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weak at the knees

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guys suck... [03 Mar 2002|11:41pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Nitin Sawhney - Homelands ]

Hmmm... so I took a look at planet out/gay.com personals, cuz Tony has been bugging me about it. And what do you know, the only guy I like is the guy who looks gorgeous in 2 pics, and then in one pic... looks like Matt... like a LOT like Matt... it's bad. I could never do that to myself. Finding guys is a crackwhore. I wish I had done that about face youth program... but it kind of requires your parents knowing and well... yeah... there are disadvantages to not being out to your parents.

*wishes he wasn't such a god damn pussy about these things*

Good night mittens.
Good night cat.

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[03 Mar 2002|04:48pm]
[ music | Monica - First Night ]

I Will Die in an Auto Accident.
The last thing you remember is being thrown through you're windshield and face first into the hitch of the truck in front of you. Doing 80 in a 25 zone might have seemed impressive to the girl in the passengers seat.. to bad she died as well
Find out how you will die, Take the Death Quiz now!

It's scary because its true... I drive like a fucking maniac...

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[03 Mar 2002|08:44am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Nitin Sawhney - Letting Go ]

So last night, I couldn't sleep so I decided to go through my art 1 portfolio, and I found my reorch:

It was such a great assignment; take a painting and recreate it using peices of paper that were one color. We had 3 weeks, and it was a bitch but still a really good assignemnt...

Since there's like a gazillion inches of snow out, I wonder if Nickey's music thingie is still gonna happen... I should call her...

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[02 Mar 2002|08:05pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Nitin Sawhney - Homelands ]

I now like Indian pop music.

Everyone download these songs by Nitin Sawhney:

Letting Go (it's in Enlish)
Cold & Intimate (not as good)

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[01 Mar 2002|11:12pm]
[ music | Fantasia - Ave Maria ]

I started eating girlscout cookies.

And now I cannot stop. I need help.

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[28 Feb 2002|10:07pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Jewel - Angel Standing By ]

This song is so gorgeous. Tis my new favorite song.

So um... yeah we're gonna start making our own glazes tomorrow, which I'm pretty stoked for. I made my own version of the venus de milo (without legs or a head, so really its just a sculpture) and I reaaally like it. Her boobs are kinda big, but thats ok. I can't wait to see how the glazes turn out.

Just 3 weeks till 2 weeks of spring break. I'm wicked stoked for that. *sigh*

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[24 Feb 2002|07:38pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Portishead - Sour Times ]

Whatever. Fuck him.

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[23 Feb 2002|06:04pm]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | Hooverphonic - 2 Wicky ]

I went to Lill Sreet, and did a shitload of work (good work too). And I just got home. And apparently my dad called and asked something like "Am I alright?" or "How am I doing?" I'm not sure. And I'm afraid that he might want to "talk." And I'm scared cuz the last time we had a "talk" I ended up crying and was pretty much traumatized.

Scary shit, huh?

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[23 Feb 2002|11:50am]
[ mood | eh ]
[ music | Portishead - Sour Times ]

bee hive
honey comb
honey dripping
slow me down
so sweetly

sugar high
happy high
finally happy
finally high

the bee stings
and i cry

stinger falls
the bee will die
yet only in my mind

death in honey
sweet death
died so sweetly
fell so neatly

giving me
a sugar high
so sweet

so subdued
so sub
i still see the bee

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[20 Feb 2002|08:02pm]
20:02 2-02-2002

Time is symmetrical. But it never will be again. How strange.
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[19 Feb 2002|07:19pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody ]

Pretty average day at school today... wait, no it wasn't. I had my French presentation, and I kicked ass. So that was good. Then I had a small precal quiz which I think everyone aced.... then an English in-class essay, which I bombed. But that's ok.

I still don't know how Andre feels about me... I haven't talked to him online, and I'm too scared to ask Dan if he talked to Andre at all... I dunno, I don't wanna feel desperate or anything. And I dunno... I just really like him. And I wanna know if the feeling is mutual, you know? *sigh*

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My Weekend [18 Feb 2002|06:07pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Ani DiFranco - One Times One Times One ]

Ok. So I'm finally getting off my ass and writing about my weekend. At school we had mid-winter break, so I had friday off.

Friday: I went to Lill Street in the morning, then I kinda just sat on my ass all day. Then that night, Dan wanted me to meet his friend Andre (who's gay), but I was kinda scared to, and I had already made plans with Hannah. So me and Hannah rented The Queens of Comedy and it was fucking hilarious. I realized why I'm gay... it's cuz I hoola hooped as a child. There's NO other logical explanation. So that was fun.

Saturday: Saturday.... Saturday... ok well Saturday I kinda just sat on my ass again, till 3 when my mom got home from work. I promised Dan I'd go out with him and Andre before Elyse's surprise dinner, so I did. At first I was scared, but I got used to it. And he was sooo different than I thought he would be, in a good way. However, I didn't really get that much of a chance to talk to him really... we just kinda went shopping, and I talked to Dan the whole time as a sorta crutch. Then I had to haul ass to Elyse's dinner. It was really fun, we went to Buca Di Beppo's, and hehe when Elyse got there she wasn't surprised at all. But it was still awesome; the presents me and Gaby got her were like her favorites (you could tell). And it was cool, cuz me and Elyse were talking about what we've done and we're gonna have sooo much fun over spring break, tehehe.

