David Neiwert on the Bush Family & the NazisAverell Harriman, too, was a major and reportedly enthusiastic contributor to various eugenics causes, including sponsorship of the 1932 International Congress of Eugenics, held at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. Harriman also personally arranged for Hamburg-Amerika to bring Nazi eugenicists, notably the "scientist" most often fingered for inspiring the Holocaust, Dr. Ernst Rudin, who was then a psychiatrist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin. (Rudin was elected president of the Congress at the New York gathering.) I have found one report that says Bert Walker was among the lesser contributors, but I have found no substantiation of this. December 2, 2003 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Vithoon Chaomchaipl & Student Union CondomsThat's probably premature. Prostitution can certainly be a good thing. There's an awful lot of confusing of issues here. Condoms on a campus certainly have nothing to do with the child sex slave trade. Proper personal hygiene is not a problem, ever. Student Union leader Vithoon Chaomchaipl was quoted as saying the leadership voted 6-1 against the plan just ahead of World AIDS Day on December 1 because installing machines "is not the best solution to fight the AIDS problem." Prophylactics are involved in a wide range of protections against a wide range of infections. AIDS is only one of many such infections. Vithoon Chaomchaipl needs to understand the issues before he makes such votes. It may be that there is an existing system for those who require condoms to get them affordably and conveniently from sources other than government supplied vending machines in the bathroom of the local student union. In which case Chaomchaipl may have a point and his vote was truly considered. On the other hand such a vending machine may be the only potential local affordable and convenient way to obtain condoms. If that is the case then Chaomchaipl's vote is truly ill considered. December 1, 2003 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) World AIDS Day 2003Ribot was the name of one of horse racing's most celebrated thoroughbreds. He ran unbeaten in the 16 races he ran. He carried the King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes as well as twice winning France’s Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe. Federico Tesio, Ribot's owner, wrote, of his foray into breeding thoroughbreds, that his aim “was to breed and raise a racehorse which, over any distance, could carry the heaviest weight in the shortest time.” In the 45+ years since Ribot's win at the Arc de Triomphe the horse is still considered one of the handful of top horses ever to grace the Sport of Kings. In 1940 after Tesio's death, his partner, Mario Incisa Della Rochetta published the storied history of Frederico Tesio and their celebrated horses Donatello II, Nearco, and Ribot in his book: The Tesios As I Knew Them. Ribot was a champion but he was also apparently quite eccentric. Race horses are quite naturally high strung and often are only really in their element when running. Among the top of breed horses will quite often do whatever it takes to get out on the track. But Ribot was a bit different. He was apparently gay and would not run his races unless a certain other horse was present. Whenever his partner was around he would be quite ready to race but became difficult to deal with and sullen when his friend was not around. In his stud years he became quite difficult to deal with:
The literary magazine "Ribot" founded by Paul Vangelisti of OTIS LA was named as it was because of this story about its namesake. The painter Robin Palanker has a wonderful study, used as a cover for "Ribot" on the emotional landscape of Ribot & his partner in her painting called Amo, Amas, Amat from 1994. Love arises everywhere. In my youth I watched my friend Beth waste away from AIDS. She didn't actually have the disease. Her father did. As he wasted away so did she. Her translucent skin shone in the dark. Her blond locks thinned as her dad prepared to die. She was confused and frightened. Her mother would not acknowledge her father's imminent demise and when he finally slipped away she was the only one who knew. She was the only one who seemed to care and when he was gone and his body put away she faded away. She took a bus someplace and we never saw her again. Somewhere she may still wander. I hope she has found succor. I hope she still has hope somewhere in her heart. When Nikki died he had his family at hand. How many are so fortunate? Today is World AIDS Day. I have a number of things I will be adding to this throughout the day. In the mean time you should visit Link & Think to learn more about AIDS and what the epidemic is doing to the human community. December 1, 2003 | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0) ExcitationVixxie just made me forget myself. What was I doing? I hate it when this happens. Edit I have removed Vixxie's real name at her request. November 26, 2003 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) Mad Mommy Gets New BoobsI always wanted to say that! November 25, 2003 | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0) Stop