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the lesser of two weevils

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(2 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

the news! [30 Nov 2004|06:09pm]
[ mood | rejuvenated ]
[ music | dex on the phone ]

for those of you who are friends with [info]stingysnoozer, check out this link for the super good news.

for the rest of you - DEX GOT A JOB!!!! !!!! !!!! and it's a good one, too. i am so, so, so excited and proud and happy and giddy.

WOO HOO!!!!!!

time to go home and celebrate.

(12 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

oooo, heaven is a place on earth. [30 Nov 2004|10:27am]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | neil talking on the phone ]

i have already been more productive in my first forty-five minutes at work today than I was all of last week. okay, maybe that's a stretch, but i have definitely been super productive. probably because several problems have already arisen, and i need to clean up the mess. woo hoo.

[info]stingysnoozer is currently in a second interview for a sweet position, so send some good wishes in the direction of DC (more specificially, dupont circle)!

unrelated - last night we watched one episode of law & order about dog fighting and a pit bull that mauled and killed a woman and her jack russell terrier (it was really upsetting, but i appreciated that they gave a shout-out to loving, wonderful pit bulls that are well-trained), and another episode with megan follows as a desperate mother of a severally disabled son. lots of excitement!

BONUS QUESTION: why did i use the canadian beaver cartoon guy for this entry? i'll give a prize to the first person who answers correctly...

(1 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

[29 Nov 2004|01:48pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | vh1 ]

what an extended weekend. and i don't even have the energy to write about it now.

i just broke a glass while washing dishes and cut my finger in the process. dex is out and the dog is asleep. i need a nap.

anyone else think last night's episode of desperate housewives was one of the best yet?! thanks, [info]geekgrrrl47, for calling within minutes of its finish :) that was great.

time to work on my workplan.

(1 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

hee hee [24 Nov 2004|03:06pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | sweet sounds of leaving the office, like, now ]

(thanks, [info]ninabeans)

[info]catnyp has had implants. Y'know. *Those* Implants.
[info]limenal keeps an Ab-Master 9000 under their bed. It's not for their abs.
[info]raybear has secret, sordid fantasies about [info]sarahpi and acts them out with [info]dommeyourass!
[info]raybear has been thinking of going on a machine-gun rampage for six months.
[info]felixtherobot has a secret fixation with butter!
[info]sharkboy saw something they shouldn't have in [info]gqalx86's parents' bedroom...

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

(7 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

dex just said the sweetest thing to me [17 Nov 2004|04:45pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | dex sweet-talking the dog ]

"you're david, and i'm darlene."


(if by "awwwww," i mean "that's disturbing, but oh so true")

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

a little problematic, but whatevs [17 Nov 2004|03:39pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | stupid conference call ]

i did dress as a pirate for halloween in 5th grade... and i was studly.

If you were a Pirate! by TheHalveric
Yer Pirate Name!
Name yer ship!
Why be ye a Pirate?
Yer First Mate!stingysnoozer
Yer Cabin-boy! (or girl)strauss
Ye're chief rival be the Dread Piratem_mercedeslr
Ye'll be pursued by Admiralfreakysparks
Cut to ribbon in a freak cannon accident...mr_feathers
Yer pirate captive to use fer yer wicked pleasuresyale_gala
Number o'ships ye'll sink and women ye'll plunder!715
Chance ye'll be hanged... or worse.: 81%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

mamaaaaaaaa, ooooooooooooo [17 Nov 2004|10:59am]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | "bohemian rhapsody" in my head ]

back at the office, missing ripley and dex, thinking about the thanksgiving meal (and preparation), and wishing my nose wasn't so stuffy and my hands weren't so itchy.

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

help! (dc docs?) [15 Nov 2004|09:50pm]
[ mood | itchy ]
[ music | law & order! ]

does anyone know of any trans-/queer-friendly general physicians and/or dermatologists in the DC area?

much thanks.

in other news, my hands are itchy, i gave the dog too much love/attention today so she barked at me a few times (when i *wasn't* paying attention), and i should have taken a nap this afternoon. instead, we played in the park and took a nice, long walk (thanks, [info]clockwatcher, for the water, biscuit, and hospitality!), and i did work. go figure. and now i want to stay up to see [info]stingysnoozer instead of going to sleep early...

