Diary of a Madman

Meet the Madman...if you dare

For those fragile voyeurs that are easily offended, perhaps you should piss up a rope and go away. For those with the fortitude to continue; feel free to comment, negatively or positively on anything you read here, madman doesn't care. If he likes what you wrote he might not say a word, if he thinks you are a bible thumping puritan bastard, he may even feature you in one of his rants.

September 30, 2003

Two for Tuesday

Its Two for Tuesday and because madman has been behind a bit he has decided to make it a bonus wicked wednesday. Wicked wednesday will occur as normally scheduled, but wtf, sometimes you just have to do something different. So without further ado here are todays Blog Boobs of the Day.

Posted by Madman at 08:18 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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For those of you that might suspect that the madman has been slacking the past couple of days, you would be right. I have been working on a top secret project for Sarge, and it will soon be released for the whole world to see. Yes Sarge is starting his own blog. Not only did Sarge start his own blog, he started his own hosting company to host his blog. Talk about overkill. Of course Sarge has decided to hire me as his sytem admin, boy is he in for a surprise hahahaha.

Posted by Madman at 08:10 PM
Filed Under: blogging-bloggers
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September 27, 2003

Boobs of the Day

Today's Blog boobs of the day for your viewing pleasure.

Posted by Madman at 11:16 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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French Master Sexless reproduction

Yes the smelly obnoxious French have mastered reproduction without involving sex. Yes I am talking about cloning, not masturbating on her shoes and letting the flies do the rest...

Isn't it fitting the the cheese eating surrender dogs chose their national animal as the subject of their cloning effort?

CBC News: Ralph the Rat joins list of clones

Posted by Madman at 12:52 AM
Filed Under: surrender dogs
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September 26, 2003

Another Dirty Woman

Today's blog Boobs of the Day are dedicated to NukeVet, just because.

Posted by Madman at 07:56 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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September 25, 2003

Blog Boobs of the Day

Today's boobage for you consideration is a "two fer". The Blog Boobs of the day not only have two sets for your voyeuristic pleasure, but are dedicated to a couple of my favorite lady bloggers, Da Goddess and Jeneane Sessum. That makes it a double two fer. As always clicking the image will bring up a larger version of the photo. Bon Appetit!

Posted by Madman at 11:04 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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And Speaking of Penises

Who the hell is the dimwit that keeps searching this site for "Penis Size"? Look you dumb ass this blog is about boobage, female boobage. Don't piss me off or I'll post a penis size pic that will make you cry and your mamma drool. Got it? Good!

Posted by Madman at 01:09 AM
Filed Under: rants
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Send some of this shit to FRANCE

Another example of why Germany never became "The Master Race." These fucktards are so screwed up you would think that they changed their national language to french

Student cuts off penis and tongue after drinking hallucinogenic tea

A student cut off his own penis and his tongue after drinking an infusion of the latest drugs craze to sweep Germany.


When he returned to the house he was wearing a towel wrapped around him and was bleeding heavily from his mouth and between his legs.

Stay away from the little garden creatures...they have sharp teeth you nazi freak...

The emergency doctor who arrived a few minutes later said the student had cut off his penis and his tongue with garden shears and it was impossible to reattach the organs.

And why the hell would you want to reattach these organs? This is a Honorary Darwin Award candidate- the only problem is he LIVED. Why would you want this fucktard to talk or breed- he is obviously a lost cause. Hell anyone that stupid deserves to die.

Dr Andreas Marneros, from the local psychiatric hospital the student was admitted to, said: "Andreas will have to receive psychological help for years. Tea from Angels' Trumpets is extremely dangerous as the drug cannot be dosed."

Well Herr Doktor- this asshat dosed it. Maybe we could teach this dimwit international sign language and send him to France to set up a tea house. God knows the french could use some of this stuff. No one wants to hear the whining, snivelling, elitist surrender dogs bark anyways. And under no circumstances should they be allowed to breed.

Read the whole sordid story

Posted by Madman at 12:35 AM
Filed Under: european "superiority"
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September 24, 2003

I can't believe he's back...

I would have baked a cake!

Yes Madman is back and today's installation of boobage just demands a witty caption. So feast your eyes my gentle voyeurs on today's Blog Boobs of the Day.

Once again if you click on the thumbnail it will open a pop-up window with a larger version of the boobage. Enjoy and feel free to drop a caption.

Posted by Madman at 03:57 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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Madman's back and there's gonna be a party...

Yep after a six month vacation in sunny Iraq Da Madman has returned. I have lots of stories to tell you about Sarge, but he threatened me with a fate worse then death (castration) if I started stealing his stuff. So I will just stick to the usual low humor, boobage and commentary that is my trademark.

As I go through my mailbox and delete 6 months worth of SPAM I'd like to thank the few fine bloggers out there that either kept in touch with me while I was gone, or wrote to see if I was OK.

Oh BTW, Sarge has decided to start his own blog. It should be fairly interesting when he gets it all ironed out. I'll post the url when it happens... now I'm off on my never ending hunt for boobage...

Posted by Madman at 11:10 AM
Filed Under: miscellany
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April 11, 2003

Lying Surrender Dog Bastard

Chirac is a greedy lying piece of shit. That pretty well sums it up but for those of you that want the rest of the story...

LONDON, England (CNN) -- French President Jacques Chirac says his country is "rejoicing" in the apparent collapse of the Iraqi dictatorship

Liar! You know that the collapse of the current Iraqi regime will cut off all of those lucrative backdoor deals you have been doing with Iraq since the sanctions were imposed almost twelve years ago. Not to mention all the money you made. Am I inferring that Chirac takes it in the ass? Yes I am, and the fuckwit probably sucks and swallows afterward. You are as much a liar as that fat McDonalds eating bitch Bill Clinton- but at least he liked women...
Chirac strongly opposed a U.S-led military attack on Iraq, preferring to work through the U.N. Security Council in supporting longer weapons inspections.

Translation: Let's drag this shit out so France can make more money from Saddam's misfortune.

CNN.com - Chirac 'rejoices' as Saddam falls - Apr. 10, 2003

The last paragraph contains a nice shot across the bows at Germany, France and the other fuckwits that were hoping to continue reaping illicit dinars from the Iraqi regime. All the countries that opposed the war sure are willing to hop on the gravy train of reconstruction...fuck them- they don't deserve to earn a dime in the aftermath of the war.

Posted by Madman at 12:02 AM
Filed Under: surrender dogs
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April 10, 2003

I need a dirty woman

At the risk of dating himself, Madman has fond memories when he looks at this entrant into Madman's Blog Boobs of the Day saga. An old Pink Floyd song runs over and over in my mind...

Ooooh I need a dirty woman...
Ooooh I need a dirty girl

Posted by Madman at 11:49 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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April 05, 2003

Georgia wakes up, discovers it's not 1833

So let's all go to Atlanta and have a nude blogathon... Rip Van Winkle has left the building

Ananova - Georgia's Supreme Court strikes down 170-year-old sex law

Posted by Madman at 03:46 PM
Filed Under: sex in the news
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Saturday Boobage

Welcome my gentle voyeurs, to the Saturday installment of Madman's Blog Boobs of the day.

Posted by Madman at 03:32 PM
Filed Under: boobage
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Gratuitous Linkage

As I was surfing around looking for boob fodder to feed the bottomless pit of voyeurism that is my readership, I ran across this little tidbit of imagery. This one is for Michele, just because it fits her AIM nickname... Heres to you Michele.

Posted by Madman at 11:08 AM
Filed Under: blogging-bloggers | imagery
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