Some People Just Don't Know When to Quit In my previous post, I linked to a post that detailed how Joseph Farah had prostituted his journalistic integrity by becoming a Scaife-paid hack and pleasing his delusional patron with outrageous and paranoid conspiracy theories about Vince Foster's death as well as promoting the infamous "Clinton body count" urban legend popular with Freepers, the black helicopter crowd, dittoheads, and other fuckwits on the hard right. (In case you're too lazy to scroll down, here is the post; read the part about Farah carefully).
One thing that hasn't changed is that Farah is still trying to raise questions about the circumstances surrounding Foster's death long after fellow Foster conspiracy nuts like Roger Ailes dropped the issue and hoped that people had forgotten about their descent into hate-filled lunacy. Read Farah's most recent article on Vince Foster. In it, Farah writes: "Color me a 'conspiracy theorist' if you wish." Yeah, that and "major league dickbag." Call Joseph Farah toll-free at 1-800-496-3266 and tell him he is wrong.
Robert Bartley's Legacy of Shame It's not nice to speak ill of the dead. However, in the case of the Wall Street Journal's Robert Bartley--whom former colleagues James Taranto and Peggy Noonan respectively called "a journalistic giant" and "freedom's best friend"--it is appropriate. The only difference between Bartley--who headed the Wall Street Journal's editorial pages--and Jayson Blair and Stephen Glass, is that Blair and Glass lied to help their careers--Bartley lied to undermine democracy and smear political opponents. It was fitting that George W. Bush gave Bartley the Presidential Medal of Freedom; a fraudulent president gave a fraudulent journalist this award because the fraudulent president's idea of a patriot is someone who helps him out--and Bartley's fraudulent journalism aided Bush big time.
The Wall Street Journal's editorial page under Bartley was the most scurrilous editorial page of any newspaper not owned by a South Korean businessman who thinks he's God. It was fitting that when Bartley stepped down, Paul Gigot took over (Gigot, if you'll remember, applauded the GOP-led operatives who violently prevented vote-counting in Miami-Dade County in 2000--Gigot called the anti-democratic thugs "bourgeois rioters"). During Bill Clinton's presidency, the WSJ editorial page printed every nutball conspiracy theory out there--such as the notorious Mena conspiracy; at least bottom-feeders like Joseph Farah and Christopher Ruddy could say that they were motivated by a paranoid billionaire's money to prostitute their journalistic integrity. What was Bartley's excuse? I could go on about the editorial page under Bartley; one anecdote amused me: on the same day the Journal's editorial page applauded Bill Sammon's book, Sammon was being exposed as a journalistic fraud.
Bartley was a man who didn't care about the destruction he caused to journalism or to American institutions. When David Brock--at long last--came clean and told the truth about the smear campaign of which he was a party, Bartley dismissed him as "the John Walker Lindh of contemporary conservatism" rather than engaging in any self-reflection. This lack of self-reflection is what has mystified me about the older members of the right's smear machine: when you get to the point in your life in which the years you have lived are longer than the years you have to live, you usually decide that life is too short to be an asshole. Not true for Robert Bartley. What a waste of talent.
I Disagree with Randy Newman I don't love LA. In fact, I don't like the city in which I live much at all. Don't get me wrong. There are a lot of things to do in the City of Angels. It's a great place to visit but I just don't want to live here. This city is sapping my creative energy. I don't fit in here and I think that's a good thing. I'm in Babylon.
I got back from a job interview in San Diego (and I am praying to God that I get the job). SD and I are on the same page--big time. A day in SD really recharged my batteries. It was a bittersweet experience because I knew that I had to go back to LA. If case I don't get the job, does anyone know anyone in SD who has a spare guesthouse? I don't mind doing a Kato Kaelin.
UPDATE: One cyber woman who has a crush on me (click here and scroll down) is disappointed that I'm looking to move to SD. She would also be disillusioned to hear that I now have a conservative haircut (I need it to get a real job). Also, because I have been on the computer blogging and looking for jobs instead of working out, I am losing my bod. I'm not Jack Black yet, but I no longer have 8 percent body fat.
But How Old Is She in Human Years? I'm going to be away on Monday, so I'm posting this today. Wish Ann Coulter a happy 42nd birthday (her birthday is December 8th). Egreetings has some nice e-cards. I'm sure her administrator will forward your gretting: Do it today so that you don't forget.
11:43 AM
by Scoobie Davis
I will post tonight and over the weekend. In the meantime, this week the Daily Howler has been smokin': check it out. Today, the Howler takes on Krauthammer.
Also, read David Corn on the attempts to goad him into saying things that would be used to portray him as a "Bush-hater."
7:46 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Prediction: Mid-American Conference championship game: Miami University 32, Bowling Green 15 UPDATE: actual score, Miami University 49, Bowling Green 27
D'oh I was going to post tonight but some things came up (I might get a steady gig). If any reader finds a good column by a blogger on George W. Bush's award to Robert Bartley, please e-mail me.
Posting Tonight I'll post tonight. To you people who complained that I have not posted enough recently: bite me. I'm getting ready to go to I job I hate. One small note, I checked on Sitemeter and someone came onto this site because they used the Google keywords "Kelly Brock Nude" I never heard of this person or her music but she does look fine based on her official web site picture.
How The Mighty Have Fallen That's how I feel regarding my failure last night to crash the premiere after-party for Tom Cruise's new film The Last Samurai. I wasn't even in the ballgame. The main problem was that I was told that the premiere was at Mann's Chinese Theatre, but it was held at Mann's Village Theatre in Westwood. Duh.
Bofore that, I went to a meetup for Clark supporters at Canter's Deli in the Fairfax district. I told the group about how easy it is to start a blog and also how important it is to take on the right's media--namely hate radio. Talk radio jocks have it in for Clark because they know that he would have a great shot of picking off Bush if here were the Democratic nominee. In September, when Clark announced his candidacy, I documented on this blog how hate radio was earning its name with its vicious attacks on Clark, his military record, and his patriotism (click here and scroll down). Right now, I'm working a flunky job to pay the rent and I simply don't have the time to monitor talk radio as I had in past months; I expressed my hope that someone would take up the slack and monitor talk radio for its disinformation on Clark.
A Sedated Bill O'Reilly? I was going through some old unlabeled videotapes that people had used to record TV shows. On one of the tapes was a portion of the show Inside Edition from about a decade ago. Bill O'Reilly was the host and he appeared to be sedated compared to his present cranky old man persona. He was soft-spoken and reasonable; he was like an Irish Alan Colmes. Apparently, when O'Reilly moved to Fox, he knew his new audience of mouthbreathers wouldn't buy that act so he's doing his old man on a barstool act.
Prediction Miami University 30, University of Central Florida 10. If the 16th ranked Miami University RedHawks win and the 10th ranked University of Miami Hurricanes lose to Pittsburgh on Saturday, then it would be the first time since the 1970's that Miami of Ohio is ranked higher than Miami of Florida in the college football polls (click here to see the current rankings). UPDATE: Actual score: Miami University 56, University of Central Florida 21 2ND UPDATE: Miami University is ranked 15th in the latest USA Today/ESPN poll. Miami of Florida beat Pittsburgh so Miami of Florida is still ranked higher than Miami of Ohio.