(4 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

not louisiana, paris, france, new york, or rome [12 Nov 2004|09:30am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | gary, indiana, in my head ]

i am in st. louis for Creating Change. i had forgotten that i'm kind of over the gays. and last night i realized that almost everyone i was hanging out with was a tran-type person. funny. i have a sty growing on my right upper eyelid (not cute). i only got about 5 hours of sleep, but for some reason, i feel okay. i had trouble falling asleep last night because i was thinking about [info]stingysnoozer. i miss that one. caeden is asleep in the bed next to me, and i hope my typing doesn't wake him up. i fear that my eating habits this weekend will be abysmal - they've already gotten off to a rocky start. i hope i can actually get myself excited about workshops (and not just the ones my friends are facilitating). i kind of want to just watch musical movies all day (though i don't have that option, regardless). or at least start planning my thanksgiving dinner. maybe i'll go shower and then eat breakfast. the one thing i love about traveling for work is that i get to eat at restaurants the whole time and not really worry about money! not that i'm spending an arm and a leg, but i can treat myself to some decent grub.

(13 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

i am no tease! [10 Nov 2004|04:10pm]
[ mood | groggy ]
[ music | the words in my head ]

ok, at [info]clockwatcher's request, i am posting instead of complaining. taking matters into my own hands. taking the bull by its horns. taking...taking... well, the only other thing i can think of involves bodily functions, so i'll just stop.

so, the consultation: )

as for ripley and her crate... )

in other news, i have been SUPER sleepy at work this week, and tonight i'll get even less sleep because i have to wake up early for my flight to st. louis for creating change. i'm rooming with caeden, which will be fun. i'll just have to be an old fart and go to bed at a decent hour while there.

in terms of my allergies, they seem to go back and forth while at home, but what's most irritating is the skin irritation (ha!) that occurs when i've been cuddling with / petting ripley. i've been using a benadryl-type cream, which helps a little, but not a lot. also, i've been washing my hands and arms so incessantly that they're getting really dried out, which doesn't help the rash, either. gah. any advice, people-with-sensitive-skin-out-there?

perhaps it is time to get back to work. fun fun fun.

p.s. like my new userpic? i felt it was more applicable than the other highly-circulated pictures of scooter i found online :)

(8 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

all alone, in need of procrastinatory methods [10 Nov 2004|12:03pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | batman theme song in my head ]

why isnt anybody posting?? post, people, post! and make up one of those quizzes so i can procrastinate some more!


(6 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

i have issues [09 Nov 2004|02:26pm]
[ mood | guilty ]
[ music | neil on the phone ]

ripley has been home, alone in her crate since approximately 12:15pm, and she will not be let out until i get home at approximately 6:15 or 6:30pm. i am already panicking. i'm worried about her, and i feel guilty. i always feel guilty.

she actually really likes her crate, especially since we got her a nice soft crate pad, but i still feel awful putting a 55 lb., energetic being in a small enclosed space for 6 hours. even though i know she can handle it for even up to 8 or 9 hours, theoretically.

oh, if only she played nice with caeden's dogs... then she could stay with them during the day. though i don't think she's even ready to be left unattended, regardless of the company of other animals...

i think it's time to bust out caeden's foldable wire crate that was made to fit his huge-a$$ german shepherd. rips would have all sorts of space inside that thing.

someone, please just tell me she's fine, and she's not upset or claustrophobic, and she won't hate me when i get home...

(11 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

my turn!! [09 Nov 2004|01:42pm]
[ mood | need to pee ]
[ music | my hunger ]

thanks, [info]clockwatcher.

I made a Quiz! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard!

fun fun fun.

(8 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

diamonds *can* be a girl's best friend [09 Nov 2004|10:28am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | "my boooooooo" in my head ]

just FYI, if anyone is ever interested in purchasing diamonds or diamond rings, but doesn't want to participate in the awful blood diamond industry, check out this website - Canada Diamonds. they're pretty, they're set at wholesale prices, they're Canadian, and they're guaranteed "bloodshed free."

and now back to work.

(5 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

fascinating... [06 Nov 2004|12:20am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | dex mocking me ]

scoot jpeg
You are Scooter.
You are a loyal, hardworking person, better known
as a doormat.

Going for stuff.
"Go For Broke!"

"15 seconds to showtime."

"300 New Ways to Get Your Uncle to Get You a
Better Job "

Coffee, clipboard, and Very Special Guest Stars.

