent and all that. For you see, innocence plays a real part in precisely why I am just so damn lucky. Lucky, lucky, lucky me!

I pride myself on my lack of innocence, or, more specifically, my knowingness. Oh yes, I am very knowing. For as long as I can remember, the lure of sex has been irresistible to me. My deepest memories of childhood are rooted in it, thick with it, dripping with it. I was born adrift on a sea of sex. Dreaming in my drunken boat of sex. I have been studying it all my life.

From my first crayon scrawls of "boobies" and "pee-pees" and huge, round bums, to the dizzy adventures in summertime bushes with the local boy who initiated me into the ways of nudity at the tender age of six. Did I know that the pitter patter in my unopened rosebud was arousal? No, of course not. But my instincts ruled me then as much as they do now, and I knew somehow that this feverish, throbbing hunger and the sight of flesh were inextricably linked. So, naturally I continued my experiments as often as possible.

Right now I'm partial to the story's title theme, so perhaps I'm biased. Just keep in mind, I linked to this story despite my ongoing minor snit at the sheer nerve of terming adult blogging "indecent".

Posted by Bacchus at 07:13 am.   Comment

December 10, 2003

A Male Sex Blogging Credo

Philip from Hot Action has some very cogent thoughts on male sex blogging. I specifically liked his thoughts about the ethics of blogging about sex:
As I see it, my main responsibility is to write as accurately and honestly as possible. I always picture the person involved reading the post and try to gauge if there is anything she could possibly take issue with.

But of course, it's about way more than accuracy. [...]

As a male sex blogger, I feel I have a duty to women to do them right. To give them my best writing, to extract the most beautiful or the most telling image from a situation, to pay tribute to them with elevated [or debased] language.

There are far more ways to make an event "unique and special" than by keeping it private.

I'm ashamed that I didn't even know about Philip's blog when I started discussing this subject.

Posted by Bacchus at 08:03 pm.   Comment

December 10, 2003

Congratulations Are In Order

Diablo from Pussy Ranch is getting married! "Diablo and Jonny, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes marriage, then two little babies in a baby carriage...."

Here's how it went down, since I know you ladies need the details about this sort of thing. And besides, it's pretty cool:

On Friday, Jonny presented me with a saucy new ensemble from Wet Seal (the man has some seriously excellent taste) and told me I should wear it for a "surprise date" on Saturday. But of course! I adore surprises.

So I donned the beaded top, miniskirt and pink fishnet tights on Saturday evening (Jonny wore an extremely hot new outfit as well) and we headed out. It turned out he had made reservations at our favorite sushi restaurant. We ordered cocktails and nigiri and commenced a fabulous meal. After finishing, we decided we were still hungry and ordered a second round of sushi.

So you can imagine my shock when the waitress arrived with a tray not bearing spicy tuna rolls, but a white ring box. "Here's your special roll," she said, barely able to contain her glee. Jonny dropped to his knee as I began bawling my fool eyes out in front of many gawking diners, and popped the question.

I had a surprise planned too: See, we'd been talking about getting engaged a lot recently, and I had a hunch a proposal was forthcoming. So several days earlier (as it turns out, the exact day Jonny had purchased the ring), I had secretly had the word "yes" tattooed on the inside of my wrist. I'd hidden it with an AC/DC wristband and hoped my surprise wouldn't be blown.

And it wasn't; I whipped off the wristband and flashed Jonny my wrist. "Yes!" Onlookers applauded, and my feet haven't touched the ground since.

I wanted my answer to last forever, and now it will. (In fact, it's healing nicely.)

Congratulations to the both of ya!

Posted by Bacchus at 08:47 am.   Comment

December 09, 2003

Living The Wild Life

Rask the Porn Publisher isn't living quite the wild life we expect from people in the sex industry. Instead, he works. Plus he has a very dry sense of humor (I hope it's humor). On Pearl Harbor day:
My ex-wife called today to see if I was coming to my daughters' birthday party. I didn't go. I worked. I selected pictures for nine more websites and wrote the copy for them. I did take time off long enough to fuck the slave. As usual, she walked around afterwards, saying "I got fucked today." Wondering whether such a response is really warranted, I did a search on this blog to see when she got laid last. I guess she may have just cause to think of it as something special.

Posted by Bacchus at 06:26 pm.   Comment

December 09, 2003

The Nymph In My Net: Christmas Is Coming II

As noted previously, The Nymph is a confessed present peeper. So I warned her that her Christmas present would come in tamper-resistant packaging. She got it yesterday:

tamper resistant present chained and locked

She says she's still laughing. I figure she's madly trying all 9999 combinations, in order. We'll see if she remembers to humor me by asking for the combination on Christmas day.

Posted by Bacchus at 06:12 pm.   Comment

December 09, 2003

What Submission Is And Is Not

I'll catch some minor hell for this, but it's true: sometimes (only sometimes, this is a literal statement and not that too-common rhetorical device of cloaking general distaste in vague disclaimer) when I read blogs by submissives, I get uneasy. Although I'm delighted whenever someone finds a lifestyle they find salutory and life-affirming, no matter how queasy their arrangements make me, there are some types of dominant/submissive relationships that seemed aimed at erasing the individuality, or even the humanity, if the submissive partner.

Accordingly, I am indebted to the strong-minded submissive Invidia, writing at The Collar Purple, for her recent pair of essays "What Submission Is" (scroll down to 12.04.03 entry) and "What Submission Is Not" (12.07.03 entry). The "Is" essay is a simple but powerful catalog of benefits and advantages a submissive (well, Invidia, anyway) enjoys as a consequence of her submission, while the "Is Not" essay covers just about everything that tends to make the hairs rise on the nape of my neck when I'm reading blogs by submissives. As Invidia herself points out, she's not trying to define submission for anyone but herself, nor would I be impressed if she had done.

