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Saturday, March 16th, 2002
8:45 pm - a bunch of bull-hockey it's saturday night and i might go to the movies with jason. we went for walking earlier...we saw mike and gabe drive by...and then later i saw them again when i was with my mom. but oh gonna go...jason is on the phone, with his friend on 3-way. he just sold a crappy car to some mexicans. bye then now oi.

current mood: aggravated
current music: flashdance soundtrack...what a feeling

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
12:10 am - so little time...yet so much time
yea i haven't written anything in a while. it's probably because i'm very busy these days, which is strange, because i used to have nothing BUT time, all day, every day of the things have changed since then. my 2 favorite things about my time at home were sleeping late, and having my own schedule for homeschool stuffs. but it was also very boring...and i was very lazy, and i ate too much, and there were just so many disadvantages to go along with the advantages. but now it's all different, and actually i like it a lot better. but i still REALLY miss all the extra sleep i got. i seriously think they should give us a sleeping period in school. it would be so helpful...and nice...mmm...sleeeep. but other than that i won't complain too much. i mean, sometimes it smells bad, and the people kinda suck, but other than that it's good to be back in real school. and when im not doing school, im with jason usually. that is a very nice change from what i was doing before(nothing). it's sad though, how i can be so mean sometimes. if you don't know me very well you usually wouldn't see my mean side, but the closer you get to me the meaner i can be. and right now the two people i am closest to are my mom and jason. with my mom it is different, because she is like me. meaning, we are both very mean sometimes without even noticing. we are used to each other though, and we know not to take it personally because it doesn't really mean anything. but it is different with jason. he doesn't know that i am NOT being mean on purpose. and im afraid that one day i will go too far and i will ruin it for us.

current mood: sleepy
current music: i don't understand what it is..some strange sort of chant...

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Tuesday, February 12th, 2002
9:43 am - heh...hehe
look, i'm pulling a katie! haha im in the computer lab at school...anyhoo, im just trying to waste some time thats all. bye now.
ps ashley says "supa dupa fly"
yea ok bye fereal now

current mood: artistic
current music: na na bla bla lalalalala

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Monday, January 21st, 2002
12:15 am - na na na, blah blah blah
i should be very happy right now. today was good cuz i got to spend most of it with my wonderful jason. we went to a flea market. it was pretty cool. my favorite part was that there was this little teeny puppy, i think it was a shih-tzu. it looked like a little guinea pig it was so tiny. i fell in love with it because thats one of my dream animals. i want one of those, or a pomeranian, or some other little dog that i can't remember the name of right now. i want one sooo bad, but i can't because my mom said so. we already have to cats and that is one animal too many apparently. so that is one reason that i am sad rather than happy...another is that i was just reading over my old journal entries (not here, a REAL journal, with paper and pen and all) and i was talking about sad things, like my dad, and old "crushes", and incidents from the past. it just made me a little depressed. and also that i don't get the good ppv channel anymore, since at&t; took over. it so pisses me off, because jason was at the royal rumble and i really would have liked to watch it. and i want that damn little dog. grrr its not fair. but i guess im just greedy? i have stuff but its just never enough. nothing is ever good enough for me, is it? god what a loser...

current mood: depressed
current music: billy idol - white wedding

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Sunday, January 6th, 2002
9:40 pm - things is good
yep i think things are going very well these days. i finally will start school on tuesday! i dont know if i should be nervous or happy or both...but whatever! no more stupid homeschool....thank bob! and another VERY good thing is that i have a wonderful guy and he's mine! finally, i get something good. oh and we might be getting and new used couch, it's really pretty...want...but even if it sucks, ANYTHING is better than what we have now. ok i will leave now...but first i have to say ~ I love Jason!! yokay buh-bye

current mood: ecstatic
current music: love spit love - how soon is now

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9:39 pm

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Friday, January 4th, 2002
11:37 pm - title here
haven't updated in a while so i will now. cool new things have happened. i have a wonderful new boyfriend. he is the sweetest and most wonderful guy i have ever dated. he actually cares about me! isn't that nice and new? i've never had that before. ok well im going to go now. will update more later.

current mood: loved
current music: don't fear the reaper

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Tuesday, December 25th, 2001
12:43 am - merry ho ho
yea i've been online forever trying to find this one song on the soundtrack to 'the professional' and i finally find some audio clips and guess what? they aren't there. yep. it sucks...but hey maybe i should just go buy the movie. i realized that i really love that movie, it's very good. it actually made me cry! movies don't really do that to me, but this one did. ok well im going to continue to search. yokay bye bye. and happy holidays n such.

current mood: impressed
current music: joan jett - i hate myself for loving you

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Wednesday, December 19th, 2001
2:20 pm - yo ho ho
yea i figured i haven't updated in a while so i'll just drop in and write something real quick. um...spoof! done with homeschool. there's some news. because i was really starting to hate it, and now its over so im very much happy about that. yea, so i'm going to be going back to real school in january. go me. but anyways can't really think of anything else to write...but like it one even reads this. i could write my most personal secrets here, and i bet they would stay secrets. but i still won't so ha. ok anyways...

