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Today's Unknown News
"The news you need, whether you know it or not."
Afghanistan & Iraq
Guantanamo Bay
Is Bush insane?
Log of lies
Raise the Fist
Saddam Hussein
Sept. 11, 2001
Support the troops
Top ten
U.S. war crimes
Vietnam memorial
Vote fraud
War on freedom

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Regime change
November 2, 2004

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NOV. 17 18 19 21 24 26  DEC. 1 2 3 4 5 8 10 12 15 17 18 22
MONDAY, DEC. 22, 2003

Does anyone remember liberty and justice for all?
by Tess Ellis, Unknown News

Cops write tickets for warming up cars
with comments by Aaron S.

"Any demonstration against the government
or coalition forces will be fired upon"
Excerpt:  Demonstrators risk a year in jail and, if they work for the state as civil servants or teachers, they will loose their jobs, the message said. All demonstrations are illegal in the U.S.-occupied province.
A question of dates on Saddam's capture
Kurds captured Saddam, newspaper says
Saddam was 'actively involved' in directing attacks on the U.S. forces
with comments by John C. and Helen & Harry Highwater

The USA & greed cause terrorism
by Larry S. Rolirad, Unknown News

Police state humor: Dept of Transportation issues flight certificate for Santa
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

The second and third day of Xmas
by The Blue Rajah, Unknown News

Have yourself a Pentagon Christmas
by Nick Turse, The Nation Institute
Excerpt:  But maybe, given closet space and all, AK-47's and bulky body armor aren't necessary for your little soldier? Not to worry! For kids of all ages not currently in a combat zone there are a host of militarized civilian-issue products absolutely sure to please…
Carol-loving judge spreads holiday cheer

Yeah, let's put Diebold in charge of elections
. Diebold used uncertified, untested software to count California votes
. Felons in five Diebold management positions
. More states and politicians demand paper trail

Background information
Voting machines open new avenues for massive vote fraud


More on US laws against Iraqi protests
by David Bacon, Guerrilla News Network

Bush gets serious about killing Iraqis
by Kurt Nimmo, Dissident Voice
Excerpt:  When Robert Dreyfuss of the American Prospect asked an unspecified Bush neocon "strategist" how best to deal with the resistance in Iraq, the response he received was chilling, "It's time for 'no more Mr. Nice Guy.' All those people shouting, 'Down with America!' and dancing in the street when Americans are attacked? We have to kill them."

Insurgents or protesters? 18 are killed in clashes with U.S. troops
by Robert Fisk, The Independent [London, UK]

Excerpt:  While Washington and London were still congratulating themselves on the capture of Saddam Hussein, US troops have shot dead at least 18 Iraqis in the streets of three major cities in the country.
Iraqis hated Saddam, but hate the Americans more

Afghanistan constitutional council erupts in anger after female delegate denounces the role of warlords
Afghan woman dares to mention the politically unmentionable




Saddam now the top prisoner in a
secretive U.S. detention system

U.S. now maintains a global prison system for terror suspects and top Iraqi ex-officials
"Global prison system." That's the enforcement arm of the New World Order.
Hogwash and history
Was Saddam "one of the most cruel and
vicious tyrants in the history of the world"?

by Deux Ego

The trial of Saddam
[brought to you by corporate mindless media]

by Black Commentator

A critical consumer of the media
should be worried, uncomfortable

by Rogel Alpher, Ha'aretz [Jerusalem, Israel]
Excerpt:  As a result of the images, the humiliation of Saddam appears to be a goal unto itself. Ridiculously, it now justifies the entire war effort, even though if Secretary of State Colin Powell had gone to the UN Security Council to claim that America must invade Iraq to turn Saddam into a homeless man, public opinion would have been shocked and outraged.
Ashcroft campaign "fined" for funny money tricks
Ashcroft's run for the Senate broke campaign finance laws, but was only fined $37,000 for getting $110,000 illegally. In other words, you're free to disregard campaign finance laws entirely as long as you don't mind giving the Federal Election Committee it's 33.6% cut.
=Madeline Zane=

From the archives, Dec. 16
Judge "admonishes" Ashcroft,
but no penalty for violating court order
Bush gives tentative, waffling support to anti-gay Constitutional amendment
Why on earth would these guys go to the trouble of amending the Constitution, since they show absolutely no regard for the Constitution in any of their other policies? If this amendment passes, could gay people get married anyway as long as they claimed that it was part of the "War on Terror?"
=Madeline Zane=