So what's the ultimate reason for bring this up, if it's all good and what's wrong for Invidia may be perfectly fine for someone else, and so forth? Well, it's because in reading so many sex blogs, I see a lot of people (men and women alike) who are talking about exploring dominance and submission but who are put off by some of the common practices Invidia includes in her "Is Not" essay. Perhaps, then, there is value in sharing her "you don't have to treat your submissive like a Houseplant of Gor to play this game; the perfect submissive does not need to be three feet tall with a flat head to put drinks on" message with a broader audience.

Posted by Bacchus at 07:27 am.   Comment

December 08, 2003

Missing Cowgirl: Found

It seems she got a bodypaint job and went back down onto the farm for some bucolic grazing action:

naked cowgirl nude in body paint

This picture, and the last one which I forgot to credit at the time, I found at Good Shit. Thanks, Fred!

Posted by Bacchus at 08:09 am.   Comment

December 08, 2003

Indecent Blogging

Indecent Blogging is a new site starting up that's aiming to be "an adult blogging community". There's almost nothing there yet, but if you're looking for a place to get an easy start on a blog for grownups, it might be just what you want.

Meanwhile, let's all try not to think too hard about why sex blogging is supposed to be "indecent".

Posted by Bacchus at 07:53 am.   Comment

December 07, 2003

The Shape Of A Woman

Here's a woman shaped like a...well, you be the judge:

woman's torso and bottom looking like the shape of a penis

Ya gotta love those curves!

Posted by Bacchus at 01:48 pm.   Comment

December 07, 2003

People are Crazy About Sex

Yes, crazy about sex. But you knew that. Here's an anecdote from one of the anarchobabes that just had me scratching my head:
Anyway, the sister in-law thing ... its Partner M's sister and her husband. She accidentally found his stash of "penis pills" -- that's what she called them -- and threw a bitch-fit about it. According to her, things had been getting pretty sad in the bedroom dept but then all of a sudden he becomes a new man. Regular sex, no problems getting it up and keeping it up -- great stuff, right? She gets suspicious that there's another woman and starts noseying around and finds his bottle of Viagra. As soon as hubby gets home she goes off on him, yelling about how nasty and sick he is and all kinds of mean shit. She said she thought he'd apologize.

But he didn't. (Heh.) He said he was tired of wondering whether he'd be able to have sex with her and when he started reading about Viagra he thought it would work for him. So he went to the doctor and after some tests the doc gave him the Rx. He didn't tell her because he was embarrassed about needing the pills -- he just thought she'd be happy that they could do it again and told her to fuck herself if she didn't like what he was doing to be able to fuck her himself. (What a great line!)

So, they're barely talking now....

Maybe it's because I'm a guy, but I just don't get her negative reaction. It almost sounds like she is aggrieved that they are (er, were) having sex again.

Posted by Bacchus at 09:17 am.   Comment

December 06, 2003

Do You Need A Warm Glow?

Of course you do. It's December. You need a warm glow.

Mucho thanks to the friend who sent me the link.

Posted by Bacchus at 08:53 am.   Comment

December 05, 2003

Left Behind Lingerie

Philip at Hot Action shares a long reverie. A reverie about laundry, you could say, if you had no soul at all. The reverie begins:
I went upstairs and started to tidy up my room. I was sorting my laundry when I found the bra you'd been asking about. Yes, I still have it. So you want it back, do you?

I raised the bra to my mouth and and took a bit of the shiny black material in my teeth. I imagined biting through to the hard, sensitive nipple on the other side.

The smell of your breasts was still powerful on the garment....

Posted by Bacchus at 10:10 pm.   Comment

December 05, 2003

One For The Ladies

Well, and for whomever else might enjoy it; we're not too fussy around here. Anway, thanks to Carly at Pornblography, here's a flash animation of Ewan Macgregor's wabbly bits. Apparently cut from a recent movie called "Young Adam".

Posted by Bacchus at 07:29 am.   Comment

December 05, 2003

Gimme That Old Time Sodomy

According to the Washington Times (popups), Virginia has decided to ignore the US Supreme Court in an effort to legally sodomize just a few more defendants:
Virginia needs a new law that complies with a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling that struck down anti-sodomy statues, but the state should keep its existing sodomy ban as a nonworking, unconstitutional relic, the state Crime Commission said yesterday.

Removing the state's more than two-century-old law could doom pending court cases involving people charged or convicted under current Virginia law, members of the commission said.

Uh, if the law's unconstitutional, shouldn't the pending court cases be doomed? Hello? Earth to Virginia, anybody home?

Thanks to Free-Market.Net's Freedom News for the link.

Update: Thanks also to the alert reader who pointed out that I said Washington Post where I meant Washington Times. Fixed now.

Posted by Bacchus at 06:59 am.   Comment

December 04, 2003

Pretty Animated Lady

Here's a lovely flash animation for your delectation. Thanks to Sarah at Submissive Reflections for the link. Here's what it inspired at her house:
I sat here staring at her before telling Mac to come look. W/we watched her together for a little while, enjoying the sway of her breasts and the swing of her hips and the softness she conveyed.
And that's not all it inspired....

Posted by Bacchus at 08:41 pm.   Comment

December 04, 2003

The Seranade

Here's an erotic illustration by Maele that makes it clear what's really going on with those guys fiddling under their ladies' windows:

troubador fingering his impressive instrument

What an instrument!

Posted by Bacchus at 09:02 am.   Comment

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