Every Democrat Should Read This Review In The New York Review of Books, Paul Krugman reviews Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose's Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America and Joe Conason's Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth. While all of it is must reading, here is the paragraph of Krugman's review that grabbed me:
Incidentally, some squeamish liberals have condemned Conason for these tales, saying that we should limit ourselves to policy, not go after personality and past history. But I'm completely with Conason on this. After all, today's right wing flourishes in part by using the personal to distract voters from policy. Is a conservative politician a reliable friend of the privileged and well-connected? Never mind, let's talk about his sterling family life. Is a liberal politician spectacularly successful in his conduct of economic policy? But he had an affair! Even if you think that public debate ought to be about policy, not persons, it's necessary to defeat this strategy—and if exposing the dissonance between personal pretensions and reality is what it takes, go for it.
I profoundly regret that prominent Democratic members of Congress and progressive media people did not utilize the ideas contained within this paragraph in the 1990's.
Quiz What's wrong with this op-ed? There are several things, some of them obvious, some of them not. E-mail your answers. I'll write about it in a few days.
Hannity’s Racial Outrage Those of you familiar with my blog know that Dr. Laura and Bill O’Reilly creep me out. Sean Hannity doesn’t; he just irritates me. He’s similar to the character Bob Williams (see addendum) who is a twerpy know-it-all; the big difference is that Bob Williams is entertaining and Hannity isn’t.
Well, this week, when Michael Jackson played the race card by portraying his arrest as racist, Hannity was right to criticize the singer. However, it would have been nice if Hannity practiced what he preaches.
Addendum: Bob Williams is a character who has appeared in recent Chick tracts. He is a nauseating (but amusing) fundy shill whose pat answers have the power of making people go on their hands and knees in prayer in public places (such as the reformed Mason who sees the error of his ways and prostrates himself in a Seinfeldesque diner in the Chick tract "Good Ol’ Boys"; the sinner shouts “God, forgive me! I renounce the ‘Brotherhood’ and I turn my whole heart to You, Lord Jesus! I don’t want to go to hell!”). In "The Nervous Witch", Williams tells an ex-witch (with a straight face: “Samantha, the [Harry] Potter books open a doorway that will put untold millions of kids into hell.”). In "Gladys", Williams greets the unrepentant witch from The Nervous Witch with “Hi, Holly. We’re still praying for you.” In "Sin City", Williams casts out the demon of a homosexual minister, Reverend Ray. To access all of these tracts, go to Chick Publications’ tract list. Final thought on Bob Williams, I wonder when Chick created this character whether he knew about Robert Williams, a prominent underground cartoonist.
GLASS HOUSES: When we saw Shattered Glass this weekend, we were quite surprised by how strong the film is. Yes, there are a few massive flaws, flaws we plan to discuss next week. But we strongly suggest that you see this film—remembering, of course, that Bernie Goldberg is every bit as big a dissembler as Stephen Glass ever was. Why did Glass get canned while Goldberg gets puffed? Good question! Next week, we’ll discuss it. By the way: Ten months after Glass got fired, his former editor, Michael Kelly, wrote “Farmer Al” for the Washington Post. It was as big as any fraud Glass produced—and a thousand times more consequential. But Glass was expendable; Kelly wasn’t. More on these topics next week.
One more thing, Glass's journalistic dishonesty generally was about mundane things. He created stories out of whole cloth for the purpose of benefiting himself. On the other hand, Kelly wrote blatantly dishonest pieces such as the fraudulent "Farmer Al" story to harm others. Kelly will not be missed by anyone who cares about journalistic integrity.
Predictions I got chewed out by a fellow Miami U. alum because I only gave predictions for Ohio State games (I have degrees from both Miami U. and Ohio State). That was fair because the RedHawks are ranked 18th in the country. So here are today's predictions: Miami University 34, Ohio University 9. Ohio State 17, Michigan 13 UPDATE: Actual scores: Miami University 49, Ohio University 31. Michigan 35, Ohio State 21
Giving the Devil His Due If you’re familiar with this site, you know that Bill O’Reilly is not one of my favorite people (scroll down). I think he’s full of it and, on a personal level, he really creeps me out. However, to his credit--unlike Fox News colleague Sean Hannity and others--he didn’t demagogue Ted Kennedy’s “neanderthal” comment; on today's Radio Factor, he simply told the truth; O’Reilly simply said the obvious: that Kennedy used the term to refer to judicial nominees’ philosophy and that it was not a racial slur directed at any particular person. Spinsanity has a good post on the matter.
The Virtue Twins: Limbaugh and Bennett Over the weekend, I will do a post on the William Bennett and Rush Limbaugh and how the mainstream media missed the real scandals of these two. In the meantime, read Rogers Ailes on the lame defense of Limbaugh by Bennett.
Did You do Your Homework Assignment? Scroll down and read Tuesday's post, "Do I have my head on straight or what?" Call Bill O'Reilly and tell him he is wrong. Bill O'Reilly's phone number is (212) 301-3697. I realize that unless you're in the New York City area, it's a long distance call; however, if you're like me and you have a Sam's Club phone card, it's only about two cents a minute.
The Irony. Oh, the Irony! David Horowitz's FrontPage Magazine has an article by Valerie Plame outer Robert Novak titled "Democrats Ruin the Intelligence Committee." The subtitle: "Playing politics with our national security."
Do I have my head on straight or what? In case you missed it, over the past week or so, Bill O’Reilly has been attempting to portray the publication of books by members of the left (which he calls “defamation books”) as a coordinated dirty tricks operation similar to the Nixon plumber's unit. “So we’re talking about a really dangerous trend,” O’Reilly warned radio listeners today, “where the folks are going to be watching this brutal thing play out and a lot of people who are not well informed are going to be forming impressions based on rank propaganda, defamation, and slander and libel and nobody’s there to stop it.” I assumed that when O’Reilly referred to the smear books, he was referring to recent books by Joe Conason, David Corn, Michael Moore, Molly Ivins, and, of course, Al Franken. O’Reilly has been very vague about the specifics of this “unprecedented” dirty tricks operations such as some of the alleged slanders by these authors.
Last week, I called his radio show (scroll down to my 11/13 post) and tried to address how his current and former colleagues (namely Roger Ailes, Christopher Ruddy, and Joseph Farah) were involved in a real and unprecedented dirty tricks operation that involved transparently false allegations—such as the infamous “Clinton Body Count” and various paranoid conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Vince Foster. Unfortunately, with his mute button, O’Reilly sealed off discussion before it could begin (what a pussy).
What is ironic is that today O’Reilly pooh-poohed Scaife. He also made the astounding claim that Farah’s WorldNetDaily and Ruddy’s NewsMax (both run by Scaife-paid operatives who instigated Vince Foster hysteria and the Clinton Body Count—e.g., click here) were tame compared to left-wing web sites.
If you think this is wrong, call O’Reilly at 212- 301-3697 and tell him what you think. One phone call is all I ask.
Thank God! The Los Angeles transit strike is over! It's been hell for those of us without cars to get around LA. It's tough trying to get a job when you don't have transportation other than gypsy cabs. I'm all in favor of unions but I agree with Calvin Coolidge who said, ".. there is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime."
Instant Analysis: Rush Should Get a Refund I just listened to the first hour of the first day Rush Limbaugh got back from drug rehab. The treatment failed at least when it came to humanizing the talk radio jock: Limbaugh is his same nasty self. He even used some of the psychological mumbo jumbo he learned in treatment to slam Democrats: He said that Democrats hate themselves and that's why they hate Republicans.
That's too bad. At least Limbaugh is marginalized enough that people aren't taking him seriously. I realize a survey showed that loyalty among the ditto-monkeys is almost as high as ever. However, with people outside the choir, it's a whole different story.
