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November 24, 2003oddballHere is a picture of my new dog. She wouldn't hold still long enough for me to get a really good shot, but I'll post another picture later. She figured out that food-bowl thing right away. I believe the lamb and rice dog food is better than what she was accustomed to in the pound. She is a good passenger for a truck-ride and the first thing she did when I got her home was to go poop outside. I LIKE that feature in a dog. She's busy sniffing out her new digs and seems really fascinated by Quinton's room (probably because there's spilled food all over the floor). She started to hop on the couch once and I said "NAWP!" She did a weird acrobatic move and landed back on the floor without ever touching the couch; then, she went to sit in her new doggie bed and appear contrite. I believe that Quinton picked a good dog.
i ain't going back to Wal-martI'm going to stop by Fred's Dollar Store on the way to the Animal Shelter. I can buy dog food, water and food bowls and everything else that I had in my buggy this morning at Fred's, for about the same price I was willing to pay at Wal-Mart. I'm getting my dog today. Fuck a Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart pissed me off this morning.
gigantic pain in the assI've never bought a firearm from Wal-Mart before and I never will again. I spent an hour and a half in the store this morning to pick up a .22 rifle. I arrived at 8:00 this morning. I went through the pet department first and loaded a buggy with dog food (lamb and rice-- nothing but the BEST for MY dog), food and water bowls and a nice bed for the dog to sleep in. I picked out a fluffy blanket to line the bed with. Then, I went to the gun counter to pick up my new rifle. That dumbass background check paperwork had come through and all was in order. (Have you filled out a Georgia form lately? WTF does ANYBODY think that thing is worth? "Are you a convicted felon?" "Have you stopped beating your wife?" "Do you intend to buy this gun to declare war against the United States?" "Are you a space alien?" Pure bullshit.) Why is it that a cop can pull my truck over on the side of the road in Oliver, Georgia and radio my license plate number to Command Central and know every bit of that shit in less than five minutes? Why does that dumbass form take two or three days to be approved? Brady Law, my ass. But... I digress. "Edith" was working the gun counter this morning, as I discovered after I spent 20 minutes tracking somebody down to wait on me. I introduced myself and explained that I had picked out a .22 rifle on Saturday and I wanted to buy it this morning. She found the paperwork, asked for my driver's license, checked the paperwork three times, then went to "the gun room" to fetch my rifle. I waited. And I waited. And I waited some more. Edith finally came back with the rifle, checked the serial number, recorded it on the paperwork and then pulled out a big, rubber stamp and ink pad to put Bejus-knows-what kind of official seal on the paper. This entire operation was taking entirely too long to suit me. "Can I just pay for the gun and get a box of 550 of those Winchester .22 long rounds back there to go with it?" I asked. "I'll be out of your hair right away." But, NOOOoooo. Under Wal-Mart rules, Edith can't sell me the rifle. She requires a manager with a special key to make the cash register work to complete a gun sale. She pages a manager. We wait. And wait. Then, we wait some more. Finally, a manager arrives. He appears to be about 19 fucking years old. He goes over all the paperwork Edith already went over three times, then he pulls out some kind of template to lay over to form to make extra-sure that's he's missing NOTHING. This exercise takes about another 15 minutes. Finally, I am authorized, sanctified, blessed by every Power That Exists and allowed to pay for the rifle and the ammo. But I can't just throw the gun and the ammo in the buggy with the dog food and the dog bed and the food and water bowls and the fuzzy blanket and go on my merry way. Oh, NOOOoooo! The MANAGER HIMSELF has to CARRY THAT RIFLE OUT THE FRONT DOOR OF THE STORE and then hand it to me on the sidewalk outside. Goddam! What kind of shit is that? If I were going to rob the place, I damn sure wouldn't try it with a single-shot, bolt-action .22 rifle that I JUST BOUGHT IN THE FUCKING STORE. Give me a break. I had to leave the doggie stuff in the buggy and I was so pissed off by then that I didn't go back inside to retrieve it. I came home to simmer down a little bit. I don't have to put up with that shit at Mack's Gun Shop. There, you pick your piece, and if the paperwork is approved, you pay the man and walk out. Easy as pie. The only reason I bought that rifle to begin with was because I happened to be in Wal-Mart shopping for a kicking tee for Quinton. If I had known what I was in for, I never would have looked at ANY guns while I was there. I'll never do it again.
November 23, 2003about "bluenecks"Jennifer and I once went camping one weekend and we took three young ladies with us. My daughter Samantha, Jennifer's niece Nichole and their friend Jessica rounded out the crew. I had three girls around the age of ten, all with boy's names. Sam, Nick, and Jessie. Go figure. We didn't just call them by those names on the camping trip. We called them by those names all the time. My daughter has ALWAYS been "Sam" to me since the day she was born. Nichole was ALWAYS "Nick." Jessica was ALWAYS "Jessie." They are all three beautiful, grown-up wimmen now, but if I see them again tomorrow, they'll be Sam, Nick and Jessie to me. Maybe that's just a Southern thing.
true loveI love my son. I love him with all my heart and soul. I have been called a "hopeless romantic" before by more than one person in my life, but I'll wear that title proudly until the day I die. I simply wish that more people in this world WERE hopeless romantics. The world would be a better place because of them. I enjoyed this weekend. Have you ever watched your child sleep? Have you ever just LOOKED at him and thought about what a fine chunk of young manhood he is? Look at that tousled hair, those special ears and that one bare foot hanging off the edge of the bed. Listen to the sounds he makes in his sleep. Tuck that bare foot under the covers and kiss him goodnight even though he never knows that you're there. Then, go to your own bed feeling proud of one damn good thing you did in your life.
