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News research news and information, and other things I like. From the original Infomaniac, a Florida news researcher.
Behind the News: news research directory News Division, SLA (News Librarians) Investigative Reporters and Editors National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting Newslib mailing list Newspaper archives in Nexis, Dialog, Factiva Newspaper Archives on the Web Today's Front Pages: Newseum; Sky News (UK): (Click on Papers); Newspapers Direct, Press Display(international) Reference For Journalists News Public Records Business People Governments Stats/Demog. Calc/Convert Language Maps CAR GroupsIraq Korea Terrorist attacks Middle East Privacy and Public Records Cuba Florida Public Records Florida government links Geography New on the Net Ships and Shipping More topics
Blogging for Research in News Library News
Infomaniac: personal site (and photos)
Dave Barry
Nobody Here
Rochester Slim Radio Margaritaville WNCW, Western NC WLRN, Miami
Behind the News archives 11/2000-8/24/2002
Last thoughts of 2003: Happy New Year, all! On this last day of 2003 it's nice to know that the South Florida stories keep coming. Today it's the 'Most Wanted' Florida man who killed a UK cop the other day (although this story mistakenly says it was in London. It was Leeds). I'm very sorry I won't be in Brasstown tonight for the annual 'lowering of the possum'. But hope to be there by tomorrow night, so there won't be any postings for the next few days, unless I hit the public library. Keep safe! And a setrec: I mistakenly said in an earlier post that Lex Alexander had worked for the Charlotte Observer. It was the Greensboro News & Record, of course. I hate it when I do that. I apologize for all the mistakes I've made here in the last year. Hope it hasn't been too many..... Bad blogspot: I know no one's going to be able to read this, since Blogspot seems to be down. But the publishing page does come up, so I'm going to try this anyway. I posted something earlier today, though, and it doesn't seem to be here. I know it's not just me because other blogspot blogs (like Dave Barry's) are also going to the main Blogger page... (4:30): OK, that worked. Seems to be back. Tuesday, December 30, 2003
And, on blogging: Tom Mangan has some interesting comments in reaction to the USA Today article on blogging.
(Later: Link fixed, apologies....) Paper, bits, or PDF? There's a very interesting conversation going on between J D Lasica and Vin Crosbie on the value and meaning of digital reproductions of newspapers. Crosbie takes issue with Lasica's depiction of PDF fans as having "old-time media inclinations". Fascinating. As a 'old-time' newspaper reader who loves online but also really likes the chance to see a newspaper as it ran, ads, layout and all (at least occasionally), I'm enjoying this debate. Monday, December 29, 2003
More great research news: To me, this is one of the best things to happen in news research since I started in this business a loooong time ago. First the New York Times, now The Washington Post is putting its historical archive on the Web. Searches covering 1877-1986 are free, with a standard $2.95 charge (same as recent electronic archives) to read/download/print full text of a story. (Discounts available for larger purchases.) This is a dream come true for those many of us who may have access to only one newspaper's microfilm, in many cases unindexed. Sunday, December 28, 2003
Strutting: Today's the King Mango Strut in Coconut Grove, Miami. Definitely worth visiting the Web site if you can't get to the parade..... Saturday, December 27, 2003
New blog noticed on Blogger: Media Mayhem, St. Louis-based.
