With Sex News from around the world.
A Sex Blog devoted to the world of sex, bdsm and erotica, personal opinions provided by Evie
Location: London, UK
Origin: Sydney, Australia
Status: Taken
Sex: Female, bisexual
Hierophilia: Arousal from sacred objects and places.
I am very sorry, I thought I could maintain this site in my current circumstances, living in the UK, but I can't. Its been fun, and when I return to Australia, I do intend to continue.
It has been interesting how much the world of sex news and sex blogs has changed since I started. When I began, there were a few big sites doing sex news, and most of them are still going - Daze Reader and Eros Blog still remain my favourites. But its the sex blog community that has really boomed. Of course quite a few blogs have disappeared as quickly as they arrived, and many more appeared to replace them.
I am planning to revamp this site and reopen it in July 2004. My situation will be such that I can devote appropriate time to maintaining this site, instead of the sporadic updates I have been doing over the last few months.
Until July
Coaches are still divided over the issue, but more and more, the evidenceseems to be that sex increases your physical prowess.
Should I be worried that it is considered newsworthy that women believe they should find sex satisfying? Anyway - more surveys showing the wonderful attitudes of Norwegians about sex.
Do we cheer or do we condole? Latest studies show that the Norwegians have the most casual sex, but the majority are not satisfied with their sex lives.
A new study has shown that for many women, sexual is more sexual pleasurable after a hysterectomy. The trouble is, the reports says that most of these women reported problems reaching orgasm before the operation. What effect will a hysterectomy have on women who are able to easily, and frequently, orgasm?
Australian teenagers are having sex more often, and at a younger age. Even better news is that they are having safe sex, although the std knowledge could be better.
Oh dear, some people just can't cope with being expected to act like a person and think for themselves. Apparantly having sex with someone when you don't actually have to for economic reasons is a bad thing - anyway, here's a rant about the problem with sex today
There is no denying it, Sadomasichism is becoming increasingly popular. Even for those who its not really their thing. Oh dear, remember when it really meant something
Apparantly at least two-thirds of New Zealand women fake orgasm according to the latest Durex survey. Oh and some stats on how many people have had sex with their best friends partner, blagh, blagh, blagh.
Why should anyone be able to decide what another adult is allowed to watch or read? It seems just as adults are able to access what they want easily without regional limitation, governments are trying to tighten what can be legally accessed. Here is a well-thoughout argument on the state of Australian Censorship.
So it appears that the term Sex Kitten has a scientific basis after all. The parasite toxoplasma gondii can transfer to humans, and cause women to become guilt-free, hedonistic and attractive unfortunately men are more likely to beomce anti-social and jealous. Of course some people are already questioning common this actually is
There's something about cartoon porn that makes even the oddest situation look harmless
It seems women are getting more demanding when it comes to their vibrators, and manufactures are having feeling the pressure to keep up.
Of course there are downsides to the availability of sex toys - accidents due happen
Some people go to extraodinary lengths to avoid sex when things aren't good. However soon help maybe available in robotic form.
Despite what I know about the rest of the world, I still find it hard to imagine living, in Sydney or London, with the attitudes that nice girls don't, with no concept of masturbation, or the lie back and think of England belief. Yet if it wasn't for the Kinsey Report, I might have been.