Defending The Defenseless? Yesterday, I was listening to Bill O’Reilly’s radio show (the co-host of the day was Fox & Friends’ E.D. Hill) and he asked listeners why Hillary Clinton was so popular. So I called up and was put on hold by the screener (I told the screener I was “Toby from Glendale”). Here is our brief conversation plus O’Reilly’s tiresome diatribe before my call:
O’REILLY: ...I don’t know what the woman [Hillary Clinton] has done. And she talks a good game, you know, but she’s managed. She doesn’t come on The [O’Reilly] Factor or anybody else’s program. She’s managed. And I’m going to myself: Look, forty percent of America is willing to fall on their swords for her. They’ll buy her book [Living History]. The book doesn’t say anything. Come on, it doesn’t say anything, but here’s twenty-five dollars. I’ll vote for you for president. You’ll be the most powerful person in the world—based on WHAT? Toby, Glendale, California, tell me, Toby.
SCOOBIE: Hi. Hillary appeals to moderate Democrats like me because she’s effective at taking on the right. And you’re absolutely wrong that her book doesn’t say anything. For instance, in her book, she does a good job of tearing into your boss, Roger Ailes for his—
[O’Reilly potted down my audio and was able to talk over me (click here and scroll down to O'Reillyus Interruptus). The end of my sentence, which the radio listeners didn’t hear was “hateful conspiracy-mongering.”]
O’REILLY: It’s ridiculous!
SCOOBIE: No it’s not [very faint because my audio was potted down]
[O’Reilly disconnects Scoobie]
O’REILLY: [yelling] That’s what you got out of the book—that she tears into Roger Ailes for a conspiracy?
E.D. HILL: [chuckles]
O’REILLY: [Yelling] You’re a nut, Toby. [calmly] With all due respect.
E.D. HILL: [chuckles]
O’REILLY: [Yelling] You’re a nut. That’s why you like her: because she tears into someone who can’t defend [sic] themselves? Come on. 1-877-9-NO-SPIN. We’ll be right back.
REALITY: My statement and O’Reilly’s nonresponse raise some important issues. First things first, here is what Hillary wrote about the defenseless Roger Ailes in Living History: “...Roger Ailes, then President of CNBC and now running Fox, accused the Administration of ‘a cover-up with regard to Whitewater that fraud, illegal contributions, abuse of power...suicide cover-up—possible murder”(ellipses in original). This statement was not an anomaly. Far from it: it was part of a pattern of behavior by Ailes and other O’Reilly associates during the Clinton administration. As I’ve pointed out numerous times on my blog, Roger Ailes was an important component of what journalist Trudy Lieberman called, “The Vincent Foster Factory”—a dirty-tricks operation in which operatives acted like impartial journalists to spread the paranoid tale that the Clintons were responsible for the death of Vince Foster (Lieberman’s article for the Columbia Journalism Review focused on the activities of two Scaife-paid alleged humans, Joseph Farah and Christopher Ruddy, both of whom, like Ailes, have written paychecks to O’Reilly; O’Reilly’s column used to be carried by Farah’s WorldNetDaily and is currently carried by Ruddy’s Newsmax). Also, Ailes was executive producer of Rush Limbaugh’s short-lived television show in which the host fanned the flames of paranoia surrounding Foster’s death. Ailes also appeared on Don Imus’s radio show and touted Ruddy’s laughably incompetent “journalism” on the Foster issue: "The guy who's been doing an excellent job for the New York Post [Chris Ruddy]...for the first time on the Rush Limbaugh show said that...he did not believe it was suicide.... Now, I don't have any evidence.... These people are very good at hiding or destroying evidence." Let me get this straight: I am to be considered a nut for exposing Ailes’s loony conspiracy theories?
...[T]he DNC is also peddling some of the smear books that defame Americans in the worst possible way... Now the danger is that DNC Chief Terry McAuliffe is using and paying professional hit men to demean and denigrate political opponents. That's exactly what President Nixon did when he used the plumber's union to harass his opponents.
As far as I know, O’Reilly hasn’t named any of these alleged smear books, but I’m guessing that O’Reilly considered the following newly released books in the smear category: 1. Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken. 2. The Oh Really? Factor by Peter Hart (I just read this book; it’s fantastic). 3. The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception by David Corn 4. Joe Conason’s Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth 5. Michale Moore's Dude, Where's My Country? 6. The Great Unraveling by Paul Krugman.
Although nonpartisan watchdogs like Spinsanity found some major flaws in Moore’s book, the basic premises of the other books can withstand careful scrutiny. Why is this the case? Because these authors--unlike O’Reilly’s former and current associates—based their arguments on substantive issues instead relying on Scaife’s paranoid delusions and political dirty tricks.
Could someone let me know what basis O’Reilly had for calling me a nut? Perhaps it was my words. Or perhaps it was that he could sense in my voice that he really creeps me out (click here; O’Reilly also kind of reminds me of the relative everyone has met at family reunions as a kid who said things like, “When I was your age, I used to walk in snow fifteen miles each way to school and my parents were too poor to buy me boots”). I also do have to confess that O’Reilly’s whole essence pisses me off--especially when he jerks people around with his “no-spin zone” bullshit. Hank Hill summed up my feelings when he said he didn’t have a problem with anger; he had a problem with idiots. In fact, I’ve made the case previously that mocking the hard right is a sign of mental health.
Finally, on the topic of people who can’t defend themselves, is it possible to make a nuttier claim than the one O'Reilly made about Ailes not being able to defend himself against Hillary Clinton’s allegation in Living History? Roger Ailes is the king of slime and defend. Fellow right-wing operative, the late Lee Atwater, said that Ailes had “two settings: attack and destroy.” Ailes is now the nation’s most powerful political operative who runs the nation's most-watched cable network. If Ailes had a legitimate beef with what Hillary wrote, he possesses a huge microphone to blast her. However, Ailes didn’t bother to address what Mrs. Clinton wrote. It reminds me of the situation that occurred with David Brock when he came clean about his involvement with the right-wing smear machine in Blinded by the Right; at first, operatives like David Horowitz tried to slime him, but when those efforts backfired, they ignored what Brock wrote and hoped that he went away.
If anyone wants to know O’Reilly’s attitude about people who truly can’t defend themselves, here’s part of the transcript of Al Franken’s recent speech before the National Conference of Media Reform:
Bill O’Reilly was on Terry Gross’s show Fresh Air and he walked off. He said he was treated unfairly. He was asked tough questions. [mocking O’Reilly in a whiny voice] Teacher! Teacher! Defund them!
[Audience laughter]
He went on the air the next and said that PBS and NPR get a billion dollars from Congress.
[Audience laughter]
He just makes things—is this on the radio?--makes stuff up.
[Audience laughter]
He just pulls it directly from his bum.
[Audience laughter]
Now the NPR ombudsman was so scared that he criticized Terry Gross for asking too tough questions. And I don’t’ know if he listened to the same interview I did or maybe he just doesn’t know O’Reilly because O’Reilly lied throughout the interview. And I’ll give you—and one that made me kind of angry. She asked him about this Harpers article where he had interviewed Jeremy Glick. Amy Goodman talked about the people in the World Center and Jeremy Glick had lost his father in the World Trade Center and signed a petition against the war in Iraq--and that really made O’Reilly mad. He said, “I want this kid in here. I want to talk to him.” So he had Jeremy Glick on, who’s a Ph. D. candidate at Rutgers and Jeremy was against the war and he said that Bush had ... funded the mujahedeen and those kind of things. O’Reilly got very anger and told him, “Shut up! Shut up!” Sound familiar? [Franken earlier in the speech mentioned how O’Reilly told him to shut up at the book fair in Los Angeles]
[Audience laughter]
And he turned off the kid’s mike and that was end of the interview. This is on radio, right? He said according to Glick, who told Harpers and O’Reilly hasn’t denied this—he told Jeremy, “Get the f out of here or I’ll f-ing tear you apart!”
