LiveJournal for SexyMF.

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2003

Subject:My new girl - Arabella
Time:2:20 pm.
Mood: amused.
Music:Connor's latest creation.
My new girl is adorable. She is a tiny little thing, full of energy. About eight weeks old and did I say - full of energy? She is grey but looks like someone had black paint on their fingertips and they ran them down her body. She chases her tale, follows me around, gets beat up by Angel, jumps in Chris's full plate of pasta (wish I was here for that) and climbs all over me at night.

What was I thinking? And to think I am getting a two-year-old black male soon from someone in my office.
8 bites so far - bite me here.

Friday, November 7th, 2003

Subject:Thank you
Time:4:08 am.
Crawled under the house - got Angel.

She had wandered, but not far.

Off to bed I go.
3 bites so far - bite me here.

Subject:The bite marks are gone but the memories remain
Time:3:57 am.
That was to be my subject line after NY - but things have happened.

Tonight I planned to update my LJ - I was looking forward to it. But it seems my third cat is now missing - AT THIS POINT SHE WAS AN INDOOR CAT - WHAT THE FUCK?

I can't cope and I have to get on a plane in 5 or 6 hours.

I don't understand and Churchy isn't here. Where the fuck did she go?
bite me here.

Wednesday, November 5th, 2003

Time:9:40 am.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:QAF - Season 1 (looking for song for Jen).
I need a full body rub, or at least a back rub - any takers?

Side note - I really love that my friends all love my friends!

And I had a good night last night - seeing Penguin's film and others while hanging out at 735.
4 bites so far - bite me here.

Tuesday, November 4th, 2003

Time:6:37 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Music:Trainspotting SDTK.
I have so many things to post about I don't even know where to begin and I don't have time to write anything worthy of reading.

The past ten days have been full of mayhem - almost all great. Which countered the sadness in my life from two cats passing. How unreal to lose two pets in such a short period of time. My third cat is wandering around the house almost as if she is looking for the others. I plan to get two more but haven't had a chance.

As for the fun updates - I will try to post later tonight, most will be friends only - some even ultra private - so if you are on my lists but don't log in (and you know who you are)- you better or you will miss out on the fun.
3 bites so far - bite me here.

Thursday, October 30th, 2003

Subject:Damn it
Time:1:49 am.
I have a great update about New York but it seems that another of my cats is missing.

I don't know what I will do.
2 bites so far - bite me here.

Wednesday, October 29th, 2003

Subject:Tee Hee
Time:12:12 pm.
Mood: giddy.
Music:QAF Season 1 SDTK.
I'm a red head again.
bite me here.

Sunday, October 19th, 2003

Subject:R.I.P. Athena 1990 - 2003
Time:11:33 am.
Chris found her and brought her hom yesterday while I was in Nashville. Unfortunately, he wanted to tell me in person and was asleep when I found her in my shed (where he had put her). Thank you Chris for taking care of her.

I can't get the smell out of my nose.
10 bites so far - bite me here.

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003

Subject:Tough Week
Time:8:45 pm.
This has been one of my tougher weeks. There are just too many things that have gone wrong to even list.

Tonight I posted another 100 flyers around uptown - looking for Athena. I had pretty much processed that she was gone and then people gave me hope today so all of these emotions are rushing around me. I keep hearing her cry - but it is in my head.

Anyway, I leave town again tomorrow and so I am writing this to ask for help from my NOLA friends who know of Athena. If I get a call about Athena possibly being seen I may call you to ask if you can check it out. I am back on Sunday, but that is a long time for a kitty :)

Enough of that. Thanks.

Can't wait to be in the same city as Jen.
4 bites so far - bite me here.

Monday, October 13th, 2003

Subject:Bad day
Time:10:59 am.
Mood: distressed.
I don't have Internet access at home right now so I have been offline since Thursday. I will be reading e-mail all day at this rate. UGH

Saturday I returned home from Florida to find that my oldest cat - Athena - has decided to leave home. I have had her for 13 years and I am starting to freak out a bit.

I also stepped barefoot in a pile of fire ants.
4 bites so far - bite me here.

Tuesday, October 7th, 2003

Subject:Help me
Time:7:10 pm.
I need Halloween ideas. As Jen knows, I ALWAYS suck at this. I put it off and out it off or else I am someone really obscure, which doesn't bother me too much. Except the year Jen and I were Tank Girl and Jet and everyone got her and no one got me, that was just sad. haha.

And this year, with being in NY right before I know I am going to flake on a costume and this HAS to be a good year - lots of friends in town, finally something to do here!

Looking for sexy, trashy, etc.
16 bites so far - bite me here.

