Dodgeblogium!   The Dodge Family

December 26, 2003

Les Amis - NON !!

The premature release of the news of the cancellation of 3 Air France flights from Paris to Los Angeles because of deep security concerns compromised on-going security investigations.


Bush administration officials expressed frustration that al-Qa'eda operatives might have escaped capture after word leaked, early this week, of American concerns about flights from France to the United States over the Christmas period.
US officials said they fear Air France has been infiltrated by Islamic extremists and have criticised French co-operation in providing details of passengers on US-bound flights.

The D-T, quoted above, has more on this most disturbing episode.

Posted by Jeannie Fiona Macaulay at 02:05 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 25, 2003

Bryan on Dem Dwarves

He examines their reactions to the latest development in alert status for the US. A most interesting and telling read.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 04:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

French pull flights to LA

It seems that someone with a dodgy reputation was listed on one of those flights. The French were asked to pull the flights by US security representatives.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 04:02 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

December 24, 2003

A Very Special Wish........

JFM has a very special wish for all our readership:

Peace, Love, Joy to all
In this wondrous Holiday Season

May it flourish and grow throughout the world in the New Year coming, too. And a special wish and Thank You to all the troops working so hard to make it come true, that they may rejoin their families with our gratitude.

Posted by Jeannie Fiona Macaulay at 11:59 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Idiotarians on Samizdata?

Well maybe only one named Alice, and she has produced a rather idiotic post. She doesn't seem to like dogs or the monarchy...two things I rather like; unlike her turgid rubbish. Her type of vicious bile is more suited to Indymedia or DU, than to the generally excellent Samizdata.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 11:56 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Bah Humbag LT

Its Christmas Eve and no restaurants are open. Why? Because the union idiots in London Transport shut down the bloody network at 10pm. Not even any Dominoes...bloody outrageous.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 09:23 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Dave is the man

Dave rocks. Nuff said.

via: Henry

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:48 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Holiday Bonfire

It may be not as full as the past bonfires, but that does not mean the content is not as potent.

The CoV is up as well. Its a nice selection, of mostly seasonal posts, from around blogdom. Joe has done a wonderful job this week.

The reason my post was missing from the initial tranch is that, like a silly sod, I sent it to the wrong bloody address. Kudos to Joe for finding my email first of all and allowing me into the fold in the end.

And last but not least, the Symphony is up as well. And I completely spaced sending in a submission as well. Fortunately Jim is planning to send out reminders to those who wish for it, lest we forget.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:45 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Euro pols not keen sharing info

"Some European politicians are trying to stop an agreement between Europe and the United States to share travelers' personal information in an effort to screen for terrorists and drug smugglers, announced by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday. Two European Parliament members are already calling for the European Union's highest court to examine the legality of the announced compromise, which was negotiated by the European Union's executive branch, known as the European Commission." (12/22/03)

Via: Rational Review

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 23, 2003

Winter Solstice thoughts...

NB: This is the winter solstice rant. Those wishing to skip this and merely get to the fiction bit may go to the extended entry portion.

The end of year is always a time for reflection and lists of best and worse for the year. This piece will be have a little of both, which is amusing because I am normally not a big fan of end of year round-ups. January 1st is just another day on the calendar, not different from the day before or the day after. However, as it is the time of year for office parties and family obligations, my social life dies on the vine as of today. To be fair, it is amusing how the date that London dies for Christmas is moving closer and closer to the actual day and things pick up more quickly in January these days. There are even things to go to between Boxing Day and New Year’s eve these days.

It has been a tough year, but I have learned a few things. Bureaucrats are as evil as I always knew them to be, no matter where they work or what part of the world they hail from. They entire raison d’etre is to perpetuate their kind and make sure that their job is there the next year. As far as doing their job or helping their customers, forget about it. Employees of banks, those failed civil servants, are equally to be maligned. The amount of effort it takes to get someone to do their job in a bank is amazing. One must only to have problems to find that everyone else one knows is in the same boat. I can think of only one person that I know that has good things to say about his bank.

Continue reading "Winter Solstice thoughts..."
Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 11:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (1)

ROPMA hatred...