Now Terry Gross asked him about this and O’Reilly said, “Did you read the transcript of the interview?” [Gross] said, “I read the Harpers thing.” [O’Reilly responded] “Yeah, well that’s what the elite media does. They didn’t have the whole transcript. They took it out of context--that’s what they did. You see, this kid said some outrageous things. He said that...Bush the Elder and this president had orchestrated 9/11. Well as a journalist, it was my duty to ask if he had any proof and he didn’t. [huffily] And that’s defamation.”
[Audience laughter]
Well I had written about this in my book and I read the transcript and Jeremy Glick never said anything of the sort...Jeremy is a Ph.D. candidate at Rutgers who makes his money by writing...He e-mailed me and said it’s hard to get a gig when people think you’re a conspiracy nut. Here’s a guy who’s a powerful guy who attacks a kid with no platform. The question is: What do we do about that? It’s why I wrote my book.
[Audience applauds]
We have to take what they say and expose it and use it against them. My job is to do ju-jitsu. When they lie, use it against them. Hold them up to scorn and ridicule. Because what they want us to do is, “Shut up!” They want you to “Shut up!” But don’t shut up.
[Audience applauds loudly]
Don’t shut up! Stand up! Stand up and fight! Stand up and fight! Everyone here: stand up and fight! Thank you!
[Audience applauds loudly]
Note: for an audiotape copy of Franken’s entire speech, call Democracy Now at 1-800-881-2359 and order the audiotape of the 11/10 show.
I'm Back--With a Vengeance In case you were listening to Bill O'Reilly's Radio Factor, I was the caller "Toby from Glendale." I will have a transcript later (teaser: O'Reilly called me "a nut" for pointing out factual information). I was able to get two and a half sentences in before the grumpy old dude hit the mute button (what a pussy). The important thing is that I was able to get my point out to listeners.
I had difference plans for reentering the blogging world. I had planned a different--and more spectacular--stunt. With luck, that will occur in the near future.
So check out the site later. And if you enjoy the site and haven't contributed to the site, how about throwing me a few bucks (I haven't got a job offer yet but I have some good prospects--see previous post).
A Note to Fans of Scoobie Davis Online I’m going on hiatus out of necessity. My flunky job is ending and the real job I was expecting has not been offered to me. Plus, the last check I received was not as big as I thought it would be. So right now, I’m scrambling to get a gig.
That hurts because blogging is one of my joys in life. Obviously, a lot of you out there like my site because October was my biggest month for hits (I exceeded my previous record by over 17,000 hits). What I am asking is that if you have found this site to have been of use to you, then please do the following: Click here and contribute to my Amazon Honor System account. A small contribution will go a long way.
I’m retooling for 2004 and I have big plans to throw some monkey wrenches in the hard right’s smear machine on a level that goes way beyond my previous efforts—trust me, I have big plans. For those of you new to this sight, let me tell you a little about what I have done and who I am.
If you’re not familiar with this web site, here are just a few of the highlights:
Prior to 2002, I was a well-paid administrator who came to Los Angeles because I was writing, acting, and doing other creative projects. I have always been interested in politics, but during the 1990’s, I found that hate radio and Scaife’s “journalists” were engaged in a massive effort to smear Bill Clinton that extended to his family (at the risk of sounding like an ad hominem argument, I suspect that at least part of the reason for Rush Limbaugh’s drug addiction was his inability to live with himself—I know if I were in his shoes, I couldn’t). During the 2000 race, I was appalled at the way in which the right’s smear machine was trying to portray Al Gore as a pathological liar—with the help of members of the supposed liberal mainstream media. Seeing the beneficiary of media bias, George W. Bush, carrying Bernard Goldberg’s absurd book Bias (read comments about it in Al Franken’s Lies and Alterman’s What Liberal Media?) added insult to injury.
I was sick and tired of how the hard right has been riding roughshod over decency during the past decade and how the right-wing smear machine had not been meaningfully addressed by the media (e.g., Ann Coulter’s intellectually dishonest Slander received favorable reviews in The New York Times, Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times). It was right after the publication of Bias that I told my boss I didn’t want to work there anymore and I turned to blogging. I see myself in the role of doing the job that Howard Kurtz is paid to do (but is not doing). It’s been a rough two years financially, but I think I’ve made a difference. Doing flunky part-time jobs and taking public transportation in LA (which I can’t do now because of the transit strike) is not glamorous but not too many other people out there are doing what I’m doing. I live in the McArthur Park area of LA (and if I don’t come up with next month’s rent, I’m going to be living in McArthur Park). Nevertheless, I’m glad I made these choices in my life.
Does This Memo Outrage You? I'm back and I'll have an important post tomorrow. I listened to the last part of Sean Hannity's radio show today. Hannity's panties were in a bunch because he received what was allegedly written by a Democratic member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:
We have carefully reviewed our options under the rules and believe we have identified the best approach. Our plan is as follows:
1) Pull the majority along as far as we can on issues that may lead to major new disclosures regarding improper or questionable conduct by administration officials. We are having some success in that regard.
For example, in addition to the President's State of the Union speech, the chairman [Sen. Pat Roberts] has agreed to look at the activities of the office of the Secretary of Defense, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, as well as Secretary Bolton's office at the State Department.
The fact that the chairman supports our investigations into these offices and cosigns our requests for information is helpful and potentially crucial. We don't know what we will find but our prospects for getting the access we seek is far greater when we have the backing of the majority. [We can verbally mention some of the intriguing leads we are pursuing.]
2) Assiduously prepare Democratic 'additional views' to attach to any interim or final reports the committee may release. Committee rules provide this opportunity and we intend to take full advantage of it.
In that regard we may have already compiled all the public statements on Iraq made by senior administration officials. We will identify the most exaggerated claims. We will contrast them with the intelligence estimates that have since been declassified. Our additional views will also, among other things, castigate the majority for seeking to limit the scope of the inquiry.
The Democrats will then be in a strong position to reopen the question of establishing an Independent Commission [i.e., the Corzine Amendment.]
3) Prepare to launch an independent investigation when it becomes clear we have exhausted the opportunity to usefully collaborate with the majority. We can pull the trigger on an independent investigation of the administration's use of intelligence at any time. But we can only do so once.
The best time to do so will probably be next year, either:
A) After we have already released our additional views on an interim report, thereby providing as many as three opportunities to make our case to the public. Additional views on the interim report (1). The announcement of our independent investigation (2). And (3) additional views on the final investigation. Or:
B) Once we identify solid leads the majority does not want to pursue, we would attract more coverage and have greater credibility in that context than one in which we simply launch an independent investigation based on principled but vague notions regarding the use of intelligence.
In the meantime, even without a specifically authorized independent investigation, we continue to act independently when we encounter footdragging on the part of the majority. For example, the FBI Niger investigation was done solely at the request of the vice chairman. We have independently submitted written requests to the DOD and we are preparing further independent requests for information.
SUMMARY: Intelligence issues are clearly secondary to the public's concern regarding the insurgency in Iraq. Yet we have an important role to play in revealing the misleading, if not flagrantly dishonest, methods and motives of senior administration officials who made the case for unilateral preemptive war.
The approach outlined above seems to offer the best prospect for exposing the administration's dubious motives.
