I only look amused...
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Garden Variety Evil's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, December 23rd, 2003
    11:49 am
    I knew I was brain dead.

    Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, [info]saoba for your kindness and generosity. That sewing machine will have a very good home.

    Now, if I could just finish those ^%$%&**(^$@ holiday gifts so I can use it.

    Current Mood: busy
    11:35 am
    Just saw [info]computerchix and [info]indyansel off after a lovely visit. That six day gap between now, insanely busy though it may be, and the time I arrive at the Indy airport, seems entirely too long.

    More later when my brain is functional (why did y'all let me get by with only one cup of coffee this morning?)

    Current Mood: wistful
    Wednesday, December 17th, 2003
    9:39 am
    9:29 am
    oh, yeah...
    Forgot to update on the new woman in Derk's life.


    Yup, the marriage is officially over; no chance for reconciliation. He got another snake.


    Sick thing is, I came up with the name. He had Samson and Delilah when he was a kid; after Delilah died, we had Delilah2. It was looking like he was warming up for Delilah3 when I suggested he branch out a bit, while keeping with the Biblical slut theme he seems to be working on. ;)

    The kids are thrilled. And they're now pushing for a turtle.

    9:07 am
    Managed to salvage the weekend. Went to Konnarock to retrieve the holiday decorations and get a tree....I was amazed at the extent to which I wasn't bothered this time, which is good, because Derk took it really hard.

    We're both doing the best we can--I think this year is harder than last year. At least last year there was enough continued animosity to fuel us through a gritted-teeth "we're being nice for the sake of the children" holiday. This is worse.

    I still have a ton of stuff to finish (if one more person who needs a gift jumps out of the woodwork, I'm gonna hit them upside the head with a fruitcake), but I'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel....and for once, it just might not be an oncoming train. I finished Matt's scarf last night (6 feet of rainbow stripes. As if he needed another way of advertising ;) )...we're supposed to get together sometime after Christmas. He's pouting that [info]computerchix and [info]indyansel are leaving the day he arrives, but he says he'll "survive...somehow." Where's that stapler?

    Is it Friday yet?

    Current Mood: awake
    Thursday, December 11th, 2003
    7:53 am
    The boys got into random bag-o-yarn and stumbled on the hats and scarves I've made them for Yule. Ashe took to his immediately and wanted to wear them to school today. Since it's chilly and breezy (and possibly a few other assorted dwarves, as well), I relented. Liam, ever the kind of diplomacy, informed me they were nice, but he'd like them better in another color...say, like grandpa Jimmy's scarf and hat.

    Lucky I bought extra of the camo varigated yarn. Good call on the slippers, btw, [info]computerchix.

    Soooo...since Liam and I have roughly the same hat size, I have a rainbow varigated hat, which actually I was planning on doing for myself after the holidays.


    Liam's getting to the age of normal, it would seem...or, at least, realizing what normal is supposed to look like. He took in the black turtleneck, leather jacket, pentacle, and rainbow scarf and hat and announced this morning "Mom, you look weird." No condemnation...just a statement of the facts as he seems them.

    Ashe, who matched mommy to a scary degree, piped up "I think she looks pretty!" Thank you, little guy, for saving mommy's ego before she's had her coffee.

    Needless to say, I stayed over at Derk's last night, hoping the change of scenery would help with my current trouble sleeping and the distressing dreams I've been having when I do sleep. Well, it helped with the dreams...or, I assume it would have, had I been able to turn my brain off long enough with the mental list of everything I need to do and when I need to do it by. Gah. And every time I turn around, I come up with something else that needs doing...not to mention the mental list of stuff that should be done, and trying to juggle all the scheduling required. I can't be in two places at once, and the whole lack of car thing is seriously slowing me down on pretending like I can.

    I have a serious suspicion that the guilt weasel is dusting my cornflakes with an extra dose of mommy-doesn't-live-with-us holiday when I'm not looking. So, henceforth, I'm forgoing the cornflakes for breakfast. Bring on the coffee and doughnuts.

    Current Mood: busy and stressed
    Monday, December 8th, 2003
    10:12 am
    For those of y'all who wanted to see a larger copy of the picture of me and the boys, it's right here.

    And I have a spiffy animated icon, thanks to [info]indyansel.

    Current Mood: bouncy
    9:22 am
    Okay...December is not allowed to go by this fast. I have stuff left to finish. Arrrgh!

    I did manage to finish two more scarves this weekend. And I had the boys try on their hats, and they fit. Go me! (I have, however, annoyed my children horribly, because I made them close their eyes while I tried them on, and then wouldn't let them see what had just been on their heads)

    Both boys are now expressing an interest in crochet, and I think I'll get them each a hook and some yarn for Yule, with the promise to teach them in January. Provided I can look at yarn without feeling slightly ill by January.