i've been busy todayQuinton and I had lots of things to do today, so I didn't blog. I'll just post something Catfish sent me via email: BLUENECKS.................. Blue Necks are Northerners -- the opposite of Rednecks. Because of Redneck jokes, here are some takes on how Southern folks look at Northerners (or how Northerners sometimes think of themselves;) YOU JUST MIGHT BE A BLUENECK IF... ...Instead of referring to two or more people as "Y'all," you call them "you guys," even if both of them are women. ...You think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside." ...You think Heinz Ketchup is really SPICY. ...You don't have any problems pronouncing "Worcestershire sauce" correctly. ...For breakfast, you would prefer potatoes-au-gratin to grits. ...You don't know what a moon pie is. ...You've never had an RC Cola. ...You've never, ever eaten okra -- fried, boiled, or pickled. ...You eat fried chicken with a knife and fork. ...You've never seen a live chicken, and the only cows you've seen are on road trips. ...You have no idea what a polecat is. ...You don't see anything wrong with putting a sweater on your dog. ...You don't have bangs. ...You would rather have your son become a lawyer than grow up to get his own TV fishing show. ...You drink either "Pop" or "Soda"- instead of "Cokes." ...You've never eaten and don't know how to make a tomato sandwich. ....You have never planned your summer vacation around a gun-'n-knife show. ...You think more money should go to important scientific research at your university than to pay the salary of the head football coach ...You don't even have one can of WD-40 somewhere around the house. ...The last time you smiled was when you blocked someone from getting on an on-ramp to the highway. ....You don't have any hats in your closet that advertise feed stores. ...You have more than one professional sports team in your home state. ...You call binoculars opera glasses. ...You can't spit out the car window without pulling over to the side of the road and stopping. ...You don't know anyone with at least two first names (i.e., Joe Bob, Faye Ellen, Billy Ray, Mary Jo, Bubba Dean, Joe Dan, Mary Alice) ...You don't know any women with male names (i.e., Tommie, Bobbie, Johnnie, Jimmie) ...You don't have Maw-maw's & Pawpaw's. ...You get freaked out when people on the subway talk to you. ...None of your fur coats are homemade.
November 22, 2003I laughed out loudThis post about life may contain the best Southern statement I ever heard. The entire post is good. Figure out the Southern quote.
i am out of my mindQuinton and I picked out a dog from the Effingham County animal shelter today. We're going to name HER "Oddball." She's a one year-old mixed breed dog that took up with Quinton right away, as soon as we walked into the place. She's already been spayed and she's friendly as hell. Oddball is black, with white stockings on all four feet and a white stripe down the center of her head that runs from the back of her neck to the tip of her nose. Quinton saw that stripe and said, "I want THIS ONE, daddy. She reminds me of Harry Potter," while the dog crawled and licked all over him. I wanted a male dog, but Oddball seems to be a good choice after careful evaluation. I can't pick up the dog until Monday. The animal shelter is right next to the County Prison and everybody in the place today wore white pants with big, blue stripes down both legs. The guy who showed me the dogs was a prisoner and he said that nobody who was in charge of "the paperwork" would be at the shelter today. I asked him to call someone, because I wanted the dog today, but he wouldn't do it. "I might get in trouble," he said. I looked at him, looked at those white pants with the blue stripes down both legs and said, "That's okay. I'll pick up the dog on Monday." Quinton was disappointed, but I'll be the first person at the shelter on Monday morning to get that dog. Oddball looks like a good 'un. We went to Wal-Mart after that to buy a kicking tee for Quinton to practice with. The sporting goods are right over there next to the gun cabinets, so I simply HAD to walk by and see what they had. They had a single-shot, bolt-action .22 rifle for $99 and I bought that rascal. It's EXACTLY like the first .22 I ever shot and I've been promising myself for years that I would buy one some day. I did that today. I'll pick it up on Monday, too. So, I have a new dog and another gun to fetch on Monday. If I made a bad choice on the dog, I suppose that I can shoot it with my new rifle.
i remember40 years ago, I was eleven years old and in sixth grade. About 1:30 that afternoon, an announcement came over the school intercom saying that the President had been shot by a sniper and class was dismissed for the day. I remember a girl named Cheryl Cannady clapping her hands and saying, "Goody, goody," as she jumped up and down. I never knew whether she was delighted by the fact Kennedy was shot or she was simply happy about getting out of school early that day. Either way, I still recall thinking that her reaction to the news was a poor one. I could see my back yard from my classroom at Hesse Elementary School. I didn't have to wait for the school buses to arrive early that day. I walked home. I entered my house through the back door the way I always did when I walked home from school. I saw my mama in the living room. She was ironing clothes and watching Walter Cronkite on television. She had tears streaming down her face. I will always remember that image. My mama, crying because the President was dead, but still ironing clothes. I stayed in front of the television most of that weekend. I was watching the TV when Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald. I watched the President's funeral. I listened to the bugler blow the bad note when he played "Taps" that day. I knew that I was seeing an important part of American history playing out before me and I watched it unfold as an 11 year-old boy. I still remember ALL of it to this day. Yeah. I know exactly where I was and what I was doing on November 22, 1963.
for "ralphy"Jim came through on his end of the deal. Now... are you going to take that ride? Your prize is waiting for you. (The pistol is in there just for added decoration. It was handy at the time.)
November 21, 2003thinking about dogsHave you ever held a dog and petted it while the vet put it down? I have, four times. The needle goes in, the doc squeezes the and the dog lets out a sigh. Then, it's all over. Lights out. Goodbye. Every time I did that, I made it out of the vet's office to my truck, where I sat behind the steering wheel and cried like a baby. Goddam! That's a tough thing to do when you love the dog like a member of the family. But when it's sick, it can't eat anymore and it's in pain all the time, you have to do the humane act. If you really love the dog, you'll do right by it and let it out of its misery. I wish that we treated people the same way. Quinton and I are going to adopt a dog tomorrow. At my age, if I pick a hardy pup, he and I may last about the same number of years. I don't want to put down another dog in my life. That shit is just too painful, even if it is the right thing to do. If I play my cards right, my new dog and I will become old farts together. He ages seven years for evey one of mine, so he'll catch up to me fast. We can sit together in our old age and growl at the world even if we don't have all our teeth anymore. I'll pet his head and he can wag his tail. We'll be best of friends. I want that.