What Muppet are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

(2 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

another new userpic [04 Nov 2004|04:17pm]
[ mood | grumpy ]
[ music | some beck song in my head ]

don't worry -- i fully recognize that Canada is not "The Answer." i just like the whole "beaver as national symbol" thing, and this one is particularly cute.

plus, let's be real - way before election day, i was lovin' up on a Canadian, and hence, Canada ;)

(4 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

question about ohio [03 Nov 2004|01:07pm]
[ mood | numb ]
[ music | my sadness and frustration, ringing in my ears ]

okay, so, i know kerry officially conceded, but i'm confused about something, and the multiple online news sources i've visited haven't helped in the least. are the ohio provisional ballots still being counted? if they are, does it even matter? let's say some miracle occurs, and kerry actually wins the vote in ohio -- is that even relevant, now that he's conceded???

i'm in need of food.

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

well then [02 Nov 2004|05:23pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | "everlasting love" STILL in my head. constantly in my head. ]

my boss said i could leave early today and come in late tomorrow, especially if kerry wins. i guess that means i should go home now. this day feels very surreal...

(2 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

again, the sucker [01 Nov 2004|03:05pm]
[ mood | fidgety (sp?) ]
[ music | back to life, back to reality ]

i can't concentrate for sh!t at work today, so i created a dogster account for my family's dog, Prinz.

check it out here.

in other news, i have yet to eat lunch. what's wrong with me?? i am just so distracted today, i keep doing a hundred and one things on the computer instead of taking care of myself. go figure.

i can't believe tomorrow's election day. [info]stingysnoozer, i think some collective praying will need to be in effect tonight...

bathroom, then food. i swear.

(6 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

*doh* [31 Oct 2004|10:24am]
[ mood | silly ]
[ music | halloween 1 ]

um, hi? how did i not know this morning was the end of daylight saving time?? [info]stingysnoozer and i got all confused this morning when my phone clock said it was only 8:30, but the alarm clock said it was 9:30. well, it's not like we could have slept later anyway, now that we have a doggie to take care of... :P

(11 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

oh so cute! [28 Oct 2004|12:40pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | "more than words" in my head ]

new userpic!!! though i feel like i ought to start a livejournal for her, now, and just give her the userpic...

such a sucker, per usual.

(17 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

right back atcha, big J [28 Oct 2004|10:30am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | everlasting love in my head ]

Top Commenters on [info]johnny_savage's LiveJournal
(Self comments excluded from rankings)
1[info]clockwatcher184 184
2Anonymous156 156
3[info]stingysnoozer140 140
4[info]raybear91 91
5[info]mr_feathers79 79
6[info]miniapt74 74
7[info]violinvixen269 69
8[info]cixous56 56
9[info]surblimity48 48
10[info]pancakery45 45
11-100 )
Total Commenters: 121 (21 not shown)
Total Comments: 2903

Report generated 10/28/2004 10:29:32 AM by [info]scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.3

(13 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

finally, folks -- the new doggie! (now with bigger pictures) [26 Oct 2004|04:00pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | my headache ]

hey folks. i have all sorts of stuff to post about, but after having the longest, most stressful, tiring, and overwhelming week i've had in a long time, i am now coming down with some sort of illness (to add to my allergies...), and i'm really not up for doing much of anything (including work, which is unfortunate, seeing as how i'm *at* work).

however, [info]stingysnoozer and i are now the proud parents of the adorable, sweet, and surprisingly decently-behaved Ripley, and so i just had to post some photos of her. check 'em out:

the cutest photos you ever did see! )

more to come soon enough about the drama and adventures of our life-with-doggie...

(23 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

the dog! [22 Oct 2004|12:59pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | people in the office. what a weird concept. ]

it's almost official. assuming all goes well with the home visit tomorrow, we are going to be bringing home this adorable and delightfully affectionate doggie on Sunday:

so cute!

so cute, again!

we don't really like her current name, Bonnie, so after throwing hundreds of ideas for names out there, we seem to be deciding between Percy (who would also be called Minister of Magic/Doom) and Ripley (you know, like Sigourney in the Alien movies). any thoughts?

the downside is she's extremely "exuberant," i.e. rambunctious, so it's going to take a lot of work to train her and everything, but she is just the sweetest most cutest dog, so friendly and loving, and [info]stingysnoozer and i are obsessed. wish us luck!!

and i have to go to ny for a work retreat/summit this weekend, so i wont even be around for the home visit, or get to pick her up... but THANK YOU [info]clockwatcher for agreeing to drive dex to get her!! you're the best friend EVER.

