That's right sports fans, you read the above statement correctly.  Lori and Maripat from Right We Are! are closing the doors.  This was not an easy decision as we both worked very hard to build and maintain this blog.  We have both enjoyed posting about current events, our political beliefs, a little bit of our personal lives, our rants, causes, and other blogs. 

Why are we doing this?  Maripat needs to focus on personal things going on in her life right now that take priority one.  I do not want to maintain RWA as a solo.  One of the things that made our blog successful is the both of us posting on a consistent basis.  It made our blog more interesting, more fun, easier to maintain, and current for our readers.

If both of us or one of us does a half ass job, then we are cheating ourselves and more importantly our readers.  We would much rather go out with a bang than to have a dead blog sitting there that we would occasionally update - what's the point of that?

We know that this is a bummer for our friends and readers and it is for us too.  But we know in our hearts it is the right thing to do. 

Please also know that we will not be strangers in bloggdom.  I have started my own personal blog called Downtown Chick Chat.  This blog is not RWA and is more personal.  But know that I will still have my rants and still post about things that I have posted here.  Plus Maripat and I will still be reading and commenting on other blogs.  So we are not dropping off the face of the earth.

We would like to thank each and every one of our readers and our blogging buds.  You have helped to make RWA successful and you have always given us much support and we truly appreciate that.  We would also like to thank the readers who had opposing views to ours.  We think it is important to look at all sides of every argument and belief out there, as we can all learn from each other.  And lastly we would even like to thank our trolls - we are convinced you are put on this earth to entertain the rest of us and where we would be without some good laughs in our lives?

We'll still be around, see you in bloggyland!

Lori and Maripat


We leave you with a list (in no particular order) of the blogs we visit.

Downtown Chick Chat

The Blog from the Core
Thought Mesh
Roscoe Ellis: Online Journal
Backcountry Conservative
Dog Snot Diaries
Drumwaster's Rants
Ghost of a flea
Inoperable Terran
Viking Pundit
Little Tiny Lies
Country Store
Outside the Beltway
Dean's World
Jen Speaks
Right Wing News
The American Mind
Da Goddess
American RealPolitik
Jay Solo's Verbosity
Walter In Denver
Blog on the Run
Balloon Juice
Hi. I'm black!
monkey's wonder mom
Silent Running
suburban blight
Midwest Pundits
Parkway Rest Stop
Absinthe & Cookies
I Am Always Right
The Fire Ant Gazette
Right Thinking from the West Coast
The Spoons Experience
Arguing with signposts...

Gut Rumbles
Bloviating Inanities
Electric Venom
Thinklings Weblog
Overtaken By Events
Between The Coasts
Colorado Conservative
All AgitProp, all the time...
Lex Libertas
Res Ipsa Loquitur
cut on the bias
Common Sense and Wonder
A Little More To The Right
Watcher of Weasels
sgt hook
Catholic Pundits
Rick's Miscellany
Martinis, Persistence, and a Smile
Greatest Jeneration
On the Fritz
Oscar Jr. Was Here
Front Line Voices
Ninjababe's Ramble
Aaron's Rantblog
Damn the Man
Exultate Justi
Tobacco Road Fogey
Pirates! Man Your Women!
Publius & Co.
Clarity amidst Chaos

Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
The Wise Man Says
Matrix Reborn
View From the Back Window of My Pickup Truck
Jaboobie and Two Hard Boiled Eggs
Boycott Hollywood
Peoria Pundit
The Dax Files
Dizzy Girl
DANEgerus Weblog
Tiger: Raggin' & Rantin'
Brain Squeezings
Kin's Kouch
Amitai Etzioni Notes
Eternal Rebels
december roses
House of Cards
Sharp Knife
When you call me, call me Al
Arnold for Governor - Grassroots Campaign Site
The Trommetter Times
Angry Left
Eternal Rebels
King of Fools
The Patriette


God Bless America!