    Bubbe would be so pleased. :)

    Derk's been surprisingly supportive and sweet while I've been an emotional shipwreck this weekend. He's put up with my snarkiness, my rampant worry, and even offered a little retail therapy as a temporary cure ("Feel free to abuse my good will...just keep it under 20 bucks, please. And no yarn.")

    Current Mood: anxious
    Saturday, December 6th, 2003
    11:44 am
    Just cuz I can....
    New icon!

    Current Mood: bouncy
    11:03 am
    Some things never go away...
    Like the unbounded joy of a snow day, even when one is gainfully underemployed.

    Especially when one's employer promises an extra day of work to make up for the missed day. One can make a nice bit of change, pimping tofurkeys while one's boss makes breakfast for his girlfriend. ;)

    Soooo...I picked up the makings for grandma's birthday dessert and have decided to hit the library. Stuff that sucks royally in my life aside, things have been damned spiffy lately. I am tearing through my holiday gift list at an astounding rate (and Liam has expressed an interest in learning to crochet. Yay!). I've dragged out all the holiday fluff so the kids can help me decorate my room. Ashe has hit upon the brilliant idea of making snowflakes out of watercolored coffee filters, so Derk's windows (and mine, soon) are filled with rainbow snowflakes. Liam, after some brief gender confusion, has approved my holiday gift choices for Dan and Toni.

    And I've learned how to crochet with two stands of worsted wool at once. Very pretty (and fast), if I do say so myself.

    Now....is it the 19th yet?

    Current Mood: busy
    Sunday, November 30th, 2003
    6:30 pm
    color quiz
    A really nice way of saying I'm fucking wishy-washy...

    Passive, fence-sitting lemmingness... )
    4:31 pm
    hey, [info]vincentursus
    Lack of self discipline? Lack of self discipline?

    You should see what I just did with a cheese grater.

    Current Mood: obscure
    Current Music: Monty Python in the background
    Saturday, November 29th, 2003
    2:00 pm
    Somehow, it always manages to devolve into crochet and British comedy. ;)

    Current Mood: silly
    Current Music: Monty Python in the background
    5:40 am
    Yup...there's definitely something wrong with me.

    It's not even six; there's a warm, cuddly body upstairs...and I am up and getting ready to hit the sale at Joann's with [info]computerchix.


    Current Mood: awake
    Thursday, November 27th, 2003
    8:25 pm
    the good and the bad, Thanksgiving edition
    Good: a quiet day with two of my sweeties, watching cartoons and working on various projects

    Bad: missing Thanksgiving with the Axis, which I've been looking forward to for quite a while

    Good: finishing up two more gifts (including the eviscerated Muppet)

    Bad: I have mountains of yarn to get through, and one potential gift that the idea of starting has me uterly paralyzed

    Good: getting to hopefully see [info]semperfiona tomorrow

    Bad: missing everyone else :(

    Good: making new memories while still appreciating the slightly bittersweet ones

    Bad: worrying about the health of those I love

    Good: laughing, silliness, cuddling, feeling loved and at home

    Current Mood: thankful
    Current Music: Futurama in the background
    3:36 pm
    Ow. Ow, ow, ow.
    My head hurts.

    From the man who brought up the notion of Jung/Freud slash (yup, that'd be [info]indyansel, the self-proclaimed slash muse):

    an Ingmar Bergman/Terry Prachett production of The Seventh Seal.


    Ow, ow, ow.

    Current Mood: pained
    2:41 pm
    I got it from [info]indyansel; he got it from [info]neeuqdrazil
    1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
    2. Am I lovable?
    3. How long have you known me?
    4. When and how did we first meet?
    5. What was your first impression?
    6. Do you still think that way about me now?
    7. What do you think my weakness is?
    8. Do you think I'll get married (edit: to more than one person)?
    9. What makes me happy?
    10. What makes me sad?
    11. What reminds you of me?
    12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
    13. How well do you know me?
    14. When's the last time you saw me?
    15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
    16. Do you think I could kill someone?
    17. Describe me in one word.
    18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
    19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
    20. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you?
    11:10 am
    three things
    stolen from various and sundry people )

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Looney Toons in the background
    Wednesday, November 26th, 2003
    12:56 pm
    [info]indyansel calls it Super Al Day
    But then again, he's silly. :)

    One millenium chocolate torte and one caramel toffee brownie pie for A Very Evil Thanksgiving: done. (Those were supposed to be brownies, y'all, until we saw the recipies on the back. And we all know I can make anything from a mix that comes in a box *snark*)

    Turkey for pre-T'day late lunch with sort of in-laws: in oven.

    Amount of coffee consumed: don't ask.

    Current Mood: busy
    Current Music: the dishwasher
    Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
    10:19 pm
    cue Boris, take two
    And a belated birthday gift for the Rosa-monster...finished. :)

    Current Mood: pleased
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