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Wednesday | December 17, 2003
NY: GOP Reveals Plans for National Convention
KeithBacker: By all accounts, an impressive and slick series of events are planned: Center stage at the Republican National Convention in New York next summer may be round, rotating and built on a platform high above the floor of Madison Square Garden, event organizers said yesterday. While rock bands or performance... Full post 12:42 | Link | Comments (0)
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IL: George Ryan Indictment
Archpundit: When one read John Kass' column today foreshadowing today's indictment of George Ryan it was pretty obvious he had been tipped off by the US Attorney's office to a new development in the ongoing Operations Saferoads Investigation. A bright federal ribbon is tightening around former Gov. George Ryan. And here's hoping that the Bush Justice Department finishes wrapping all its Christmas presents for the people of Illinois.Full post 11:33 | Link | Comments (0)
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MD: O'Malley Endorses Dean
Lavoisier1794: Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley has endorsed Howard Dean for President. Full post 09:58 | Link | Comments (3)
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PA: Rendell's first year
Mitch Sommers: This hasn't been a great first year for the Rendell Administration. Here are two articles: one from the Philadelphia Inquirer, the other from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Full post 08:38 | Link | Comments (2)
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NE: House Seat Wide Open
Joe Chip: Doug Bereuter (R-NE) has announced he will not seek a 14th term as Nebraska's 1st district representative. Throughout his long career, Bereuter has been instrumental in bringing the 1st district and all of Nebraska the kind of funding that only someone with his seniority could manage. Bereuter also serves on... Full post 06:45 | Link | Comments (9)
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Tuesday | December 16, 2003
TX: Switching sides
Charles Kuffner: More testimony in the redistricting lawsuit, starting with the expert who testified for the state in 2001, now testifying for the Democrats. Full post 20:24 | Link | Comments (5)
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WI Another Dean Endorsement
Owen: Peg Lautenschlager, the Attorney General of Wisconsin, has endorsed Howard Dean and will chair his campaign in Wisconsin.... Full post 17:46 | Link | Comments (1)
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PA: End-of-year legislative stuff
Mitch Sommers: Could proposals for the legalization of slot machines in Pennsylvania be coming back from the dead? Maybe. Could there be funding for schools and libraries that was axed back in March? Possibly. Could doctors be getting temporary relief from malpractice premiums? Who knows? Will there be political fallout if nothing is done this year? Probably. Full post 15:37 | Link | Comments (0)
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PA: Fisher sworn in as federal Judge
Mark Kilmer: Former Republican Attorney General Mike Fisher was sworn in as a federal appeals court judge Monday, along with Republicans Thomas Hardiman and Kim Gibson to the District Court in Pittsburgh. Fisher will serve on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, alongside former Pittsburgh district court judge Brooks Smith, who... Full post 07:43 | Link | Comments (1)
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CT: The drumbeat against Rowland grows louder
sharito: Not only are legislative leaders from the Democratic party discussing Governor Rowland's impeachment, but lieutenant governor, Jodi Rell (who would take over if Rowland didn't finish his term), and fellow Republican Chris Shays (U.S. Rep from Connecticut) have added to the criticism. Reluctant to resign, John Rowland will instead embark... Full post 06:16 | Link | Comments (0)
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Monday | December 15, 2003
WI: Dean In Wisconsin
Owen: Governor Doyle will be hosting a forum with Howard Dean in Wisconsin. Here're the details:... Full post 17:34 | Link | Comments (0)
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LA: Breaux to Retire
R Godwin: U.S. Senator John Breaux (D-La.) will not run for reelection next year. Full post 12:24 | Link | Comments (11)
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MD: Bartlett v. Rolle in an Online Skirmish
OnBackground: Roll Call reports a new web site that attacks Rep. Bartlett as the primary for Congress in Marylands 6th heats up: George Rasley, a veteran Republican operative, put out the word last week that he had created a new Web site to, in his words, expose GOP Members of Congress... Full post 10:48 | Link | Comments (4)
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TX: Redistricting lawsuit update
Charles Kuffner: News roundup of testimony in the federal redistricting lawsuit. Full post 10:01 | Link | Comments (5)
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MN: Judge Throws Out Charges Against Rep. Otto and Campaign Manager
Greg Beaver-Seitz: Following the November decision by the county prosecutor to dismiss campaign ethics charges against Representative Rebecca Otto, County District Court Judge Stephen Muehlberg threw out the entire case against her and campaign manager and husband, Shawn Otto, on Friday. He cited numerous problems with the grand jury's indictment and even declared part of the state's campaign ethics law unconstitutional. Full post 07:57 | Link | Comments (0)
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MI: Repealing Term Limits?
