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Marcus randomosity late at night... [12 Dec 2003|12:20am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | nada ]

id0pa [12:17 AM]: Louis and I wrote a spanish cowboy song tonight.
id0pa [12:17 AM]: It is really ethnic and spicy. :-\
Sephy5sama [12:17 AM]: spicey huh?
Sephy5sama [12:17 AM]: like the spice girls
id0pa [12:18 AM]: No.
id0pa [12:18 AM]: Like the spaniard hotties riding around on ponies.
id0pa [12:18 AM]: In the sweltering desert sun.

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Beh. [10 Dec 2003|02:30am]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Wintermute -- Trajectory of the Soul ]

QFiction13: night then
ina cumquat: good night, Quaid. bed bugs. yeah. thats it.
QFiction13: yeah... those things

3 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

Technical difficulties.. [09 Dec 2003|11:24am]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | Pete Yorn -- Getting Into You ]

Okei. I have NO idea what's going on with my server, but it's making the photos from my previous post not show up. As soon as it works again or whatever, I'll let everyone know 'cos I really wanted to show my wintery-ness off. Anyway, I'm off to lunch and to brood and think about the slow and painful death I will be inflicting upon my 3D teacher. Yeah. That's it.

::EDIT:: at 2:30 pm .. everything is BACK TO NORMAL::EDIT::

Now everyone comment on my photos!! Garrr. Stupid server.

grope the finnish bishonen.

Winter wonderland at Tyler. [08 Dec 2003|01:40pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Some Yanni stuff.. ]

I had a pretty spifftastic weekend. Here are some fotos from ....
The Philly Art Museum. There was a g-zaaaabo there. The sky just makes me die how fucking awesome and blue it is. It was so windy and Dave, Adam, Kelsey and I almost got blown away trying to get inside. Then we got really excited about the "Yule Tide Festival" which turned out to be just a tent with random little kids wearing x-mas outfits. Maybe the best part was santa and elves running through the parking lot. We were fooled. The food was expensive and the little people sitting around trying to sell me x-mas socks were kind of freaking me out. So, we just headed to the museum.
I love how in this one the tree looks like it's growing out of Dave's head.

We had a snowball fight the other night. Of course, I'm the one with snow all over my face.

Kristin: "I know wrestling techniques"
Ina: "Gaaaah"
Brian: "Kristin got it the worst. She was on her knees a lot..."
Everyone: "....um..."
Ina: "You perv.."
Brian: "No. no...! I just meant her pants..were ..all...wet."

Also, Adam wants me to be sure not to forget to mention that he TACKLED BRIAN and that it was DAMN GOOD ("ewww. that makes it sound sexual")

Here are some scenes from the snow covered campus:

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Weekend Contentment [07 Dec 2003|02:20am]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Jesse's Girl .. by..whoever.. ]

I wanted to post to report about my critiques, which I'm -- for the most part -- sure went well. I cruised through the 2D one and though my Drawing teacher posesses some prick-like qualities sometimes, he generally gave me positive feedback. Apparantly I draw crappy heads. Okei. I blame anime. Yeah. That's it.

I'll post more pictures tomorrow, but just as a small taste of my spifftastic weekend, some Jedi knights...

4 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

It's snowing on my 2D collage as I trudge jolly-like through the snow like a silly little hobbit.. [05 Dec 2003|01:05pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Radiohead on Kristin's computer that she got off my cd.. ]

I just had my 2D Foundation Principles final crit. today and I think it went quite wonderfully, If I do say so myself. I've still got to go to Drawing crit. in a few minutes and I'm actually a little nervous about that one, but Chuck (the teacher) is fond of me ... for reasons I can, sadly guess at... It will go well enough. I will report when I return.

Wheee snowww!

2 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

heee. [26 Nov 2003|07:25pm]
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
CategoryYour Score Average
When I think about you - or anyone - I touch myself
It takes a couple of drinks
Sex Drive 55.3%
A fool for love, but not always
Knows the other body type like a map
Gayness 28.6%
At least one weekend of ecstacy
Fucking Sick74.3%
Dipped into depravity
You are 47.57% pure
Average Score: 72.6%
grope the finnish bishonen.