Hannity was waving the bloody shirt on his show, mentioning that troops were in harm's way. One important thing to keep in mind: this is the same Hannity who regarded the act by senior administration officials of outing an undercover CIA analyst as a "nonstory." So let me get this straight: the act of exposing an individual responsible for preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is no big deal, but pushing for an independent investigation of this and other administration misdeeds is the worst form of treason. What a hack.
Note: I got the transcript of the alleged memo from the wing nut web site Newsmax
Happy Halloween I didn't think any kids would be trick-or-treating in my apartment building. I didn't have any candy--the only thing I had to give away were Chick tracts (which the Chick Publications web site suggested as good trick-or-treat give-aways). However, I hesitated because I didn't think they would appreciate the irony in which I would have been doing this. Also, my area is heavily Catholic and I don't think the families of the kids would appreciate Chick's view of the Catholic Church and the Vatican. Fortunately, a roomie had candy.
Fox News Whistle-Blower Talks Some More Charlie Reina has some interesting things to say about the morning memo and other Faux News practices. These aren't journalists; they're political operatives. Let's hope this story has legs.
Reina: There's just an atmosphere of -- I don't want to say "fear," but for some of the young people there that's what it is. You know, I'd rail against this. I never made any bones about it. Right in the middle of the newsroom, I'd say, "Did you see what we did?" The typical thing would be for people to say to me, "So we're not fair and balanced? Like you didn't know that? What are you getting all upset about?"
One E-Mail Is All I Ask Traitor turned self-appointed treason-hunter David Horowitz is surprisingly silent on the actions by Bush administration officials in the outing of undercover CIA operative Valerie Plame. If Horowitz were sincerely concerned about anti-American treachery, he would have been on this like Roger Ailes on a platter of freedom fries smothered in gravy. Yet, there is not one mention of Plame either on Horowitz's blog or on FrontPage Magazine. Meanwhile, Horowitz is circulating hoary urban legends in an attempt to smear Bill Clinton (click here for a good laugh).
Why nothing from Horowitz? It reminds me of something Michael Tomasky wrote: "When W. and Rove hear the word 'traitor,' they think not of their country. They think of their agenda. And anyone who doesn't go along with it is guilty of treason."
I have addressed Horowitz's omission numerous times on HorowitzWatch. Still nothing. E-mail Horowitz and ask him why he hasn't addressed the Plame issue: It's important and it will annoy the hell out of Horowitz.
How Do I Get On The Gravy Train? In response to the letter by the lawyer for National Review's Donald L. Luskin against Atrios for alleged libelous comments (Atrios used the term "stalker" to describe Luskin), I put up the phone number for Luskin's lawyer Jeffrey J. Upton and told people to call.
UPDATE: Some unfamiliar with my tongue-in-cheek attitude thought I was serious. I have no plans to sue Coulter (though it would be fitting: writing right-wing bullshit is lucrative; refuting right-wing bullshit isn't).
I have no idea if it works or if it's a big hoax. However, I can say that the track record for advertisers on right-wing talk radio isn't particularly good. Last year, a questionable weight-loss product Body Solutions was heavily advertised on talk radio. Avacor, a supposed baldness cure, is also a talk radio ad staple; Arnold Diaz of 20/20 investigated it and other baldness cures and found these expensive products to be either unproven or just minoxidil with some herbs added. When Clinton was elected in 1992, advertisers for gold as an investment claimed that Clinton's presidency would cause a massive economic catastrophe and that gold was the best investment for the 1990's (I wonder if the talk radio jocks took this advice; I doubt it).
Let me spell it out for you: right-wing talk radio is intended for people who obey and who don't ask questions (e.g., when Sean Hannity tells his listeners that the Plame scandal is "a nonstory," he doesn't have to give reasons--he's Sean Hannity). Advertisers of questionable products know this and view the talk radio audience as a key demographic for what they're selling.
More Wing Nuts Deceived For those of you who were referred to this site from Buzzflash and are looking for the Bill O'Reilly phony quote, scroll down to the 10/25 post. Also, tonight I discovered that right-winger David Horowitz was fooled by a notorious (and transparent) urban legend (click here for the full details).
Also, check out the whole site including my prank phone calls to talk radio (on the sidebar). Check out my links, too.
Line of the Day Joe Conason on George W. Bush's willingness to falsely blame the crew of the USS Lincoln for the "Mission Accomplished" banner during Bush's photo-op back in May: "The entitled always blame the enlisted. It's the American aristocratic way."
Why Bill O’Reilly Creeps Me Out Bill O’Reilly creeps me out. It’s not so much his political message because his rhetoric isn’t half as poisonous as that of Limbaugh, Coulter, David Horowitz, Joseph Farah, or fellow Faux News twerp Sean Hannity. However, there’s something about him that really gives me the heebie-jeebies in ways the other wing nuts don’t. For the longest time, I couldn’t put my finger on the reason for the creepy feeling I get when I hear his voice.
Over the weekend, I figured it out. My aversion to O’Reilly is primal. Growing up, most of us had an old man on the block who was mean to the neighborhood kids. When we retrieved our Frisbees from his yard, he was the one who came out and yelled, “You kids, get off of my lawn!” Bill O’Reilly is that man. Worse than that, he is the archetype of the grumpy old man on the block. I’m certain when grumpy old men around this great nation get into their Ford Crown Victorias to drive 45 in the passing lane of the highway, they tune into O’Reilly’s Radio Factor. So when I do things like refute passages in his book (scroll down to Saturday) or prank-call his show, it’s the equivalent of the burning sack of dog poop on the front porch. It makes me feel good.
Bill O’Reilly Reports; We Laugh Out Loud. In recent months, Bill O’Reilly has been railing against those whom he pejoratively calls “secularists.” Secularists, according to O’Reilly, are people who are opposed to God and morality. In reality, secularists are people who are opposed to the right’s attempt to merge church and state. Under O’Reilly’s definition, I am a secularist even though I engage in regular religious practices that include yoga, metaphysical surfing, and vegetarianism. As much as these practices have benefited me (e.g., yoga classes are great places to meet women) I don’t believe that these or anyone else’s religious views or practices should be imposed by the state.
On the other hand, O’Reilly and other sectarian thinkers believe that the state should base its laws and foundation on sectarian values—their values. We alleged secularists are not only wrong, but we are opposed to the intentions of the founding fathers. In the infamous NPR interview with Terry Gross, O’Reilly said, "We are founded on a Judeo-Christian philosophy. There’s no question about that. And I have a degree in history, I have all of Jefferson's and Madison's letters and I know what I am talking about." Here’s O’Reilly in his brand new bestseller Who’s Looking Out for You?:
Let’s take a look at those Ten Commandments. Boy, the federal courts don’t want you to see those on American Government property, no way. But wait, there’s a signpost up ahead. It was written by James Madison, the guiding force behind the language of the Constitution. Said Madison: "We have staked the whole future of American civilization not upon the power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all our political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to THE TEN COMMANDMENTS" (pp. 116-117; caps and emphasis in original).
Insomnia I woke up after having a great dream--that I was going back to my undergrad alma mater Miami University of Ohio--which I picked for the hot babe ratio (unfortunately, there were a lot of right-wing tools at MU like Moonie Times "journalist" Bill Sammon who is also an alumnus). I surfed the net and took the political compass test (via Iddybud) To no surprise, I came out on the libertarian left, close to the Dalai Lama.
