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My vote for this week goes to HipperCritical for his post Israel's Sammy Davis Jr?
Good stuff all around
Posted by Inscrutable American at
04:11 PM
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Just when I thought I'd be happy....
GOOD NEWS: I've been studying all semester to try and get into med school... and I have. I leave for the sunny Caribbean on Jan. 4. Which also means I can try qualifying for the Flight Surgeon job. SCORE!!!
Everything I've ever wanted: the MD, helping America, and flying wicked cool fighter jets. What more can a man ask for?
BAD NEWS: Seriously, what the hell just happened in the Supreme Court? Which is the other half of the reason I've been jolted out of my Net-sleep: watching Bush fly to Iraq and surprise hungry troops with a moment no one anticipated was really nice, but certainly not one of those things that will alter the history of the country.
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Heck, even the anti-terror demonstrations were novel, but that just confirmed what we already know. But this? A legal ruling saying it is ILLEGAL to say certain things 60 DAYS before an election??? (Blogspot's links chew goats, as always, so please scroll down to "Alexander Hamilton vs. John McCain.")
This is instructive. Canada's gag laws have been struck down by our courts time in and time out, and I don't think even McCain-Feingold would pass muster in Canada. Why? Because in Canada, laws restricting your freedom to spend whatever you want on elections are- unconstitutional. Imagine that... a law that has contribution limits of $150K for individuals (!! Mitch McConnell would sacrifice puppies to have amended McCain-Feingold in that manner) is still regarded as being wrong.... and Americans are tolerating a $2k limit on what they can give to political parties? I know our dollar is relatively weaker, but come on!
The maximum speech can be restricted in a country without the American Constitution is 2 DAYS before the election, and that only relating to last minute election polls. Yet America is tolerating... 60 days.
The reasoning for this? There is no showing of harm yet.... You want a showing of harm, Justices? You want to see someone go over the limit and be threatened with prison for it before you deicde this law is asinine? As how you seem to be enamoured of rulings by foreign courts over the Constitution you swore to uphold, please ask the National Citizen's Coalition of Canada about how gag laws can result in "harm." Like, police officers telling you to cease and desist.
Seriously... what is so freaking difficult about obeying the Constitution? If Justice Moore is going to face action for putting up a copy of the Ten Commandments- I still say that's wrong, as it does not place the Constitution in the primacy it deserves- then what the heck is America doing to do about Justices who try to restrict the ability of ANY American group or individual to try and influence the political discourse? To the point where Canada is now freer than America?
This is so, so wrong....
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As some ay have noticed, I havn't really been blogging recently. The only reason behind it is that I am having exams-Finals. Not a good scene. All the semester-long partying is catching up with me. Lots of work to do.
Posted by Inscrutable American at
10:35 PM
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This blog crossed a significant marker today- 50,000 visits as counted by Sitemeter.
Thanks y'all.
Posted by Inscrutable American at
08:18 PM
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So, some people are upset about the lyrics from Eminem's new song. I don't think its as big a deal as people are making it out to be. What I get from the lyrics is that he is saying that he would rather see the President dead than be seen as rapping just for money (which may or may not be the case). I think its also a marketing strategy that does seem to be working. People are talking about it.
Understandably, the lyrics create concern, since there are people out there who will do what they think their idol wants them to do (like the guy who shot Reagan thinking that it would make Jodie Foster like him, or something like that). But, I think what he is saying is covered by the 1st Amendment.
[Link via the Puppy blender]
Posted by Inscrutable American at
05:51 PM
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