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December 01, 2003A.P.B.
Posted by Ricky
A lot has been said about the top albums of all time put out by Rolling Stone. Generally, I abhor those 'official' lists put out by so-called 'experts'. To me (IMO) they're usually nothing more but hand-picked insiders who declare what is to be the theme-du-jour. Often, they're the same artsy-fartsy types who tell the general public that they're idiots for going to see movies like Finding Nemo when the "best picture" is crap like "Chicago", which won the academy award (please, don't tell me how good Chicago is. I'm the chief sponsor of the notion that 'art' is appreciated differently by people & what I like is different from what you or other people like...but, Chicago was terrible - at least the 10 minutes that I could stomach). Look, if Dumb & Dumber is the biggest grossing film, it doesn't mean that it was the "best", but it means that the public decided that they'd rather laugh at Jim Carrey than watch something boring like The Last Emperor or something weird like American Beauty. Thus, I usually go with the public....folks liked Michael Jackson's Thriller (an album I'm proud to say I never owned - and I was a teen in the 80s) & Saturday Night Fever. Sure, the nation goofed with Milli Vanilli, but the artsy fartsy types screwed up with the likes of Michael Kane playing a straight role for best-supporting actor when Michael Clark Duncan clearly deserved the nod for his fabulous role in The Green Mile. Duncan played a gigantic, uneducated man with a huge heart in the old south who managed to touch the lives of many while serving on death row, while Michael Kane played.....Michael Kane. So, I'm not going to argue the list. However, showing that I can produce something worth absolutely nothing & which serves no value whatsoever, here is what I think are the best albums/CDs during the last 30 years or so, leaving off all "live" or "greatest hits" compilations, child molesters (Jackson) or soundtracks (which saves me from having to list "Purple Rain" but removes "Oh brother, where art thou"). The top 10 have the song lists included & the list includes the time that the releases were prevalent (for example - and having nothing to do with this list - some of the rockabilly songs from the late 50's would never be hits today, but they're classics from that time). And away we go:
Close but no cigar includes "Boston" by Boston, "Faith" by George Michael, "Wide Open Spaces" by the Dixie Chicks, "Raisin' Hell" by Run DMC, "Hi Infidelity" by REO Speedwagon, 'Double Vision' by Foreigner, "Minute by Minute" by the Doobie Brothers, "Purple" by Stone Temple Pilots and 'Fallen' by Evanescence. No, I don't care all that much for Nirvana, Pearl Jam, U2 or hip-hop. I know that's what the 'cool kids' are supposed to say, but...sorry. November 30, 2003For the life of me....
Posted by Ricky
Is John McCain an NGD reader? Flashback to February 20, when yours truly stated:
Or in May when yours truly stated:
Or here in June, when yours truly said in the comments:
Well, okay.....I doubt he's a reader, but you recall the saying about certain kinds of minds thinking alike....:) [let a guy dream] November 29, 2003It could happen
Posted by Ricky
I love his work, but one wonders when Matt's post about someone in the Bush administration running with scissors is going to appear. Permalink
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Falling in love is hard on the knees This humor is worth what you paid for it. More fallout
Posted by Ricky
Posted by Ricky
Much better than having an intern service him while planning military strikes, eh?
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Peter Gammons is reporting that the Yankees have secured Sheffield. Y'know, it wouldn't be a bad thing if AOL/Time Warner just disappeared, IMO. I'm not wishing anything bad (mumble...disgruntled stockholder and long-time Braves fan...mumble), per se, I'm just saying.
Of course, if you hear something on the news about a madman going beserk @ CNN place tomorrow.......well, I should be at work.
Fake news of the day:
Bush finds cure for cancer
Critics decry boon for pharmaceutical companies & say that patients could choke on pill.
Poor more likely to be subjected to painful hypodermic-needle infusion while women more likely to be overlooked as potential subjects.
Following up on this post, Tacitus has it nailed:
It also makes for some interesting reading whenever the President does something that, in ordinary times, would simply be accepted as a good and laudable thing. Visiting troops at war on Thanksgiving, for example. A few anti-Administration types (Atrios, Henley) did manage to do the right thing and give props to the President for his trip. Matthew Yglesias, on the other hand, could only splutter that no Democrats were invited. dKos Guest Poster No. 437, in what must be a first, charges the President with craven cowardice for, uh, voluntarily travelling to a war zone. He also joined the ever-shrill Hesiod in charging that the whole thing was undertaken to avoid being upstaged by Hillary Clinton. Hey guys, maybe your world revolves around HRC, but you're in a decided minority.
There's no convincing the die-hard Bush-haters of the world that they're motivated by anything other than substantive, sober reasons, and there's definitely no convincing them of how ridiculous they look at times like this. It's a pity, because the whole phenomenon is bad for civic discourse; but sometimes all you can do is sit back and enjoy the show.
UPDATE: Good God. Kevin Drum is not one of the offenders here, but his commenters are going insane.
The overwrought anguish that the visit is causing amongst the hyper-partisan left (not the "left", Andrew! :>) is almost as comical as the spinning that took place after last November's landslide. I know this is a small minority and not really all that newsworthy in the grand scope of things, but it sure is great theatre. It's not all that often you see so many supposed adults acting like children away from the pages of DU or FR.
You gotta know that the loonbirds are going beserk over this.
Update II: Cole has more. Here's a sampling of some comments & there are three guesses as to where they came from (and the first two guesses don't count):
*I'm reminded of those delightful pictures of the Führer with the Eiffel Tower in the background. The folks back home in Berlin were so impressed.
*Yet more proof that Bush is exactly like Hitler and America is exactly like Nazi Germany. Heil Bush!!
*To paraphrase what Pinter said when the Smirk landed in England, I hope he washed down his turkey with a glass of blood.
*I don't know that spending 2 and a half hours at the airport with "troops" is particularly heroic. Oh wait. I've spent 2 and a half hours on Thanksgiving in an airport with "troops" trying to get home. No one reelected me though. Only the cheerful, happy, Christian troops I'm sure. Pity Al Jazeera isn't allowed to broadcast any longer. No one in Iraq will even know he was there. Perhaps that was the plan all along...If Iraq is going to be our 51st state, I guess he has to make a campaign stop. What was he wearing? Something hunky, I'm sure.
*Please... this is complete utter BS! Complete crap. He has no shame. And yes, Bush will be back in Crawford - being fawned over for his heroic trip to Baghdad.
*I won't give him shit for this. He's like a child playing tag. This stupid touch-n-go has nothing to do with supporting the troops. It's a campaign photo-opportunity.
All together now: "Waaaaaaaaaah!"
Update III: They're going bananas over on the left. Guys, both W & Hillary are doing a good thing. No need to stand in the corner & stomp because you sense an electoral landslide working against you or display Dub-enis envy by going back in the archives to find the object of your affection - Clinton - to soothe your wounds. A good thing has been done. Hurry up & get over it so we won't be privy to much more of this: