Below is user information for Thnikkaman. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | adameros (53487) |
| Spastic poster. Kind of like a spastic colon: Not much self control, and puts out a lot of shit. |
Name: | Thnikkaman |
Location: | Portland, Oregon, United States |
Birthdate: | 1972-04-24 |
Bio: | Long, long ago. In a maternity ward far, far away. There was a woman who gave birth to a very large baby. This baby, knowing a good thing when he had it, was born a couple weeks late, and they had to enduce labor to get him out. This baby grow up, and up, and up. Through the years bicycle racing, swimming, playing on the chess team. Yes, this was an all American boy. Eventually he went to college and studied computer science, and a lot of online porn. In the mid 90's, his girl friend of the time tired of him, just as he was tiring of his job, and moved to the mecca of all that is geeky. Silicon Valley. Here he join the ranks of social outcast and misfits, and he fit right in. Loving the mental exercises required to keep up, and the excess of spending the dot com boom allowed him. He was one of the few remaining employeed geeks in this technology ghost town, struggling to survive with his truck, Pepe. Now he is an unemployed internet junkie, looking for that golden job to return him to greatness. It is an epic tale. A story for the not weak of heart. And perhaps, someday, the world will know all of it. But until that day, this man of mystery daily fights the good fight. This is his story. The story of Adam Eros Harrison. |
Interests: | 47: art, burning man, cams, cirque du soleil, dj, dj culture, djing, dreaming, electronic bleeps & bloops, electronic music, geeky stuff, geology, gigsville, gir, hiking, hot springs, illusions, jhonen vasquez, karma, lighting, lights, music, ocean, off roading, optical illusions, optics, paintball, pdx, photography, portland, privacy, psy-trance, raves, san francisco, sf-raves, skiing, space, spinning, sports cars, swimming, tactile, tigard, tmbg, travel, trip-hop, weird shit, weirdness. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | 500: 200silhouettes, 7_pink_ray_guns, __dove, _chas, _everything_, _sexual, acidik, adameros, adbusting, adrianwelch, agenthavok, akuma13, ali500, all_night_sex, allporn, altporn, amadruadaboleyn, annonymos, antiwar, apneatic, apod, apriljoy, argoodman_photo, art_deco_style, artfilm101, bad_monkeys, badgerchatter, beautifullust, beavertonpeople, becoming_anne, beevers, being_angyl, bgirlnat, blu_occhio, bobdobbs, bobthedog, bodhicephus, bodies_of_art, body_high, bodyforpeace, bohemianbabe, breaksjunkies, brit4pornxxx, broken_dollies, brokenchains, brokencrown, brokendollhead, brokenglasseyes, brokenreel, brutalbreasts, burning_man, bush_sucks, bushisms, bustacaption, cameraquestions, captiv8, casadecesspool, casalinga, chaoticceilidh, chrishaas, cityscapes, clawed, clown_porn, coarsette, color_theory, command_four, community_promo, community_quest, contrapuntal, crackhaussanta, crista, cum_undone, cyanidelove8, d_o_c, dailyquote, damnportlanders, dandy_lion, dark_happiness, darkpinupgirls, dasium, deacon, digitalexhib, digitalretina, digitalscavenge, dirtypoolfilms, disassociation, discord_society, distortedpsyche, divamatrix, dk, docbrite, dorkyschoolgirl, downloadable, doyenne, dr_poo, dream_invasion, drowningskin, drugaddict, dstroy, eccentrics, edfyingspectace, ehash, elnigma, emeraldmyst, eroticbpm, erotillectuals, esoterotica, esprit_parfait