my answers1) Have you ever done anything in your life that you REALLY wished you could take back? If so, what was it? I have several of those crossroads in my life where I turned the wrong way. I look back now and I realize that maybe everything worked out well in spite of my poor choices. My gut instinct is to answer this question by saying that I would have thrown Jennifer's phone number away the day she gave it to me and NEVER called her if I knew then where that relationship would lead. But if I had done that, I wouldn't have Quinton today. I wouldn't be retired at the age of 51. She fucked me over like a pro, but I came out of it okay. I have no regrets other than not spending more time with my father before he died. 2) Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between your principles and your income? How did you handle that decision? I stuck with my beliefs every time. That hard-headed attitude has cost me a lot over the years, but that's just the way I am. I will not whore myself for anyone, and lost money is a small price to pay for being able to look at myself in the mirror every day and feel no shame. 3) Did you ever do something knowing full well at the time that it was wrong? If so, why did you do it? I put an M-80 firecracker in a mailbox one night when I was drinking beer with friends. I KNEW that I was committing an act of vandalism at the time, but I did it anyway. I wanted to impress my friends with my derring-do. I have regretted that act ever since. 4) Name a movie that made you cry (and if you say "I never cried over a movie, you should be dragged off and shot, you heartless shit!) Good grief. Acidman hates to confess this fact, but I am notorious for weeping over sappy movies. October Sky got me. So did Saving Private Ryan. I still cry when I see Shane or Old Yeller. I don't want to talk about this shit any more. I need to go blow my nose. 5) Name three things in your life that you feel OBLIGATED to do that you WOULD NOT DO if you didn't feel that sense of obligation. I pay child support to a woman who does not use the money to support my child. I HATE paying her for being a bloodless cunt. I pay taxes that the government pisses away. I HATE paying a government that seems to be intent on taking away my freedom while using MY MONEY to accomplish the task. I once awoke at 4:00 in the morning every day and went to work. I did that NOT because I wanted to, but because I felt OBLIGATED to do it. I see now where that sense of obligation got me. Fuck it. I'm not doing that any more. Okay, you have my answers.
mj, part IIMore on Michael Jackson. Several times here in the Crackerbox, Quinton, Jack and I have watched a movie in my bed and we all three fell asleep before it was finished. I woke up more than once with two young boys in my bed. Is THAT perverted, or what? I usually woke up because the two little shits toss and turn and kick all night, which makes sleeping impossible. I usually ended up on the couch while I allowed them to mug each other in their sleep. Bejus! Fall asleep watching The Lion King and wake up in the middle of the night with one little boy's foot in your face and another one kicking your ass. That experience didn't make me horny. It drove me to go sleep on the couch. Sometimes, Quinton has bad dreams and he'll crawl as silently as he can into bed with me. I always hear him coming, so I roll over and put my arms around him. He is no longer afraid when I do that. He knows that he's safe with me. I keep the boogie-man away. He sees me as a PROTECTOR, not a molester. I don't know about Michael Jackson, but I am guilty as sin of sleeping with young boys. I've done it many a time and I may do it again this weekend. I'm not as crazy as he is, but maybe.... just MAYBE... he does it for the same reason I do. It makes them feel comfortable.
another tackLife is like a sailboat. The wind blows you places you never intended to go. I spent some time reading my archives today. This blog has changed a lot since the day I started it. I didn't know what I was doing when I began and I STILL don't know what I'm doing today. I just write and I believe that I do my best blogging when I stick to the basics and don't try to copy anyone else. I don't market my blog. I don't go out of my way to attract visitors or links. I simply cram lots of notes in bottles and throw them into the ocean every day. People find those things and they like them. I am pleased by that fact. I never wanted to be an unread blogger. But who finds me and when they do all depends on the wind. I have my son this weekend and we're going to adopt a puppy. I'll allow Quinton to pick out the one he wants (with certain fatherly restrictions) and we'll bring the little sucker home and love all over him. Quinton will go back to his mama's house at 6:00 on Sunday and I'll be stuck with the dog. That's okay. I WANT a dog. I want a lot more than I have now. I'm not talking about material things, because I have more of those than I know what to do with. I want a dog who loves me and believes that he's taking care of ME, even though I feed and water him every day. I want a dog who wags his tail when he sees me and barks at strangers. I want a dog who loves Quinton as much as I do. I want a companion. I would try for a woman, but they are not nearly as reliable as a dog. I trust a dog that loves me. A dog never broke my heart.
good answerIn response to my Friday Five, Matt wrote: 4) Name a movie that made you cry (and if you say "I never cried over a movie, you should be dragged off and shot, you heartless shit!) When I was laid up after prostate surgery, my mama gave me a copy of that movie to watch one night. "You'll like this one," she said. I LOVED it. I identified with the coal-mining scenes and I wound up with tears in my eyes and snot running out of my nose at the end of the movie. I recommend that one to ANYONE with half a heart and a faith in the human spirit. And if you DON'T mist up at the end, you need to be dragged off and shot, you heartless shit.
friday fiveI took care of the business I needed to do this morning and I am delighted with the way everything went. As we say down South, I'm in High Cotton now. I have my own Friday Five to ask today. 1) Have you ever done anything in your life that you REALLY wished you could take back? If so, what was it? 2) Have you ever been in a situation where you had to choose between your principles and your income? How did you handle that decision? 3) Did you ever do something knowing full well at the time that it was wrong? If so, why did you do it? 4) Name a movie that made you cry (and if you say "I never cried over a movie, you should be dragged off and shot, you heartless shit!) 5) Name three things in your life that you feel OBLIGATED to do that you WOULD NOT DO if you didn't feel that sense of obligation. I'm going to start my own version of the Friday Five. I believe that I ask better questions.
November 20, 2003michael jacksonYeah, I have to post about it. That crap was on the news all day long today. In MY humble opinion, Michael Jackson is a great performer but one of the most fucked-up human beings (if he's even human anymore) on the face of the planet. Look at what the confused bastard has done to himself through plastic surgery over the years. He resembles a goddam ALIEN, for crying out loud. He is a weird dude. He can sing, he can dance and he can entertain. I don't know why he couldn't be happy with those abilities looking just the way he did when he was born. I am not nearly the good-looking guy I was when I was 26 years old. Years of bar-life, shiftwork, hard-drinking and hard-living have taken a toll on me. My hair is But I remain pretty much who I was back then. I liked that person then and I like him even better now. I've got faults aplenty, but everyone does. I've kicked up a lot of sand on this blog about sticking to your beliefs and doing what you KNOW is right even when it's not the politically-correct thing to do, and I recently found myself in a situation where I had to live up to my words. I did. A lot was on the line and I never even had to think twice about it. I know who I am. I don't believe that Michael Jackson does. What is it about Michael Jackson that makes him hate himself? I don't understand him. Being a celebrity is a difficult role to play, but that's no excuse for some of the shit that nut-log has pulled. I don't know whether or not he gets his jollies molesting children. He's so fucking weird to begin with that it's difficult to figure where he's coming from. I believe that he MAY be asexual. Plus, child-molestation laws remind me a lot of "spousal abuse" and divorce laws. It's just too goddam easy for someone to make a groundless accusation and then sic the might of the law on you. Even if you are innocent, if you're Michael Jackson, YOU are convicted in the press long before you ever see a courtroom. That crap gives me a queasy feeling. Is he a child-molesting pervert? Possibly. He's obviously as crazy as a shithouse rat. Does THAT FACT make him guilty of molesting children? No, not in my mind. Do I believe that he can get a fair trial? Shit, no. Every news organization in the country had reporters on the ground and helicopters in the sky following his arrest and release today. It was a fucking circus and that crap should happen to NO ONE in this country. I don't care if he is a freak. He still has rights as an American Citizen. His were violated today just because of who he is. If he's guilty, I hope the case is proven and justice throws the book at him. I despise anyone who even thinks about molesting a child. But if he didn't do it, I hope that he is not convicted in the press and public opinion before he ever goes to trial just because he's a weird dude. Weird dudes have rights, too. That's what America is supposed to be about.
