Friday, December 19 Phil Luciano EP developer caught in the middle
City told him to move the road, but SBC says it'll be very costly to move lines
Eurekans waiting for economic turnaround
Family of six living off mom's paycheck while dad looks for job
Low-cost flights direct to Vegas on the way
Service scheduled to begin in March with unnamed carrier
Men, kids can Race for the Cure, too
Starting in 2005, the all-female race opens to male participants
Ryan trial likely will be grueling
Ex-federal prosecutor Dan Webb, a Macomb native, is former governor's defense attorney
Respite foster parent is charged with sexual assault
Secor man allegedly forced child to perform sex act
Schools say test score data isn't adding up
State says 450 didn't make adequate yearly progress on ISATs
Traffic tie-ups end for awhile
Interstate 74 overhaul being suspended until after first of the year
UAW retirees play Santa
Local 974 members distribute gifts to residents of Bel-Wood
Kirk Wessler I'll need new clubs after these shots
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Each year Journal Star editors select the Top 10 local stories. This year, we invite readers
to vote for their Top 10 local news stories of 2003 as well. The 25 stories on this ballot are listed in alphabetical order with a brief description
of each. Check the 10 items you consider most important of the year. Then go to the bottom and add your comments about this year's news, or to
list events that we may not have included. Our results and your results will be published Sunday, Dec. 28.
Vote by Dec. 19. |