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Rayne Andaan

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greetings from potato-land [05 Jul 2002|03:25pm]
[ mood | amused ]

well, here I am in Idaho.
Been here since last Sunday evening, visiting my cousin and other assorted friends or aquaintances. Fun, such fun.
I've just been hanging out around town most of the week, primarily deprived of computer access other than on the occasions when I crashed at a residence that happened to have internet. And then there was much rejocing, but not until now has there been time enough that I could not only respond to all emails AND write a nice pointless lj entry.
lets look at the week in review )

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[30 Jun 2002|03:36am]
I can't help but wonder if the sky is supposed to be that shade of orange at 3:30 in the morning. I know it's not sunrise yet...
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[30 Jun 2002|02:59am]
[ mood | insomniac ]
[ music | whatever plays for the credits on Ghost World ]

Still running strong on plenty of caffeine.
Just watched 'Ghost World.' Pretty good movie. I had a few reasons for watching it - I'd heard it was good from a couple of people, I'd noticed in the vidoe store that it had a geek-punk chick on the cover, and a friend said that the main character reminded him of me..
Therefore, I simply had to watch it and decide whether or not the main character reminded me of me. The conclusion? In some ways, disturbingly similar. I'm not quite as caustic to everyone as she is, but I have my moments (I don't know that I would want to be like that all the time though). Her outlook on life reminded me of my own I guess. I dunno. It's kind of weird sometimes, to watch a character you can relate to so much. Or maybe not. Maybe that's just the caffeine talking.

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[30 Jun 2002|12:51am]
now that my 4 shots of espresso have kicked in, sleep appears to be nowhere in the near future.

This should make the eight hour drive more amusing.

Heh. I just glanced in a mirror. With my eyeliner, pig-tails, and black pleated skirt, I look like satan as a cheerleader in jthm.

I just finished painting my nails. They're all silver-ish now. Look like metal. Shiiiiny. I have robot nails!

Superficial, aren't i?
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Life, the Universe, and Everything [30 Jun 2002|12:25am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | a purring kitty cat ]

a characteristically long entry about nothing in particular )

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Much rejoicing!!! [29 Jun 2002|07:40pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]

She called me!!! She called me!!! Go meeeeeeee!!!!!!

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Imma gonna be a movie star! [29 Jun 2002|03:18pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]

I went to a casting call today. They were looking for '14-18 year old actors/actresses' for a film being shot here in pdx this fall. And, quoth them, they wanted 'real teens' in all of our angsty glory.
Did I mention that it's a Gus Van Sant film? (Good Will Hunting, Finding Forrester...)
Anyways, I, a 'real teen' headed on down there this morning. Got there early, so I didn't expect a line. Heh.
When I got off the 4, the line already went around 2 sides of the block. Loooong line. Longer than Disneyland. Anyways, I went and stood in line for two hours. Wasn't too boring though, as the kids around me were pretty keen. By now I'm used to starting up conversations with random people, so I dove in and made some new friends.
I met a girl. :D
She's very nice.
She has periwinkle streaks in her hair.
She gave me her phone number.
And there was much rejoicing!
I gave her mine too. She asked for mine, first, actually, and then gave me hers. She put her arm around my shoulders when we were walking.
I think she likes me. :D
The casting call was pretty standard. everyone went outside, had their picture taken, spun around in front of a camcorder, and filled out some questions. Filling out the questions was tres fun for me, seeing as I have a cast on my left arm. What should have taken a few minutes took 30. Ah well.
I met Gus Van Sant too. I shook his hand and told him I liked his work. Maybe that will help me get a part. After all, the casting call was designed to find teenage unknowns for the principal roles. I can hope.
I'll find out tonight or tommorow morning if I made it.

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[28 Jun 2002|06:42pm]
I'm puzzled.
I didn't do anything different about my appearance today.
Same uncooperative hair. Same lack of makeup.
Standard outfit of courdoroy man-pants, child-size tshirt with some sort of screen graphic, and too much jewelry.