Sorry housekeeperI look around my house sometimes and I want to puke. This place looks worse than Fido's ass and I have no excuse for allowing it to be that way. It's not as if I don't have the time to clean house anymore. I have the time. I just half-ass the work. I am no good at that shit. I believe that my house has been nice and well-kept twice during the past year. One time happened when Recondo 32 and his lovely wife, Georgia, came to visit and she couldn't stand the mess. She cussed me for every kind of pig under the sun and cleaned my house in a frenzy. She had it looking good in less than an hour. The other time was when Jack's oldest sister, Hillary, wanted to make some spending money. I paid her $10 to cut my grass one Saturday and let her use my riding lawn mower, so she recognized me for the lazy sucker that I am. She showed up on Sunday wanting another job to do. I told her that would pay her another $10 if she cleaned my kitchen and Quinton's room. She did. She was finished in 30 minutes and everything looked GREAT. How do wimmen do stuff like that? Hillary is only 10 years old, but she already has the knack. I really believe that the housekeeping gene is born in ALL wimmen, but it does not exist in heterosexual men. Wimmen know "neat" and they know how to make it so, quickly. I fucking don't. I can clean my house for two hours and it STILL looks like Fido's ass. I'm happy if I don't have any empty beer cans on the coffee table. I'll leave the half-full one there for two days, because I'm not finished with that one yet, but I'm afraid to drink it for fear that I threw a cigarette butt in it. But I don't throw it away. I usually have at least two pairs of shoes on the floor and at least three pairs of socks scattered around them. I have a bad habit of getting out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel and walking to the living room to watch Fox News in the morning. I take off the towel, toss it on a chair and leave it there. I forget all about it until I am out of clean towels. If a burglar broke into my home and ransacked the place while I was away, I might not notice for a week. The place appears recently ransacked all the time and I seldom can find any of my shit in this mess except my guns and my guitars when I go looking for them. Bejus! We won't even talk about some of the vile things I drag by tongs from the rear of the refrigerator about once every month. That Food Becoming Alive stuff is really disgusting. I am a man. I am a slob. I am a pig. I believe that I come by those traits naturally.
niceI spent most of the afternoon perusing the contents of a big, fat envelope I received by certified mail today. I still haven't examined every bit of it in detail, but I damn sure like what I see so far. I believe that Acidman is about to retire, officially and forever.
wisdomI once was a lot smarter than I am now. I KNOW MORE now than I ever did before, but I'm just not as bright as I once was. I was sharp when I was a kid. I once could read a book and remember almost every page in it. I was a quick study in school and I never forgot ANYTHING. I could memorize an entire sonnet in five minutes and quote it back to you a week later. I ran through Jeopardy questions like water through a collander. I was bright. I've dimmed down a lot over the past few years. When Willy and I were riding home from The Music Box on Tuesday night, somebody in the van said that Marty Stewart was married to Roseanne Cash a few years ago. I KNEW that they were wrong and I KNEW who her ex-husband was, but I couldn't dredge the name from my memory banks. I wasn't drunk, either. I just COULDN'T RECALL HIS NAME. "Leaving Louisana in the Broad Daylight." "Ain't Living Long Like This," I said. "That guy wrote those songs and we've played them a gazillion times. What IS his name?" We never could decide, but I KNEW that it wasn't Marty Stewart. When I got home about 1:00 in the morning that night, I wheeled my trash can out to the curb because Wednesday is trash pick-up day around here. Willy pulled out of the driveway and headed home. I was almost to my front door when all the cylinders clicked and I remembered. RODNEY CROWELL!!! I wanted to run down the road in the middle of the night in hot pursuit of Willy's van while shouting, "RODNEY CROWELL! RODNEY CROWELL! THAT'S THE NAME I COULDN'T REMEMBER!!" But I didn't do that. I went inside the Crackerbox and contemplated the fact that my brain doesn't work the way it once did. I am not nearly as bright as I once was. Learning new things is more difficult now than it used to be. I once could remember damn near every word of the latest book I read and now I can't remember where I left my reading glasses OR where I put down the fucking book. I still believe that I am wiser now than I've ever been, but my brain is lazy. Maybe I filled it up with too much trivial shit over the years and it just upped and retired on me. I have to think a lot harder now to remember things that once came easy to me. I am better now than I ever was at most things I've ever done in my life, but I don't pick up new tricks easily anymore. Is that old age closing in on me?
wha?I want to see a picture of this guy. Sexy male blogger, my Cracker ass. All I could find on his page was a picture of a good-looking woman. And a picture of Osama bin Laden with a pig. I liked the picture of the woman better. Pete, if you're going to challenge ME as the sexiest male blogger, at least let me see what I'm up against. If you are young and handsome, you can have the giggle-vote. I'm going after the mature wimmen who know what they want and appreciate a slow hand and wisdom in a man. Plus, I have a bionic dick and you don't. Take the teenybops. They don't interest me.
I agreeCommander Will may believe that "Georgia sucks," as he posted in my comments, but he is dead, solid perfect with this post. The NRA has disappointed me a lot lately. I re-upped my membership in 1999 because I didn't want Al Gore to be elected President. I sent them an extra $100 for lobbying, too. I believe that the NRA did some good in electing George W. Bush. But the NRA is becoming squishier by the day on gun issues. The NRA does not share my views on the Second Amendment. When I read "Congress shall make NO LAW," I see the intent very clearly. That means NO LAW! Not toned-down, certain-weapons laws. The Founders meant NO LAW to take away my personal right to own as many firearms as I want, of whatever variety I choose and to carry them whenever I wish as long as I don't use them illegally. If I rob a bank, shoot a neighbor or kill a deer out of season, then prosecute the shit out of me for using a gun illegally. Just DO NOT tell me that I don't have a right to own that gun. I do. And the day when some asswit tells Quinton that he can't have a driver's license because his daddy's truck has an NRA sticker on it is the day I fight that shit in court down to the last dime I have. I mean that. Somebody will peel that sticker off AFTER they take the gun from my cold, dead fingers and every penny I have in this world. Got-Damn! We have become a nation of sheep. Once, people BELIEVED in ideas such as "Live Free Or Die!" and "Don't Tread On Me!" Now, it's all "HELP ME, mama! I'm skeerd!" and people consider the government to be mama. Fuck that. I refuse to live my life that way.