But then the night got crazy... so me, Gaby, and Elyse were in Elyse's car going to get cigarettes for Elyse, meanwhile everyone else is at the bowling alley waiting for us. So we pull into this one parking lot, and this guy goes in and get them for Elyse, and while Elyse is pulling into a space she gets "too close" to some guy's car for his likings. So he was screaming "fucking learn to drive bitch!" and as he was pulling out, Elyse flicked him off. So then he stopped the car and got out, and immediately Elyse locked the doors and started to roll up the window, cuz he was like running at us. He like spit on the window and punched it and kicked the car, and it was just really scary... and after he left, Gaby was pissed and thought Elyse was all wrong for wanting to go to the cops, so we dropped her off and then went and filed a report. Then I just drove around with Elyse all night, and it was nice. So yeah... we both calmed down, and even though I didn't get to go out with Dan and Andre again, it was still nice.

Sunday: So at first, Andre wasn't free on Sunday, but Saturday night we talked online and he told me he was... and he wanted to do something, and I reaaaally wanted Dan to come with at first, just cuz I was scared... again. But I couldn't contact him at all... so after class at Lill Street, I went and picked up Andre. And we just went all over the place, shopping and talking. And I never once thought about, or wanted, Dan there (no offense)... just cuz it was so nice. We talked a lot, like we had been friends for a while (or at least it was like that to me)... and I just really fell for his personality; he's a really sweet guy, and cute too... So yeah, it was lots and lots of fun. Yet depressing.. cuz like I like him now... and first of all I don't even know that he likes me, and second, if he does, its like, there's distance there (he went back to California today) so that sucks... then I went home, and he told me he was prolly gonna visit for spring break, and he was like saying we had to do all this shit... so that really made me happy.

And today, I've sat on my ass all day. I watched a really good Sally though... it was about this church in the south, and I SWEAR its like a cult. They constantly beat kids, like the whole congregation does it, and the minister is this arrogant old asshole who has somehow brainwashed these people... and it was just really sad. I'm gonna write the church hate mail... I really am. If you had seen it you'd be pissed.

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[18 Feb 2002|12:47am]
Now I'm getting all depressed... and this is bad and oh dear... fuck it.
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[17 Feb 2002|11:50pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Ani DiFranco - To Be Free (my ani all time favorite) ]

In some aspects, this weekend was perfect. In some aspects, it was shit. When I get the energy to write, you can decide for yourself.

Right now I'm happy... cuz I'm head over heels. But it's depressing too... so um, more later.

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[17 Feb 2002|01:08am]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | City High - Caramel ]

It... was a crazy, tiring day. Ill write a long entry about it when I have the energy, but the following things happened:

-I met Andre. I like him. But I wish I didn't.
-I went to Elyse's surprise dinner.
-I went to the cops with Elyse when some guy went crazy on us and waslike attacking her car... then I just was there for her all night.

So... uhh yeah. More later.

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Why I don't wanna meet any guys.... [15 Feb 2002|10:56am]
[ mood | scared ]
[ music | Usher - U Don't HaveTo Call ]

So Dan IMed me last night, and he asked if I wanted to go out. His friend Andre wanted to meet me. Now I've heard lots about Andre, and from what I know he's gay, my age, and other... things. Like once over the summer apparently Matt gave him head in the backseat of Tony's car, while Tony was driving. I also heard about the time when he made his own porn. But back to now. Yeah, so Andre wants to meet me, and like, I don't really want to. And its not because all the stuff he's done in the past... it's just that I feel like I wouldn't be good enough for him... let alone anybody. I just feel like he'd meet me and then like realize that he's too good for me. And the thing is, I really would like to have a boyfriend... it's just too hard for me to accept that anybody could like me, which is why the Matt situation was so hard on me... I finally thought someone could like me, but then, well, yeah. So that's why I feel like that... and that's why I'm gonna be spending this weekend avoiding Dan.

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[14 Feb 2002|06:17pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Ani DiFranco - Educated Guess ]


If you were here, you'd be gettin' a valentines fuck =)

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Eye Pics, Cuz Eye Pics Are Cool [13 Feb 2002|10:11pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Incubus - Privelage (I still love this song...) ]

Read more... )

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[13 Feb 2002|08:23pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Incubus - Privelage (I love this song...) ]

My hair is so pretty, but pictures later. I still need Hannah to send them to me.

Today was fun. Well... the day sucked, but after school was fun. I helped Gaby trim a pot she made (which I helped her throw this morning... I'm like her little TA) and we both worked on it and it was sooooo beautiful so we both signed it. Cuz we were so proud. And we left a little note trail leading to it for Mrs. Melissas to find... tehe we're crazy. Then we went and bought Elyse's b-day presents at Urban Outfitters. We got her this cute black tank top with white flowery things on it, and 2 hair tie thingies that are to die for. So that was fun.... and then we went to party city and got all these heart balloons and b-day balloons for Nickey. Fun fun.

And oh, at party city, we were walking in and this lady hit a car pulling into a space, and she just pulled back out and parked somewhere else! LOL so we were in line, and I was like "I can't believe she just hit that car and drove somewhere else!" And the lady was right behind me. Gawd... that was craziness.

Oh and I took lots of eye pics... so yeah... eye pics to come.

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[12 Feb 2002|07:06pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Alanis Morisette - You Oughta Know ]

Are Dead Sexy.

Andrew Hill is growing a goatee, and every time I see him I wanna jump his bones. Mmmmm.

It was such a good day today. I got 10 hours of sleep, got to go to Starbucks in the morning with Brielle, had all my homework done (except French, which is ok cuz I've been so good in that class lately, I deserve it), had a fun lunch, good comp sci, and I did lots of work in my ceramics/art chemistry proposal... so yeah.

My mom made baked scallops. How cute.

Now: Dinner
Next: Hair Dyeing
Later: Pictures

Luuuv ya all *mwah*

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