John LaPlante: Michigan Rep. John Pappageorge wants voters to repeal term limits. Detroit Free Press columnist Dawson Bell is not impressed: "like so many of his colleagues, when it comes to term limits, Pappageorge is delusional." It's easy for legislators to find term limits as the cause of all ills, but Bell... Full post 04:01 | Link | Comments (3)
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Saturday | December 13, 2003
CT: Could this be the straw that breaks the camel's back?
sharito: Connecticut's governor, John Rowland, has been Teflon John during his 2+ terms in office. He has survived the indictment of his treasurer, a waste management investment scandal, the resignation of his commissioner for public works, and the paying of fines for ethical lapses related to the illegal use of a... Full post 12:31 | Link | Comments (3)
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ID: Religion wars
Randy Stapilus: Idaho has so far managed to avoid the worst of the political religion wars, such as the Ten Commendments battle in Alabama. But maybe not for long. The war may be kicking in, on two fronts, starting this weekend. State Rep. Gerry Sweet, R-Meridian, said he will push for placing... Full post 09:56 | Link | Comments (0)
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CA: Budget Solution Step 1
Justene Adamec: The Legislature has passed and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill designed to get the budget back on track. First, there will be a $15 billion bond on the March ballot. The bond will be used to pay off the short term loans that the state took out to... Full post 09:39 | Link | Comments (1)
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WA: Race for Governor -- Gregoire Leads Fundraising; State GOP to Endorse Rossi
Jeff Albertson: State Attorney General Christine Gregoire (D) has raised $1.1M, almost three times as much as her nearest Democratic rival, King County Executive Ron Sims. Ralph Thomas of The Seattle Times reports that Gregoire's total includes $360K from out-of-state sources, raised with the aid of Emily's List. Gregoire also cited the... Full post 02:04 | Link | Comments (0)
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Friday | December 12, 2003
MN: Attorney General Proposes Limits on Student Credit Cards
Greg Beaver-Seitz: Attorney General Mike Hatch and Democratic legislators are proposing new regulations to limit how much debt credit card companies can extend to college students. Full post 13:47 | Link | Comments (7)
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PA: Judicial Spat
Mark Kilmer: Allegheny County Common Pleas court Judge Max Baer does not like fellow Allegheny court judge Cheryl Allen, whom he defeated in last May's Democrat PA Supreme Court primary. After defeating Republican Superior Court Judge Joan Orie Melvin in last November's General Election, Baer did not invite Allen to his swearing-in... Full post 08:47 | Link | Comments (6)
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ID: University Place lawsuits
Randy Stapilus: Real estate speculation, improper use of public money, lack of disclosure - can a lawsuit be far beyond the horizon? The University Place project in Boise, a plan of the University of Idaho which involved such key political figures in Idaho as Governor Dirk Kempthorne and House Speaker Bruce Newomb,... Full post 08:42 | Link | Comments (0)
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KS: Representation and Moore
OnBackground: Working to craft sound public policy that meets the needs of constituents and Americans, in general, and providing strong service to the people of your district or state should be the goal of any good Member of Congress. Most such officials, as well as state and local officials, are only... Full post 07:26 | Link | Comments (2)
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MO: McCarthy on the Way Out?
OnBackground: One cannot help but notice the continued problems Rep. Karen McCarthy of Kansas City (MO) seems to keep getting into, including alleged mistreatment of employees so much that they actually go public, on the record (something that is rarely done) and using campaign cash for unrelated purposes. Its kind of... Full post 07:20 | Link | Comments (0)
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MD: A Challenger for Van Hollen?
OnBackground: Talk about a waste of time, the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC) has decided to put effort into contesting Maryland's 8th, a liberal bastion taking up a large part of Montgomery and part of Prince George's counties in the DC suburbs, according to the Montgomery County Sentinel. They put out... Full post 07:08 | Link | Comments (9)
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MI: Senate Leader Stiffs Party Leader
John LaPlante: Chris Andrews, political editor of the Lansing State Journal, praises Senate Majority Leader Ken Sikkema. Why? Sikkema agreed to delay a long-planned cut in the state income tax rate. Or as Andrews put it, Sikkema has "the guts to stand up to Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman Betsy DeVos." This echoes... Full post 05:17 | Link | Comments (0)
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WA: May 27 Presidential Primary Cancelled
Jeff Albertson: The primary had become meaningless, as the state Democratic party had decided to award delegates based on the February 7th caucus instead. Source.... Full post 01:30 | Link | Comments (2)
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Thursday | December 11, 2003
CO: Heavyweights Enter 7th District Ring
Luis: With the 2001 map for the 7th Congressional District back in place for the 2004 elections, two well known Democrats have expressed interest in taking on Rep. Bob Beauprez (R-Arvada), who is considered the "most endangered" GOP congressman in the country. Some Dem leaders fear a divisive primary campaign. Full post |
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