sexy bloggerAm I one sexy old fart, or what?
another no-goNo trip to Florida today. I have urgent business to attend to tomorrow morning in Savannah. I'll have to eat the price of the hotel room and I probably missed out on some pretty, red toenails, too. Hell, I probably missed out on more than just the pretty, red toenails. Oh, well. Shit happens.
dumbassPeople, face certain realities in life. When you have seven children, you really should steer clear of certain lines of work. The military is one of them. Holcomb, whose husband is also in the military as a tank commander, had to rush home to care for their seven children. Her mother-in-law had been taking care of the family, but had to leave Colorado suddenly when her father-in-law fell ill with cancer. I have no sympathy for that woman and I believe that the Army should toss her out on her overly-fertile ass. How the hell did she EVER expect to be a "full-time soldier" with seven children? Life doesn't work that way, folks. You can't have your cake and eat it, too. We may have volunteer Army today, but it's not the same as most government jobs, where you collect a paycheck for doing nothing. On a few occasions, such as a FUCKING WAR, the Army expects you to do the job you volunteered to do. That job may mean lengthy deployments far from home in dangerous situations. You don't VOLUNTEER FOR THAT JOB if you have a brain in your head and seven children at home. Of course she intends to sue. That's the last refuge of a dumbass. (UPDATE: Check this link for more on this subject. He's done more research than I have, but we share the same conclusion.)
yeah, rightI am nominated for sexiest, best-looking male blogger. BWHAHAHAHA!! Man, if I wanted to win THAT title, I damn sure wouldn't have blogged about pissing all over myself in my sleep night before last.
November 19, 2003passive-aggressiveI had a conversation with a fellow blogger today about trolls. She believes that all trolls are typical passive-aggressive personalities. I disagree. I believe that trolls are simply assholes. I took a lot of supervisory skills training over the years and I recognize a passive-aggressive response when I see one. That's the catty remark, the barbed compliment and the insult dripping with honey. I use that technique myself sometimes. It's very effective when your goal is to piss someone off while smiling like an angel in his or her face when you do it. It works. Trolls are not that subtle. They are simply assholes. I prefer the aggressive-aggressive approach myself, because it suits my nature, but there is a lot to be said for the left-handed insult, the passive-aggressive slant. Wimmen are BORN knowing how to do it with consumate skill. Listen to them sometimes. "Oh, Lola, that black dress looks really GOOD on you! If I didn't know better, I'd think you lost 20 pounds!" (Translation: Lola, you're still FAT! You're just trying to hide it.) That's passive-aggressive, and that's what wimmen do. Guys are much more likely to say, "Jim, you look like Fido's ass in that suit. What homeless guy did you steal that piece of shit from? It looks like you slept in it and it smells like you pissed in it. Goddam, man! Where's your pride?" (Translation: well... that suit looks like shit and I never liked you anyway, Jim.) Of course, scenes such as those are why guys have fistfights at parties and wimmen seldom do. Wimmen just go home all bitched-up and take their wrath out on their innocent husbands. That's passive-aggressive behavior. Cats are passive-aggressive most of the time. That's why I hate them.
get some sand in my shoes...I'm going down to Florida tomorrow. The stormy conditions have moved out of the area and Thursday should be a pretty day. I'm looking forward to a nice visit, but I'll tell you the truth. I don't like Florida for three important reasons. 1) The place has the worst fucking drivers in the universe. 2) Florida is FULL of transplanted yankees. 3) Cigarettes are outrageously expensive and those transplanted yankee assholes who can't drive worth a shit don't want you smoking ANYWHERE. Other than those three things... Florida still sucks, except for Key West.
recollectionReading this post stirred some old memories about the time I took a tour of a Russian Oceanographic Research ship that was docked down on River Street for about a week. I was friends with several people who worked at the Skidaway Island Institute at the time and they got me the tour. We were supposed to stay together and be guided through the ship by some kind of Soviet Political Officer, but I deliberately dropped behind to explore on my own. I figured that the worst thing they could do to me if I were caught was to toss me into the Savannah River and I am a good swimmer. I had traveled to Key West on the "Blue Fin," the Skidaway Institute's research boat. The Russian ship was nothing like the Blue Fin. All sorts of "Workers Unite!" and "Bless the Motherland" propaganda posters adorned the walls everywhere I looked. (The Blue Fin had Rigid Tool calenders for decoration.) The crew on board had been in Savannah for almost a week and had never set foot off the boat. I was walking down a passageway when a Russian sailor stepped out of a small room and grabbed my arm. He didn't speak English, but he began gesticlating frantically in sign language. At first, I thought that he wanted to have sex with me. Then, I realized that he was trying to buy the Levi blue jeans I was wearing at the time. He offered me a really ugly pair of pants and a handful of Russian monopoly money for the swap. I refused that deal, so he pointed at my shirt pocket. I had a pack of cigarettes there, so I offered him one. He took it and stuck it behind his ear. He then whipped out a pack of Russian cigarettes and made a very easily understood "I'll give you THIS for THAT" sign. I made that trade. I gave him a nearly-full pack of Marlboros for a pack of Russian cigarettes. I got skunked on that deal. A Russian cigarette tastes like shit, as I discovered later. There's only about half a cigarette in one to begin with, and the rest is a cardboard filter/mouthpeice. The tobacco reminded me of an open pack of American smokes left on the dashboard of a pickup truck for three months of Southern summertime. It was ghastly. I was retrieved shortly thereafter by someone who noticed me missing from the group. I was led to the bridge, where we drank vodka with the captain of the ship. Russians pour their vodka into something that resembles the small water glasses they serve you at a Waffle House and they damn near fill that thing to the top with straight, chilled vodka. You're supposed to make a toast and drink the whole glass down at once. I did that twice and almost didn't make it off the boat. Got-Damn! Two of those will knock your dick in the dirt. I'll drink vodka. But I'm not getting into a quaffing-contest with a Russian when I do. Those people WILL drink themselves to death.
a bad dayKelley is having one of those. Go give her a hug. And check the cigar pic while you're there. Yep. That's Kelley.
