Sometimes I Can't Even Believe...

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Tuesday, December 16th, 2003
1:09 pm - top o' the mornin'.
i was just watching a syndie episode of charmed featuring leprechauns, and now everything i read on the internet sounds like an irish brogue in my head. lassies.

via boingboing:
Keiko, the killer whale who performed under the screen name "Free Willy," died last week. Free Willy's pals had shipped the six-ton whale to Iceland, then followed him to Norway trying to reintegrate it into the wild. When the whale died, they buried it. They buried a whale. Not at sea. In the ground. A whale.

current mood: okay

(why don't you say that to my face?)

Friday, December 12th, 2003
4:04 pm - NO NO NO NO!
oh man. i shouldn't be left alone right now!
i totally almost convinced myself that it would be okay to go into the bathroom and cut my bangs! DANGER!

seriously, commandment number 11 was going to be: Thou shalt not take scissors to thy own coif.
it's true. i saw it on NOVA.

current mood: frustrated
current music: Mundy - To You I Bestow

(why don't you say that to my face?)

12:48 am - because i need a friend no-ow...
man...i wish i were raised by wolves.
seems like if you were born in india from 1840-1972, you had a pretty good shot of being raised by wolves. i wonder why the wolves in india are so motherly.

speaking of feral dog-type animals, i was witness to what i'm sure were hell-hounds today.
as i am often wont to do, i took a leisurely drive through some back roads looking for plantation homes and weird, old alabama stuff. there's a sign on SR 280 that directs you to the "Salem-Shotwell Covered Bridge". i've seen the sign a million times, but i've never followed the it. today i did.
when i got to the intersection that leads to the bridge, it was just after dusk. there was a cool old farmhouse in front of me and a sign that said "bridge out __ miles ahead". no matter. i didn't want to use it, just see it. so i headed that way.
as i came down the pass where it's situated, these two evil dogs came out of nowhere. they seriously darted out right in front of my car. like they KNEW i wouldn't hit them. creepy. so i kept driving toward the bridge with these dogs nipping at my tires. then all of a sudden they stopped. i pulled up the the bridge and looked back. they were watching me from about 30 feet away, growling. the bridge was kind of boring. it's covered in spraypainted way-90s stuff like YO! and PEACE.

so i turned my car around, prepared to face the dogs again, but they were gone. so i drove back up the pass, looking behind me and around the car in my mirrors.
so i'm going about 35mph, pretty confident that the demon dogs found their way back to hell when i hear barking. turns out both dogs were flanking my car on either side, just under my mirrors. ah!
i turned off the road and headed back toward the "highway" and they retreated.

*EDIT!* - visit metaphorically... to see my version of The Inferno.

current mood: annoyed
current music: The - Woo Hoo

(2 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Saturday, December 6th, 2003
2:04 am - Obligatory "What I Want For Christmas" Post
here's what i want for christmas this year. generally i don't get anything on my list, because i ask for a big gift instead of lots of little ones. from santa.

X-Mas 2003
1. rent (not the musical, the monetary sum of $275)
2. Sublime Stitching Pillowcase Kit (w/atomic, mod, chinatown, and tattoos)
3. Maybe This Christmas/Maybe This Christmas Too
4. Jiminy Kokopo's Ukulele Sing and Strum Fun Book
5. Hello Kitty Bowl Set: Ripple
6. cute bangs

(1 reply | why don't you say that to my face?)

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003
11:24 pm - my bad.
LATELY: super good fortune. lots of attention. things generally going my way.

i'm really fuckin' sorry i've thrown off the balance of the universe, dudes.

current mood: relaxed

(5 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

3:18 am - justlistentotherhythmofmyheart
i love The Darkness.

and the fact that the video for "i believe in a thing called love" is so unflinchingly Queen-y?
cute beyond all reason.

current mood: exhausted
current music: uh... see above, RE:the darkness

(why don't you say that to my face?)

Friday, November 28th, 2003
2:59 am - dag, yo. i can't be held responsible for political debates over dessert.
thanksgiving is over. which is what i'm thankful for.

it was better than last year, but last year was like chinese water torture (which never sounded that torturous, but pretend it's RILLY BAD!).

i had to be a grown-up-ish type person and help out, which sucked.
my dad and my aunt got buttered on merlot and weirdly started fighting with/laughing at people.

the day ended with my dad pointing out that my cardigan is made from petroleum (so i should support the war), and then storming out of the room.
which means i won, right?

ugh, plus i missed the OC, and i want to die because i can't talk about how witchy julie cooper is until monday when i watch my week 'o programming.

here's a list of the geek-ass shows i taped. )

gotta go. cheers is on and they're just getting into the kirstie alley years. shelly long. phssst! bitch.

ps. i'm enormously disappointed that my current mood lame-star isn't wearing a pilgrim hat.

current mood: thankful

(why don't you say that to my face?)

Tuesday, November 25th, 2003
1:31 am - pom wonderful
tonight, at the insistence of jane magazine, i tried a pomegranate for the first time ever.

first off, lemme just say how complicated it is to eat a pomegranate.
you have to score (not cut) it into quarters down the sides, then cut the top out like a jack-o-lantern. then you stick your thumbs in the top and slowly pry it open down the score lines.
which sounds dirtier than it is. a little.
it's just less messy if you do it that way, rather than if you cut into it.

anyway, so inside are hundreds of little blood red kernels (like corn, or rubies) set into a white honey-combish pith. you pick out and eat the kernels. they're fully self-contained, like a grape, and have a small seed in the center. also like a grape.
and they taste like sweet-tarts.

it's the most bizarre thing i think i've ever eaten. but it was REALLY good and i think it's, like, my new favorite fruit.

you should try it. but do it now, cause they go out of season after december.

ps. the pith tastes like ass, evidently. don't eat it.

current mood: contemplative

(4 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Sunday, November 23rd, 2003
3:28 am - a thought:

after studying this picture for several minutes, i have decided a few things:

1. i hope this movie rules the way it ought to.
2. there's no making heath ledger look bad. you just can't do it.
3. they probably could've cut the budget in half by hiring stephen dorff instead of matt damon, seeing as they're evidently TWINS CUT FROM THE SAME SWATH!

(3 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Wednesday, November 19th, 2003
12:40 am - gasp!
i told you, dude!

(why don't you say that to my face?)

Monday, November 17th, 2003
1:47 am - i'm not tryin'a hear dat, see
tonight odie defiled my virgin eyes by playing the paris hilton sex tape for me.

which was hilarious, as she answers the phone TWICE during sex. how busy are you that you have to consolidate those two activities?

in other news, i'm having a wierd, flirty game of email with my new "boss".
which makes three pseudo-bosses in a row that i've had crushes on. second in a row with a girlfriend at the time. which is really unlike me, as i find cheaters (and therefore, boys with a girlfriend) to be a huge turnoff. not to mention that none of them have really been my type. maybe i have a thing for guys with authority.

ps. ryan phillipe's role (and gross, faux-british accent) in the Hey Ya video weirds me out so much that it ruins the whole thing for me.

current mood: predatory
current music: Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Bras - Tijuana Taxi

(2 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Wednesday, November 12th, 2003
9:23 pm - adorkable
i want a seth cohen.

Ryan: Because, I really, uh... don't dance.                          Seth: Uh-huh, neither do I, just move well. I'll teach ya that one, huh? Maybe later.

current mood: envious
current music: Soul Kid #1 - More Bounce

(why don't you say that to my face?)

1:03 am - ramblerambleramble
i got a haircut a few weeks ago, but i don't like it. it's plain and time consuming.

i think i'm incapable of having a really good haircut. it's not for lack of trying. i'm a full-on stylist whore. i have few qualms about skipping out on a stylist i've had for a while if i hate them.

but the next one is rarely better in any way.
the last one would tell me about her sexually transmitted diseases while she cut my hair. she had to take smoke (crack) breaks between the washing and cutting, then again between the cutting and drying.

the one i just went to had plain hair, herself. but she worked in what seemed like a more modern, stylish shop so i gave her a shot. all she talked about was how bad she wanted to put highlights in my hair. when i told her that i'd actually prefer it darker than it is, i think she fainted a little.