A little bit of hate being spread by ROPMA on message boards all over the internet. Scroll down for the two nasty posts by Lady J. By the way, the thread has nothing to do with the Middle East, Israel, or politics, yet she feels the need to spread the Islamokazi message of hate.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 03:31 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Reading fiction is a "waste of time"

It seems that reading and writing fiction is a no-no in Islam.

People are deceived by the idea of “free” time, for it is one of the things about which they will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection.

Well, then, at least I don't have to worry about any competition from ROPMA types when it comes to publishing my novels.

Via: Terrance

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 02:30 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

A Hurricane blows into London town

Hurricane Party

Hurricane Party rocked the Barfly last night with a consumate display of hard rock. The band looked the part as well: big hair, tight t-shirts, and trousers. The band's lead guitarist plays a pink flying V for good measure. As you would expect they played the songs from their excellent self-titled EP (which was on-sale at the gig). These included 'Step Back' and 'Crown of Thorns'. A few new ones were attempted, including the excellent 'Roadstar'. It does sound cliché, but if you get a chance, see these guys before they go huge. I was not the only one last night who wished aloud that there were a few record A&R; types in the crowd. As you would expect with such a hot prospect, there were quite a few musos in attendance. Hurricane Party rocked the Barfly with a sound that could fill any arena in the land. The Darkness better make sure their next album is a killer, because Hurricane Party just might be nipping at their heels.

Rating 5/5

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 01:25 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Good news in pot case appeal

"The recent medical marijuana decision issued by the federal Ninth Circuit Court enforces a state’s right to overrule the federal Controlled Substances Act of 1970 if certain conditions are met with regard to marijuana use that is recommended by a physician. Among
others, one of the conditions the judges stipulated is that the marijuana must not be sold. To a sharp defense attorney, that stipulation is significant and potentially more far-reaching than the Ninth Circuit may have intended. I will explain." (12/21/03)

via: Rational Review

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 12:18 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Happy Saturnalia

Happy Saturnalia to all our pagan readers.

Or as one pagan put it on the Pagan Conservatives list:

May the Goddess and the gods smile on all your endeavors. By the newly waxing Sun, so mote it be.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 11:56 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Four (approx.) Days Of Christmas

Well, it looks as if the season is upon me full force, so I'll take your leave for a few days.

I'll be back soon -- probably around the 27th or so, depending on when I can get the time to replace one of the hard drives in this infernal machine. (I knew I should have asked Santa for a new computer!)

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Posted by gnotalex at 03:22 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Pauvre Jacques!

He claims to have been "kept in the dark", when we all know his primary problem is not having a clue about anything in the first place. Isn't this about the 3rd time, recently, he's spilled tears about France not being allowed to play with the adults?! Quel Domage!

Posted by Jeannie Fiona Macaulay at 02:29 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

The latest from Al Queda magazine

"The main enemies of the nation, the Byzantines, will not come to their end until Judgment Day, and therefore there is no point in talking of stopping the battle... The most important thing is that the Mujahideen will safeguard the burning ember of Jihad. The more martyrs' blood is shed for the sake of this ember, the greater its light; it will burn the enemies more quickly and victory will draw near, Allah willing..."


Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 12:10 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 22, 2003

ROPMA beat up their own

Sky is reporting the Egyptian foreign minister, on a peace mission to Israel, was beaten up badly by fellow muslims in the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

More from a local source.

"Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher was briefly hospitalized yesterday after being attacked by Palestinians during a visit to the
Temple Mount. Police last night arrested seven Palestinians from East Jerusalem in connection with the assault, police spokesman Gil Kleiman said. ...Palestinian sources said that the hard core of Maher's assailants were members of the Liberation Party (Hizb a-Tahrir), a pan-Arab Islamic group whose members in the territories have generally not been involved in violent activity. They were
joined by members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Israeli Islamic Movement, all of whom had lain in wait for the minister among the 400 or so innocent worshipers." (12/23/03)

Via: Rational Review

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 04:00 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

U.S. State Department stomps.....again!