pissin' all over myselfYeah, I posted about pissing my bed last night. I did it. I confess. I was in one of those dream-things that was very powerful at the time. I stripped the sheets and threw them into the washing machine. I'll let the mattress dry and put clean sheets on the bed this evening. It'll be okay. I have no shame about writing a post such as that one. I had to wear diapers for six months after my prostate surgery, so the concept of pissing all over myself is not new to me. Bejus knows, I've done it plenty of times when I couldn't control my bladder anymore. I believe that a lot of my "honesty" on this blog comes from the fact that I saw my male dignity totally stripped from me two years ago. NOTHING shames me anymore. Go through that kind of shit and you have two choices. You can either laugh or cry. I did some of both, but I learned one fact: Laughing feels better. So, yeah. I pissed my bed last night. That funny, don't you think? Hell, LAUGH ABOUT IT! What's the problem? What's the big deal? You weren't sleeping with me.
hah!Is this American, or what? (Shit! The link doesn't connect directly to the post. Just scroll down to "Messages.")
no shit!I really like the attitude on this post. Guitars are like guns, you can never own enough of them. I might rephrase that statement. Try: "Guitars are like guns. You can never own TOO MANY of them." Bejus knows, I've got "enough" of both, but I'm not finished with getting some more. You can NEVER own too many.
i confessI drank only three beers in the Music Box last night. I stayed sober and played guitar for hours. I came home, blogged about the experience and went to bed. I had a very vivid dream. I dreamed that I was in an airport bathroom desperately needing to piss and I couldn't do it. I finally concentrated as hard as I could and turned loose a golden stream. Man, that felt good. I woke up pissing all over myself this morning. Have YOU ever done that? No... I didn't think so. It's just me.
not todayI had intentions of going to Florida today, but I changed my mind this morning. When I crawled out of bed, it was barely daylight, but I could see the trees in my backyard patch of woods twisting and bending as if they were being throttled by the wind. I stepped out on the back porch and got a dose of the same thing myself. Bejus! Mother Nature was in a foul mood. The rain started about 30 minutes later and it's been falling hard ever since. I checked the Weather Channel and discovered that where I intended to go today resembles a war zone on the weather-map. I ain't drving through that kind of shit when I don't have to. I'm going to hunker down in the Crackerbox until this crap blows over. I'll go to Florida tomorrow.
Music rulesHere are a few things I learned from playing in a bar for the first time in many years: 1) Drunks don't sing or play very well. 2) A lot of sober people believe that they can sing and play when they really can't. 3) Don't EVER allow a woman to sing "Me and Bobbie McGee" or a man to sing "Rocky Top." That's just bad news. 4) NEVER trust a guy wearing a cowboy hat in southeast Georgia. WTF is that all about? This ain't Texas. 5) Playing LOUD doesn't make you sound better if you can't play in the first place. 6) Some wimmen look really good on stage, even if they're not all that pretty when they step off. 7) Some people can't dance and they SHOULDN'T, even when the music is good. 8) The drunker YOU get, the better the band sounds. That fact gives you no right to walk up and grab a guitar that doesn't belong to you and try to play it when you can't play when you're sober. 9) I could live with a woman who plays guitar better than I do. I believe that we could make beautiful music together. 10) I want to go back and do what I did tonight again.
November 18, 2003i did itI played at "The Music Box" tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I met a wonderful musician named Wanda who plays there as the featured entertainer. She performs on keyboard, guitar, saxophone and mandolin and she's LEFT HANDED! When I walked in, I saw her making a nice Fender Strat cry like a baby on stage. I immediately noticed the she had the guitar hanging the wrong way over her shoulder, so I figured that she flipped the bridges and strung it upside-down the way most left-handers do. But I was wrong. When the Open Mic started, Wanda asked if anyone could play lead and the people at my table all pointed at me and said, "HE CAN!" I told Wanda that I couldn't play a left-handed guitar, but she dragged me to the stage and said, "Pick it up." I was astonished. The guitar was strung right-handed. She PLAYED the sumbitch upside-down. And she played the shit out of it, too. I ended up playing that Strat for most of the night as I backed up people who had no sense of rhythm and who wanted to play songs I never heard before. I did okay and got a very nice compliment from Wanda at the end of the evening. I suggested that she get a monitor speaker so that the asshole playing alleged leads could HEAR better next time. She said that she would and she invited me to come back next Tuesday night. She's got a great voice and I showed off some harmony. I want to vocalize with her. The fact that she can cut my ass on a guitar while playing upside-down doesn't bother me at all. I like her. Here's another highly erotic image for me: Watch a woman on stage, making a Fender Strat weep, with her eyes closed and a cigarette hanging from the corner of her mouth. Goddam! I almost fell in love tonight. I'll be back next Tuesday.
I don't huntI now own a beautiful Winchester 30.06 rifle and 500 rounds of ammo. I have no idea what I am going to do with that rifle. I just wanted it, so I bought it. I'll probably never shoot anything more dangerous than an Osama Bin Laden paper target with it, but I'll bet you that I don't miss when I do. I don't hunt. Here is why. Every year in Georgia, hunters shoot other hunters in the woods. They obviously were not raised the way I was. I had three Golden Rules pounded into my head from an early age: 1) If you can't see it, know exactly what you're shooting at and have a good shot, then DON'T SHOOT. (My father once confiscated my pellet rifle for two weeks because I was trying to kill a squirrel and I saw the tree-rat run into a bed of Spanish Moss. I shot into the moss and hoped to hit the squirrel. My dad saw me do that and asked, "Did you see what you were shooting at?" When I replied "No," he said, "Give me the gun." I did and he kept it for two weeks.) 2) Know where the bullet may go if you miss. Look BEHIND your target to see what happens back there if you send a round flying wild. 3) Don't ever point a gun unless you intend to shoot, don't ever put your finger on the trigger until you're READY to shoot and NEVER fire until you see the target. Dumbfucks in the woods kill each other or wound each other every year during hunting season by firing into the bushes at a noise or doing other such stupid shit with guns. That crap gives every gun owner a bad reputation and I hate to see it happen. Guns are not toys, but they are not dangerous in the hands of a responsible owner. I've held my beliefs for a long time and I don't believe that I'll ever change my mind. I just wish that more people learned to shoot the way I was taught to do. You THINK FIRST, then shoot. You can't take that bullet back once you pull the trigger. So, know what the fuck you're doing BEFORE you pull the trigger. What is difficult to comprehend about that concept?