Judge: I saw Miami police commit felonies

Cops keep secrets about woman's killing
with comments by Marshall
From the archives, Sept. 23
Cop who killed woman is a hero, say cops
Witnesses dispute cops' story, say woman was un-armed

From the archives, Oct. 9
Independent inquiry apparently exonerates
cop who shot mentally ill woman

with comments by Marshall
Arraigned New York cops "may have been playing both ends of the law for years"
Collateral damage in the War on Drugs.
=John C.=
Federal prison officers abused Sept. 11 'detainees'
Excerpt:  Videotapes showed that prison staff members slammed and pressed detainees against the wall by their heads or necks. The officers denied that it ever occurred, the report said.
Cop guilty in cheating probe

Cop who molested teen gets ... two years

Cops guilty Of robbing drug dealers

Cop charged with rape, sodomy, sex abuse guilty only of endangerment, faces "up to" one year

Court ends denial of pension for gays (in Canada)
Same-sex benefits victory a 'world first'
Halliburton says it saved Pentagon money
Doublespeak at it's best.

Pentagon awards another $222 million worth of Iraq reconstruction work to Halliburton

Corporate Warriors:
The Rise of the Privatized Military Industry
Life sentence for libido
Excerpt:  A court in southern China's Zhuhai city sentenced two of the accused organizers of an orgy between Japanese tourists and Chinese prostitutes to life imprisonment, state media said.

Twelve other people were sentenced to between two and 15 years in jail for "organizing prostitution" or "assisting the organization of prostitution," the Xinhua news agency said Wednesday.



U.N. weapons inspector still speaking out
"Bush lied. What are you going to do about it?"
Excerpt:  "I can train a monkey to wave an American flag. That does not make the monkey patriotic."
Rumsfeld to Saddam, 1984:
Don't use those chemical weapons we're selling you [wink-wink nudge-nudge]

Linking al Qaeda and Iraq
by Joseph Audie, The Last Ditch
Excerpt:  How did the Saudis learn that Saddam had agreed to assist al Qaeda in attacking U.S. interests? That is the crucial question that demands a comprehensive answer. Was their information and analysis reliable? Naked assertion is no substitute for rational argument and direct evidence.
Courts rules that Bush & Co. cannot completely obliterate Constitution and Geneva Convention by hysterically screaming "terrorist" over and over and over
Courts to Bush: Follow the Constitution

Excerpt:  As expected, the Administration. was unamused by the rulings. Regarding the Padillo ruling, the White House spokesman — presumably speaking Bush policy — called the ruling "flawed" and misguided, and in reference to Bush said, "His most solemn obligation is to protect the American people"

BZZT! Wrong! His most solemn obligation — the one he swore to uphold — is embodied in his Oath of Office. HINT: It speaks of upholding and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.


These Canadians prefer Clark for U.S. President
(and they might be in trouble for it)

by Tim Harper, Toronto Star
Excerpt:  "Canadians care about the upcoming U.S. elections — because when the presidency is returned to an intelligent, honest, and honorable man who is fit for the challenge of running the world's most powerful nation, Canadians will once again respect the country that we once trusted and respected to an immensely greater degree."
Saddam's capture bodes ill for Bush's re-election
by Wm. Pfaff, syndicated columnist
Excerpt:  Saddam's ignominious circumstances when he surrendered - hiding in a hole in the ground when he wasn't living in a shed heaped with dirty clothes, eggshells and unwashed pans, with a refrigerator stocked with candy bars and soft drinks - made it clear to all that the resistance to the American occupation was not being commanded from there. So it is wishful thinking to expect his capture alone to slow or end the violence. It may spur the resistance.
May we suggest, Everybody for President

THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 2003

Welcome to scenic Uzbekistan
Tales of torture, oppression, genocide
with comments by XW

E.U. will give U.S. background info on all passengers
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

More dangerous than Osama bin Laden
Chemical pollutants near U.S. military bases
by Underground Panther in the Sky, Unknown News

IBM takes a crap on America
with comments by Grandma and Heather G.
From the archives, Dec. 15
IBM to export highly paid jobs to India, China
with comments by Liberez L'Ours
Bush presses for more, more, more nuclear weapons
Is George W. Bush insane?



Senators were told Iraqi weapons could hit U.S.
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

Rumsfeld's Murder Inc.
by Charley Reese, syndicated columnist
Excerpt:  Another friend of mine, on loan to the CIA from the Green Berets, paid Nung mercenaries $5 for each Vietnamese head they brought in. They brought them in by the croaker sack full, but of course a severed head can't tell you if the person who used to wear it was a Viet Cong or just a poor farmer the Nungs happened upon. After all, they hated all the Vietnamese without regard for ideology.

The same thing will happen in Iraq. Our paid evildoers will finger people they have a personal grudge against or, if they are smart, innocent Iraqis actually on our side. That way our death squads will endear us to the Iraqi people just as the Israeli death squads have endeared them to the Palestinians.

Think of a wrong way to conduct an occupation, and the Bush administration will adopt it.
Counting the cost in lives lost
by Rick Anderson, Seattle Weekly
Excerpt:  The Reuters news service recently noted that the U.S. death toll in Iraq has surpassed the number of American soldiers killed (392) during the first three years of the Vietnam War, 1962 through 1964. The Orlando Sentinel, relying on Pentagon figures, calculates that since the war began, almost 10,000 U.S. troops have been killed, wounded, or injured or become ill enough to require evacuation — the equivalent of almost one Army division. But that is based on figures through only October, and November was the deadliest month yet, with 79 U.S. soldiers killed and hundreds more wounded, many suffering the loss of limbs from suicide bombings.
The not-so-grand inheritance
by Andrew L., Unknown News

The first day of Xmas
by The Blue Rajah, Unknown News

From 2002: Away in a desert
by Lysdexic, Unknown News

White House admits pre-9/11 warnings; Bush still denies it
Excerpt:  At his press conference yesterday, President Bush was asked about charges that he had received warnings prior to the September 11th attacks that a terrorist incident was imminent. He answered that even asking such a question was "an absurd insinuation." It was the same sentiment expressed by Bush's National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, who said in May of 2002 that "[no one predicted] that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane."

The problem for the president and the administration is that the White House has previously admitted that the president had personally received such specific warnings. ...

Background information
Sept. 11, 2001

Former Death Row inmate to get $2.2 million
Excerpt:  The 12th Illinois inmate in 12 years to be exonerated after being condemned to die would get $2.2 million from Chicago taxpayers for the 14 years he spent in prison, under a settlement advanced Monday by a City Council committee.

"I think it's a good deal for the city," said Budget Committee chairman William Beavers (7th).

"Sure is. Better grab it and run," said Finance Committee chairman Edward M. Burke (14th).

The same politicians who watched these guys get railroaded onto death row are now scoffing over the settlements. Burke's good friend Richard Daley, now Chicago's Mayor, was Cook County's State Attorney when a number of these men were framed.
=John C.=
Police Chief who ordered obstruction of justice gets ... probation

Cop who burglarized churches gets ... probation

Girlfriend-beating deputy gets ... probation

Cop admits stealing from evidence room, gets ... probation




American Enterprise Institute says U.S. lacks evidence of Saddam crimes
No, this is not a joke. The CIA cannot and will not permit disclosure of its wayward son and his 30+ years of loyal service.
=Hal C.=
US says no early trial for Saddam
Excerpt:  A senior US official has made clear it is likely to be some time before Saddam Hussein is put on trial.

It's also likely to be some time before hell freezes over. There will be no trial for Saddam except possibly a kangaroo court, for obvious reasons
=Grandma & Grandpa=

Saddam’s capture means trouble for U.S. officials

We have all been witness to the BIGGEST bait and switch scam that has ever been pulled off.

Wasn't it Osama who was the big, bad terrorist the US was after??? Now we have captured Saddam — the big, bad terrorist?

Here's the FTC's web page describing bait and switch: I think we should sue.
=Heather G.=
Dirtbags, money, and Hussein's convenient invasion of Kuwait
by Russ W. Baker, Columbia Journalism Review

Free speech shut down at Toronto school
by Max Silverman, rabble
Excerpt:  I got to school rather early on the morning of December 10 and went straight to the office of this staff advisor. I found him looking rather distraught on the phone. I found out after he hung up that he had been on the phone with Len Rudner of the Canadian Jewish Congress. The staff advisor told me that Rudner objected to the showing of the movie as it was too one-sided and potentially anti-Semitic. When asked by this teacher whether or not Rudner objected to the showing of Relentless, he had no objections. When asked whether or not Rudner had seen Jenin Jenin, his answer was that he had not seen it.
Natural gas prices soar, spark question of gouging

Judge "admonishes" Ashcroft, but no penalty for violating court order


Saddam's capture will not stop the relentless killings
by Robert Fisk, The Independent [London, UK] 
Excerpt:  More and more Iraqis were saying before Saddam's capture that the one reason they would not join the resistance to US occupation was the fear that — if the Americans withdrew — Saddam would return to power. Now that fear has been taken away.