Subject:Her state of mind...
Time:6:57 pm.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:Sleater Kinney.
Was somewhere between a 6-year-old and a plant.

No, that wasn't describing me.

I haven't had much time to update and my computer at home is on the outs with me. I am alive I think. Traveling too much and I recently realized I have no crushes right now - quite boring, need to fix that quickly.

I am in Florida later this week, then Nashville next week and then NEW YORK baby with Jen - oh yeah, that is what is getting me through the days. Really, I need a vacation on a beach with a margarita and a great book but NY will suffice. And Seattle is just around the corner - will I be able to handle the cold though???
2 bites so far - bite me here.

Monday, September 29th, 2003

Subject:this made me laugh
Time:6:02 pm.
Mood: exhausted.
Quiz Me
sexymf spins tunes as
DJ Snappy Bum

Get your dj name @ Quiz Me

2 bites so far - bite me here.

Time:9:12 am.
I really did not need that last drink.
3 bites so far - bite me here.

Wednesday, September 24th, 2003

Time:4:40 pm.
I need a vacation.
3 bites so far - bite me here.

Friday, September 19th, 2003

Subject:Where my travels take me
Time:11:40 am.
Mood: accomplished.
Music:silence - need to put something on.
I was asked by someone where all I am traveling, and I find this to be humorous so I figured I would post for all:

Ohio - Dayton, Cleveland, Toledo and Cincinnati
Arkansas - Little Rock
Florida - Pensacola, Tallahassee and Gainesville (so far)
Tennessee - Nashville
New York - NYC (possibly twice)
California - San Jose/San Francisco
Georgia - Atlanta
Washington - Seattle (twice)
Nevada - Las Vegas
Washington DC

And a few more places that are tentative.
1 bite so far - bite me here.

Thursday, September 18th, 2003

Subject:For those concerned
Time:8:52 pm.
Mood: happy.
Music:Will and Grace.
I will have some time for ME this weekend. Thanks to all my friends who are worried about me. I realized earlier today that I potentially have at least one trip planned every week between now and the end of the year - a little overwhelming to say the least.

But then I learned that I don't need to go to Memphis tomorrow as Lorri isn't going. There were other reasons for me to make the trip but I am blowing them off.

Plans? none, thanks for asking.

And I KNOW I can't REALLY bitch - I am very lucky to have a job (as realized recently with Paul's layoff), have a job I care about and one that takes me all over the country and next year to Europe. I am very lucky. Just tired with no life - but hey, no drama. That's another reason to be happy.
12 bites so far - bite me here.

Saturday, September 13th, 2003

Subject:Bring it on - I'm a great swallower
Time:10:39 pm.
You know you love me and you want to buy me these.

7 bites so far - bite me here.

Thursday, September 11th, 2003

Subject:Book recommendation
Time:10:25 pm.
Mood: moody.
Music:Placebo - Sleeping with Ghosts.
If anyone is looking for a good book I highly recommend Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs

From Publishers Weekly
"Bookman gave me attention. We would go for long walks and talk about all sorts of things. Like how awful the nuns were in his Catholic school when he was a kid and how you have to roll your lips over your teeth when you give a blowjob," writes Burroughs (Sellevision) about his affair, at age 13, with the 33-year-old son of his mother's psychiatrist. That his mother sent him to live with her shrink (who felt that the affair was good therapy for Burroughs) shows that this is not just another 1980s coming-of-age story. The son of a poet with a "wild mental imbalance" and a professor with a "pitch-black dark side," Burroughs is sent to live with Dr. Finch when his parents separate and his mother comes out as a lesbian. While life in the Finch household is often overwhelming (the doctor talks about masturbating to photos of Golda Meir while his wife rages about his adulterous behavior), Burroughs learns "your life [is] your own and no adult should be allowed to shape it for you." There are wonderful moments of paradoxical humor Burroughs, who accepts his homosexuality as a teen, rejects the squeaky-clean pop icon Anita Bryant because she was "tacky and classless" as well as some horrifying moments, as when one of Finch's daughters has a semi-breakdown and thinks that her cat has come back from the dead. Beautifully written with a finely tuned sense of style and wit the occasional clich‚ ("Life would be fabric-softener, tuna-salad-on-white, PTA-meeting normal") stands out anomalously this memoir of a nightmarish youth is both compulsively entertaining and tremendously provocative.

By far the best, most fucked-up book I have read in a long time. I liked it so much I read it in a day.
3 bites so far - bite me here.

Wednesday, September 10th, 2003

Subject:good and bad
Time:10:25 pm.
I hate the new livejournal layout

but I was told I'm good kisser. :)
3 bites so far - bite me here.

LiveJournal for SexyMF.

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