Why Clark Can Win ...Nicomodos Sy Herrera, a 31-year-old Republican lawyer in a well-tailored suit, seemed almost surprised to find himself at a Democratic event. A pro-life hawk who'd been "a big Bush supporter" in 2000, he'd grown alarmed by Bush's inability to "balance the hard and soft power of the U.S." Now, he was considering changing his party affiliation in order to vote for Clark in the primary. "Bush was seduced too much by the hard right's insistence that it had to go alone," he says. "He made that bed, he has to sleep in it." Still, while he says he doesn't think Bush could win him back, he also says Clark is the only Democrat he would support.
Busted: Millions Heard Me Mock Bill O'Reilly Whenever I call talk radio programs, I do so to engage in substantive debate (e.g., scroll down to yesterday's post). I had this intention when I called into Bill O'Reilly's radio show today. The topic was the supposed bias of the media. This time, I posed as Henry from Los Angeles (I used the name Henry as a tribute to wing nut blogger Henry Hanks). Anyhow, temptation got the best of me because when I got on the show, I couldn't help slipping in a variation of O'Reilly's name that is popular with me and sites like Media Whores Online. Unfortunately, O'Reilly caught what I said before I had a chance to discuss the issue. Here is the short conversation:
However, the article is flawed by the conclusion: "Limbaugh may be a Chicken Hawk in the war on drugs," Hertzberg writes, "but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be cannon fodder." Why the hell not? If anyone should be fodder in the war on drugs, it shouldn't be some schlemiel caught with a bag of weed or a rock, it should be those who are involved in massive drug transactions. The fact that Limbaugh was a big voice for the war on drugs would make a prosecution all the more fitting.
On a practical level, few legal experts expect the hate radio jock will spend any time wearing an orange jumpsuit (Roy Black is Limbaugh's attorney). However, even though a conviction is unlikely, criminal charges against Limbaugh would be appropriate; it would support Alan Dershowitz's view that a civil libertarian is a conservative who is under investigation. Also, there is a preponderance of evidence that Limbaugh used his home and car in his drug transactions. Civil forfeiture laws should be used to seize both. Limbaugh could easily buy both back and it would pay for the investigation and more.
I Almost Confront Christopher Ruddy on Talk Radio Scaife-paid operative Christopher Ruddy was on Al Rantel's radio show in Los Angeles today. Ruddy and Rantel expressed dismay over the upcoming CBS mini-series on Ronald Reagan that gives Reagan the following dialogue regarding homosexuals who had AIDS: "They that live in sin shall die in sin." I found it a bit hypocritical considering Ruddy's own smears of the Clintons so I called up and was put on hold. Unfortunately, Ruddy left before I got on the air but I was able to address Ruddy's hypocrisy with Rantel.
RANTEL: Here is Troy on the Al Rantel Show on KABC. Hi.
SCOOBIE: Hi. It’s too bad Chris Ruddy is not there because I’d really like to talk to him. I think it is wrong that if dialogue in a CBS docudrama is given to Reagan that’s not characteristic of his views, but for Ruddy to say that the politics of personal destruction are the politics of the left, I really have to laugh. These criticisms are coming from a Scaife-paid hit man like Ruddy whose paranoid conspiracy theories surrounding the death of Vince Foster were so slipshod that even a wing nut like Ann Coulter called Ruddy’s book on the subject “a conservative hoax book.” [chuckling] I really have to laugh about that. I’d like to talk to Ruddy at the six o’clock—
[Note: I was about to say that I wanted to talk to Ruddy on the six O’clock portion of Rantel’s show. Tuesday is Newsmax day for Rantel’s show and he had a Newsmax writer on his show at both 11:00 and 6:00.]
RANTEL: Well, first of all, there were many people who raised a lot of questions about the death of Vince Foster, not just Christopher Ruddy and--
SCOOBIE: The wing nuts.
RANTEL: Well, you may want to describe them as wing nuts but the fact is that many people raised questions about these kinds of things. Just because you ask questions doesn’t make you a nut.
SCOOBIE: He raised questions and he concocted all of these ludicrous conspiracy theories and he dared 60 Minutes to cover the story and 60 Minutes looked into what Ruddy had said and they showed that he was a complete idiot, that his—
RANTEL: They didn’t show that he was an idiot. They showed that they didn’t believe that there was anything there. And, by the way, I didn’t really—I thought there were some questions that should be answered and once the authorities answered them, I was happy to agree with what the authorities concluded. And so what? What’s wrong with people answering questions?
RANTEL: That’s very funny. You refer to a guy who you don’t agree with politically as a sick paranoid old man and then you complain that somebody tried to smear the Clintons. When you call someone a sick paranoid old man, is that smearing them? [chuckling]
SCOOBIE: When it’s true—
RANTEL: When it’s true. [chuckling]
SCOOBIE: When it’s true, it’s not smearing him. Scaife believes in the Clinton Body Count, the belief that Bill Clinton is responsible for the murders of dozens of people.
RANTEL: Now, look, I don’t believe any of that stuff. Most mainstream conservatives don’t.
SCOOBIE: Why are you giving credibility to Ruddy?
After that, Rantel changed topics and went back to the Reagan miniseries. I reiterated my agreement that putting those kinds of words in Reagan’s mouth was wrong but I also criticized Reagan for befriending Jerry Falwell who said that AIDS was God’s way of “spanking” homosexuals (yes, Falwell said it).
Thank God for Gypsy Cabs With the transit strike in LA, gypsy cabs are the way to get around for those of us without cars. All you have to do is wait at a corner of a busy street like Wilshire and someone in a van or car will charge you a couple dollars to drive you to your destination. It ain't legal, but it gets you where you want to go.
Film I saw Wonderland over the weekend. The critics panned it but I thought it was a decent film. There were great performances by Val Kilmer, Lisa Kudrow, and Kate Bosworth. Unlike Boogie Nights, there wasn't a prosthesis. The theater where I saw it had a trailer for Shattered Glass which deals with the Stephen Glass scandal at the New Republic. It looks like a very good movie.
David Horowitz and the Plame Scandal On HorowitzWatch, I have been getting on Scaife monkey-boy David Horowitz for not addressing the Plame scandal on his web site FrontPage Magazine; this is a particularly glaring omission because Horowitz and the hacks who write for FrontPage don't hesitate to label anything done or said by the left as treason, and this is a case of real treason. If you could, send an email to the managing editor of FrontPage, Jamie Glazov and ask why hasn't anyone at FrontPage covered the issue. Glazov's email address is
Debunking The Myths About Wesley Clark Heard something about Wesley Clark? Go to the site Clark Myths to check about its accuracy. Rush is no longer around, but the various Rush clones on hate radio and the usual suspects aren't letting up on Clark.
1:56 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Ann Coulter: "I don’t want murder laws applied to my friends." Click here for the entire transcript. Isn't it a comforting thought that attorney Coulter is not a judge?
LA Stuff I've been down on LA lately--of course, if I were working in the Industry right now, I would be pleased with it (I view San Diego as home). One nice thing about the City of Angels is going to the supermarket and seeing celebrities. One of the most unusual sightings by yours truly was Fabio a couple years ago. Yesterday, I was at the Whole Foods across from the Farmer's Market and saw Gurmukh, the yoga instructor popular with the stars (I have her kundalini yoga video; it's great).
Most people associate MacArthur Park as the area to find fake drivers licenses and green cards. I think of it as an area where there's some great food. The area is known for having Langer's Deli where there's plenty of good eatin'. However, there are some great restaurants that are popular with recently-arrived immigrants from Mexico and Central America. One I would recommend is Torito Axaqueno which is on the 2000 block of West 8th Street near Alvarado. They have huge burritos that are cheap and delicious. If you want a vegetarian burrito, tell them "sin carne."
Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick Sick I checked Sitemeter and found out that someone came across my site by doing a Google search for nude+pictures+Peggy+Noonan.
Chickenhawks In the War on Drugs and Other Observations Rush is in rehab for his addiction to hillbilly heroin. A defender of the war on drugs and friend of former drug czar William Bennett, Limbaugh joins a long list of chicken hawks in the war on drugs. You’re probably familiar with ordinary chickenhawks; these are a pro-war hawks who talk a good game (and have no compunction about impugning the patriotism of those who disagree with their pro-war views) but back when they had a chance to prove their machismo, they stayed on the sidelines—often because of phony medical deferments or family influence (as was the case for George W. Bush whose pro-Vietnam War father allowed someone else to take W’s place in the jungles of Vietnam).
Drug war chickenhawks are just as contemptible. These are the staunch war on drugs hardasses who, when they or people close to them get in trouble with drugs, are the first ones to call for lenient treatment at the hands of law enforcement. Two of the more odious of the drug war chickenhawks are Representative Duke Cunningham and U.S. Attorney Leslie Ohta. Limbaugh isn’t in the same league as Cunningham and Ohta, but his callous attitude toward people with drug problems makes him deserving of our contempt.
Is Limbaugh finished? Not for a minute. Some people have been optimistic that Limbaugh’s poisonous disinformation campaign will come to an end because of this episode. No such luck. I’m afraid these people have vastly underestimated the collective gullibility and self-deception of the masses of suckers known as the Dittoheads (if you think I’m being harsh, check out the advertisers on talk radio—they know where to find the suckers). What I have found listening to the contradictory claims made by Limbaugh is that the Dittomonkeys want to be fooled and like to be fooled.
Does he deserve to be finished? Hell yes. The day Limbaugh admitted that he was hooked on painkillers, I briefly tuned into Larry Elder’s talk radio show; Elder emphasized that Limbaugh’s drug problem is irrelevant to the merits of Limbaugh’s political thought. I couldn’t agree with Elder any more: Limbaugh’s personal life doesn’t discredit his message—it’s Limbaugh’s bullshit that discredits his message. Limbaugh will make a comeback; however, it will be a marginalized Limbaugh that will be making a comeback. This is a good thing. Although Limbaugh’s drug abuse makes his phoniness obvious to millions, it is his dishonest and vicious message that is especially deserving of our censure. This episode helped to open the eyes of millions of people, some of whom were Limbaugh’s biggest fans. This disillusionment is a good thing.
On the issue of gloating. Expressing glee over another’s misfortune is unseemly. However, the right has gotten away with gloating over tragedies involving innocent people—click here for a noxious parody song that Limbaugh played on his show after Vince Foster’s death (scroll down to my 10/04 post). On the topic of Foster, Ted and Barbara Olson were big on exploiting Foster’s death to smear the Clintons and to mobilize the mouthbreather wing of the GOP; yet when I wrote about the late Mrs. Olson and admittedly added a tasteless comment about her whereabouts, I was pilloried for it (click here and here). I, unlike the drug warriors, have sympathy for people who become addicted to drugs and I prefer treatment to incarceration. However, Limbaugh has a big enough sympathy chorus of toady listeners and GOP bigwigs who have benefited from Limbaugh’s lies (such as George W. Bush); Limbaugh doesn’t need my sympathy. If you think this makes me a prick, then email Jonah Goldberg at I heard he’s looking for examples of left-wing callousness toward Limbaugh.
Should Limbaugh be prosecuted? This is a legal question. However, there appears to be strong evidence that Limbaugh did what Wilma Cline accused him of doing (if the charges are true, then Limbaugh committed serious felonies). I’ll bet everything I own that Limbaugh’s attorney Roy Black doesn’t want his client to cooperate with the investigation. Limbaugh has a Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself; we have a First Amendment right to draw conclusions about any lack of cooperation.
Finally, the American right--which is supporting Limbaugh—is, in fact, Limbaugh’s own worse enemy. One of the pillars of recovery from addiction is the necessity to make amends for one’s transgressions(coming clean about the cause of one's addiction is another). The American right is enabling Limbaugh. George W. Bush is one of the worst culprits—calling the talk radio demagogue “a great American.” The truth is that Bush coined a phrase that aptly describes Limbaugh: “major league asshole.” I believe that it will only be after Limbaugh engages in some self-reflection about the damage his rhetoric has done to this country that he will be on the road to recovery. He needs to come clean about his transgressions against the truth, his transgressions against others, and his transgressions against human decency.
This Totally Sucks It looks as if there will be a transit strike tomorrow in Los Angeles. I'm planning to go to a job orientation tomorrow so that I can get enough money to buy a car so that I won't have to use public transportation. I hope I can get there. No more posting tonight.
I'm a Wuss I didn't see Kill Bill over the weekend for two reasons: 1) I was short of cash (scroll down to 10/9 post, "Big Post Possibly Forthcoming"); and 2) I hate to see films in which innocent people are killed.
Could someone who has seen Kill Bill email me and tell me if it's safe to go into the theaters? No spoilers, please.
Rush Confesses to Drug Addiction on Show He will be undergoing drug treatment for the next 30 days. Transcript forthcoming UPDATE: HERE IS THE TRANSCRIPT. Just for a little irony, here's what he had to say in the first hour of the show:
And so it would serve you well to remember this story [about Siegfried and Roy] when some of these circumstances come up—like rehabilitation of criminals. It’s often been said that we rehab these people and find out what it is that makes them do what they do. But a criminal’s a criminal. There are bad people. There are bad people. There are good people too, but there are bad people.
Note: I have more posts on Limbaugh from the past month, scroll down.
Prediction Ohio State Buckeyes 21, Wisconsin Badgers 14. I would have agreed with Erick Smith of USA Today who predicted the Badgers would squeak by the Buckeyes, but I think the week off to prepare will give Ohio State the edge it needs. UPDATE: D'oh! Wisconsin 17, Ohio State 10. The longest winning streak in Division 1-A college football is over at nineteen.
Exclusive--Source: "He did it." I have received confirmation from a source either inside or close to the Palm Beach County state attorney's office investigation that there is ample evidence that the allegations by Wilma Cline and others that radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh had bought massive amounts of prescription drugs illegally over a four-year period.
Notes: I was reluctant to post this information because I didn't want to hinder the investigation by reporting it. However, after some thought and research, I concluded that it would be appropriate; one thing that particularly motivated me was the realization that Limbaugh would probably not be prosecuted. Also, I did some further investigation to confirm the credibility of the source.
After initially being contacted indirectly, I had a correspondence with the source using a newly-created email address at various public internet providers. This led to a telephone interview in which I was not allowed to record the conversation (It was just as well because I was using a pay phone). The source told me the evidence Cline provided was credible and massive (one quote I jotted down during the conversation was: "He [Limbaugh] did it"). I asked the source why he/she came out and was giving me this information; his/her response was that there was an overwhelming feeling of disgust by the source and many people close to the investigation. I asked why the source chose to talk to me, the source said that he/she found me through a keyword search and liked the fact that I was taking Limbaugh to task. The source refused to give any information about possible criminal indictments. Limbaugh refused comment after I contacted him at and (there is some question as to whether Limbaugh uses these email addresses anymore).
Am I the Only One to Find This Amusing? Just a few minutes ago on Rush Limbaugh's radio show; the topic was means testing for prescription drugs benefits: "What the Republicans want to do--and a number of other people--is means test this. There's no reason for people like me or Bill Gates, whoever, ought to get free prescription drugs; there's just no need for it..."