Once again, State has not covered itself in glory; it's covered itself with shame. Their collective behavior concerning the recent visit to Washington, D. C. by the Iraqi National Symphony Orchestra leaves one to wonder why any other country is even talking to us. Haughtiness, rudeness, deceptiveness, and utter internal confusion marked the handling of a simple situation, turning it into, not a quagmire, but a trompled garden of fresh little seedlings being crushed beyond recognition.

Of course, to share blame round properly, the reporter involved also had more than a bit of an attitude problem, but the resultant mess was primarily the fault of those mindless minions in State that believe they are some kind of royal enclave and law unto themselves.

A pox on both their houses: government and 'big media' !!

Posted by Jeannie Fiona Macaulay at 02:08 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Disaster for unionism

Jeffrey Donaldson's resignation from the Ulster Unionist Party is a disaster for unionism. It comes as no surprise - because there seems to be no changing the lunatic policy that the party has followed for the last number of years, and it has become increasingly obvious that Mr Trimble's policies (strategy is not an appropriate word) are not working. The reason it is a disaster is because Mr Donaldson was one of the obvious successors to Mr Trimble: given the patent failure of Mr Trimble's leadership. But now the frustration has proved too much, and Mr Donaldson, and Ms Foster, and Ms Beare, have decided to leave the Party.

It is a sad day for unionism too when a true unionist like Mr Donaldson has to take the step of leaving the UUP because he does not see any resolution to its problems....

Posted by Jon Scott at 01:01 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

'Tis (also) the season

Happy Chanukah, people.

Grab a doughnut. Mmmm, doughnuts...

Posted by Jon Hyman at 11:50 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

If I Were A Rich Man

TORONTO (CP) - A wealthy, publicity-shy member of one of Canada's most prominent families has been quietly donating more than $500,000 US of his own money to the loved ones of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Call me sentimental.

Call me lugubrious.

Call me a blubbering drunk.

Call me . . .

Oh, shut up, already.

I was really quite moved by this.

Posted by gnotalex at 05:12 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

An American In Paris

What would I do without the Ghost of a Flea?

Instead of struggling manfully on my essay on the long-overdue reforms to the Canadian Wheat Board (patience, children, it will soon be before your innocent eyes) I instead click on Nick's cornucopia of links and come across this. (Requires Quick Time player.)

Scroll down a bit to read the story behind it.

Posted by gnotalex at 03:32 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Arsebishop sides with ROPMA

Arsebishop Williams is publicly siding with the Gitmo detainees.

Dr Rowan Williams warned that the imprisonment of terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay and London's Belmarsh prison could be alienating moderate Muslims.

Well maybe they would not need to be incarcerated if they weren't trying to kill us all. Surely it is Muslims who should be attempting to prevent the alienation of non-Muslims the world over, not the other way round. Islam needs to prove to the West and the Judeo-Christian (plus Pagan) world that their intentions are peaceful.

This man is a total moron and a danger to everyone. With each speech he becomes increasingly idiotic and vile.

Surely he should be pointing out all the places that Christians are suffering from Islamic abuse (like Sudan). Instead, he is more keen on finding fault with Western efforts to protect themselves from Islamokazi lunatics.

The man is watching the Anglican Communion disintegrate and doing nothing about it. He is like Nero, fiddling while Rome burns... only he is fiddling with those who burn us.

Continue reading "Arsebishop sides with ROPMA"
Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 02:29 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

December 21, 2003

Witches for Ozzy

It seems the UK's witches are rustling up a spell to make sure that Ozzy is number one. Well if this is true more power to them. Anything to keep Sir Quiff and Pop Rubbish from the number one spot is a jolly good idea.

And more idiocies from loon set: it seems the Freemasons are aliens with close links to the awful nasty Zionists.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:16 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (1)

Queer Eye for the PC Guy

This is classic.

Via: Tim

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Pot calling kettle black?