Most of U.S.-ghanistan is in chaos
Excerpt:  Authorities have lost control of 80% of one of Afghanistan's most troubled southeast border provinces Zabul, the deputy governor said on Thursday...the Zabul administration was "weakening day by day", and that almost 30% of government employees had abandoned their posts, according to AIP.


Rabid Democratic attack ad slimes Dean as Osama's pawn
"Howard Dean just cannot compete with George Bush on foreign policy. It's time for Democrats to think about that — and think about it now."


Today's Unknown News

Headlines  |  Commentary  |  Dialogue  |

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A link doesn't imply that we agree with every sentence and every sentiment on every site we link to.  Links may not be safe for work, you may be shocked, offended, blah blah blah.  We use our noggins, and suggest you use yours.

There's much more than this at Unknown News.


... when I see someone sell their conscience, their ethics, their integrity, shoot, let's call it what I think it is, when people sell their SOUL to be obedient without question, without needing to know, without consulting their conscience, without challenging, developing, and thinking through their conscience, it is upsetting.

Preemptive self defence is not morally valid for the simple reason that it can be arbitrarily extended to the killing of virtually anyone you are afraid of for some reason. More than that, if you want to kill someone, but don't want to do it yourself, all you have to do is tell someone else they are being attacked, and they will do the work for you, and they will even die for you if necessary.
  —David T.

The recruiters don't tell the whole truth about what you're getting into. They sell you on: school, chicks love uniforms, job, training, travel, loyalty, country, etc......They don't show you real war footage and say "here this is what it's about. There's not any wars right now, but if there is this is what you'll be doing. This is what a dead body looks like, smell it?"

In the old days when I was a young newspaperwoman, I had a great editor. He pulled me aside on my very first day on the job and said: "The first and only question you need to ask when covering a news item is: "Who benefits?"

He looked at me with piercing blue eyes, shaded behind thick glasses, "When you find the answer to that question," he said, "you have your story."

Stringent obedience and rigid conformity DOES NOT MAKE BETTER MIDSHIPMEN, it just makes interchangeable ones. Easily replaced, like worn out shoes.

During the time she was over there we had an "Awareness rally" about the situation in Palestine. It was a rally and a prayer circle for understanding, compassion and community. I organized the rally and some one came up to me very angrily and called me an anti-Semite. Pardon my language here but you would have thought he had said, MOTHER FUCKER!

For decades now we have declared ‘war’ on crime, poverty, drugs, child abuse, and now terrorism. In war, the innocent are blithely killed in order to destroy the guilty.

I don't get it. We were told over and over that America was attacking Iraq for reasons that were constantly changing like the wind, but for the most part because Hussein was hiding WMDs and wasn't complying with UN inspectors. Oh, I know it was a load of crap, but if you play the game you still have to go back to that one, at least I do.

My brother was a dupe. He got duped by the U.S. military, and by millions of dupes like Sander who've been duped themselves into thinking it's not really getting duped — no, it's PATRIOTISM and HEROICS — when the U.S. military does the duping.

This corrupt purchasing of your government is the single most important reason that America is being lost to the common person, and that the values that now are permeating our culture are corporate bottom line values, and not the family values that only a few short years ago we all enjoyed.

Funny how many Americans seem to believe that having a clueless little monkey boy with a long, proven record of failures and debacles is going to keep them safe! Fact is, the chimpident is increasing the dangers, sic, by weakening America, inspiring new enemies and destroying the legal foundations for peace and freedom, the American Constitution and international law!

Why can't we be sympathetic to the Palestinians without our integrity being assaulted? I felt like I had been squashed like a bug.

While I was listening to Nader I was thinking how Bush could never talk with such conviction, clarity, purpose, or honesty. It was sad because Nader has worked for other people all of his life while Bush has always worked only for Bush.

My big question for the Bush crime family: How do you sleep? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night screaming, drenched in sweat, twisting and turning in panic because of what you have done? Do you ever have any small, quiet moments of conscience that nag at you because of all the suffering you have caused? How do you look yourselves in the mirror? What do you see when you look at yourself?

Every bulldozer which has overturned Palestinian homes has been a gift from the American taxpayer, in addition to the missiles, bullets, guns, bombs, planes, tanks, armored personnel carriers, etc., on and on, ad nauseum.
  —Barney H.