current mood: artistic
current music: elastica

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Monday, November 19th, 2001
1:00 am - yo yo yo
to start off i have a funny little story. i was in my room hanging up some clothes, and there has been a clear bag of clothes by my closet door for a while, because i dont feel like doing anything with it. well anyways, out of the corner of my eye, i notice a bit of orangey brownish in the bag and i thought "hey, i don't have any clothes that color" and then i look closer and its my cat. she likes to crawl under the covers on my bed and sleep, but i never thought she would actually get in a bag. it was very funny to me, because i knelt down and she just lifted her head and stared at me through the bag with this cute innocent little face and i just cracked up. i love my cat. she is wonderful. right now she is in my lap kneading on my leg, which hurts cuz im not wearing pants, and she's drooling on my hand even while i type. she is just so crazy. but anyways, miranda had a party this weekend for her 16th b-day. i took fushi with me and it was fun. we stayed up late(twas sleep-over) and watched an old badly made horror movie. evil dead i think it was called. it was actually kinda creepy though, if your like me and hate movies where there are possessed people, or people talking in voices which obviously aren't their own. *ah kitty, thou art most definately retarded* i made miranda an arm band with 2 rows of pyramid studs and purple stitching. i think i should start selling those or something. people love (well my friends do at least) it when i make them things like that by hand. and i do mean by hand, each little single stud i put in one at a time. sounds annoying i suppose, but i like doing it. its fun for me. oh well im tired of trying to type with this cats face all over my hand, so tah tah.

current mood: giggly
current music: *all that the phantom asked of you*

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Thursday, November 1st, 2001
10:40 pm - happy happy joy joy happy happy joy
man...i remember that and stimpy...they were cute, in a gross sort of way. tonight was pretty coool. i finished my *project* for my art class. it is really cool. its a silver cuff bracelet. it has 3 ankhs and 2 eye's of horus in this order: little ankh, eye, big ankh, eye, little ankh. its so pretty! im proud of it. and my mom let me drive almost all the way home. we went to the new kroger that opened up near us yesterday, and i had a stop sign and i stopped but when i start to go this guy come speeding up the street, not even looking, and he didn't evenslow down, so i had to slam on the breaks. grrr! jerk face...i hate ppl like that, they don't even care. but im being happy right now...yes yes i am. i dressed up as the phantom of the opera for halloween. there's a nice little picture there for ya. yep. look at it, but try not to fall in love.

current mood: excited
current music: happy happy joy joy happy happy joy.....and so on

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
10:12 am - hoo...hum...
i just woked up a while ago. still sleeeeepy. i hit the snooze button like a whole bunch of times. oh well. im hoping this guy will call today so i can get his number. then i'll see if he wants to go to the movies with me and miranda. i want to see shallow hal, but i don't think it's out yet...we will probably see from hell instead. johnny depp is hott. i found i little mask at michaels that would work pretty good as a phantom of the opera mask. i will probably just wear that with some black clothes and poof, instant costume. besides, i would just wear black clothes anyways, even if i didn't have a mask, because it's like a universal costume substitute...not to mention thats what i wear anyways. oh and i saw fushi at michaels, but we had to go because my mom doesn't like those kind of stores. oh i need to go to her house. haven't been there in a while. ok then i will go have brownies for breakfast now.

current mood: groggy
current music: past the point of no return

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Saturday, October 27th, 2001
1:55 am - "i gave you my music..."
i have been listening to phantom music all week. i've hardly been getting anything done! i feel so bad. oh, i got a call from todd, which makes me very happy, because i thought he just didn't want to talk to me or sumthing. it turns out he moved, and while going through his stuff he found my number and called me. he wants to get together sometime, at a movie or something. i know my mother would never approve...but if i made it a group thing i bet it would be ok...not that it will happen...but still. oh and as my mom and i were talking, she had a very good idea. we have a 2000 honda civic and she wants to use our savings to pay it off, and then sell it and with that buy 2 used cars, and put the rest in saving. that would mean that i could have my own car! of course, i coudln't drive it till next year, but still. oh and if anyone even reads this(which i don't suppose they do...) who knows what year Lestat was made a vampire??? i know sort of, but i don't know the exact date. it was late 1700's, more around 1780, but other than that i can't remember the exact date, if i ever knew in the first place. wah! ok done typing now...i gotta go in like an hour! going to my cousin's house.