Procrastination. [24 Nov 2003|01:59am]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | AFI -- Death of Seasons ]

I can't wait to go home in two days. As disappointing as it sounds, I really don't feel too much of an attachment to this place anymore... and I don't know if I ever did. The semester is almost over and nothing has gone the way I have imagined and/or would have wanted it to go. For one thing, I wanted to post photos and document my days, but nothing ever works out and life is a scant reflection of what we all need and desire -- of even the murkiest traces of the unrealizable idealistic dreams we have.

So, since I haven't been keeping up with my journal, I've been practically living in my sketchbook. It's what I'm 'supposed' to do here, after all... Here's a couple of pages of what my mind looks like from the inside these days.

I should be doing art history..

5 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

I hate men. [02 Nov 2003|10:38pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]
[ music | some Matrix thing on television ]

(from two days ago or so...)
I hope that I'm not forgetting how to be that
specific 'myself' that I try to be; that I've always known.
After reading [info]bianca_adrienne's last entry, it
made me realize some things about the state of my mind and
emotions that I hadn't been paying attention to. Funny how
I felt the same refreshement when I went home and saw Raija,
Brent and Molls that weekend when we all went to Waffle
House. I felt comfortable and loved. I felt like there was
no reason for me to strive to be anything but who I already
know that I am -- have always been for them. Sadly,
though... I'm on my own now. I have to figure out ways to
tell new stories and lead new lives.

I'm generally not so sure if I'm happy with the way that
things have fleshed out ... all the steps I've taken and
situations I've gotten myself into. Somehow I think that if
I'd kept a more regular journal of everything that's
happened, I would be feeling much more complete right now.
But, being here right now, thinking about all this is
relaxing. It feels meaningful -- like a finished

Addendum dated : TODAY;
I'm not happy 'cos I don't believe that my full worth is being realized by the individuals around me.

4 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

HalloWEEN Decorations and French Ghost. [30 Oct 2003|02:04am]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Roxette -- It Must Have Been Love ]

Tonight was an absolutely beautiful mess of random bullshit and it makes me glad that I am here right now living this life ... at a small, unimposing art school out in the middle of nowhere-ghetto-fuck.

"What did Dracula say to the other stupider vampire when he stole his car?
Fuuuuuckk youuuu!!"

Yeah. For 3 hours.

The things I sit through just for man-flesh. Har. Yeah..okei.. no.. I'm tired. I'm not making sense.

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Back home for a while... finally some substantial content... *applause resounds through cyberspace* [18 Oct 2003|01:18am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Thrice ... the whole 3-album compilation Nills made for me... ]

I'm just so overly excited about being back at home for some reason. Molly, Brent and Raija just dropped me back at home a little over an hour ago and I just feel so incredibly contented. I feel like I should be taking long, steady breaths so as to try and calm myself into a normal rhythm. Only after I return here, do I realise the stark differences between Spewark and Tyler. I feel loved here at home and comfortable -- established, understood (well...hopefully). And, though I feel free and willing to do so much more at skewl, I feel like anything I do or say could be taken in so many myrraid ways. And it's bothersome sometimes. A price to be paid, perhaps.

I need to go to bed 'cos I feel like I shouldn't waste the opportunity of my full-sized bed while I have it. Though I need to do lots of thinking, contemplating, writing, whatever, my feet are cold and the gears in my head are a little clunky.

To tell the truth, I'm happy just thinking about Shadric and the whole cock fiasco and how he was at Katie's party, 'dancing' to some bluegrass while Molls was passing around a bowl right in front of his nose. For the life of me, I can't imagine him buzzed... Oh, how I wish I'd been there... Some spooky, hidden part of me is kind of secretly happy that he knows it was Raija and me that have been leaving the roosters around. Makes the Sweater Vandals seem all the more mysterious, alluring, real and insanely, stupidly cool.

Seeing the past and then seeing the present and not knowing anything about the future is a wonderful sort of rush. I like to be able to split life into paragraphs, chunks, registers ... but still have it fused at the edges -- never too tightly ... 'Cos sometimes ties to certain parts need to be broken off ... maybe forgotten.

I love that I'm able to have grilled cheese among old friends and feel the old energy with ease. It's times like this that I know I'm myself. It's weird. But, it makes sense to me.

Molls, I hope you find your ring..