, eva268, evalove, evil_manifesto, evilbaron, exhibitionism_2, exhibitionists, ezirith, fadingbluestar, faeriez, fayster, felisarcanum, fetishdrama, fetishgoths, five_ones, flatisbeautiful, fogeygoff, forfuckssake, found_objects, fugged, fun_pics, funbox, funny_shit, funnypics, futurecity, gagme, garbge315, geeksluts, george_w_bush, girl_on_a_stick, gnomes_rule, godspeaks, gothic_babes, graffitiisart, gremliness, group_sex, grrl_noir, gucky, guerillaart, guerillanews, gynaecocentrica, halcyonstyn, happybudz, happycore, heartbeat_, hec8e, hepkitten, heteroclitic, hi_fi, hiddendances, hohumgal, hokulani, hot_sex_acts, href, hyperseth, i_am_so_bored, i_give_up, i_love_to_share, i_saw_you_pdx, iamsexiamwrong, ilovetechno, imperfektly, inacorner, indymedia, infinitedays, inmyeye, irishlinc, jagged, jahschwa, jason42070, jbroughton, jeffbuckley, jennygarp, jeramey, jerseware, jessesass, jesuscooter, journal_meme, jthm, just_jason, jvizjthm, jwz, kaeln, kaizersoze124, kaizersoze125, kaizersoze2, kaotika, karendoll, karina, karlito1984, katieshrike, kencam, kiana, kim_jong_il__, kim_spiracy, kinkykouples, kittu, ktqn1850, kumimonster, lai_lovers, lali656, latnerb, laurabelle, laurakin, laytonc32, le_poulin, lifeisstatic, lillian_green, linux, lithium_picnic, littlebush, littlerivet, littletits, lj_maintenance, ljmemes, ljtarot, ljupskirts, localxshows, luxnightmare, luxton, luxumbradei, lyk3_omgz, lyrina, mad_shepherd, maigremeg, manicjane, margaretchofeed, marijuanalovers, maxmin, maxthecat, meetup, meglet, melgirl, metaphorge, metaphoto, millax, minibrit, miss_plini, mmmm_voyeur, monoandy, moongrrl, moonthink, mooosie, more_light, mortalcity, mspinkeyes, murdergirls, murkyangel, murphy59, mutaytor, mythique, n2kaja, nakedchatter, nakedparts, nakedparts2, nakkidnerds, nature_photo, naughtynymph, neevel, nekkid_nerds, nephandijukebox, nerdgoddess, nerdsluts, newbienudes, news, newsworld, nialavender, nicstaru2, nikkinewsnet, noamchomskyblog, nobodobodon, nocontext, nofaux, nova_flux, nude4peace, nw_djs, nwpartykids, nwtekno, odd_photography, officialgaiman, oftheday, ohsweetnothin, oihanen, omake_don, omniflux, openbsd, oregon, oregon_outdoors, oregonbands, oregonsingles, p_i_g_pen, panpan, pcj, pdx_anti_war, pdx_films, pdx_flash_mob, pdxfood, pdxforsale, pdxmusic, pdxover30, pdxpix, pdxplore, pdxshows, penguins_say_no, perpetualfog, photo_echoes, photo_genetic, photochallenge, photographers, photographie, photography, photojournals, photolog, photophreaks, photoscope, photosphere, photostudio, phototherapy, phreaky, pianoscry, pigtailwhores, pink_emulsion, pink_pinup, pinkbunny09, pinupgirls, plaidpants, pljmu, poisenedpen, portland, portland_bdsm, portland_gutter, portlandgothic, portlandoregon, portlandsingles, pot_heads, prettypunkpixie, prettypurplebra, priory_of_sion, psilocybin, psudo, psycho_smurf666, psychospiffe, psychtraveller, puns, pure_addiction, purplecorduroy, purpletres, qtlb, quizdeeeva, rachbomb, rancidess, randomlinks, randompics, randompictures, randomsmom, rayhje, red_productions, redstickman, rekked, renwick, rhlinux, rinijisushie, risquewritings, rivgrr, rivv, roofles, roses_rejoice, rosie_cheeks, ru_nakedparts, rural_ruin, rzbryicet, rzr_grl, sabrinathecrazy, saizai, sammay, santarchy, sarawr, sassy_kinky, sausage_boy, scoutie, seattle_photo, seduce_me, sexy_goth_girls, sgirls, shamanism, shenosoke, show_your_ass, show_your_boobs, show_your_pussy, showmeyourbody, silent_tears, sinfulgothic, sio, sisterofnight