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Monday, October 15th, 2001
12:05 am - 'in the midnight hour, i can feel your power'
alright i finished pandora. starting on merrick now. yay for me. i CANNOT wait until blood and gold gets to the library. yay! oh sweet marius... but yea, merrick sounds pretty cool so far. merrick is a descendant of the mayfairs, but she's like mixed or sumthing, so she's very exotic looking. david loves her. im probably going to read that some tonight, after i "go to bed". the best time for reading i my opinion, at least. if i don't read then i'm going to start on a little sewing project. i was going to do it a while ago but i forgot. my cousin reminded me. we went to the mall and she spent like 40-sumthing dollars on this poet shirt. i like it and all, but i think the price is a bit extreme for something so easy to make. i already have a shirt similar, so im going to go from there. should be cool. we were going to go to six flags with this guy named mike, but he canceled at the last minute, so we went to her house instead, and we found out that mike's parents said he couldn't go. so me and him picked on my cousin, then freaked her out, then i went home. oh and she tells me that he gave her a bracelet to give to me, but she lost it, so i'm sure i'll never see it. and i left highlander endgame over there! grr...want. oh well, ill see her sorta soon.

current mood: creative
current music: madonna - like a prayer

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Friday, October 5th, 2001
10:09 am - quickie:
ok i have heard placebo without knowing it. that song pure morning'. very cool. my legs hurt.....*¿*

current mood: uncomfortable
current music: cruel to be kind ~ letters to cleo

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Thursday, October 4th, 2001
11:31 am - what does placebo do?

ok i've never really (to my knowledge) heard anything by placebo...but i dont know, this brian guy looks pretty hot to me...maybe i'll just have to look into them... that i really look at him, brian molko kind of looks like this guy i know, when he was into his whole gothic thing...weird...

current mood: pleased
current music: no doubt - come on eileen

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Wednesday, October 3rd, 2001
8:28 pm - so go ahead and hate your neighbor
i haven't heard from andra in a while...and she IMed me out of the blue with a new screen name. that was cool. maybe i can go somewhere with her sometime. i doubt it though. and sasha got back from NY like a day ago or sumthing...she got a new old dog. his name is sparky, and he is a blind beagle "with an ear fetish" so says sasha. thats cute...i will hopefully meet sparky on friday. maybe he will chew my ears off so i don't have to listen to people anymore...oh well.. oh yes and i've discovered that there are other teenagers in my cousin's neighborhood. yay. thats good, because maybe now when i go there there will be more things to do... im reading pandora. yay for me! im trying to locate my father...whom i haven't seen or heard from in like 4 years. i found a phone number, but it's very unlikely that it's him. oh well....

current mood: flirty
current music: me first and the gimme gimmes - one tin soldier

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Thursday, September 20th, 2001
10:14 am - oh horror
but why. i suppose everyone is loosing interest in livejournal. it starts out as days, then weeks, then months, and eventually you havent updated in a year. i am sick. the first signs of autumn show, and something decides that i should get sick for it. how...ironic, i guess you could say. i finished reading the vampire armand...good read, strange turn of events in the i move on, pandora next, followed by....taltos? or possibly the witching hour... whichever the case i'm sure both will be very interesting. anyone heard of punk covers? well im getting all kinds of punk covers. i will most likely burn them onto cd. should be very fun. yay. i started my metalsmithing class last thursday. we learned all the things we needed to know, and we even started on our first project. its a very small class, only 6 people, but the teacher says a have a talent for it. no i'm not trying to brag, but that happens a lot. maybe i really am just talented at these things. oh well...tonight is class #2, and i will finish last weeks project, and start on the next project.

current mood: calm
current music: me first and the gimme gimmes- one tin soldier

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Monday, September 10th, 2001
10:43 am - 'beneath the opera house, i know he's there'
isaw the phantom of the opera! yay! it was very good. well...except for one would think that since we bought the tickets at least 3 months in advance, that we would get reasonably good seats, right? wrong! we were about 5 rows down from the nosebleed section...what the hell is that all about man?! it really pissed us off, and then we got fat-heads in front of us, so we had to sit weird to see and that hurt our backs. but there are two reasons why it was all worth it. #1 it was a damn good show, i mean, it was wonderful and #2 we found out that CATS is coming back to atlanta after all. they were supposed to be closing and not coming back but they are and i am so incredibly happy! i made my mom go out with me and buy tickets the very next day. and we made sure they were nowhere near the nosebleed section.

current mood: ecstatic
current music: the music of the night is the music in my head

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Wednesday, September 5th, 2001
10:37 pm - 'it is not the stars to hold our destiny but ourselves'
im excited. next week im going to start taking a jewelry metalsmithing class. i think it will be kool. oh and this saturday im going to go see the phantom of the opera at the fox. that is also very cool. and i feel like a nice person, cuz im giving sharon my old computer. i mean, its a plus for me, cuz i won't have to type their reports and stuff for them any more, but its also a plus for them because you can get internet on it. well, hopefully...i need to either re-attach a wire to the hard-drive or just put a whole different hard-drive in there. should be easy enough. oh and fushi's b-day is this month. must get her(or make her) something interesting and cool. ;^)

current mood: excited
current music: hungry like the wolf

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