After applying three times for openings at the Post-Dispatch in the last year -- and not even being provided the courtesy of a form letter rejection in return -- I have decided I was born to blog. " Weekend update: The weekly reference collection/research gleanings: The list is quite short this week; not much new comes up on holiday weeks, and I've already posted much of it, here and on the Herald blog. Among things I posted there this week: Holiday Travel tips. In the midst of the mad cow stories, a couple interesting things: UPI has been trying to get BSE test info from USDA for months, and Did the Canadian case come from the U.S.? More useful links.... Reference : Florida: Tools: Journalism: Business, Statistics, Governments, Politics, Public Records, People, News, no links this week. Some Interesting stories/Weblogs: Fun/Entertaining: Friday, December 26, 2003
Another thing: Just a thought about the Iran earthquake: the casualty counts started out high (10,000), then went down (4,000 to 5,000); now they're talking about 20,000 people dead! This is puzzling, after seeing this page on the city of Bam. According to this, the city was mostly abandoned, so where did all those people come from? I guess a new city must have built itself up around the outskirts. And seeing pictures of the ancient buildings, it would be no wonder if it all fell down. Beautiful but very fragile looking. More good links on the Iran situation from Iranian Truth blog. This site says 80,000 people lived in Bam. (via Jeff Jarvis.) More on this and lots more topics on the other blog. Getting more on the news from photo blogs: Hampshirecam has photos of the QMII arriving in Southhampton. Much more than the BBC had, even on BBC Southhampton. Marlette speaks: This has been mentioned a few places, but I didn't click on it until I saw the excerpt on Lex Alexander's Blog on the Run: "I was a tool of Satan", by Doug Marlette, now with the Tallahassee Democrat, in Columbia Journalism Review. Alexander, who worked on the Greensboro News Record's breaking investigation of Tammy and Jim Bakker and PTL, pointed out (Charlotte Observer cartoonist at the time) Marlette's lovely response to a reader complaining about a cartoon done on the subject:
Hmmm. Being with a KR paper, I wonder....... There's breaking news: ...And Poynter's Al Tomkins has already posted good earthquake and Iran links for coverage of the disaster there. Of course, Iran Full Coverage from Yahoo also has the breaking news and lots of good links. Thursday, December 25, 2003
Lazy Christmas day: ...And a good day for a walk through some undeveloped areas, ' future park land' along Biscayne Bay in Coral Gables. Unfortunately, we found junk thrown everywhere along this about 2-mile path. Nice day anyway: ![]() (They call this Florida Holly.) More photos... Sometimes the 'just published blogs' list on the main Blogger page leads to some intriguing blogs. Today the one that caught my eye was "Wisdom of the Ages, or Three Whiney Old Women". Subtitle is "Madness or Genius, We aren't Sure". How could I pass that one by? Turns out to be entertaining, with Christmas doggerel and cute descriptions of the three women: a "potter extraordinaire, soon to be ex of one stupid man"; a "writer and reader of great things", and an "eternal idealist and optimist". I'll be looking back at this one. Hope your day was enjoyable. Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Cold Mountain: I blogged links to local information, if you want to know about the real Cold Mountain and other places where it really happened, on the Herald blog. Note there are a couple fun Christmas reading links there too, via suggestions from copy editor blogs. Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Yes, Santa, please? Rhetorica.net's Andrew Cline has a list of things he wants for Christmas. I really like number 5:
Of course, number two is pretty good too:
Monday, December 22, 2003
Quake!: As usual, the research community responds. At least two places to go, so far, for help with covering the earthquake:
Public Library databases, again: Gary Price keeps reminding us, and I've linked to similar resources in Florida. But it's worth harping, over and over, that you can get access to great databases through many local public libraries. Here's another example, in Knoxville. Access to NewsLibrary! ReferenceUSA! But you have to have a library card. These things are like gold, these days..... Sunday, December 21, 2003
A couple more fun finds: From my list of things to check out, here's a wonderful new site called Food History News, Web site of a magazine by same name. There's a blog-type Editor's Notebook with fun links on food and food historians. I found there the Guardian obit on Alan Davidson, fascinating man who died a couple weeks ago of the flu. I've owned his Mediterranian Seafood cookbook for many years. And a link to Anson Mills, a place where I've heard they grind the best grits around. This is going on my list. Also on this site: a page of food history resources. And, via email, notice of a site called Diplomacy Monitor, from St. Thomas University here in Miami. Main page has current diplomacy news, but inside there's an archive of news categorized by topic/country, etc. This looks to be a very useful resource. Weekend update: The weekly reference collection/research gleanings: My backyard birds have disappeared in the last 6 weeks or so. Have yours? I thought it was due to the loss of trees in my neighborhood, where several older houses are being replaced with much larger buildings, but then I found recent stories in the Orlando Sentinel and Providence Journal that report it's happening in lots of places, at least reduced numbers.....Project Feeder Watch keeps track. New Iraq links: The big news from Iraq found several new links to add to your Iraq list:
More useful links.... Reference : Florida: Statistics: Tools: Business: Journalism: Governments, Politics, Public Records, People, News, no links this week. Some Interesting stories/Weblogs: Fun/Entertaining: Thursday, December 18, 2003
New today in the Guardian: Special Report on Weblogs. Includes British blogging awards, guide to blogging software, analysis and news. Note the art by Hugh McLeod. He's the one who does those cool back-of-business-card drawings. |