the shoe has droppedI suppose that it's okay to announce it now (Bejus knows I've had enough questions lately). I am officially "terminated" from my job now. I received a phone call from the Personnel Dircetor today (head of "Human Resources") and I was told that my role in that plant is finished. My job was eliminated. I am gone. They are giving me a nice package and I am grateful for that, because they could have dropped me like a hot rock and caused us both a whole lot of grief while lawyers sorted things out. My blog started the problem. I knew the job was dangerous when I took it, and I was not surprised when the hammer came down on me. I was bearding the lion again, and that's gotten me in trouble before. But... that's the way I am. I spent 24 years of my life in that plant and I am happy that I can walk away knowing that I did a good job for them. They are being fair with me and that's all I can ask. I have no hard feelings. I WANTED OUT, whether I knew it or not at the time. Before the phone conversation was over, I was asked "Do you have any questions?" I said, yes, I did. I wanted to talk to my ex-boss. He came on the line. "How is the plant running?" I asked. "It's doing well, Rob. We set a record for production last month," he replied. "HOT DOG!" I said. "Just keep it between the ditches, boss." Okay, that's it. I left a lot of blood, sweat and tears all over that place, but that part of my life is over. I still care, because I always did. But I am ready for something else now. Bejus! Little did I know that when Jennifer handed me her phone number on the river-dock that day that it all would lead to this. But... it did. Life is like that sometimes.
addendumTo the post below: I once slept with a woman who did not shave her legs or her armpits. I was attending the University of Georgia at the time and we got semi-drunk together after an intra-mural softball game. She was a liberated feminist and about as full of shit as anyone I've ever met in my life, but I was attracted to her. We ended up in my bed-- the feminist and the chauvinist, tangling the sheets. I remember two distinct things about that night. First, she was multi-orgasmic and LOVED sex, no matter what she said about all men being swine. Second, having those hairy legs wrapped around me was a complete turn-off. I thought that it was kinda kinky at first, but I quickly realized that a woman's legs AREN'T SUPPOSED TO FEEL THAT WAY. They just aren't. Wimmen, listen to Acidman. Smooth, hairless legs with pretty red toenails on the end are a GOOD thing. Go for that look no matter what you think about men. Trust me. Even other wimmen think you look like Bigfoot if you don't shave your legs. DO NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, wear panty-hose with unshaven legs. That leg-hair resembles tiny little worms plastered to your skin under the nylon. That is a hideous look. Don't do that. I'll give myself an out here by saying that I didn't know that the woman involved that night did not shave her legs until I peeled off her blue jeans and panties. I was surprised by what I found, but it was too late to stop by then. Nature took its course. I was a young man and full of piss and vinegar back then. Faced with the same situation today, I might say, "Goddam! What the fuck is that shit all over your legs? Get out of here and don't come back until you take some pride in your personal hygene! Bejus, woman! Do you realize how disgusting that is?" Of course, I might ignore the leg-hair and just screw her anyway. I believe that my reaction all depends on the mood I'm in at the time. I got past leg-hair on a woman once. I probably could do it again.
yeah? what's the point?I can't argue with this post. I simply regret that I'm too old to take advantage of the change in attitude today. I still remember when wimmen who went bra-less in public created a scandal.
holy shit!Every woman in the world should be afflicted with this problem. They'd be a lot easier to pick up and bed that way. Dozens of women are suffering from a condition that makes them have hundreds of orgasms every day. Got-Dam! Where do I find one of those wimmen? I've lived 51 years believing that it took wining, dining, romancing and execellent technique to give a woman 200 orgasms in a day. (Yes, I am a GOOD technician) Now I discover that they're walking around out there wetting their pants with NO EFFORT on my part? I feel cheated and lied to. Office manager Jean said: "I looked at him in the face and said: "How would you like to walk around on the verge of an orgasm every second?" And he shut up." Hell, that statement would NOT have shut ME up. I woulda said, "I feel your pain. I'm the same way," and grabbed me a handfull of ass as I led her to the broom closet. "You don't deserve to hover on the verge. I'm going to push you right over the edge." We could then do it standing up, with one foot of mine in a mop bucket and her hanging on to the towel rack with both hands. Bejus! That's not an affliction. That's a Penthouse fantasy letter. Ten victims of the rare condition have been documented by Boston University's Institute of Sexual Medicine. Can I get their names and phone numbers? I believe that I have the same problem, and you know what people say about "birds of a feather."
wisdomNow let me get this straight............. . Bill Clinton is getting $12 million for his memoirs. From GABNER, in an email I read this morning.
never been, don't wanna goI have no desire to visit minnesota, unless I can have lunch with James Lileks, then go right back to Georgia Even then, it's got to happen in the summer.
November 17, 2003confuse me, why don't you?I had a commenter show up, and act as a troll for his first few appearances. I was getting ready to block his ass... when all of a sudden he started leaving GOOD COMMENTS. He became witty and brief and cogent and sensible. Ralphy, what in the hell got into you? I was about to ban you and now I LIKE what you write. Goddam. Many miracles occur in the blogosphere.
okay, I hear you!Over the past few days, I've gotten a lot of well-intentioned advice from people who don't really know me. Don't get me wrong here. I appreciate your concern. But I'm a big boy now, all grown-up. I can handle my life, all by myself. I don't need any help. I'm going to do what I want to do for a change.
yes... and noI agree with this idea about blogging, but it reminds me of discussions I had with The Original Crew when we all first started. I was the only one who ADMITTED doing what I did to attract readers. Well, da goddess was with me (her site is down right now), but most people said that they wrote for themselves and they didn't care whether anyone else read it or not. I called bullshit on that idea and I still do today. First of all, if you didn't want other people to read what you write, you wouldn't throw it out there on the net. Keep a diary and keep it private if you write only for yourself. Second, I've always called what I do here stuffing notes in bottles and casting them into a vast ocean. I like it when someone finds a note, replies and THEIR bottle washes ashore on MY beach. I asked the question a long time ago: isn't a blog that no one reads a lot like a tree falling in the woods when nobody is around to hear it? Does it make a sound? I want to make NOISE! I agree with Eric that I probably would continue this blog even if people stopped reading it tomorrow. I like to write and this page saved my life when I had no other lifeline to grab. I have met some wonderful people that I never would have known if not for GUT RUMBLES. I'm not going to give that experience up. But admit a FACT, bloggers. If we didn't all have "mile-wide egos" we wouldn't be doing this shit in the first place. I believe that the ego thing and the outgoing personalities are why everybody hit it off so well at the blog-meet. You have to admit-- nobody was at a loss for words the entire day. We were a bunch of loud, boastful, talkative people. And I don't want to hear any more shit about kenny being shy and retiring. I've known that fucker since high school and he's usually louder and more obnoxious than I am. He just considered himself to be a newbie blogger and didn't have a lot to say when we were all trying to out-shout each other about HTML, trolls and comments. Get him good and drunk and see what comes out. You all saw Dr. Jekyll. I've seen Mr. Hyde. Yeah. I LIKE having a lot of people read me every day. I try to throw traffic to other sites, too, because all bloggers appreciate attention. If they didn't, they wouldn't be blogging, in MY humble opinion. Blogging is a lot of work. It requires a mile-wide ego and a cast-iron ass. Some people aren't cut out to do it. But those who are seem to be a lot alike.