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Hazy clarifications purged by dusty fingertips. [08 Sep 2003|01:06am]
[ mood | irritated ]
[ music | Apocalyptica -- Faraway ]

I can't yet decide how I feel about college. All I know right now is that I have two seemingly overly-too-large projects to finish by the end of the week and that my fingers are covered in Nupastel(r) as I hit the keys. There are little smudges on the keyboard now -- the really annoying kind that I'm probably going to have to wash off with something wet. I've noticed that minor annoyances have been irking me more and more for some reason -- like the hint of something unknown in Mario's eyes. I feel like I'm constantly just beyond the borders of something beautiful. I hate the way he looks at me. I hate how it feels as though he knows everything about me -- as if I were transparent and pointless and played-out like a song on the radio.

All I want is to be able to arouse feelings of intrigue in others.

But, I feel colourless -- overlooked.

Tyler is... well..it's... I don't know. I'm immersed in a near-trance-like state of potential friendships. And then there's work. Hrm. Speaking of which, I have an 8:30 class tomorrow and I'm still here, listening to Apo and trying to make sense of things in my head. I have this annoying suspicion that in the heat of a moment I gave away too much about myself to a guy I barely knew. No. Not like that. I just mean I talked about a lot of things. And he took it in ... 'cos he wanted to. And now I'm here, perhaps with nothing at all to gain from it (most certainly not him).

And now I don't know what it means. And I don't really know where this is going. So, I'm going to go read something... or maybe go to bed. More things forthcoming, I promise ^_^;;

By the way, Mario is this guy ...uh... that goes to my college. He's a second-year and acts as though he's been alive for millions of years, wise beyond my wildest imagination, apparently. He's a little short and has this stupid sense of humour that tends to hurt my feelings (I suspect that this is why he thinks he can see right through me). He's a little vertically challanged, though not enough for it to matter. And I also know that his birthday is on July 22nd. That's been bothering me. He's not to be mistaken with a certain Pillis(sp) -- the guy without shoes.

But, now I'm going to bed.

8 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

... [04 Sep 2003|11:59pm]
I'm going home tomorrow. Yay.
grope the finnish bishonen.

Things.. [03 Sep 2003|04:34pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | Some Dashboard across the hall... ]

I just downloaded the new version of Semagic. I like the purple pen icon, I think. And, obviously the big elephant in the room of the moment is my long-awaited update. But, as far as I understand, all of us are headed out to South Street in a few minutes, so, the update will.... be postponed, yet again. (sorry, sorry, reallllly, sorry). This isn't but, the update will probably be friends only (sorry .345 people who read this that earen't on the list).

I will say this, however, I was hoping to upload a whole bunch of spifftastic digi cam pics, but I seem to have misplaced the registration code like a mofo, so, maybe I'll call the company later (mostl likely to no avail) to try to get a code). *grumble* I'm sincerely hoping that there is something at home. Hardcore. 'Cos otherwise I'm really screwed.

It's hot and humid and my hair (as well as everyone else's) is IMPOSSIBLE. It just keeps raining. Though everyone is in flip flops. I find that Docs are a minority. But, I've got some! Hah!

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Greetings from the musty chasms of dorm room hell.. [30 Aug 2003|10:01am]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | Amanda Ghost -- Cellophane ]

Okei, so, as a standard, how long should it take to boil a bloody pint of water?? 'Cos it took almost 15 minutes in my stupid dorm kitchenette/laundry room. Hrm. Coffe came out pretty good though (Ha!). Beh. I wrote "PANTS!" on my door. You know, trying to bring a little Raija/Lauren googiliness to Tyler. Yay. Anyways, I'm drinking my sub-par 'bean-water' (which tastes oh-so-good 'cos I maybe got a half an hour of sleep last night). Yeah, um... I'll update for real later. Methinks I'm going to get some sustenance.

6 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

Moving Tomorrow. Blah Blah. Fluffercooties. [27 Aug 2003|08:10pm]
[ mood | frazzled, busy, excited, blegh.. ]
[ music | Apocalyptica -- Sad But True ]

Okei, so... I'm going on temporary LJ hiatus until I get my ethernet set up in my dorm. Sorry for lack of exciting, random, wonderful entries. I just don't care right now. Too much stuff to think about... Bah. So, yeah, I'll be back soon...

grope the finnish bishonen.