, siwwy_wabbit, skrape, sky_light, slanguaphiles, sos_usa, soshesays, spanner_kids, spiderdust, spinalplug, spiritlove, sportfuckers, spr0cket, stagewhore, starlightsail, starv, stencil_art, stephogroove, stockingfetish, stonemirror, straightedgesux, streetcorners, streetphoto, suck_my_nya, suessigkeiten, sultry_autocrat, sureimsober, synapsepi, tarabare, tastelessjokes, taureans, team_chronic, tenwordreview, texture, thadragonfly, thatstrangegirl, the_artsy_porno, the_garage, the_hedonists, the_kaeru, the_undertow, thelandofsand, theseattleposse, throwingstardna, tianamolko, tidesong, timidangel, titty_comity, tomcatkitten, tony_soprano, torilove, trashyinsomnia, travelfotos, trip_hop, trip_on_this, truly_bad_jokes, turpentine_kiss, tyrsalvia, tysonian, ubergeeken, undertheneedle, uninterrupted, unusual_people, upagainst, urban_adventure, urban_decay, urbandivision, urbanjunglegym, vectors, vehemently, victoria_lane, viewaskew, vintage_sex, vjrl, voideity, waterspot, weedlover, weirdisgood, weirdnews, welikepills, weshare, whatsluv, wideawake, wingedlament, wlltchforfood, woeful_poetess, wordoftheday, wordspy, world_tourist, worldwideweird, wtf_awards, xcornycorncornx, xeroproject, xfetishx, yiab, yo_mamma_jokes, yummy, zakureth, zine_scene, zoe_trope |
Friend of: | 213: 200silhouettes, 7_pink_ray_guns, __dove, _chas, _eye_added_yuo_, _sexual, acidik, adameros, agenthavok, akuma13, amadruadaboleyn, ancillary, annonymos, apneatic, becoming_anne, beevers, being_angyl, blahxblahxblah_, blu_occhio, bobthedog, bodhicephus, body_high, bohemianbabe, brit4pornxxx, brokenchains, brokencrown, brokendollhead, brokenreel, chrishaas, clawed, coarsette, command_four, crista, cyanidelove8, dailyquote, dandy_lion, dark_happiness, dasium, digitalexhib, digitalretina, distortedpsyche, divamatrix, dk, dorkyschoolgirl, doyenne, dr_poo, dream_invasion, drowningskin, drugaddict, dstroy, ehash, elnigma, emeraldmyst, eva268, evalove, evilbaron, faeriez, fayster, felisarcanum, five_ones, forfuckssake, george_w_bush, girl_on_a_stick, godspeaks, gremliness, hec8e, hepkitten, heteroclitic, hi_fi, hiddendances, hohumgal, hokulani, hyperseth, inacorner, inmyeye, irishlinc, jagged, jahschwa, jason42070, jbroughton, jeffbuckley, jennygarp, jeramey, jerseware, just_jason, kaeln, kaizersoze124, kaizersoze2, karina, karlito1984, katieshrike, kencam, kiana, kim_spiracy, kittu, kumimonster, lali656, latnerb, laurabelle, laurakin, laytonc32, lifeisstatic, lillian_green, littlebush, littlerivet, luxton, luxumbradei, lyk3_omgz, lyrina, mad_shepherd, meglet, melgirl, metaphorge, metaphoto, millax, miss_plini, monoandy, moonthink, more_light, mspinkeyes, murkyangel, murphy59, mythique, n2kaja, nakedchatter, naughtynymph, nephandijukebox, nerdgoddess, nialavender, nicstaru2, nobodobodon, oihanen, omake_don, omniflux, otherguy, panpan, perpetualfog, photosphere, phreaky, pianoscry, pink_emulsion, pink_pinup, pinkbunny09, plaidpants, poisenedpen, prettypunkpixie, prettypurplebra, psudo, psycho_smurf666, psychospiffe, ... |