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

thanks, big j -- [15 Oct 2004|01:09pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | i want money, lots and lots of money ]

fyi, some of this is total BS, like the bit about me being a middle-of-the-roader politically, but it is right-on in some ways, as well.... oh, and also, my great aunt hilda on my mother's side (because i also have a great aunt hilda on my father's side!!) used to analyze handwriting for a living, and did it for some local newspaper back in the day. funny.

analysis of my handwriting... )

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

i just realized i never wrote this post... [15 Oct 2004|09:01am]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | dex rolling over in bed and grumbling at me ]

friends in new york, i'm sorry dex and i didn't come last weekend. we just weren't in the right place for a trip (plus we were low on funds), but of course didn't think about that until the night before. but yeah, i'm sorry we left some of you hanging, and i hope you can forgive us. we're definitely going to come up sometime soon, and we'll do a better job of planning and contacting.

off to work i go.

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

ace of base!!! evander holyfield!! [13 Oct 2004|05:14pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | silence. BO-RING ]

so now [info]stingysnoozer is obsessed with this adorable doggie - miso! dex wrote an extremely lengthy, extremely fuf application for him, so here's hopin'...

in other news, i bought 90s trivial pursuit last night, and we played it with a bunch of people, including livejournalers [info]limenal and [info]geekgrrrl47 (and several non-lj-ed folk). [info]clockwatcher was supposed to get in on some game-playing action, but per usual, he backed out. (jessie, i'm going to keep giving you sh!t until you actual play some board games with us, m'kay?!?).

i was alone in the office again today, and totally stir-crazy. i wish i had a pet to keep me company (and entertained)!

blah blah blah. back to work.

(2 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

the taste of your lips [12 Oct 2004|11:43am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | toxic in my head ]

ugh. stupid lj just deleted my post.

anyway, i just said that i forgot to mention last week that i finally went to the social security office and got my name changed in their files, so i should have a new card within two weeks. next stop, the DMV. woo hoo.

also, i'm alone in the office and wishing i had CDs. Launch makes my internet browser crash. gah.

(Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

blabberings [07 Oct 2004|11:15am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | the AC, which i can't turn off ]

i'm alone in the office. [info]stingysnoozer is currently being interviewed several miles away. it's only 11am, but i feel like i've been here forever. ok, maybe not forever, but definitely at least three hours. i've been procrastinating on friendster, and started several work emails but haven't finished any. i'm starting to freak out about money again, since it looks like i have about $70 to last both dex and me until next friday. that's not going to work so well. credit cards, here i come (to use you).

i like the fall weather in dc. i just wish my allergies weren't responding so vehemently. i think it's a combo of pollen/grass/outdoorsy-seasonal-change-y-stuff, remnants of caeden and gi's animals' dander on my clothing and furniture, and the fact that i was missing some of my meds for about a day and a half. how/why the heck am i getting a dog? oh, right, because they're cute, and i'm masochistic.

but regardless of anything else going on right now, i am continually realizing how actively in love i am with dex. it's been over a year and a half, we are certainly not in any sort of honeymoon or honeymoon-revisited period, and yet i am so, so happy to be in a relationship and living with that one. i feel so comfortable, stable, secure, loved, etc etc etc ad nauseam.

ok, i'll stop now. back to work.

(9 drove up | Just get a coke, if you're thirsty)

"what laws for the rich?" [05 Oct 2004|01:20pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | cheesy attempt at classic R&B; at starbucks ]

after spending the morning in the office, with a half-working phone system and sans internet, i have been let loose into The District for the remainder of the day. and probably tomorrow, as well. i am currently accessing the web via starbuck's t-mobile hot spot wi-fi network WHICH IS COSTING ME $6.00/HR!! what a frickin' rip-off. i'm charging it to my work credit card, though, of course. so much for my idea of working simultaneously out-of-office *and* out-of-home. home, here i come!

anyway, life is okay, dc is gorgeous right now (though on the chilly side... but it's fall! i love fall! and i love fall colours! on me!), dex has some job prospects about which i am thoroughly psyched, we're being more social (which is good), and i want to paint the walls. and get a dog. on the flip side, my main concerns are money, health, and the fact that i am addicted to tv (specifically, law & order... i think i've watched at least 15 episodes in the past week). i think 'working' from home for over a week has not only been bad for business (ha ha), but it's been bad for my ability to process anything. i haven't been separating work from relationship from house-stuff from play and so on and so forth. i need to work on that.

things i'm looking forward to:

*game night tonight
*going to nyc this weekend (which reminds me - does anyone want to house dex and me on saturday night?)
*attempting to observe shabbat (at least on friday nights) in collab. with abby
*finishing the organization of my household
*having painted walls
*having a doggie
*visits from friends (MCE and DC!)

in need of lunch. ta ta.

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