Big Post Possibly Forthcoming Last week, I was planning to announce this week that I was going to take off some time. The reason is that I was depending on some civil service jobs I applied for earlier in the year. I have an impressive resume, I scored high on the tests, and I did well in the interviews. I found out that I was being hosed because the agency in question was bypassing civil service rules in their hiring procedures. I’m working a flunky job that is winding down. So I have to look for work. If you’d like to help support this site, click here or buy something on Amazon by clicking here (I’m an Amazon Associate).
My decision to go on hiatus this week changed when I received some interesting news from an unnamed source sometime in the last week or so. It’s an exclusive but I needed to make confirmations and check a few things before I posted the info. I’ll make my decision before tomorrow as to whether I will publish the information.
Bush’s Concept of A Great American Versus Reality People want to know what I think about George W. Bush’s recent support for Rush Limbaugh in light of alleged problems with narcotics; they also want to know what I think of Bush calling Limbaugh “a great American.” Here’s The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page's take (keep in mind these are the same clowns who, like Limbaugh, flogged every paranoid anti-Clinton tale including the Mena drug-smuggling allegations; they also refer to the serious allegations that senior Bush officials outed an undercover CIA agent as a “kerfuffle.”):
As for the rest of us, there have always been two ways to read the parable about the woman caught in adultery and not casting the first stone. The first is to argue that standards simply don't matter. The other way--the way it has been read for 2,000 years--is to remind us that we are all human, fallen creatures.
We're fairly sure we know which reading President Bush was taking when he called Mr. Limbaugh a "great American" and said he hoped he would "overcome any obstacles." After all, this is a President who not too long ago fought a drinking problem. The accusations about abusing pain-relieving drugs are more serious because they point to breaking the law, and they hurt not only Mr. Limbaugh but the millions of those who looked to him for better. It does not excuse anything he may have done to say America will not know the full measure of the man until we see how he responds.
This is wrong is so many ways: If the parable about the adulterous woman is supposed to be message that we ought to lay off Limbaugh, I have one thought about that: fuck that noise. When it comes to casting stones, throwing sucker punches, and kicking people when they’re down, Limbaugh is the grand master (the WSJ’s editorial page is close behind). Limbaugh is more similar to the hypocritical religious leaders with stones in their hands than he is to the adulterous woman. Just one example out of dozens, scroll down to read all the talk radio junkie’s vicious and untruthful attacks on Wesley Clark.
Limbaugh’s web site even had a headline: “Clark's Behavior Borders On Pathological.” This is hardly surprising. Raising questions about a political opponent’s mental health is de rigueur for Limbaugh. During the 2000 primaries, to supplement the Bush team’s whisper campaign that John McCain was mentally unbalanced, Limbaugh had a vicious parody of the Caine Mutiny which he called “The McCain Mutiny” in which the paranoid Captain Queeg was portrayed by a McCain sound-alike.
The Journal’s editors think “America will not know the full measure of the man until we see how he responds.” They should speak for themselves. Americans familiar with Limbaugh’s words and deeds know him for what he is: a blustering bullyboy. Taking on a bullyboy like Limbaugh is not casting the first stone, it’s self-defense.
George W. Bush spoke of wishing that Limbaugh would “overcome any obstacles.” The Journal editors view this as an embodiment of Christian redemption. My ass. As an article from Salon from 1999 points out, when Bush ran for governor, he shamelessly demagogued against Governor Richard’s programs to help nonviolent drug offenders with treatment instead of harsh sentences. Bush called it “Penal Code Lite.” For drug offenders who don’t do Bush’s political dirty work like Limbaugh, Bush has one terse thought: "Incarceration is rehabilitation." From the Salon article:
In one typical case recently, a 27-year-old mother of two pled guilty to an eight-month sentence for trace amounts of cocaine in an empty pipe that had to be lab-tested in order to uncover the evidence needed to convict her. She was a first-time offender.
The police claimed the car she shared with two companions was illegally parked, and that she had made a "furtive movement." Thus armed with probable cause, the police searched until they found the non-smoking gun in her purse.
If there’s anyone who closely resembles the adulterous woman about to be stoned, it’s someone like this woman. If someone like Limbaugh who bought his hillbilly heroin by the barrel is a great American, as Bush claims, then this woman deserves a ticker-tape parade.
Bush’s assertion that Limbaugh is “a great American.” Let’s examine Limbaugh’s response to some events in recent American history: 1. Right after the Oklahoma City bombing, President Clinton made some general statements (click here and scroll down) warning about hate speech on the airwaves that instigates people to commit violent acts (Clinton’s claims were, of course, true). Limbaugh exploded on his radio and television show, accusing Clinton of accusing him of causing the Oklahoma City bombing, even though Clinton made no mention of Limbaugh. 2. Right after 9/11, former President Clinton gave a speech at Georgetown that was supportive of the fight against terrorism. A Washington Times reporter/operative twisted Clinton’s words to suggest that Clinton blamed America for the terrorist acts. The next day, Limbaugh got on his show and said that Clinton’s speech was worse than what Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War (Click here for a detailed discussion of this). 3. During the Iraqi War, Limbaugh was on the forefront of the right’s attempt to smear anyone who raised questions about Bush’s veracity or the case for war as unpatriotic and pro-Saddam. 4. When it was reported that senior Bush administration officials leaked the name of an undercover CIA agent responsible for stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Limbaugh’s response was to accuse those who were calling for a thorough investigation were “obsessed with hatred and blinded by rage.” Limbaugh then, without a shred of evidence, concluded that there was no wrongdoing by the Bush administration. In fact, Limbaugh concluded that “a dangerous atmosphere” was being created—not by those who blew Plame’s cover—but by those who wanted to determine who committed these criminal and traitorous acts.
These are the actions of a good American only if one's definition of being a good American entails being a hack for the Bush crowd. What a pity.
Note: Thanks to Leigh of Kentucky for technical assistance.
Pray For Rush I'm all for praying but I have some reservations about the Pray for Rush Limbaugh site that popped up to insure the talk radio jock has around-the-clock prayer teams. The person who runs the site also has sites to pray for Bush:"We believe God used this election, and will continue to use George W. Bush, as a catalyst for spiritual awakening in the Church, and thus, in the world..." Oh, really? Was the Almighty behind Katherine Harris's scrubbing of eligible minority voters from the rolls? If that's so, then maybe Jerry Falwell was right when he argued in the 1960's that the civil rights movement was making baby Jesus cry because Jim Crow was a God-ordained method of dealing with blacks who were stricken with "the curse of Ham" (I'm not making this up).
Anyhoo, back to Rush: not to throw a stink bomb in the midst of people bowing down to petition the Great One but don't you think there are people more deserving of 24/7 prayerful attention? I mean, shouldn't they be praying that police and prosecutors do the right thing in this case? Shouldn't they be thanking God for Wilma Cline who reported these crimes? Rush has the best legal team money can buy (someone once said that a civil libertarian is a conservative who is under investigation). When you have a top defense attorney like Roy Black on your team, you don't need God.
Gracias to Tom of the new blog PointZero for pointing this site out to me.
UPDATE: Apparently there were so many mockers like me who pointed out the site that the site owner shut it down.
Posting Soon MS Word won't let me use the file I wrote my essay on so I'll have to do it again. I just got back from the polling place. I voted "no" on the recall even though I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about voting to keep Davis in. In 1998, I supported Al Checchi against Davis in the primaries. I think it has been a terrible shame that primary voters chose Davis instead.