So why do I feel so pretty?
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[28 Jun 2002|06:02pm]
[ mood | keen ]
[ music | rancid ]

what odd contrast today has been, from morning to afternoon.

first off, the train ride to work was just. interesting. yes, i'm used to meeting odd people on mass transit. it happens to me practically every time i ride the bus, so it's no odd occurence to me, normally. i don't consider it odd if the guy sleeping at the back of the bus starts talking to me or something. but this guy across from me on the train, for some reason...
he bugged me.
I think it was because he didn't make any attempt to talk to me. i sat down on the train, started reading my book. pretty standard. look up, glance around the train to see if i know anyone. notice this guy across the aisle staring at me. late 20ish. a bit unkempt. when i notice him staring at me, a brief moment of eye contact occurs. then he did that funny little eye brow raise. then a wink. then a smile. one of those overzealous smiles which simply appears too happy. I quickly look back down at my book, attempting to signal my disinterest. i really didn't feel like being hit on by another guy a decade older than me today. i still had that creepy feeling he was staring at me. whenever i glanced up from my book, seeing who new had boarded the train, he would do it again, the same routine. eyebrow raise, wink, clown smile. creepy. perhaps he was just trying to be friendly. but i had that slimy feeling when he was looking at me, that foreboding premonition that i would regret it if I talked to him. He waved at me when i got off the train. i really hope he doesn't regularly take that train... i don't think i want to run into him again.

in short, the morning sucked. work, as usual, other than today it sucked instead of being mostly bearable, even almost fun. instead of being in the clay studio (my studio), I was stationed in the wonder corner studio (an unfair arrangement, seeing as i had gotten there first and had the clay studio all ready to open when john arrived and declared that he simply had to have the clay studio today. not wanting to make a big deal of it, i agreed to take on print making in the wonder corner. figured i would switch him after midmorning breaks or something. what an oversight. no such luck.) in the wonder corner this month, we have been doing printing. an easy concept, one would think. you paint a picture on a piece of plastic. you put a piece of paper on top when you're done. you roll something across the paper to press it down and then pull it off. behold, you have made a print of the picture that you painted on the plastic. clean, simple, easy, right?


anything that involves putting paint in the hands of a five year old is neither clean, simple, or easy. if it involves putting paint in the hands of twenty five year olds... gah. especially when they are unsupervised by any form of parent figure. of course, as museum staff, i have no authority in the eyes of the children or the parents. even though they are in my studio. Pine cones forbid that i might actually know how to keep things running smoothly (a side note on 'pine cones': i've noticed that i use far too many phrases that really have no meaning to me, being that they utilize religious terminology... 'heaven forbid.' 'good god.' 'god damn it.'... etc. instead of using meaningless religious phrases such as these for expression, i have decided to substitute other random nouns for the religion-related ones. thus, the phrases will be equally meaningless, but will not force myself to associate my speech with beliefs i do not maintain. moving on though...) the only peaceful moments in that studio today were before i opened the doors to the public. some of the morning's highlights. one charming parent spilt an entire cup of paint under the table, but rather than seem like a 'bad parent' and tell me, they simply left. I began to notice strange yellow footprints everywhere. eventually, i think to look under the table. I discover a veritable lake of yellow paint which everyone is stepping in. yay. this, i had the privilege of cleaning up by hand with a small 3 inch cube of red sponge. some other children decided that paint brushes were for wimps and that finger painting was the way to go. now, i have no objection to finger painting. in fact, i find it quite enjoyable occassionally. however, when five year olds fingerpaint, paint goes everywhere. seriously, you will discover paint in places you did not know existed. and of course, since i work there, parents assume that i'm just supposed to be there to clean, not to talk to their children (which is what my job description is. talk to the kids. ask questions. inspire creativity. etc. NOT clean up spilt paint and wash printing plexes.) so no one would clean up their own mess. blah. being that the studio was crowded the entire morning, I was just washing painting stuff the whole time. that, or mopping up spills.

now, that's my idea of a good morning.

life improved significantly at one oclock in the afternoon. merrily i left the museum and headed off. not home though, as would be expected. quite the opposite, i hopped on the train downtown. wheee.

i think my mother is really starting to trust me.
it's about time.