i do tend to chicken out, though. i'll go in with this great cut in mind. maybe i'll even have a picture. but i always talk my way out of it... like i'll be all "right, like winona ryder, but... longer. and without the chunky fringe*. or maybe i should do fringe? and maybe i'd like it darker. what do you think? i guess just cut off an inch and forget about the color."
it's gross.
i have a hard time remembering that it's going to grow out.

i guess the real point of this post is to get other people's opinions about what hairstyle THEY think is cute.
someone should create little baseball cards with hairstyles on them. so you can just show it to your stylist. plus, who can refuse stale gum.

i'm rambling again. describe to me what hairstyle you think looks cute on a girl.
if you've even read this far. jeez.

* - this australian guy once laughed at me for saying "bangs" because its such a ridiculous word to describe hair. so now i'm reluctant to use the word "bangs" in a forum that people from foreign lands with foreign tongues might read. tiny bit over-inclusive.

current mood: sleepy

(6 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Thursday, November 6th, 2003
9:22 am - brb

current mood: hungry
current music: Weezer - Walt Disney

(6 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Thursday, October 30th, 2003
8:14 am - halloweeeeeen
ohman! i just figured it out.

i know what i'm going to be!

(edited 11/03/03 14:19:58)
i was a (sexy) pirate. i'll post a picture when i get a chance.

(6 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Monday, October 27th, 2003
7:27 pm - i don't believe in kung fu.
odie and i recently watched Executioners of Shoalin and during the movie i kept trying to convince myself that kung fu isn't make-believe.
but i couldn't.

i liken kung fu to The Force. sure... it's a nice idea, and it has roots in reality (The Force is to religious faiths as kung fu is to martial arts), but i don't think it's real.

mostly i believe this because i've never seen a school for kung fu.

current mood: bored
current music: The Long Winters - Car Parts

(1 reply | why don't you say that to my face?)

Friday, October 24th, 2003
2:15 am - rocky, rocky, rah rah rah.
[info]tigerman28 and i went to see Rocky Horror Picture Show (as performed by the AU Players) tonight. it was very amusing.

as we filed in they had Eddie Izzard's Dress To Kill playing on the screen. as the rest of the audience got seated or found places to stand or whatever, scott and i said catty things about people.

then there was a choreographed "Thriller" homage, and a very skinny drag queen (with the best wig i've ever seen) who writhed around to evanescence and christina aguilera (which... i just can't validate. like any red-blooded american, i love a good drag queen. but evanescence?! no.)
the best part about that was the air of discomfort. it was obvious that the fratty half of the audience all had minor stiffies and major confusion.

then the show. it was good. the AU Players were pretty inventive and kept me from looking at the film screen the whole time.

the adorable "sorta nerdy guy that i see every now and then and have a little crush on but don't know his name" sat two rows behind us.

current mood: annoyed
current music: Arlo - Runaround

(why don't you say that to my face?)

Tuesday, October 21st, 2003
2:24 am - drugs, man... according to *the* man.
have you ever had that discussion with people about what "crank" is? amphetamines, crack, or some other hard drug?
everyone always thinks it's something different. it seems slightly regional.

not long ago i was arguing that i was pretty sure "chieva/cheeba" was heroin. whoever i was debating thought it was marijuana.

turns out, i was right.

AND, regarding "crank", it turns out that everyone was right, because crank evidently means whatever the hell you want it to mean.

also, basically every word in the english language means heroin.

fuckin' confused-ass junkies.

(4 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Saturday, October 18th, 2003
2:14 am - a-HEM!
evidently today is "sweetest day"...

which is just a watered-down version of valentine's day, i guess?

which is retarded.
you can't just wait for valentine's day?

(4 replies | why don't you say that to my face?)

Saturday, October 11th, 2003
3:56 pm - mix-a-lot, the knight
oh. my. god. becky.

you must visit this link immediately.

"By Hercules!
Rebecca, behold! Such large buttocks she has!
She appears to be a girlfriend of one of those rhythmic-oration people.
But, as you know
Who can understand persons of this sort?
Verily, they converse with her for this reason only, namely, that she appears to be a complete whore."

(1 reply | why don't you say that to my face?)

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