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Tuesday, 30 December 2003

Jesus is Everywhere!

quote [ Sometimes, we need help to see him. ]

Coming to a strip mall or Walmart near you.
[by rangerx@3:51pmGMT] [+3 WTF] [1 comment]

CAT-5 Compatible Les Paul?

quote [ Through all this musical history, the Les Paul has remained virtually unchanged, because no one would dare change it. Except for Henry Juszkiewicz, Gibson's mercurial CEO. He wants to shove an Ethernet cable into it. ]

Thumb is Les Paul Supreme. I'm not sure what I think about a networkable guitar. It doesn't help that it's not compatible with any existing amps. I like the analog sound...
[sci&tech;] [by 654321@3:46pmGMT] [+1 Good] [1 comment]

William Gibson aleph

quote [ In Gibson's novel 'Mona Lisa Overdrive', an aleph is a big chip which can store a huge amount of information. The intention of William Gibson aleph is to collect all available information on William Gibson and his work. ]

A good site for all things Gibson. If you go to the downloads (in "Related/Extras") section of this website, you can get a copy of Gibson himself reading Neuromancer. It's been around for a while I know, but I couldn't find it posted on SE before.
[sci&tech;] [by kzip@2:24pmGMT] [+1 Interesting] [1 comment]

President Bush visits Palookaville, Canada

quote [ Posing as an advance-team flunky from the office of Paul Martin, Frank called up the mayors of some of Canada's less-renowned duckbergs to tell them Dubya was on his way, and -- believe it or not! -- their one-gaspump town was being added to the President's itinerary. ]

Not politics. Left and Right can laugh heartily...
[art] [by Sleep@12:35pmGMT] [2 comments]

Thunderbird Model J: Did the 'J-Bird' cost a CEO his job?

quote [ Confidential AutoWeek sources embedded deep within Ford Motor Co.’s design department last week revealed a production prototype that may have hastened the 2001 departure of former CEO Jac Nasser. At the time, seasoned industry observers attributed his departure to falling profits and the Firestone tire unpleasantness. The real reason may have been a six-wheel pink Thunderbird. ]
[by Sleep@11:20amGMT] [+7 Funny] [6 comments]

"The Great Deception"

quote [ The more questions you pursue, it becomes more plausible that there's a different explanation: namely, that elements within the top USA military, intelligence and political leadership - which are closely intertwined - are complicit in what happened on September the 11th. ]

Barrie Zwicker, former Globe and Mail and Toronto Star writer, is producer of media criticism for Vision TV. A must read for all sheep.

[politics] [by jpocock@10:50amGMT] [+5 Interesting] [4 comments]

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