this morning she said it would be fine if i wanted to go downtown to powells after work. keep in mind, this is the same mother who has before stated that she thinks my simply being downtown for a few moments will cause me to relapse. the same mother who had thought that the moment she allowed me to get on a bus again, i would run. and yet now, she's starting to trust me again. perhaps because i'm being trustworthy again. funny how things work like that.

it was raining beautifully when i got off work. that alone significantly lifted my spirits, especially after the lava-lamp forsaken heat that we've been having for the past few days. What can i say? I'm a child of the water, a child of the rain. Perhaps that is why I have chosen it as a name for myself, adopting the title of Rayne as one fitting me more than mine own. I danced in the rain as i walked from work to the train. nothing overt, that would of required energy. but the rain was rejuvenating, and put a spring back in my step after a difficult morning.

the train downtown was uneventful. no new friends, no creepy disheveled old men.

still raining when i disembarked in downtown pdx. theres something about this city that speaks to me. the way that even in the 'urban' center of the area, there are still huge trees. frankly, i like portland. it's a nice city. i haven't spent nearly as much time in it lately as i would like, but i'm breaking out of the suburbs again.

i spent my afternoon in powells. i swear to cheesecake, if that bookstore was a living entity, i would marry it. powells, of course, is a dangerous store for me, the book fanatic (literaphile, maybe?), to enter. Its huge and i could spend days there without even realizing it. and i always end up spending so much... because every book i find is such a good deal, used and all... but i find a lot of good deals. i bought... 12? 13? books today, for about 65 bucks i think. so not too expensive for any individual book, but it adds up. good thing i'm working i guess, so i can support my addiction here. the way i'm calculating, with the rate i've been reading... these books will last me about two weeks. three weeks, tops. and then it will be time for me to go to powells again.

it would be a lot more convenient if i could do the library thing. but i've given up on libraries. funny thing, i would forget that they were library books and then the fines would accumulate. when you end up paying five dollar fines on every book you check out, you realize that it would be a lot cheaper to just go and buy used copies of the books you want to read. after all, you can always sell them back if you don't like them. needless to say of course, this philosophy has caused my personal library to inflate faster than a hamster in a microwave. i need a new bookcase...

i was happy to discover it was still raining when i left powells. i danced and skipped. its interesting how few weird looks i got, actually. portland is fairly accepting to frolicking little geeky punk ska girls.

on the way to the train station, i stopped in to heaven (for the uninformed. saying 'heaven' there does not violate my new code of not using religious words i don't believe in. 'heaven' is the actual name of this cafe.). i love how downtown it's possible to get coffee that is not starbucks. for once, it's affordable! and not corporate! why, oh why, must there not be such places in suburbia?

max ride home was standard. this chickie kept looking at me (checking me out? i hope so!) so i started to talk to her. she was nice. didn't talk to her long enough to comfortably exchange phone or email, but mayhaps I shall see her again. it's fun to make new friends on mass transit, i must say.

it's still raining now and i'm smiling.

i've written a lot by now.

if you made it this far, congratulations to you. you get a cookie.

i think i'm going to go curl up with the mercury and some tea now. for there is still an evening to the day to have, but i'm not quite ready to start it yet.

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[27 Jun 2002|11:59pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | superchunk - hello hawk ]

it's a good thing that all this crap about the pledge saying "under god" is going down while school is not in session. I'm controversial enough at that school as it is (some of my favorite titles include 'Fascist Murderer Communist Heathen') and I know the opinion I would vocalize about this so-called issue would draw more of the school's eye to me. I'm really surprised they haven't expelled me yet, just made some subtle attempts to get me to quiet down. Oh, the wonders of catholic schooling. I mean, with the whole thing with the pledge, that shouldn't even BE an issue. It's a blatant violation of the separation of church and state. I don't care if people claim that 'under god' does not refer to a specific god, it still implies that a) there is a god in existence, and b) that this said god controls life as we know it. I cannot agree with either of those statements. I am no more certain that there is a god than there isn't, but if there is, I believe that a god would be a much more abstract element, not at all the conventional idea of a god that most people cling to, utilizing their religion more as a safety net than ever even pursuing or understanding what they claim is their faith. I have no problem with people having faith, having something to believe in. Different paths for different people, after all. But when one follows a 'faith' not because they understand and agree with it, but because it is what they have been taught... that, I cannot agree with. And that is what stating 'one nation, under god' prolongs. If other people want to have some form of faith, that's fine, and I find discussions and discourses about faith fascinating, but I do not like it when people attempt to convert me to their belief, even in methods so subtle as accrediting the functions of this nation to some supposedly all powerful god.