Member of: | 567: 1hrbathroomfoto, 2_0_1_2, _______, __awards__, _everything_, _fucked, _handcuffs_, _inthescene, _wow_, abstractthought, adbusting, adult, adulternatives, advocatechoice, all_night_sex, allsexypeople, alt_models, altporn, americaneyecon, analplay, angelic_women, animaloptica, animeadult, animepdx, annslanders, antiboredom, antihangage, antiwar, apothecary, art_deco_style, art_theory, artfilm101, artinnudity, artistmodelmuse, artofcam, artsy_pictures, artworks, ascii, ask_lovecraft, averageparts, awwyeah, azpics, bad_monkeys, bad_sex, badgerchatter, banghearse, bar_room_brawl, battlesketch, bayareamusic, bbcafans, bbwleather, beautifulcurves, beavertonpeople, beer_and_porn, behind_the_lens, bestnet, bettie_page, big_booty, big_breasts, big_rack_attack, blackstarpixie, blooddolls, bloom_county, blueribbon, bodies_of_art, bodyforpeace, bodypaint, bodyscapes, bondagefaeries, boob_art, boobism, boundinstripes, breaksjunkies, breasticles, broken_dollies, brutal_honesty, bumperstickers, burning_man, bush_sucks, bushisms, bustacaption, butts, bwanonymous, bwnudes, calavenus, calvinandhobbes, cam_whores, camgirls, camluvrz, camsarefun, camwh0res, camwhores, candid_gals, candycam, caption_contest, captionary, cards_r_us, cartographica, casadecesspool, catharticasylum, chemicalwhores, churchofhk_, cityscapes, clitoriphiles, clown_porn, clubgross, cocknpuss, coffee_and_art, color_theory, colorandpattern, community_promo, community_quest, concert_review, console_wars, conspiracies, cornerstones, corsetry, crackhaussanta, craigslist, creativeinsults, creativelyhigh, creativephoto, critical_skin, cum_undone, cummunity, cunnilinctus, cuteshorthair, cyber_dyke, cyberlassies, cyberotica, d_o_c, dailyfortune, dailyphotograph, damngirl, damnportlanders, dancesafe, dark_images, darkpinupgirls, democracyrising, devious_women, digicams, digital_beauty, digitalcamera, digitalscavenge, directory, discord_society, doctorjones, downloadable, dramaticphoto, drugpolicy, drugwarhysteria, eccentrics, edfyingspectace, egyptology, electrical_ink, emotionpix, envision, erotic_artforms, eroticastration, eroticbpm, erotictoons, erotillectuals, esoterotica, esprit_parfait, every1beautiful, everythingsexy, evil_manifesto, exhibitionism_2, exhibitionists, exphotos, expo_sure, faire_thee_well, fakejournals, fellatrix, fetishconfess, fetishdrama, fetishgoths, flatisbeautiful, fluffy_lovin, fogeygoff, folkmagic, fontwhore, fotography, fotolove, found_objects, foundphotos, fourelements, foxtrotfans, freakylinks, fuckofflist, funbox, funflamefest, funny_shit, funnypics, futurecity, fuzzypussybunny, gagme, geeksluts, get_naked, get_naked_baby, gifwars, girlsaware, girlsinglasses, glassesfetish, gloriousvanity, gnomes_rule, gothboisngurls, gothfashionshow, gothic_babes, gothic_parts, gothicangels, graffitiisart, graphics, greatsex, greenparty, groovyunderwear, group_sex, grrl_noir, guerillaart, guerillanews, guessthatmug, gynaecocentrica, hacked_photos, hairygenitalia, happy_rhodes, happybudz, happycore, hentai_bliss, hentaicatgirl, herbaldness, highjournal, hoaxes, hot_sex_acts, hotbods, hotgirls, href, i_am_so_bored, i_give_up, i_saw_you_pdx, iamsexiamwrong, iconsensual, idiotgeorge, idiotsatwork, iheartsex, ihearttattoos, illustrators, ilovebutts, ilovetechno, indymedia, inferiorerotica, internet_sluts, irphotography, jagerside, jessesass, job_search, joke_xchange, journal_meme, journaltypes, jthm, junkart, jvizjthm, kaizersoze125, kaotika, kink_klub, kinkykouples, lai_lovers, landscape, largetits, lawngnomes, leather_rose, legs_bums_yum, lickmylips, life_is_art, lightshows, linux, lithium_picnic, littlepiggie, littletits, livenudegirls, lj_nifty, ljawards, ljcomedy, ljconfessional2, ljconfessional3, ljconfessional4, ljfreaks, ljfucksluts, ljfunnies, ljgirlcams, ljmemes, ljsextoys, ljtarot, ljtrivia, ljupskirts, ljweirdness, luvmonkeys_r_us, macro_pics, magnetpoetry, mailart, manipulation, marijuana, marijuanalovers, masturbationto, meetup, megapixels, memepool, mixcds, moments_of_zen, mono_poly, mountain_view, mp3warsx, muppets, murdergirls, mutaytor, myfavoriteplace, mysql, naked_mods, naked_obsession, naked_women, nakedboobies, nakedchicks, nakedparts2, nakkidnerds, nature_photo, naughty_pants, neerneer, nekkid_nerds, nerdsluts, newbienudes, newsworld, nikkinewsnet, nocontext, nofaux, nude4peace, nw_djs, nwpartykids, nwtekno, odd_photography, oftheday, on_the_rise, one_liners, onlinecomic, onlyundiesclub, onthebus, onthisday, openbsd, oral_fans, oral_fixation, oralobsession, oregon, oregon_outdoors, oregonbands, oregonsingles, outcastpix, p_i_g_pen, panorama, party_pictures, pcj, pdx_anti_war, pdx_films, pdxfood, pdxforsale, pdxmusic, pdxover30, pdxpix, pdxplore, pdxshows, penguins_say_no, penny_arcade, personabeauty, perverted, philosophicus, photo_echoes, photo_genetic, photo_icons, photochallenge, photocollage, photographers, photographie, photography, photojournals, photolog, photometric, photophreaks, photoscope, photostudio, phototherapy, pickuplines, pics_of_us, picture_fights, picture_sluts, picturevote, picturewhores, picturing_food, pigsonwheels, pigtailwhores, pinupgirls, playfulpain, porn_palace, pornology, pornrocks, pornstarposers, portland, portland_bdsm, portland_gutter, portlandgothic, portlandoregon, portlandsingles, portraits, pot_heads, printmaking, priory_of_sion, prizedparts, pro_anal, psilocybin, psychonaut, punk_parts, puns, pure_addiction, qtlb, quote_this, quotiepoos, racepdx, randomlinks, randompics, randompictures, rate_my_lj, real_pics, realnews, reviewedbyajerk, rhlinux, rhyming_pics, roofles, ru_nakedparts, rural_ruin, san_jose, sanfrancisco, santarchy, seattle_photo, seduce_me, selfportraits, sex0rz, sex_anime, sex_drugs_music, sex_fiends, sexxxual, sexy_bitch, sexy_goth_girls, sexy_undies, sf_eats, sfba_sf_fans, sfbayarea, sfgoth, sfljbash, sfranonymous, sfraves, sgirls, shamanism, share_your_art, show_your_ass, show_your_boobs, show_your_pussy, show_your_stuff, showmeyourbody, shutter_2_think, sinners_cafe, sky_light, slanguaphiles, slash_me_up, smartwardebate, smokingfetish, smolder_sexi, sos_usa, spankyspanky, spanner_kids, spliced, spookygirls, stencil_art, stockingfetish, stoopidmadness, straightedgesux, strawburygashes, streetphoto, stripeystocking, sunnyvale, surrealists, suzissexstuff, sweetbumpis, tainted_lust, tall, tastelessjokes, taureans, team_chronic, templeofthebody, tenwordreview, texture, thatstrangegirl, the__gimp, the_garage, the_hedonists, the_hot_squad, the_photos, thedmz, thequilt, theseattleposse, thisflesh, thou_art_pop, titty_comity, tongue_twisters, trashyinsomnia, travelfotos, treasure_chest, trip_hop, tripbook, tripreport, truly_bad_jokes, truthordare, tummyfetish, twisted_lens, twistedparts, u_make_lj_funny, ubergeeklings, uberstupid, umustdie, undertheneedle, underwearparty, unique_fetish, unruly_conduct, urban_adventure, urban_decay, urbrainondrugs, useless_photos, uselessthought, user_promo, vaginalutility, vainydays, vectors, viewaskew, vintage_sex, voyeurism, wankers, warprotest, waterspot, webcam_addicts, weirdisgood, weirdnews, welikebuttsex, welikepills, welovecharles, welovecoochie, wetlook, whatsurpleasure, wickedimages, witsandhalfwits, wordoftheday, wordspy, world_tourist, worlddominance, worldwideweird, wowgirls2, wtf_awards, xfetishx, yaoipics, yo_mamma_jokes, young_sluts_inc, zine_scene, zombieporn |
Account type: | Free Account |