Poetry. Blah blah. [23 Aug 2003|12:33pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | John Serrie -- The Far River ]

At long last (after a period of muggy writer's block), I seem to have written a poem I can be proud of. No obligation ^_~;

Adson De Melk (With Nostalgia and Biscuits) In II Parts.
Give me the night,
Swelled to perfection with pearlescent moments --
Like a day spent walking, looking up at the sky at nonsensical intervals, so as to appear poetic.
And just give me that look in your eyes -- each time.
And all the days you made me cry and disappear; give it back.
While my supposed moon in Aquarius holds me, with a tactless obsession over you -- disregard for your feelings and deep hopes of what your wishes may be,
Breathing life, now, into a you that never was.
I love to pretend I'm chained to you --
By magical forces.
And dream of your face.
Every moment of every day.
The half baked blandness of my hopeful, self-conscious dualty shakes the walls around me with its deathly, still silence.
But, the familliar pixelated face of my Anubisian compadre lights a single, happy flame within the sanctity of my digital chasms.
_ _ _

The night; the stratosphere,
with titillating, sparkling wisps of star-dust, showering far, old rivers with purple, pre-pubescent light.
Someday, I hope to visit there.
Only if,...
The echoes in my bowels did not keep me here in a state of near-lucid wakefullness,
Blistering my feet with post-traumatic syndrome.
And thoughts of stalkers in air-conditioned bookstores,
Maybe I'd be there.
I miss the salty scent of skin; and aspirations of being brilliant.
The orange furniture; two pairs of knee caps propped up high to hold steady our proud pieces of frevor-fueled wizardry.
I miss everything I used to be.
and everything I've never been.
And I long to have the night again.
Under the moon in Gaza.

1 fangirl|grope the finnish bishonen.

Fun at the doctor's orifice. [22 Aug 2003|12:34am]
[ mood | cynical ]
[ music | obviously not my FIONA APPLE cd... which I can't seem to FIND.. ]

I swiped a YM magazine from my family doctor's office monday while taking my brother to get his measels shot. Does them right, really for their satanic Accent Health CNN loop tape (which you can't turn off or turn down, mind you) featuring trivia on how to avoid ingrown toenails and a recipe for some really rancid-looking pasta that's supposed to decrease the risk of heart disease. Ugh. So, yeah, take that, bizziotch... er.. or something. I sat there for a bloody hour waiting to get called in. Here's an example. What is a common mistake which leads to ingrown toenails? ... A) tight shoes, B) high heels, or C) improperly trimmed toenails (or someting to that effect). ... Then they leave you sitting there in suspense for a good three minutes while you listen to them knock off a checklist for good dental hygiene.

I hate satanic programming.

And cootie-filled doctor's office waiting rooms.


I flipped to some-such advice column page and found this:

It said: Is it bad if you think about The Lord of the Rings day after day, night after night? And you just wanna watch it over and over again? -- Lisa, 15, Austin, TX.

And then the reply was something like "Don't hate your dad 'cos he's not Elrond" and "make sure you don't measure all boys against the yardstick of Aragorn" and other such crap. Har. I measure by Aragorn. Does that mean I suck? Do I need to "call up [my] best friend instead of watching Fellowship for the 89th time, to see if she'd be down to go back to Chili's, where she saw that tasty-looking busboy?" HA! Fat chance. 'Cos my best friend is friggin' Molly.

I should write to this magazine. I should tell them about how it changed my life to find out what Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen were doing next month and how many bazzilions it raked in and all. They were wearing these awful matching sweater sets in the interview. Ugh.
3 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

Blorp. [21 Aug 2003|11:28am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | nada ]

I just woke up. I dreamed about being a guest at an Apocalyptica concert and singing some depressed-ass poem of mine as a song. Raija was there... um... yeah. And the really weird part is that I actually dreamt the melody I sang -- spooky. More later, I guess. Oh, and Eicca was definately there! *squeee*

2 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

Hair-tastic. [20 Aug 2003|01:11pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Savage Garden -- You Can Still Be Free ]

I've been busy running errands and getting my hair done. Here is what it looks like now:


4 fangirls|grope the finnish bishonen.

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