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[27 Jun 2002|07:53pm]
Blah, am I tired... I ended up working a full day today, instead of just the morning like I normally do. See, one of the other studio chicks called in sick, and so, me being the 'good dependable worker' that I am, agreed to fill the shift when my supervisor asked me to this morning.
Bad idea.
A nice thing about working primarily in the mornings is, even though the building doesn't have airconditioning, you can't really tell in the morning because the museum is not yet crowded and its not too hot out. However, when the afternoon starts, the place turns into an oven. Especially back in the studios where we have no ventilation. Heh, we shouldn't even need to take today's clay pieces to the kiln, I think that the heat fired them thouroughly already. I like my job well enough.. but I like it a lot better in the winter.

Apparently Larsen called me a few days ago. I have no clue why, haven't been able to get back in touch with her, and all she left was a cryptic message with my mom that she would like to speak to me. The idea that she called kinda surprised me. I mean, with her class, the whole teacher-student distinction is kind of blurred, but it still seems a bit odd to me for one of my old teachers to be calling me, well after the end of classes. I suspect it's because she's made a decision about next year. And if it's what I expect it will be, well, I don't know whether to be happy, or sad. Or both.
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happy birthday to me. [25 Jun 2002|07:12am]
[ music | my desk clock seems exceptionally loud ]

8,935,200 minutes. 148,512 hours. 6,188 days. 884 weeks. 204 months. 17 years.

haven't accomplished much in them, have i?

here's to making the next year more meaningful...

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a dot. [24 Jun 2002|06:23pm]
[ mood | brooding ]
[ music | pink martini ]

have you ever just suddenly had the universe crash onto your shoulders as you realize the complete insignificance of everything? not just of all the little petty things you do each day, but the complete true insignificance of yourself? I never had any aspirations of greatness, but still, sitting here, its kind of funny how for some reason its now dawning on me how.. pointless. how... miniscule, everything is. myself included in that 'everything.' This really is a petty world...

Heh, aren't I not supposed to hit this sort of cynicism till I'm at least 20?

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[24 Jun 2002|02:46pm]
I just got my SAT II scores! Even though I don't see the point of standardized testing, I feel so smart now! 730 calculus (ok, not so great, only 71st percentile), and 780 biology (97th percentile!!!) WHEEEEE! Go mee!!!
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another lazy american [24 Jun 2002|01:28am]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | Matrix soundtrack ]

sometimes it's nice to just take a day to do nothing. just kick back and relax, seeing as thats something i never am able to do during school. i didn't really do anything today. well, no, that's not right. i took the bus to go develop some of my film. some of the pictures turned out okay. others didn't. the contrast on a few of them of my cat, noirchat, ended up looking really artsy. i think i kinda like it. maybe i'll turn into a photographer yet... maybe even a semi-adequate one!
aside from that i didn't do much of anything productive today. i took out the garbage, i think... or maybe my dad did that. i don't know, but i do know that the garbage managed to make it out and onto the curb for pickup tommorow. it was kinda funny, looking at my garbage compared to the rest of the family. see, i can adequately compare because i do my own cooking and such, and so i know that nothing is being wasted there, and then just general waste, well, my trahs does go into the trashcan, not onto the floor of my room or anything, but still. heh, my garbage for the week filled about half of one of those plastic bags that you get at a grocery store. the rest of the family filled 2 and a half hefty garbage bags. Go me, the rampant recycler and pack rat.

I'm going to the optometrist tommorow. Ironically, the office is about a five minute drive or 15 minute bikeride away, but, because of my broken arm, i can do neither. so, i'll be taking the bus, which i have no problem with, aside from the fact that with the infrequency of on of the buses i'll be connecting to, my commute will take about an hour and a half, and i will get to the office about 45 minutes early. hooray for inefficient mass transit.