Re: Inflammatory, bigoted and hate-filled
Date: 21 December 2003

Sir - I was appalled and disgusted to read Kevin Myers' Islamophobic, inflammatory, bigoted and hate-filled article "The tide is turning and we are unprepared" (Opinion, Dec 14). His views reinforce the British National Party's message that British Muslims are a danger to our own country. His argument focuses on the decision of one local library not to display a poster for a carol service - but Muslims were not even responsible for this.

Mr Myers repeatedly contrasts Muslims with "us" Europeans, refusing to acknowledge the fact that the majority of Muslims in Europe were born here. Indeed Mr Myers' premise that Islam has only recently "taken root" in Europe is inaccurate - has he not heard of Bosnia, or Islamic Spain for instance?

He further displays his ignorance in his statement that the notion of social justice for all regardless of creed is entirely absent from Muslim societies. This principle is in fact enshrined in the Koran (3:75, 5:8, 21:107, 60:8 etc).

Mr Myers states that in Islam "there are extremes which have no parallel in Christianity, nor even in communism or Nazism". What have Muslims done that could be worse than the Spanish Inquisition, the Holocaust, or Stalin's slaughter of more than 20 million of his own people? He states that "Europeans are hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with an abiding mass loyalty to foreign entities by their fellow citizens". Haven't we Europeans coped for decades with the loyalty of many European Jews to Israel, some training with and fighting for the Israeli army?

By contrast European Muslims have shown no such mass loyalty to any "foreign entity". Without any evidence or trial, let alone conviction, Mr Myers finds the British prisoners at Guantanamo Bay guilty of terrorism. He seems to have little respect for the noble principle of "innocent until proven guilty" - a traditional ideal of the European civilisation he pretends to defend.

Farid Ali, Swansea

Just for good measure, below I post a short round-up of ROPMA's caring & sharing attitude towards Jews. Notice Mr Ali mentioned Jews and "dual-loyalties" in his letter. Notice he doesn't mention that in Islam, Islamic law trumps local laws. And when was the last time you heard Jews calling for the US or the UK to become a Jewish state? In both the US and the UK there are Islamic groups actively working to change their adopted country into a caliphate. Jihadwatch has the goods on the latest gathering of these types in the US.

Continue reading "Pot calling kettle black?"
Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 04:20 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


Thanks to "Fingers" I actually agree with something that came out of the mouth of "Two Jags" Prescott. On a Sunday news programme he wondered if MJ would be allowed to come to see his mum in the UK if he were an ordinary person. Not the slightest bit worried about the charges, Michael had a party with lots of young boys in attendance.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 04:10 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Aye, 'Tis The Season !!

JFM looks forward to the holiday season with great glee, for then her stalking skills are put into full play. She's not on the prowl for naughty politicians; she's not flushing out stupidity amongst the population; she's not even pursuing evil. So what is her prey, then, pray tell?!

'Tis the season for The Mighty Haggis Hunt, that's what. It is now in full cry, here, complete with web-cams to assist ye mighty sportsmen.

Posted by Jeannie Fiona Macaulay at 12:27 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

December 20, 2003

An LP con without the Boortz?

"We, members and supporters of the Libertarian Party, object to the scheduled appearance of talk radio host Neal Boortz as a speaker at the Libertarian Party's 2004 National Convention. We further request that said appearance be cancelled."

From: Rational Review

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 03:36 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Dubya Does Libya

TRIPOLI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Libya, a pariah state for decades, said on Friday it would abandon its weapons of mass destruction programs and allow unconditional inspections, drawing praise from Washington and London for its move toward rejoining the international community.

You know, for a moron, George Bush seems to be engineering something of a seismic shift in the Middle East.

Of course, it's probably just coincidence. How much you want to bet Boy Assad makes some similar move in the next few months?

Posted by gnotalex at 04:12 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

December 19, 2003

Tense times for NYC

There is genuine threat to NYC from a ROPMA suicide bomber this holiday season.

Thanks to: Henry

In the meantime ROPMA is planning to hold a little hate-fest down in sunny Florida. No doubt trying to figure out why their plan for a Caliphate in the US is going a bit too slowly. The liquidation seems to have hit the buffers as well.

Via: LGF

JihadWatch has more on this story.

Posted by Andrew Ian Dodge at 05:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)