I do not believe it will make much difference whether — or if — I vote Demopublican or Repocratian next year. Things have progressed too far for such matters to have any semblance of relevance.

I give Saddam 2 weeks before he expires due to a heart attack or stroke. The last thing the Bush administration wants is for Saddam to start talking. Then the world would get it straight from "the evil dictator" how the US supplied him with chemical weapons, how Halliburton sold equipment to Iraq during sanctions, and what a good buddy Rumsfeld was to him.
  —Heather G.

You know, carrying a few posies in your pocket prevents the stench of the bubonic plague, and a few daisies in your hair can remove the stench of social darwinism...

Some recent
Unknown News
you may have missed
DEC. 18, 2003

Welcome to scenic Uzbekistan: Tales of torture, oppression, genocide
with comments by XW

E.U. will give U.S. background info on all passengers
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

More dangerous than Osama bin Laden: Chemical pollutants near U.S. military bases
by Underground Panther in the Sky, Unknown News

IBM takes a crap on America
with comments by Grandma and Heather G.

Bush presses for more, more, more nuclear weapons: Is George W. Bush insane?

Senators were told Iraqi weapons could hit U.S.
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

The not-so-grand inheritance
by Andrew L., Unknown News

The twelve days of Xmas
by The Blue Rajah, Unknown News

DEC. 17, 2003

The Ellen Mariani lawsuit
by Lisa Walsh Thomas, Unknown News

IBM to export highly paid jobs to India, China
with comments by Liberez L'Ours

Florida will operate faith-based prison
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater

So, they caught Saddam
by Leon Fisher, Unknown News

Texas woman charged with obscenity for selling dildos, vibrators
with comments by Helen & Harry Highwater

DEC. 15, 2003

Just tell the truth about Israel
by Kathy Fisher, Unknown News

The capture of Saddam
by Lisa Walsh Thomas, Unknown News

Rush & the Twelve Steps
by Larry S. Rolirad, Unknown News

DEC. 12, 2003

An apology and an endorsement
by Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News

CIA will train Hussein’s henchmen as spies

Even baby bears too, mommy?
Open season in New Jersey
by Kathy Fisher, Unknown News

Your life as pornography
by Ran Prieur, Unknown News

The virtue of non-cooperation
by Liberez L'Ours, Unknown News

Rights, responsibilities, and acknowledgement
by Peace-Thru-Reason and Helen & Harry Highwater, Unknown News

DEC. 10, 2003

The exchange rate on American lives
by Andrew L., Unknown News

Traffic stop ends with man's death [Translation: Cops murder another black man]
with comments by Warren Celli

Apocalypsopolis, chapter 2.2
by Ran Prieur, Unknown News

The end of the world as we know it
by Liberez L'Ours, Unknown News

Figures show 'hype' of terror war

December 2003
November 2003
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September 2003
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      Thank you, Kathy, Paul A., RDLabs, Ginny N., HappySysiphus, Sarah L., Gregory H., John C., Sander, *Anonymous*, Tino, Larry A., Karl E., Mark B. (again!, Emberly (again!, Jim T., Cory P., Emberly, Doug V., Michael B., BGL, Joe M., Gino, Kurt, anonymous, Shirley, Carol K., Marjie H., Miguel A., Jeff C., Jim E., Tim D., M.S., Frank F., Tad G., Joseph F., Brian R., Alex L., and so many more saints!
      Thank you too, to all our regular newshounds, including Angry Annie, Chris, Dean, Grandma & Grandpa, Guy the rightwing-watcher, Heather G., jart, Jesus, John C., Kathy F., kikz, Liberez L'Ours, Marshall, My Left Gonad, Ran Prieur, Rebecca, Sgt. Rock, Tim, X-Pensive Winos, and Yomama.
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Due to technical, financial, and our own personal shortcomings, we might occassionally be unable to post our daily dose of bad news here. If an update is late or missing, don't despair, and don't give up — the battle continues. Our most reliable sources are listed right here, where you can always seek out and find the news that matters. And if we're gone, while we're gone, remember that your support has been (and still is) appreciated — and we shall return, soon.

If technical difficulties do knock us off-line, we'll use the library's free internet access to post a message at the alt.cynics newsgroup, so folks won't think we're among the Ashcroft 'disappeared'. If we don't post a message at alt.cynics, then you're authorized to worry.

A great li'l graphics for linking: CLICK & SNAG     CLICK & SNAG
Thanks, John F.

New improved design by Kalia Kraa
whom we thank most profusely and profoundly