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Theory of the Social Symbolism of Sliced Bread [23 Jun 2002|09:04pm]
I have discovered a new concept. My Theory of the Social Symbolism of Sliced Bread. Consider these facts:
1. Here in America, people tend to say something is "the greatest thing since sliced bread." However, when you think about it, what is so great about sliced bread, a common food food in our grocery stores? For a slightly higher price, citizens are able to purchase bread which is already cut, saving them the arduous and rigorous task of pulling out a knife and cutting it themselves.

2. Thus, sliced bread perpetuates laziness, one of America's largest social problems. This so called convenience saver enables people to develop an attitude that they shouldn't have to do anything for themselves.

3. It is the 'homestyle' or 'American' breads which you buy presliced at a grocery store. If one purchases the "French" or "Italian" bread, they will recieve a nice, uncut loaf which they can slice to their little heart's content.

4. Thus, one notices that it is only the "American" bread and not the 'foreign' breads which are presliced, clearly, a commentary on the laziness of the general American citizenship.

It all just seems so obvious now, doesn't it? =D
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[23 Jun 2002|08:34pm]
why the heck are they called 'fun sized' candy bars? I mean, they're just barely a bite, hardly even a mouthful! And in my opinion, that is not fun....
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explosions. [22 Jun 2002|10:03pm]
My back hurts A lot. I think I did too much one armed lifting today at work. And so now it hurts. Like doom, it hurts. And I have no more vicodin, that I know of. I suffer! See, at the excessively long day I worked today, i got a bit too ambitious with use of my broken arm. And now it's severely hurting again. Sick of hearing me complain yet? Well then someone come give me a backrub!
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[22 Jun 2002|02:15am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Saves the Day - At your funeral ]

Today was a pretty good day. Worked in the studio this morning, which, I've arrived at the decision, is definitely easier than working the floor. I guess it's a good thing I have more shifts in the studio than on the floor this summer. We were pretty much out of clay though this morning, and the new shipment doesn't come in until next week, so I had to wedge, slice, dip and rewedge a bunch of clay to make it usable. Heh, wedging clay is interesting with one arm in a cast, seeing as I can only pick it up and slam it against the ground with one arm. I'm going to have a strong right arm after this. I'm always so mellow after a day of wedging, there's something about slamming heavy stuff against a cement floor repeatedly that helps to get any stress out.

I took myself out to Olive Garden for lunch because it was on the way home and it looked good. I just had salad and breadsticks and sat and read, my server kept looking at me weird, as if parties of one are really that unusual. It was a nice, quiet lunch. Then, when I was walking back to the MAX station, in the parking lot, this guy drove past me, and I noticed him looking at me as he drove by, and then looking at me in his mirror. I tried to act disinterested, but he circled around and pulled up alongside me. Started talking, offered me a ride, practically asked me to go out with him tonight or tommorow. I cleverly evaded, saying I had work. HOwever, then he asked for my number, and just to get him away, I gave it. He'll be easier to get rid of on the phone. He looked like he was 20 or 22, and seemed sufficiently weird. Not the good weird either, but the creepy weird. Why is it that the creepy weird guys always hit on me? It's annoying! (To their credit, nice weird guys hit on me too, but they don't stand out in my memory as much.)

The busride home was amusing. Had a nice conversation with this guy who was sitting next to me, nice 23ish guy with a lot of tattoos and no shirt because it was freaking hot. We were talking about how it wasn't fair that he could walk around topless, but if I were to attempt it, I would be arrested so fast... Ah, the double standards of law. Also saw a cute chickie on the bus, she kept looking at me too, in a good way. If i hadn't been busy talking to no shirt boi, I would have gone and hit on her, but, ah well. I think I've seen her on the bus before, so I'm sure I'll see her again...

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[21 Jun 2002|07:32am]
[ mood | peeved ]

DAMN closeminded ignorance annoys me!!! And so often it comes from those who rile about the ignorance of others, when they are just as ignorant! We all are!!! But if I hear one more person be so ignorant as to use the word "gay" as a slang synonym for the word "stupid"... GAH! This implies a belief that gay is stupid, and that just prolongs homophobia. There is nothing wrong with gay people, and most people don't realize how many people they are hurting or offending by saying things like that.

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