red toenailsI am a hopeless fetishist about a few womanly attributes. I freely admit that fact. Pretty feminine feet with red toenails turn me on. In fact, they drive me CRAZY! I find myself watching commercials and HBO movies that feature half-nekkid wimmen and I'm looking at their FEET, for crying out loud. I am one sick puppy. I like dangly earrings on pert, feminine ears. I like to kiss a woman's ears and feel the jewelry on my tongue when I nibble around her lobes. I like it when she gets goosebumps from being kissed that way. I find a woman's navel very sexy. I've been known to drink wine out of that loving cup before. I enjoy doing that. I like to kiss a woman on the neck. I must have some vampire blood in me, because that really makes me excited, especially when I feel her hair on my face and she arches her head back to give me better access. Something about kissing a woman on the neck while she encourages me to do so just makes me feel... evil, and I LIKE that feeling. I like feeling a woman's hands on me. I don't mind if they scratch and claw a little bit, either. Yeah. Rake my back as long as I can kiss your neck. It's a fair deal in my book; just let me feel your hands on me. I like a woman who sleeps with her ass pressed up against my front and enjoys having my arm across her breasts. I also like it when I want some more in the middle of the night and she purrs like a kitten as I ease myself inside her from behind, and she snuggles her ass even closer to me. That's VERY good. Okay, that's enough pornography for one night. I'm getting myself all worked up.
another milestoneI crashed the 500,000 visitor mark today and I didn't even notice. I seldom pay attention to such crap anymore. I appreciate the attention and I REALLY enjoy the fact that I seem to have built a readership of people who come here just to see what flies out of my neck next. I intend to keep it flying. Y'all stick around.
how do I phrase this...delicately?I receive a lot of emails asking me for links. I usually try to oblige, even though I've never used that tactic to build my traffic. I just write, and I've always believed that if I put enough crap on the wall, some of it would stick and people would come back to look at the mess again later. But some people just aren't as adventurous as I am. Take this guy, for example. I write a lot of posts about my son. He means a great deal to me. But I really don't expect a lot of readers to be interested in a series of pictures featuring only HIM. I don't believe that Brendon's home page is going to bring a lot of readers back to his site. Sorry, brother, but that's the unvarnished truth. What did this one say? "Everybody stops to look at a train wreck." Yes, I believe that they do. But they DON'T stop to look at cute baby pictures, no matter how much those pictures mean to YOU. I prefer to make my site a train wreck. I don't want to tell anyone how to blog. I do what I do because it feels perfectly natural to me. Some people seem to like what I write. Others damn well don't, and I've encountered more than my fair share of trolls along the way because of that fact. But this blog is what it is, and I'm not going to change it. I write because I want to write. I have a lot to say on a wide variety of subjects. I read a lot. I think a lot. I'm full of shit a lot, but I don't let that fact slow me down. I just post what's on my mind at the time. I leave it up to the readers to accept it or not. This blog has cost me a great deal more just than the price I pay for bandwidth and a domain name. I am not at liberty to discuss that issue right now, but I make no apologizies for anything I've written here. It's ME on this page, as anyone who has met me in person will testify. I may be a little less corrosive in person than I am on the blog, but Acidman is EXACTLY what he claims to be. I couldn't live my life any other way. If you want me to link you, write something from your gut. Say what's on your mind and let the chips fall where they may. Stir some shit. DO NOT send me pictures of your baby in a high chair with clever captions under the pictures. Save that crap for Grandma and Grandpa. That little shit in the high chair may grow up to be a mass-murderer some day. I ain't real impressed unless you write about THAT possibility. If you're going to blog, then fucking BLOG. Nobody gives a shit about your precious baby in the high chair. Okay... that's as delicate as I can be on this subject.
Toxic stuffI had some good advice in the comments about my post on flies and ants that I wrote below, but I owned a mini-farm for five years, and I am skilled at insect control. I know what kind of killer stuff to spead for what kind of bugs I want to kill, and I know how to mix it. Years ago, I wasn't nearly as wise as I am now and I had a flea outbreak on my property. Fleas were EVERYWHERE! Both dogs I had at the time were covered up, I couldn't walk outside without being covered up and the little bastards were biting my daughter all over. They were bad outside, then they became bad inside, too. The situation was intolerable. I tried Seven Dust, all kinds of sprays, sulfur powder, cedar chips and everything else I could think of, to no avail. The fleas just kept coming. I was at the end of my rope when I bitched about my problem one night at work. An old farmer who worked with me said, "I believe that I have what you need." The next day, he brought me a quart jar of pure Chlordane. He told me "Wear rubber gloves and long sleeves when you handle this stuff. Add one-half cup to 20 gallons of water and spray your yard. Take a shower as soon as you are finished and don't let dogs or children play in the yard until the next heavy rain. Dip a rag in the mixture, wring it dry and toss it under your couch. That'll get rid of those fleas." I did as I was told. The fleas were gone from the yard and the house by morning. So were any ants, grubs, roaches, beetles, birds or squirrels. My dingbat first wife let the dogs out in the back yard the next day, even though I told her NOT to do that, and they both became deathly ill just from walking on the grass. My wife never took instructions well ("It can't be THAT BAD," as spoken by someone who once put a 20-to-1 flea bath straight on her poodle and damn near cooked the critter as a result), but she became a believer after she saw what Chlordane could do. That shit killed everything except my family and it nearly disposed of the dogs, too. But it damned sure got rid of the fleas. Chlordane is banned today. That's a crying shame, because that's the most lethal insecticide I ever saw. Nothing else bothered those fleas, but Chlordane killed them all and kept my yard bug-free for more than a year. I don't know what happened to the rest of that quart jar Jesse gave me, but I wish that I had it today. I would like to show the ants in my yard something they've never seen before.
All content � Rob Smith